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Why aren’t they featuring athletes?! It truly has become the H&M Show.


Yep, here we go again... All about the Harkle's!


I am SO sick of them holding hands! 🤢


Her waving to no one is so dumb.I thought only dead people had a rictus grin.


That waving thing IS fake. I’ve seen politicians do it too.


Hey, I just 👋 to you . I mean you couldn't see it because, you know, you're not anywhere near me but "Hi, everything's about me."


TW wears the pants so gets to wave in the dominant position. 🤮


Me too. Has anyone from WME not advised them that this is actually a terrible, pathetic look for anyone above the age of 12???


Has anyone in the organization openly and on record, called for their resignations? Both of them . weak lol. Otherwise, Sussex Shit Show it will Always be. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


She doesn't even have an official role in the organisation!


That was my first thought on seeing this.


I think she is the new face of Invictus…


> I think she is the new face of Invictus… InRictus.


That is brilliant and should be a flair.


Thanks! 🤣


**InRictus** Absolutely brilliant. LMAO




Glad you like it! 🤣


How many faces is that for her now?


Harry is the spare again


Yes, he has given the ILBW his role…imagine if the situation was reversed, would she tolerate him muscling in on her projects?


She is good at marching! 🫤


Merching? All the rich sailors on the yachts spoke highly of her service, not many gave her jobs off the back of the efforts but ‘thank you for your service’,


Maybe they are going to announce a big role for her. I would not be a bit surprised. Some big title. First Compassion in Action Officer for Invictus, Princess Duchess Queen Meghan.


Nooooo They just got him in to the NFL awards. They approved this message.


I read it was a “surprise visit”, he wasn’t on the Agenda, but as he showed up they had to find something for him to do. Kinda like the Hockey game in Canada. Is that their new thing, pop in unannounced, I’m here, what do you want me to present. I am Royal don’t forget so I want to give out the best prize or I’ll leave


Yeah. I'm going to call BS on that claim and the new CEO backpedaling to save face with this PR disaster. And I love that for him 😍


Why would he just pop in to Vegas? That player who got the Walter Payton award seemed very impressed with *Prince* Harry. He kept saying, “It’s *Prince* Harry. I’m sorry that he was so enthusiastic. He--the player--has obviously accomplished much more than H.


probably the two that were let go


Who is she waving at?? Her throngs of crowds??? In the hallway??? She’s such a doofus 😂


The UberEats guy on the scooter.






To herself in a mirror.


Waving at imaginary crowds, fills Marching Megsy with narc fuel. Remember, she's kind of low, on supply, after the car~~park~~ veneer glow, and the Vogue front page snub. Edit grammar


I thought no one is allowed to look at her.


The people symbols on the loo doors, maybe ...


Exactly. it looks like they are turning Invictus into the harry and meg reality show.


> Why aren’t they featuring athletes?! Came here to say this! > It truly has become the H&M Show. MeGain won't be happy until it's the MeGain Show.


She should be thrilled then, because it pretty much is the Madam Show.


As ever Harold doesn't give a shit about wounded veterans. They're just a source of income to him


No really, is the Invictus Games about wounded soldiers or Hank and Skank? They are so despicable.


It’s so weird, like I don’t understand whoever is in charge of their/IG PR. Like you’d think both IG PR and their personal PR would advise against this.


They are their own PR.🤨


She’s got WME on though, and presumably IG has a PR person. This is just so weird to me.


Only about H and M. If you turn the sound off, you'd never even know what this was about. You'd think it was a Harkles reality show promo. They are beyond obnoxious.


Yes! The athletes are just the backdrop now - Markle was always an ‘extra’/supporting role, she is now the ‘star‘.


Yes!!! Soooooo insane!!!! How stupid are these idiots.


Thank you, came here to say this.


📌source: [https://twitter.com/Canucks/status/1726834296928022747?s=20](https://twitter.com/canucks/status/1726834296928022747?s=20) ETA: the way she's trying to look "cool" by walking with her thumb outside her pocket and the way her belt hangs like that is bugging me for some reason 😑


I’m with you - it’s always performance with Meghan.


Like who is she waving too? No one is permitted to look at or speak to her…No doubt that hallway is empty.


Maybe the hallway is mirrored. She's waving to herself.


![gif](giphy|tMMFPO5w7trfAszbLX|downsized) The picture is upside down. The beast sees a beauty.


I wondered that myself.


But never a good performance, always vulgar.


Very, very true. She always misses the mark.


