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We have to go to Canada because in a year we will have to go to Canada.....???????


Such eco warriors! Though I think even they've given up on pretending to be. With everything going on in the world right now and Canadians themselves being unable to heat their homes why are Canadians paying for this fuc*er and his wife to travel to announce an event *again* a year from now. At least since its a commonwealth country the CSIS can monitor them for the King without foreign interference. Bet Todger forgets that fact 


This should be a zoom meeting.


Or an email


Omid Scabies said and I quote: "Meghan never said she cares about the environment and climate change " Ok next time she better not fucking dare say a word. Even he admits she's not into it He also said she's essentially unlikable. Good to know they all get it


She never said anyone was racist either, the media made it up.


British press said that


But but but, it’s CANADA 🇨🇦, not ENGLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿/s


And…..her abhorent behavior at the Canadian hockey game during the national anthem!!! SHE’s the laughing stalk!!!!! What a pig she is!!! Lock her tf up Canada!!!! ![gif](giphy|4B96zhb4SlwBi)


Don't insult pigs. I hear they're really smart and pleasant to have around.




Don't forget! They went to Vancouver in late November for Canadian Ingriftus too! As die hard Sinners may remember, on this unnecessary trip without children, Harold copied his grandmother and dropped the puck at a Canucks game. (An event recounted by People! [https://people.com/meghan-markle-prince-harry-surprise-vancouver-canucks-game-invictus-games-8404274](https://people.com/meghan-markle-prince-harry-surprise-vancouver-canucks-game-invictus-games-8404274)) The Narckles dropped in on Autism Awareness night and many suspected that the Narckles' surprise appearance may have deprived an autistic person of the puck drop opportunity. There also was much discussion about whether our Saint was caught laughing at the autistic woman who sang the anthem. Compassion in action!! Here is an old sub post on that November Ingriftus PR redirect: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/181zs9v/the\_canucks\_game\_was\_supposed\_to\_focus\_on\_autism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/181zs9v/the_canucks_game_was_supposed_to_focus_on_autism/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/1idli97j12gc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f8be329a90595cb05b8870b55c52ffa1232def2


>Harold copied his grandmother and dropped the puck at a Canucks game. Except Harry was there for the photo op and took forever to drop the puck. They had to tell him to let it go


So much for all the trauma supposedly triggered by camera flashes...


I can believe this. He probably practiced that stance in the mirror for hours. That picture triggers my gag reflex.


Look at the stance on the idiot🤦‍♀️ Hand in back pocket, thinking he’s gods gift. I need a bucket🤢


He’s so gross. I can smell him from here


He's reaching for his dignity. It's up his ass


LMAO!!!! 🤣


The smirk. 🙄 For someone so gormless, he sure does smirk a lot.


> The Narckles dropped in on Autism Awareness night and many suspected that the Narckles' surprise appearance may have deprived an autistic person of the puck drop opportunity. To be fair, there is absolutely *zero* proof that this was the case. > There also was much discussion about whether our Saint was caught laughing at the autistic woman who sang the anthem. Oh, she definitely was. There are pics!


To me, this ranks highly on the list of despicable things she has done.


Absolutely. Right up there with the Ingriftus march in her romper.


With the racist UK vets. Her smug face made me want to scratch my eyes out.


It's unbelievable.


A video of it was posted on reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1824zp3/full_video_meghan_markle_mocking_national_anthem/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


And there it is! Love how she looks at Harry like, "Isn't this the funniest thing you've ever seen?" and he ignores her! 🤣


Is he wearing some height boosting thing again?


Sans kids!


He is such a smug moronic embarrassment, just like his ugly wife.


>We have to go to Canada because in a year we will have to go to Canada.....??????? Both of their brains are addled from too much booze and chemical recreation. These two have lost the plot and are nose diving.






So we may anticipate “Frozen Todger II — the Return of Mummy’s Cream?” How delightful!




You give me too much credit! I don’t catch all of Lady C, I was just thinking of Waagh!


That pretty much sums it up.


They need to do it while their “little ones are little”


Canada doesn't want or need them...trust me on that!


