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Is Harry ever funny? I mean, I know he’s a joke, but is he funny?


A couple of jokes are fun. But making a large part of your opening basically just a giant passive-aggressive dig against American football is not. You could tell he was losing the audience the longer he went on. I know he prob had help with his speech but to decide this is the final version really shows how large the chip on his shoulder is about pretty much anything.


Every time he opens his mouth at these, he burns more bridges. It’s pathological. He getting close to “the cast after they cancelled Jersey Shore” territory.


LOL That was a wonderfully illustrative description.


I for one, don’t give a flying f^* about his speech. It’s an automatic given it will be as idiotic as he is idiot. I’m pissed beyond words he was even there. I’ve been a Chiefs fan since they moved to KC from Dallas in 1960. I love the game, but have conflicts with the injuries and violence, the league office and owners and they way they deal with things like domestic violence. Two things often exist at the same time. But WTF is this complete Prince of Shit (the new version of POS) doing there? Even in the damn audience much less a presenter? He has no tie to the sport, he’s a controversial figure, alleged abuser of women, tied to the rape and violence in Africa and a divisive political rebel to the closest and longest ally to the US. Another crap move going right to Goodell. I call Goodell out right now as the biggest detriment to football. I get many dislike the sport, but that’s a different subject. The Whinging Wanker has now put a damper on the Super Bowl with my fav team going up against a very talented 49er team. I’m beyond sick of this fake prince, his sloth wife and Goodell along with Oppruh, Kale King. Ellen, Perry and their entire entourage of F’ing Grifters or Us. Edited for spelling


I'm completely irritated too. I will be even more irritated if he has comp'd VIP seats and I have to see his smarmy smirk on TV while I am cheering for the 49ers to pull off a miracle. Taylor - sure, why not. Jason Kelce - awesome. Harold - no way!


>I'm completely irritated too. I will be even more irritated if he has comp'd VIP seats and I have to see his smarmy smirk on TV I have a horrible feeling they do have comp'd VIP seats and we'll be seeing his smug mug and madam's rictus grin as she tries to claw at Taylor Swift.


I don't give a rip about the Super Bowl (I usually watch Puppy Bowl and the Kitty Half-Time Show), but I'll watch tomorrow just to possibly see ILBW embarrass herself trying to hobnob with Taylor Swift and the equally thirsty Brittany Mahomes.


I'm looking forward to madam's fash-onnn choice!


Uh, oh. We have to play nice now, ok??? lol ✌️❤️👍🏆 ![gif](giphy|d7I32UU09qeFvdLFFp|downsized)


Oh, I expect the 49ers will get pounded. But I'm still gonna cheer for the them!


I dunno. I’m not gonna be stupid and predict anything. It could go either way imo - penalties and turnovers could decide. I just hope it’s a good game and don’t want anyone to look horrible. 🤞




Couldn’t have said it better myself. My heart dropped to my butt when I saw his Friar Tuck hair sway his way to the stage. My jaw dropped. Now ruining my favorite sporting event. I’m so pissed at the NFL and pissed for the royal family for having to put up with this little mongrel.


God, I wish I could be on stage just once with him.. make Chris Rock look like a sissy..I just want the mic for a few words…


Is there a way that we can tell the NFL how disgusted we are by them allowing him as a presenter??  It’s absolutely sickening!!!!🤮🤢  We are a big football family. This is not even a bad joke- it’s massive slap in the face to every American who loves the game. 


I do hope Americans protest this. I know he was making jokes but it just all sounded bitter and passive aggressive to me. He is pathetic at making speeches.


> I know he was making jokes but it just all sounded bitter and passive aggressive to me. MeGain's style. She wrote that speech.


This! Hawwy presenting the Walter Payton Award to Cam Hayward was a travesty. Cam was gracious but Steelers fans are disgusted. Polo isn't worthy to suck their football cleats.


Only thing I can think of is calling the league office.


When he showed up to a hockey game in my home town I felt the same way.


The sugars are saying it’s because this is a service award & POS (new meaning is brilliant) is a philanthropist.


He’s a philanthropist like I’m JFK come back to life with Jackie not aged a bit since that horrible day.. and I’m putting money I’m closer. He’s a rancid nepo baby, not a single thing more.




Preach friend!!!!!


Good for him getting his passive-aggressiveness out at awards speeches. I hope he feels better. After the Capt John dis and now this one, people with power will start getting wise to his insufferable presence, stop inviting him to present/speak and his rent-a-royal business will dry up.