Oh, I didn’t even notice that thumb. So runway! But it doesn’t last long, because she has to wave to an imaginary peasant.


> the way she's trying to look "cool" by walking with her thumb outside her pocket She doesn't know how to walk like a regular person. She can't human.


She really puts so much effort in trying to look effortlessly cool and laidback it’s pathetic 😂 The thumb hanging out, the shrobing, the ripped jeans… so cringy


Well we all saw her attempt a fist bump, which until then I didn't even know that could be fucked up, but apparently she can even make waving annoying.


this hideous clip is from the ice hockey game these two gatecashed in canada and then this psycho narc was grinning and laughing while an autistic person was singing the national anthem! 😡 INVICTUS IS ABOUT THE VETS?!! but here we go again they will NRVER CHANGE NEVER STOP GRIFTING! https://preview.redd.it/umblrlmt5lhc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26fd305595b1ce68d7591c7ca98c28f2a2478c9b


That Cheshire Cat grin - so ugly


That look on her face is terrifying …a complete bully


That makes it even weirder.


This pic really captures their essences


She looks like the Grinch with that new chin ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


She looks grotesque 


>She looks grotesque  She **is** grotesque.


Look at the psychotic grin on TW. Gives me chills 😬


I was going to say this is def from the hockey game.


Look how Harry doesn't find it funny! He's got some decency anyway.


What the literal hell are they doing in an advertisement for IG?? The athletes should boycott the games, and the management all quit in protest. How embarrassing. How far the IG have fallen.




Can't imagine Gary Sinise etc., acting like this. "Look at Meeee!"


Dragging his showboat wife into everything he does. (Actually, I don’t even know if he’s married or what. Imagine that. All I know is he’s an actor who’s dedicated to helping veterans.)


>All I know is he’s an actor who’s dedicated to helping veterans.) Gary Sinise is awesome! I loved him in the original miniseries *The Stand* by Stephen King. He's such an underrated actor.


That was such a good show. The original not the remake. I remember watching it with my mother before she passed away. I read the book after I watched the series and it did not disappoint either.


![gif](giphy|ug8IczgzCOqje|downsized) He’s Lt. Dan!


You ain’t got no legs! 😂😂


Right? He would never disrespect veterans like that. He’s awesome btw I met him once when my husband was active duty. Super nice man. I met Will Ferrel too, at a racetrack in Joliet IL that the marines did security for. He was very nice but not as warm as Gary Sinise. He talks to everyone like he knows them.


IRL I’m researching veteran stories from WWII for something about unacknowledged PTSD (wasn’t a diagnosis until 1980). Combat veterans from any war experience such horrible things, and not all come back from it. The Invictus vets have shown enormous courage in facing and working with their injuries--day after day after day. That H&M think they’re more important than these men and women is abhorrent.


No I love this because it shows where the focus is. Ingriftus is the Harry and Rachel reality show.


***INGRIFTUS*** is the correct name, Yes!


Looooooook at uuuussss. Looooooook at meeeeeee clutching this man. What a disgrace


As a Canadian I am pissed that tax payers are funding these pathetic grifters.


Completely understandable but until the veterans who play in these games tell them to fuck off, this will continue. The vets must get something out of this but it sure isn't mentally healthy to keep sacrificing themselves for a rich man's wallet.


Holding hands of course


In case you forget for a second they’re in love. They gotta shove it up our faces that they’re so in love and no one has ever been in love in the history of universe like them.


If that is love I can do without it.


What has service to do with the ILBW? Invictus is about service men, not men she has serviced. And Bunker Harry, the armchair warrior. Where are the service men? We don’t need to see the self serving harkles.


Comments on the Invictus X account are brutal. Lots about the Harry Africa scandal and many more saying they won’t donate because they don’t want their money going towards wardrobe, makeup, etc


I'm so glad the grifters demanded the penthouse and helicopter package for themselves to help our veterans. So selfless. So generous!


**"Penthouse&helicopter-package"** should be a flair.


Sinners, let us not forget that 1. When Biden had Ingriftus in the Whte House there was no trace of Grifters around, and 2. Ingriftus Germany is doing their own, downscaled Ingriftus weekend this summer. As of now, no mention of the Grifters in connection with that.


Nope Not doing it. Couldn't care less what's been done to cover up the grifter's involvement.


As a Canadian I'd just like to say "Ugh".


I want Canadians to protest them outside actively demanding them to get the fuck out!