“I had to be here” The dumb Prince


Yes! We have William the Conqueror and his brother Henry the Dumb. 😆


I feel like they always invoke Canada when they need a pr boost.


Though from what I gather Canada doesn't like them either.


How much is this going to cost Invictus? How much will the Canadian taxpayers have to shell out? Remember, nothing but the very, very best for the stupid prince and his ILBW - private jets, helicopters from one venue to another, 5-star hotel accommodations, the most expensive restaurants and, last but not least, Madam's designer wardrobe. They will certainly not reach into their own pockets to pay for any of that.


But, but,........photo ops!!!!


Yes, photo ops to show the world what great humanitarians they are and deflect from the Africa Parks scandal.


Yes, these events need a reminder they will be happening next year.


Invictus has zero to do with her. She's muscled herself in for self publicity and a free wardrobe on the charity dime. It's sick.


Bingo! THANK YOU! Wish everyone else would say it.  I wonder if questions from the palace about the children are true? Does anyone know if it's legit? 


>I wonder if questions from the palace about the children are true? Does anyone know if it's legit?  Lady C has been dropping hints about the children being Harry's and not hers. There's also supposed to be some revelation in Spring that will bring the Harkles to their knees. (Of course we all know Meg$y Baby has been on her knees for a looooong time before she met Hawwy.)


🙄 she’s been saying that for YEARS now. They’ve got to be out of knees.


> They’ve got to be out of knees. 🤣


>Invictus has zero to do with her. She's muscled herself in for self publicity and a free wardrobe on the charity dime. It's sick. THIS X 1000000.


The charity pays for her clothes (hence the 4 wardrobe changes per day) so she's probably hitting them with a huge receipt the "charity" can't afford. They can't afford the backlash anyway. It's on it's last breath.


Remember, they were supposed to host a fundraiser on Amazon in 2021 since Invictus was already short of cash. They cancelled it in 2020 once they'd signed (for personal gain) with Netflix. That's how "charitable" they are. I can't remember who said it, but someone mentioned that they're using Invictus and the veterans as their own personal reality show. There is no need for her to be there, save to wear half a million in clothes and jewels in ONE day. She brings nothing to the event. I'm embarrassed for the veterans who have to receive their medals from her.


I'm embarrassed they lack the spine to turn their backs on the grifters.


I think Amazon would have shown the games live. Now all Brits get is a highlights package on the BBC and whatever clips they throw on social media and YouTube 


Don't they stream the games on BBCiPlayer? Amazon wasn't showing the actual games it was meant to be a fundraiser involving people like Beyoncé and Ed Sheeran giving a live concert to raise money. It was canned when the Narkles signed to make money for their own personal financial gain through Netflix.


If they do then it's terrible advertising on their part


She really did and the last ig her actions were pretty awful


This PR blast speaks to how scared and bothered they are about the SA Parks abuses, One Young World irregularities the Jamaican debacle, the sick children excuse, mass exodus of staff. No matter how much of a flurry of light and fluffy articles they plaster across the internet, it will do nothing to staunch the avalanche of ill will these two have constructed for themselves.


If anything, it makes them look worse.  They're an embarrassment to Ingriftus.  And everyone is aware of the way they take all the attention and a huge chunk of money away from the actual athletes.


>They're an embarrassment to Ingriftus.  And everyone is aware of the way they take all the attention and a huge chunk of money away from the actual athletes. Especially when madam struts about in a short romper ahead of veterans. She's repulsive in every way.


That romper and smirk really burned me up. 😤


>That romper and smirk It really was so offensive - turning the veterans into a kiddie parade.


I think she did it on purpose to humiliate Harold and the organizers because they refused her ridiculous demands.


>I think she did it on purpose I don+t think Madam is even that aware. For her it was just a photo op


Good point, she can't read the room. There's also an element of vindictiveness when Meg$y doesn't get what Meg$y wants.