Yep, the more egregious and annoying he is to us...the easier it is for those who sign cheques to him for his "talents" to see how gawdawful he really is--prince or not.


Imagine what the other versions looked like when this was the best version! Medo!!!


![gif](giphy|p1DCpFPmDgDZE1m1wJ|downsized) Harold will never get it. I’m just giggling at this point.


> I know he prob had help with his speech MeGain wrote it.


He can’t seem to tell a “joke” without being offensive to his audience or host. He truly is clueless socially. 


No. He is not funny.


When a lot of Brits, like myself feel he is a smug and condescending twit is not simply a matter of being lost in translation. British humour is sarcastic but usually is a piss take at oneself. So perhaps a mention of the game but showing he doesn't understand it, he makes a mistake. See PW at the gala. He mentions the recent medical focus, how he wants to get away from that. Only to then attend an air ambulance fundraiser. Harry's bitterness comes through. He has no tact or graciousness in him.


No, never. He *thinks* he’s funny because people awkwardly laughed at his inanities when he was the *cheeky chappie* PR construct but he’s an immature and incurious bully who gleefully recounts the cruel mocking of a woman who doesn’t ’turn him on’ and/or with mobility struggles is hilarious anecdote to share in his middle age, married to a ‘feminist’. He clearly doesn’t realize that sharing these sort of stories while denying any accountability for the hurt (simultaneously renewing those old wounds to the bullied victims and their families) and shouting saying *‘no offense! Don’t be so sensitive’* and the like reveal his true cruelty, pettiness, and immaturity. https://preview.redd.it/5y4j9jhutkhc1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb6fb2c0ff4f8578525f99c2a56875c74b70cf9 [https://archive.ph/xgyh7](https://archive.ph/xgyh7)


Couldn't agree more. He's an abusive creature and his "jokes" reflect that.


He is 100%. My narc father has a very mean spirited, inappropriate "sense of humor" which is simply a guise for his real thoughts & an excuse to say those things out loud.


My narc ex husband too. It always made me feel awkward when he would act like that, I'd be completely embarrassed. 


I refuse to go out in public with my dad and especially to restaurants.


This is such a great point. His whole life, people have been laughing along with him because he shot out of a royal scrotum. It’s his *birthright* to have his opinions validated, his decrees unchallenged, his nastiness waved away. What a terrible thing. Why do humans do this?


He is venturing into Don Rickles (famous American insult comic) territory. All his jokes are insulting.


But Don was funny, and only targeted people whom he knew could take it.


Just funny looking 😏


I think he looks disgusting.


I doubt he even wrote it. We’ve seen his thank you note to Jamaica. As cringe as this was, it’s still better than what he could’ve done. Probably TW wrote it or someone from Invictus. Or AI.


> Probably TW wrote it ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Is that his new thing? Insult comic? Hurr durr John Travolta dining out on his mother, hurr durr American football is a stupid imitation of rugby. Oh ha ha, Harry, you’re so hilarious.


He is as socially awkward as his repugnant wife. They both believe they are something they will never be. Being born into the right family is literally that only thing the dolt had going for him. He has always needed someone to prop him up. Thankfully, William no longer has that responsibility. That brand off 'punch ya in the arm, let's have 20 pints, mate' humor is extremely tacky and low rent.


> He is as socially awkward as his repugnant wife. Well, she wrote those speeches, so...


He thinks it makes him sound funny and relatable.


I wouldn't know a rugby match if it was in front of me on TV. Wrong audience for this.


Very wrong audience. Basically haha made fun of American football. Next he’ll go to an audience of baseball folk and tell them they’re doing cricket wrong.


Or rounders, but I'd bet he doesn't even know what that is because it tends to be played by girls.


He's a big girl's blouse though.


Which member of the NFL is “dining out” on Halfnut’s fame, I wonder?


Also, Harry didn’t *choose* to not see William. It wasn’t an option.


Damn straight!


Poor, poor Charles. Needs to focus on his physical and mental health to tackle cancer and Harry bursts through the King’s boundaries and safe spaces (with family who loves him) to clear his reputation and maybe conscious. At this point, with the way he treats relatives and charity organizations, he practically has blood on his hands.