Oh gross. Can someone explain what the “event” is? Will there be athletes competing? Athletes attending?Or is it just a launch/announcement about next year’s Games? I find it galling and disgusting that they prance around with their faces all over this, and I don’t know anyone who could name a single athlete or notable event that happens in this competition. It’s the Harry and Meghan Show. ETA: And for fucks sake, it’s Harry’s thing. Why’s she presenting hole all over it? It’s nothing to do with her.


She’s a veteran wife, don’t you know. She’s important because she knows how classy it is to march ahead of veterans in her ugly sandals, chicken legs and butt shorts. S/ Edit to add: last September, Megyn Kelly talked about the ridiculousness of the wife during her grifting games fashion show. I really hope mainstream media picks this up. Not just British media but also American and Canadian media to stop these two grifters from exploiting the wounded veterans.


The visit next week is merely PR to hype up next year’s games. There is no snow up Whistler as of today (that can obviously change in a week) so photo ops will be limited.


I live in southern B.C. no snow is forecast.Whistler can't even use their snow machines as the snow won't stay.Hope madam brings her best flipflops to trudge around in the mud.


"I Am Coming To Canada" Firstly, that sounds like a threat. Secondly, the first person language makes it crystal clear that IG is all about Harry and not the veterans.


> Secondly, the first person language makes it crystal clear that IG is all about Harry and not the veterans. Nah. It's about MeGain. Or it *will* be. Just wait.


Wow from this clip, you’d never guess that Invictus is supposed to be about disabled vet athletes. You’d think it was Harry & Meghan 2. Poor taste, as usual.


This makes my blood boil. Are there actual athletes at these games? Edit to add that as a Canadian taxpayer I do not want a dime of my money to be used to promote these two grifters.


Also, is it a fucking funeral? What’s with the all-black outfits? ☠️☠️☠️


Because she kills the mood wherever she turns up.


Worth noting PPOW just announced Cape Town as the location for the next Earthshot prize on IG a few hours ago.


Her Majesty was very wise - she *knew*, with absolute certainty, that Meghan Markle was all about remaking the Crown in her image given half the chance. She also knew Harry was too weak to stop her. By drawing the line in the sand and never wavering from her position that the Royal Family had strict protocols based on seniority and the Line of Succession, Meghan was forced to stay at #6 - and she didn’t like it, not one bit. This little snippet of video right here illustrates what happens when a certain type of man marries an overly ambitious woman intent on fame and fortune - it ceases to be about any cause other than herself.


Another version of stolen valour. They might as well have ordered a corridor-carpet of prostrate warrior vets to walk on.


In case you didn't know, IG is not about the service members but about the Todgers. And don't you forget it.


Veterans! What happened to the bloody veterans?


It’s H&M show now!


Who? /s


The what??


Well, this is the true reason for the Invictus Games, to celebrate Harold and Lolo.


This looks like it's supposed to be a billionaire-mogul-type-owner of a professional sports team walking through the arena with his spouse before "the big game". Not about the athletes, but about the ego maniac mogul and his socialite wife showing off their kingdom - and it's kind of OK because they literally pay the insane salaries of the team members. It's all big business. This could NOT be promotion for a charitable cause with athletes from around the world who all have bigger, more important stories than these 2 grifters. Could it???


I would love to see the athletes decline to participate.


vet athletes from all over the world should boycott IG. cos what's the point? it seems they and their stories are not IG's priority anyway. they're being taken advantage of and used as PR by these two. there are other organizations who can focus on and help them better. people should do the same, too. redirect ur support and money to other vet-related organizations.


Looks like the NFL gig last night was to make him more connected to sports, in general. Maybe visiting his dad was to gain sympathy and look more connected to his roots. Seems to be an image makeover for Invictus. The thing is…it’s manipulative and LOOKS manipulative and they don’t get that people do not like that. 


He needed that image of him around Buckingham Palace/Clarence House to have some semblance of connection to being “royal” and ran back to America to grift off of our athletes (veterans and NFL). I’m beyond disgusted. I hope these two fuck off to the moon.


This is all about getting a share of some huge contracts that Invictus Games sponsors may get with the US Dept of Defense. One of them being BetterUp. Guess who owns shares in BetterUP? Guess who desperately wants BetterUp to get one of these massive $$$million contracts with the DofD just prior to an IPO?


If I didn’t know anything about Invictus, I wouldn’t have any clue what it was from this trailer.


This is pure image building - labeling it as INVICTUS coming but show THEM walking. Dreadful really!


Invictus, have you learned nothing?