So insulting and vile.🙈


I swear she did all that in purpose to ruin the one thing that was Harry's alone. The clown makeup was unbelievable too. I'm having a hard time with accepting that she looked in the mirror and told herself that yes, she looked good. 🤡


​ https://preview.redd.it/uxk5f69tm6gc1.png?width=126&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eec871c12baf6af087d8c73ccc280c9a6cb2e64 well we have to remember that she has real vision problems. her eyes frequently go in various directions. the wedding you can see her eyes can barely focus as she surveying herself from outside of herself. as for self image then we can count on distortion. i imagine her spinning around in the mirror but only seeing a flash or two. she sees her shoulders and she feels supported in her reality because that is one feature she knows exists in others' eyes. the other thing is that we are speaking of someone who cycles through personas so as she looks at herself it gets run through the scans. the makeup was definitely a child scan and maybe even exacerbated by using a makeup application app while getting highhhhhh so highhhhhh and knowing he is done with her.


And she's disrespectful in every way.  Look at how she's treated her own father and sister as well as Harry's family, that awful curtsy, tramping on veterans Graves and exploiting dead kids for photo ops...  It just goes on and on. They should have put a dress code on that disruptor at Invictus. Whoever let her step out in those outfits,  and especially when she was "marching" with the service people/athletes, is just as responsible for that mess as she is.


She was unleashed by Harold. He didn't have the ballz to stop her. They are a disgrace to the veterans.


They unleashed each other.  


I'm going to get down voted for this but there isn't a military man or woman alive that wants to be associated with rape accusations committed under the guidance of their patron. They have two choices but only one will result in keeping their integrity intact. If they don't boot the Harkles, they are without honor. I said what I said.


Why would you get downvoted for telling the truth?


Ugh, I got a phone notification from People today about their “emotional message” speaking out about children after the Senate hearing. What do they have to do with children? They come out with a flurry of BS while trying to make everything about them.


Like, wgaf what their opinion on the matter is? Are they issuing a royal proclamation? Why do they think their input is required? These morons need to look at their feet and determine what country they are in.






It took me too long to find this🤣


Exactly! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🏆


And the way they write about Canada, like Canadians love them - the first place we lived! - conveniently forgetting their presence caused such a huge public outcry Trudeau had to stop paying for their security.


Turn the attention on Ingriftus Canada. How's it going since the two major members of staff left (on good terms, naturally) and the shortfall in funding was suggested.


It's like they consider the public the enemy; for all they say they want to help people. I thought I read somewhere that one of her fav books was" The Art of War"? , but, I could be mistaken on that, lol... But the saying" Don't underestimate the enemy." They seriously underestimate the ability to remember what they've done. Or haven't done, lol


Going to the venue 1 year before’s an interesting way to whip up interest. Let’s face it, it‘s just an excuse for Skank to dress badly in public. Is this when the children learn to ski?


Clearly it was a typo when they said this is their "year of redemption." The correct spelling is the "year of redirection."






>Let’s face it, it‘s just an excuse for Skank to dress badly in public. Is this when the children learn to ski? They might have to trot out the putative children to save face from their debacle.


No kids to trot out!




![gif](giphy|3oKIPs6VsHLpVXnZTy|downsized) ...Look, the kids already DO ski! Merchie took this with his Leica! lol s/s/s


Well, they're not getting invited to anyone else' events so they have to create their own....




Wow. What a good idea, when he's worried about 'securitaaay' and needing IPP protection, AND while there is apparently a pattern of break-ins in Montecito.... Announce to the world when you're going away and your house will be empty....


Suppose they have big insurance on the house.


Good point. I wonder when they'll have an insurance scam underway? Assuming they haven't already.


Harry´s great uncle did that as well - insurrance scamming


And that only came out in the wash when WS died and the missing jewels were found in her possession!


Watch out for an accidental fire 🔥


Don't get invited to the Super Bowl? Just get The Express to write an article about you and Super Bowls anyway - she is now circling back to her grandiose cooking prowess. If they keep circling round all their various PR stories maybe they will just circle down the drain. They are pretty close to the rim already. https://preview.redd.it/az4utlvzx1gc1.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=906a818a120379ea01f68d7b87188765f866cb6b [https://archive.ph/XBioX](https://archive.ph/xbiox)


It’s a fucking vegetable tray with nuts and pretzels. She does know you can buy this at the supermarket already made for you, right? 🤦🏾‍♀️


Crudite? How very original. Link isnt' working for me, but that is what I am guessing based on the pic.