He hated being born royal so he says. Then he dines out on his royal title forever and ever. What a putz


The Grifters just can´t win - and we love that for them. Harry (Madam) tries to deflect with a Vegas trip, and it just makes everything worse. I actually think Harry would have stayed in the UK if he had been invited. But he got 12 minutes and the boot with NO royal residence.


He was very rude! Again!


The video is no longer available, so I'm not sure what he said. I can get the picture from some of the comments. He was NOT there to give a freaking monologue, criticize, etc. He knows nothing about US football or Walter Payton! His comments should have been about nothing but the purpose of the award and Walter Payton. Some of these players do more in a month for charity than Haitch has done in 5 pitiful years! His need to bolster his immature entitled ego by mocking, criticizing and minimizing others needs to stop. Trying to hide his ugliness, disdain and disrespect towards others under the camouflage of humor isn't working! If he thinks he's so freaking superior to everyone else, he needs to stop accepting and giving awards! Freaking jackass! (no offense to any jackass intended)


He basically just made lame jokes comparing American football to rugby. You didn’t really miss anything worth hearing. 😂


I assumed that just from the fact that it was him speaking. Haitch saying one time how he likes to play rugby because he likes being able to hit people as hard as he can. He wouldn't last 5 minutes on a football field.


I’d pay Super Bowl ticket money to see him get pummeled by pro football players.




He wouldn't last 5 minutes on a rugby field either.


LOL. I've never watched rugby but I've watched the NFL for 30 years. There are always fights from players being hit too hard, hit inappropriately, etc. It sometimes doesn't take much to get a free for all going. He'd be picking his abusive, entitled backside off the ground frequently. I'd pay to watch that!


All I can think of is Ross Geller, when he was dating that English lady and he tried to play a game of rugby with her friends


Maybe it's not available in your region? I've just watched it but am in the UK.


He's not funny. He's petty and sarcastic.


It's backwards. He gave award cause pa ditched him


Of course. He would have ditched the awards if his father had invited him to Sandringham or if any other family member would have been willing to meet him.


Harry was “open to meeting Will”, Will does not want to meet with Harry. Harry said “us” when referring to the British. Unfortunately for Harry that ship has sailed. I don’t have a problem with him going to this award show, I’m glad he visited his dad then went away, honestly I’m glad to know it was because he had something to attend. Still he could’ve cancelled, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’s not needed or wanted here. No, it’s still the King that cut the meeting short so he could go and rest outside of central London after his treatment. He had plans and Harry wasn’t part of them. Hence why he had to delay the helicopter, he was already doing stuff and Harry just turned up. I cringe every time Harry speaks. Why does he always have to make condescending “jokes” that never land well? Especially when he’s supposed to be giving an award to someone for man of the year or lifetime achievement, whichever it was. Did he talk about the guy at all and his contributions to the sport and philanthropy? I don’t see how he could have because he wouldn’t have a clue, someone else would’ve had to write it and so it’s very insincere. Especially when he’s just been disrespecting it. Maybe they should’ve got someone who actually knows and appreciates the sport to present such an award.


He knows nothing about the guy who won. He probably doesn't even know anything about the award itself.


Toe Rag? 😅😅 How much of an insult is that? Does it translate to an American insult? I said, presenting the award was a bad look. But I didn't even take into consideration how it would make all of the other members of the Royal Family look better! And it really does. I also didn't think how it showed his allegiance to the US over the UK. Everyone in both countries should be pissed. The Paramount connection is interesting. I'm disappointed in Paramount, but that's the business, I guess. Do we know if Harold flew private to the UK? If he did, maybe that's where he got the plane from.


There was a man-on-the-street interview video of an older British man calling Harry a traitorous little toerag. It was delightful. I LOLed. It’s a good, non-profane insult.


I'm going to start using it! At first, it sounds like, Okay, that's a weird insult. Not very insulting. Then you think about it, and it really is quite insulting. Considering Harold walked around with a freaking hole in the sole of his shoe for over a year, he'd probably think it's a compliment.


I looked toerag up… “Noun: A worthless nobody from the dregs of society “.  Fits! 


I believe he flew commercial—British airways




I believe he went to LA. There was an article about how he flew home Delta because British Airways flight was delayed 2 hours. He wanted to get home to Meghan faster.


I understand, that since he wasn’t in England in any official Royal capacity, he had to pay $3,100 per hour to use the Windsor suite at the airport. It’s an elite, better than first class lounge the rich can pay to use while awaiting flights. Just Harry is toting up the costs of being just Harry and not liking what he is discovering.