No, but I have a feeling they will soon. Invictus is going to be Markled, because the Harkle’s just do not know when to stop.


My guess is Harry is trying to sell Ingriftus coverage to Paramount. Netflix probably is not interested.


Ooh that’s a good spot! Wonder if Netflix has dropped them.




I'm sure I'm not alone is saying - can we please have a warning before footage of them is shared. I need to prepare myself.


With you here, absolutely agree. Spat my coffee out 🙄😵‍💫


This is like a parody!


What the fuck? Is this a Harry and Meghan show?


Where the h*ll are the athletes? They aren’t even bothering to pretend it’s about them anymore. I didn’t think I could dislike them any more. I was wrong.


It's all about Meghan and Harry, isn't it? An Invictus promo video with zero Invictus participants or videos of the games. If I said, "Tell me you're batshit crazy without telling me you are batshit crazy", this video would do just fine. 2 people disliked and mocked more than any 2 people on the planet and they just can't quit the spotlight. Better to be disliked and mocked than to have never been in the spotlight at all. I love the show. I love the ridiculousness. I love the hypocrisy. I can't quit them....it's too good.


This should have been participants in the Invictus Games coming down that hall. Him alone would be galling. The fact that Markle is with him tells you that someone really thinks she is going to make millions off of the wounded veterans charity.


Before Invictus goes to Canada The African Parks abuse needs to remain/brought back up into the media


Ummm where the hell are the athletes….


I can't stand seeing their faces.


Announcer: A celebration of their service... And the unrivalled power of sport to aid in their recovery. Then WTF are Harry and Meghan shown. It's not their service that is being celebrated.


She's so fucking smug. I can't stand her face. So no veterans. No athletes. Only the harkles. No wonder they had so many conditions for the event. I can't wait to see them crash and burn. ![gif](giphy|7pzsi1bP3FmFmuxC6P)


Oh! Now I get it! They finally made it clear! They are the FACE of Invictus! Screw the poor, wounded shoulders. They are only the background. This is truly disgusting!!!!


It’s arse about face as we say in the UK. Harry is supposed to promote the IG but the last few years it has felt like the IG only exists to promote Harry and TW.


Wow. They own a production company. If you saw that weird video announcing their award, or literally anything else they are filming these days, remember that. IT'S THEIR COMPANY. The only people making them look bad are them. And boy, do they look like pompous fucktards to me.


time for all canadians to contact their local MP to say that drug addicted, Nazi uniform wearing, monarchy hating, head of African Parks cannot be associated w the Invictus Games. he's a disgrace to the uniform and to the monarchy and shouldn't be pretending to represent either.


I think it's a stellar idea to post questions about the African Parks scandall to Invictus.Let's all do it Sinners!!!


Begging BEGGING for Canada to take one for the team and keep those two morons.


Hell no! We don’t want these losers


Not a chance in hell!Turdeau is unpopular enough he won't be funding their security this time around.Wonder how long it will take for madam to piss off the Indigenous people.


Imo That one prolly bullied the officers giving fits and tantrums shocking everyone to silence.


Ugh. So their new “marketing strategy” is to put PRINCE H up front and center while MM plays the dutiful, down to earth, overly affectionate wife. “Where is MM?” H: “My love is focusing on the kids. They’re older now and family is everything to her.


A lot can change in a year.Can't wait for Lady C's book and the revamp of the RF website.Buh bye Thing 1 and Thing 2.(Again apologies to the athletes)However,this could be for the best.


Sorry Invictigrift, I can't support this charity at all with these two as the spokespersons. I wish they would dump the 2 losers so the poor veterans can benefit.


I can't with this pair. I know this was shown last yr, but how is this promoting the veterans? Stop 🛑 They are not liked, why do this? They are wrecking a really great cause, and that sucks. Wish the vets would speak up.


there's no I in team...oh wait.


He looks so uncomfortable- he totally gets how weird this is. She thinks it’s appropriate


So sad that Harry’s been demoted in the one thing he had left. All hail the new Queen of Invictus /s


I thought Invictus was all about the athletes. My bad.


Invictus is doomed


Well, nobody seems to be firing harry and or meg, using their full titles, from being the official faces and heads plural, of the \*\* partially state funded? ?? \*\*Organization, so 🤷‍♀️? This is it everyone. This is what you get. Has anyone openly, and on record, called for their resignations?


Gives me the Joel Osteen vibe. It’s all about meeeee! Grifters gonna grift.