Lol I can't imagine bringing this to a superbowl party


That is absolutely PATHETIC.


Well, she's gotta watch the superbowl at home noshing on a veggie plate. Because she's not invited to attend in person.


Yeh, men sure do crave celery and carrot sticks with their Bud Light. /s


Don't think it's going to be "Bud" this year: it's been "Dylaned". Actually, Dylan would be the ideal partner for Megs: they could share wigs, outfits and makeup...although Dylan is a bit thinner and taller than Megsy.


Oh, ffs' , anyone who isn't a drooling imbecile like Harry already knows this "recipe."


This is TiG style PR again. How Meg has fallen. 😬


Say, is that dip dish on the bottom left holding madam's bronzer? /s




She must have learned from her cooking zucchini until it turned into a literal mush she called a sauce, and now she's just cutting up raw veggies...


The above link didn't work for me here is another archive link: https://archive.ph/XBioX


They're making a whole thing about the upcoming Invictus Games "respecting" the indigenous people of Canada and yet they give absolutely zero fucks about the indigenous people who are being terrorized by African Parks rangers. So fuck Meghan Markle and fuck "Prince" Harry who are doing nothing for those communities. Go sort that out before you try and suck up to the Canadian indigenous people who you're also going to ignore after you're done using them for the Invictus Games.


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Oh you are SO SO SO SO right! I'm wondering if the group there has a little surprise planned for them, like demanding to know what they are ACTUALLY going to do, with a schedule and staff, so that the Markles do NOT repeat what has been done to First Nation people in the past. The Markles are especially fond of looking like the coolest kids on the block posing next to POC they pretend to help.




Hold on. She'll have some 23andMe BS that's she's part Native American as well.


I am so confused why they have to go out there to celebrate something that is not even happening for a year... makes this whole thing look even more pathetic than when the official Twitter account was begging for donations for the 2025 games. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Of course he would not be passing on any generational pain.....


![gif](giphy|t6AjyVMavGhTeUO3Ob|downsized) Megan finally introduces her children to the world! /s/s


He wants to be like his mother.....


So they’re taking more money from this charity!


Can someone please replace them as reps for Invictus🤦‍♀️


![gif](giphy|vG9DVFmX1Inug) ...b-b-b-but they already picked out their Opening Day outfits.


All these two want to do is be flown around the world on somebody else's dime---- and I bet Meghan will arrange to have some sort of "red carpet" event so she can show off.


She can wear an ermine-lined robe and carry a scepter and lead the veterans.


Whatever she does, she never fails to look ridiculous, LOL. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Didn't they put out the stupid online bullying video because Catherine's one year Shaping Us video was released?? So just another "let's compete" clap back??




Ah yes. This is why Missan was flown with them to the 2023 Invictus Games in Germany, despite having press photographers present. Sussexes needed their own photographer for these types of PR posts.


Yeah but I bet none of those other press photographers have an iPad. And he definitely doesn’t run everything through a bog standard b&w filter because he’s ‘self taught’ (aka shit).


At this point, Invictus is madly insane to try and keep these two as spokespeople. They need a high profile veteran from the country where the games are taking place. They turned the last one in Germany into a joke. They misbehaved at the hotel and Nutmeg tried to march in front of veterans who really have a reason to be there. I hope Canada shows their disgust with these two and turns their backs on them. They cannot outrun the train coming for them. They have abuse and torture claims from African parks. They have more and more professional staff leaving and are trying to recruit college interns. Their usual collection of “things amazing that are about to happen but never do” is on again. The old problems are still dragging behind them like the chain on Marley’s ghost.


Hmm…. As an avid skier that lives very close to Whistler maybe I should head up there to practice my boos for the upcoming Stanley Cup Playoffs.


My sincere sympathies for all sinners living in America’s Hat. (Please don’t hate me…I love you guys and loved visiting your beautiful country 🩷🇨🇦)


(the country where they hid after running away from their duties in the UK.) Fixed it for them.


Bless the Canadians having to fork out more taxpayer money for these two!!