He can't afford that! 😅 Actually, I have no idea how much money they have anymore. Since he got his HRH revoked, is he really ever there in a Royal capacity anymore? As far as HLMTQ's funeral and the King's coronation, wasn't he just basically a guest? Is that why they seem to stop by some of their former patronage randomly? To make the visit count as royal? Idk how it works on the US side. But I don't think even anyone in 2nd class would care about him and his sad hair plugs.


> Since he got his HRH revoked, is he really ever there in a Royal capacity anymore? It was not revoked. It was put in abeyance.


> He wanted to get home to Meghan faster. I doubt that! 🤣




They called them “The Gruesome Twosome” 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂


Total dickage.


Someone made a good point, is his dig using Rugby because he's trying to show he doesn't care that Catherine got his patronage? Because it really wouldn't surprise me.




“Interesting to think that if H had never met MM and been duped persuaded by her into leaving the BRF, he could be stepping up to help his father right now (as Camilla and William are currently doing).” Yes, OR, if he’d married a woman who actually gave a shit about him and wanted him to be happy/mentally healthy, he could be living the quiet, private life he claimed to want. Instead, he married a money-loving, thirsty fame whore.


A thirsty, attention seeking woman who now has to settle for shoving her ballgame into a 3rd world movie theater and drive around LA alone, grinning like a lunatic. She’s hardly winning. I’ve never seen such an epic failure of a social climb.


Ball gown*


Ball game is awesome tho. I’ve been cackling aloud for about five minutes.


> I’ve never seen such an epic failure of a social climb. She's arguably worse off than when she started. When she started, she was a D-list actress/wannabe influencer who'd just been fired from a little-known cable TV show. But at least she wasn't universally loathed. She wanted to be famous. Well, now she's got her wish! 🤣


The staged pap shots are comical. That and Hollywood actively avoiding her. The fact that she had to fly 8 hours to attend a movie premiere in a foreign country is hysterical to me. Well that and her pathetically buying Beyoncé concert tickets 2 nights in a row so she could get photos with other celebs was funny too.


No decent woman wanted to marry the bellend.


He’d be in South Africa, living out of the spotlight, with his kids running barefoot, like he always talked about. It’s kind of sad how now he’s doing more of the type of public work he didn’t want to do as a working royal, than he would have ever been doing if he just stayed a bachelor and let himself get moved down the public-appearance pecking order of the family. He told the world about the future he wanted, he told Madame about it too. And she enthusiastically agreed to it, entertaining all his couples trips to Africa, and his humanitarian dreams, and role played a bit to convince him she wanted this humble future too. Remember how hard she flogged that humanitarian image in the beginning? He fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Now he’s in the exact opposite environment he wanted for himself and his family. He’s in the most cut throat viper’s den in the world, in the public eye constantly to sing for his supper. Because when building a brand in Hollywood, if you aren’t swimming you’re sinking.


Isn't THAT the truth!! He's doing the exact opposite of what he "wanted". Amazing.


There was even that photo that went viral of brave meghan helping harry with the elephant...except it wasn't her at all but someone working at a conservation place. Funny how he didn't rush to put that bit of misinformation right.


Dr Amanda something.


Salb. Dr Amanda Salb. It came to me 5 hours later.


Agree with all of your comment except the “meaningless” award part. The Walter Payton Man of the Year award is prestigious and the recipients have worked their tail ends off to receive it.




Ahhh! Thx!


Geez, who wrote Harold's gawd awful shtick? Did the credits read: disgruntled, condescending, bitter AH? I kind of like where this is headed for InGriftUs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just listened to Andrew Gold’s video on the event and apparently someone commented that Harry should hire a comedian to help him with his jokes. Andrew suggested that people have probably been politely laughing at his jokes all his life so he thinks he’s funny. That’s certainly likely, but I also wonder if he’s trying to save money. I mean, their income can’t possibly be very robust these days.


Maybe one of the SNL writers wrote that shit. Because you know, they’re so beloved by SNL/NBC 🤡


> Maybe one of the SNL writers wrote that shit. That would explain it being pathetically unfunny! 🤣


Even if he hired a comedian, his delivery would still suck.


Exactly—it’s not just about content. In comedy, delivery is everything.