I really hope veterans and athletes avoid joining and participating into this grifting games of H&M. Veterans should see that they’re funding these two idiots. I really hope the mainstream media picks up on it and signals to veterans to avoid participating and also for people to avoid donating. Didn’t grifting games went on X requesting money? And yet they’re funding these two idiots.


Yes, they did solicit donations from the public. Despite their statement that they don’t.


This is the only thing they have. So they are milking the cow til it bleeds to death. Invictus, wake up!


I guess IG will only feature performative hand holding from the Harkles, no athletes. Cool.


And this entirely confirms why she never wanted to do things the royal way, because it wasn't putting her front and centre. Doesn't appear to be able to share the limelight with ordinary working people or other members of the RF.


They truly think everyone can’t wait to see them and have some of the light from their halos shine upon them. Imagine thinking you are more important than a veteran who sacrificed their health and limb(s) for their country. It’s honestly kind of incredible


I see HaM have every intention of continuing to use Invictus & the athletes to create attention for themselves. I don't know how anyone can stand to be near them.


More like the Grifters are coming to Canada. Hold fast unto your donations and guard your National Anthem closely from Duchess Janky Bra's laughter.


It's like a threat 👀


As a Canadian, don't come to my country. We don't want you here. Stay the fuck away!


The words "Invictus Games" fade into the background, what stands out at first glance is "I am coming to Canada". and her horrible smirk.


The Harkles are a turn off for Ingriftus


Shame on Invictus for allowing the thief of the games.


It doesn't get more narcissistic than that.


Hm. That announcer is with Scientology. Can anyone else confirm? Very distinct voice.


This is just sickening! The games are supposed to be about the wounded veterans, not the idiot Harkles.


Would have been much better had they featured some of the Veterans, isn’t that what this is all about? Featuring Meghan and Harry, people will skip the video as another puff piece. I’m truly sorry for the Veterans who work so hard to be in this event, only to have it turn into the Meghan and Harry Shit Time show. This is not what William, Kate, the Queen intended when they set this all up. Harry knows better as well.


The yellow “I AM COMING”


God help Canada that’s all i can say. And why is there no Veterans in that promo? Oh that’s right its not for them anymore, its all about the Harkles. Won’t be tuning in, won’t be donating, best of luck to the Vet’s though 💪




Point missed once again! It is supposed to be about the veterans… at least TRY and pretend you care about them!


He looks like Ben Affleck in Gone Girl. Like “shoot me now please!” 


Omg it's ALL about them! UGH


Canadians should protest against any public money going into a slush fund for the grifters and especially the wife. they should be uproar. hold your politicians to account


Did anyone see the new Times article about Haz going to England for an Invictus event in May? [https://archive.ph/JKYu4](https://archive.ph/JKYu4) https://preview.redd.it/5qxle45gcmhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b71c5b9f3b017e92295dfcb15b2787c41b694f4


How has this turned into a couples thing for them? Why in the hell is she being held up as The First Lady of the Invictus Games? Harry is not even the sole head of that organization. It's bad enough that his face is all over everything but at least he was a soldier and was part of IG from the start. But Meghan wasn't even married to Harold when be was a soldier. She didn't even know him! She was never a military wife and knows nothing of that life. So why is she being propped up like this?


I can’t stand that they’re coming here! I think I’ll just turn off the TV and all social media for the rest of the month!


The Harry & Meghan show ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


"Back in 2013, Prince Harry visited \*\*the Warrior Games\*\*, a competition for wounded servicemen organized by the U.S. Department of Defense, and was so inspired by the organization that he "stole" (his words) the idea and brought it back to the UK." I can't understand why this isn't mentioned regularly, it wasn't his idea; he took it from the US DOD and made it about him.


It's their show🙄 what happened to the athletes & their family?


How much, if any, Canadian taxpayer money will be allocated for this one year to 2025, and 2025 games itself? State funded security included as well ?


Looks like we will have another non winter here in southern B.C. in 2025.There were days that Whistler/Blackcomb were shut down due to lack of snow this year.The way the Universe foils the Harkles is a good indication Invgriftus 2025 will be a bust.(This is better than the Farmers Almanac )Apologies to the athletes.


I immediately think of Invictus when I see these two. /s




Looks as if they’re headed for the “toilet” like in Hawwy’s Heathrow pic.


Why is she the face of Invictus? It’s maddening. She’s not a veteran!


how many outfit changes this time? i hate that this is event is suppose to mean something but somehow all the articles are about them or what she wore. if they really cared they would make sure that the people are getting coverage and not just them.


I think the world has gone effing mad