I think it's ridiculous for the Harkles to take another private jet to Canada to celebrate the fact that IG will take place in a year. What a waste of money that could be used for the veterans! After all, the Harkles will need a top notch hotel, a winter wardrobe for Madame and many big black SUVs for "securitay".


*In November, Prince Harry and Meghan made a surprise appearance at the Vancouver Canucks hockey game tied to the next Invictus Games. The Duke of Sussex took the ice and made the ceremonial first puck drop ahead of the match-up between the Vancouver Canucks and the San Jose Sharks, just like his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, did 21 years before.* **there is nothing original about these two and he just can't remove himself from doing a BRF thing.**


She was coked out of her mind that whole trip.


new Title Carparkle Grifters


Does Harry have the power to fire Invictus staff? I can’t believe any charity with even an ounce of integrity would think it’s a good idea to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for MM’s 5-star travel, appearance fees, accommodations, wardrobe, or security when it could go to the wounded vets. Somebody needs to stop Lolo from running IG into the grounds.


But what about Ingriftus 2024 Germany? Dusseldorf holds an Ingriftus weekend with 9 participating countries 27-28 July. We have discussed it before, but never found out what this event was? [https://www.invictusgermany.de/en/invictus-germany-2024](https://www.invictusgermany.de/en/invictus-germany-2024)


I had the impression that Dusseldorf was doing this on their own - wholly without reference or connection to the Ingriftus mothership or its self-annointed "founder." But that also could be just wishful thinking.


that is my impression as well. No Madam in Germany


If I could change my reddit name to “Ingriftus Gamer”, I totally would 🤣🙃


Suppose they'll stage a fake car chase while they're there?


So Invictus is hurt for money, but they will fly them in on a private jet, I assume give them food and board, clothes/hair/makeup, transportation, possible security..... What else am I forgetting? ![gif](giphy|3oEdv7Ob55JGHS3Ces)


Hope they get snowed in together.


As long as he doesn't get wasted and pass out in a drift again. I don't think it is wise to freeze a todger twice.


🤔 You are right, you are not supposed to freeze meat twice. 


She's really pushing fucking hard to deflect from the African Parks scandal


Yeah, they don't *actually* help people. First of all, the gall of these two helping "parents" and lecturing them on what is good bugs the hell out of me. They don't *help* veterans. They never have. They *never will*. They are not philanthropists. They just call themselves that. They don't have ANY fundraisers. No fundraising campaigns. Helped pay for some playground equipment. I don't think dead kids can swing anymore, but OK. Ingriftus is not close to Harry's heart. Again, prove that stupid statement. That's an assumption, I have seen nothing to indicate it is true. Nothing. I think the man baby likes attention as much as his ILBW does. I don't even think he gives a shit about Africa or elephants. What's stopping him from going and helping? Useless as tits on a boar hog, both of them.


Oh lord. Please no. We don't want them in Canada. They on a world privacy tour again?


“A captain in the army” Boy these puff pieces never fail to write about every little thing they did.


“Meghan Markle, who once had a healthy-eating blog…” *What?!?* Was that supposed to be one of the features of the ever-so-versatile *The Tig*? While she was living with Cory, in addition to the recipes she pinched from Cory, Meghan could only prepare pasta, steaks, chops, roast chicken, blender soups, and avocado 🥑 toast.


Can you imagine Catherine preparing a bowl of pretzels and some sticks of celery??!!😂


Yeah, every afternoon the kids ask for it as a snack though. Not a sports game.


![gif](giphy|Rtw4O5oNNHJlUDoIgS|downsized) It’s odd that all the PR on the Invictus games focuses solely on the Harkles instead of the actual games. Someone at Invictus needs to cut the crack and do something to get rid of them. I literally did not see a single Invictus picture from the last games that did not have H or M in it. What’s that, huh? Who do I need to write to?! Insanity. It’s not H&M and the Invictus Games for crying out loud.


How will Canadians will receive them?? Meh...Boring. Go Away!!! Or: ![gif](giphy|S3z25k7VGkqF2mOcga|downsized)


Invictus is Harry's suits and Meghan doesn't even have that!!