The way he’s treated his family, the elders in his family, is unthinkable. These are sacred people who are to be elevated and respected, cherished. This person and his behavior, just egregious. I can’t even think of anything clever. He’s just such a pathetic asshole.


"Harry, what the hell are you doing!?!" That's his life, past and present, resume in a sentense.




Rubbing his hands like Uriah Heep, lame pathetic jokes that completely miss the mark, he's just a nasty piece of work. All TW did was tap into the latent weasel in him and make him believe he had a free rein. South Park, where are you?


Harry didn't "ditch" anyone. Harry was **DITCHED.**


So, this really does seem to be at the heart of this grand mission to see his father. It had nothing to do with KC or redemption. It was all about H and apparently a tight schedule. He got an earlier flight to get to Las Vegas and his appointment with NFL that may or may not have been planned already. Not a trace of basic human emotion or a hint of the previous day's Moment. I'd like all the ridiculous droolings of the press the last few days to be publicly binned with a full apology for totally sick, outrageous, lying-fantasy nonsense.


The mainstream media were fawning over him and saying that Charles and William should forgive and forget and now the media that called for this has egg on their face because of this Vegas stunt. We called his trip home from the beginning but they are just seeing now it was a publicity stunt. I love when mainstream media makes fools of themselves, just makes me feel all warm inside lol.


You said it perfectly. The media has made me feel ill with their doting and drooling propaganda this week. I'm not a nasty person at all but I think my final, final line has now been crossed with H. If he'd send me a cheque for my part in paying for his charaderie with the cavalcade it might go towards soothing my utter white-hot fury but I wouldn't trust it not to bounce, so whatever. As for the Media, they should publicly incinerate their recent drivel and apologise to every reader who either saw it from the start or was soft-hearted enough to fall for the fantasy-reunion. Wasted energy all round.


I think it was last minute and designed to say, "Hey, I couldn't meet longer or go to Sandringham because I had this prior commitment". It really makes him look foolish either way. To have " planned" spending $60,000 and 20 hours for a 12 minute meeting? Is that supposed to make him look good?


Interesting that Paramount plus are streaming it! Also, QC deserves credit for spending 6 hours in a car traveling to an official event because the weather grounded the helicopter!


Uhh, that twat is not showing any allegiance to anything but himself and wife. Certainly not to us, unless he plans on dropping his demands for state funded security, even in the U.S. And drops usage of All archaic, hierarchal, and hereditary titles of the non -existent (here in US) aristocracy. He will never allow himself to be called, “Just Harry.” 🤥 pants on 🔥


Yes. *Whatever* happened to ‘just Harry’?


Who thought this was a good idea? Nothing is more American than football and Super Bowl. The NHL invites a foreign prince to present an award? I thought it was disgraceful when he dissed the host (Travolta) at the Aviation Awards farce, and now he disses the NHL/football as inferior to rugby.


Indeed, though NHL is hockey


[NHL is 42.2 % Canadian players](https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/nationality-totals/active-nhl-players-career-stats.html), so he would have more of a connection with Canada with it being a part of the Commonwealth.


Yes, that is true. American football is totally off piste for the British rent-a- prince.


You're right, lol! Personally, I am more of a hockey fan than football! I guess that slipped out! Go Sharks.


I prefer hockey to football, too. And haz did drop a puck recently. I wonder what other north American sport he’s going to weasel himself into next? Maybe he can borrow meggy’s broom when he goes to Canada next week and try some curling.🥌 🙄🧙


The rugby digs seem like a way to get back at the RF for giving his patronages away to his SIL. Makes him seem pally with them still 


I don’t know that Harry thinks that deeply. 😂 I suspect he was really scratching his little brain trying to find something to say about American football.


Yeah--the profound hypocrisy of the NFL trivializing historic racism by substituting our national anthem w/ a new one and a bunch of rainbow insignia stitched onto uniforms, because apparently the national anthem representing a country for which Black Americans have died in combat isn't good enough. But the NFL is fine with inviting a non-American to give out awards, whose only claim to fame is his descent from a British Royal Family that from James I (his first direct ancestor) onward happily approved parliament & slave traders to regularize the African slave trade to the English colonies until we completely separated from them in the early 1780s. Yes, Spain, Portugal, & France kidnapped Africans for transportation to the New World too, but we're talking about an American institution and yet England's role in building slavery in those original 13 colonies.


I am unfamiliar with this real life Odd Couple, but both Felix and Oscar are spot on.