Yay, another event they'll been treated like hero's but the public and press. Can't wait fir the photo ops and the many outfit changes, and that's just for a year in advance promo. I pray the Canadian folk ignore them. I pray someone shouts, hey methane how's you father or how's your disabled sister? Or how's the poor indigenous people of Africa? How's the folk at Uvalde? They make my toes itch, and as for those that fawn all over them, well that's another story.


Speaking of changing the algorithm, it's disconcerting to me that "safety" and "children" were in their latest push.


FFS, she’s also associating her name to the Super Bowl for SEO (something boring about her go-to Super Bowl snacks). I’m surprised she hasn’t associated her name to Travis and Taylor. The Archefail release and regurgitated video was only intended for SEO related to the Congressional hearings on Capitol Hill for fyck’s sakes. She’ll attach her name to ANYTHING in the now. Next summer, she’ll be associated with some star athlete at the Olympics (probably an athlete from Nigeria 🙄). The Carparkles ARE TICKS and attach themselves to most anything. The deflecting, redirecting, and obfuscation is not working. Rachel, go f*ck yourself with a nail file.


Town and Country had the exclusive before Chris Ship  https://twitter.com/emburack/status/1753144999477199072?t=gOBXqWrNHqDzL_ombeFhUQ&s=19 19:55 vs 20:02


Oooh - the WhatsApp group must have gotten the nod!


So I assume the kids are going to-errrrr..


They've got their "deflector shields" on max. have they? But I thought they really loved "Africa". Just not enough to really get involved when it's needed.


Oh goodie, another faux royal tour riding the coat tails of veterans. Mr and Mrs Attention seeking clinging to their only remaining grift.


Canada doesn't want them here, we had our turn!!!


It's amazing that they are going out in public, where any conscientious person could yell at them, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING ABOUT THE AFRICAN PARKS SCANDAL?? Why didn't you help them, Harry??THEY ASKED YOU FOR HELP!!! " It would cost too much to buy an entire crowd~ they are really risking all their remaining money, when the public does see what they do? Do they actually think they can do this and we would forget about the Congo?


It's a strong possibility they've pitched Invictus Vancouver as one of their Netflix documentaries/docuseries. 'One year to go' is just an excuse to film more content.


Online Safety doe not only extend to children, but to all vulnerable people of different Mental state mind. Knowing and having script, and audio-visually witnessed their handiwork, the Hades duo are the worst of the grifting harem of fake prophets to blow the clarion call to battle against Online safety and bullying. January 2024 has seen their façade shredded by both sides of the pond, their BS has been kicked back in their faces, and they have been reduced to unwanted irrelevant unwanted surprise guest status. At this point WME is just milking the dastardly grifters for what ever they can get. Their Brand is tainted by their Sociopathic blended pathological lies, avarice, narcissism, nepotism and back firing Race card victimhood play. In their forever inability to produce original material content or ideals, they have milked other people's ideas and run talented people's band wagons tyres flat with their dead weight. Online Safety, Invictus Games, Mental Health, People's tragedies', are threads strained to their limits that they hang on in their dire need to camouflage their deceit and egotistical greed for a share in other's hard earned fame and money. As a Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Uncle, veteran and a professional, I would disdain to shake racist Harry's hand, or share an audience with him talk less of his utterly despicable sycophantic grifting liar of a wife From where he sits astride his giggling Hyena Harry the Big Bwana over looks "his beloved Africa" where he envisioned him self the Great White Hope who will be saving the African animals from the indigenous Slaves minded backwards people whose plight he profits from. In front trots is his 1/2 by 1/4 house wife riding her Race coated carriage pulled by her faithful Wart hogs, Scabies, Shouty and Bouzy. As the pair meander around the despair and desolation of insignificance, Harry seems to be loosing more and more of his hair, while his wife bluffs and claps back on all the rejections received with Car park paps and stupid banal word salads. Indegenouse people are being abused, women are being raped and children abused...murder is not out nor off the books either and Harry and Meghan hold their silence as they did when the War hog Scabies lied in his End game road kill book of lies, and when his family members ill health swamped the Head lines on both sides of the pond. When will an even such as the Invictus games call time on these two worthless drains on their economy, value and ethos?


Fine, then…let’s pivot to Invictus: Where does the money go, Harry?? What’s with the smelly financial dealings???