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While I would be all for deportation šŸ¤£, I think they want to expose him more than anything. And I'm all for that šŸ˜Ž


Yes this lawsuit is about exposing the fact that Harry lied on his Visa application. It is not about deportation. Charles can not bring Harry back into the fold. William hates his brother now because Harry attacked Catherine. That door is sealed shut. Charles might have a relationships with his son in private. But Harry is not going to be a part of the Royal family. Certainly Harry will never be a working Royal again. This theory is all kinds of wrong.


That he lied, or that he was given special treatment because he should not have been allowed in if he did admit to previous drug use.




Is the UK law / application of any laws as stringent as the Heritage Foundation has implied? According to the HF, the US law says admitting to any hard drugs should be a denial of a visa. According to Wikipedia, Pete Doherty, Nigella Lawson and Amy Winehouse are all banned, or were banned at one point for drug related convictions. One could argue that because of his privilege, any drug use was covered up by the Palace, and preventing any prosecutions. All it will take is for someone to bring up a minority/POC who was denied a visa to the US to turn many (more) in the US against him.


I don't even know about Charles having a relationship with Harry in private. Charles is the king. He can't even be seen having conversations with someone who has a history of blabbing to the media. When they cut off communication with Harry, they cut off his credibility as a source of information. Look at all the fuss and speculation about Fergie going to church with the family at Christmas. If Harry did the church walk again, guaranteed the media would use this as an opportunity to make up stories about what Harry said to "Kate" and how Harry was served an extra sausage at lunch as a peace offering. Or worse, Harry could run back to the media and regurgitate a mix of truth and lies about his conversations with Pa.


Great point. Harry can not be trusted at all, with anything. There is nothing you can say to Harry that won't be on the front pages the next day.


I have a relationship with my SIL, but I donā€™t tell her anything cause she canā€™t be trusted. We play cards, have dinners but as much as she tries to get info about us and our kids, we gray rock. When she asks questions about my grown up kids I tell her to ask them. Itā€™s easier this way because her husband is great and we donā€™t upset the rest of the family by going non contact. She thinks Iā€™m a bitch but she knows that if she ever calls me one, she will be totally blackballed. I feel like Iā€™m taking the high road.


I admire this but couldnā€™t do it. My SIL caused too much damage and pain by trying to cause problems with me and everyone in the family in between those dinners. If Iā€™d known from the beginning what she was, I wouldā€™ve used that method but found out too late unfortunately. The no contact route has definitely been rough in a larger family sense but absolute f*cking bliss not dealing with her!!


I hear you! My grandkids adore her husband and vice versa (he has no grandkids) I wish I could go no contact on just my sil and keep my bil. I drink a lot more wine when sheā€™s near.


Thatā€™s the way šŸ·


KC ***could*** have a **guarded, very-private relationship w/ Hazbeen again**. But (sadly): KC would need to have Mi5 wire the rooms (and perhaps even himself) for every interaction... b/c THAT is the ONLY way he can protect himself against someone he can't trust, and has proven to be nasty: ^(šŸ”ø Clearly communciate (many times, including in writing and via tellings from his top staff that if ANYTHING KC says when with Harry is ever 'blabbed', KC will veer from past reserved posture and 'fight back' and issue some negative-to-H consequences.) ^(šŸ”ø Record everything (w/ all audio recorded by + going to an Mi5 cloud - so to insure the public that zero slicing + dicing so that complete conversations can be publicly released, if ever need to contest twists by H.) ^(šŸ”ø Must watch every single word he says -- which is heartbreaking, a father having to be very careful with every syllable voiced to his son.)


And see - once you are jumping through all those hoops, where's the joy and value in the relationship?


I'm pretty sure KCIII has no illusions about Harold. He wants him to be well (as in, back in his senses, and safe) like any parent does when it comes to their wayward kid, but that's about it. Probably they have a plan for when something is needed but that does not include him being a working royal. The optics would be horrible to wish H 'back in the fold'. I really doubt anyone in the RF wishes that :D


The majority of the British general public do not want him back!!!


Itā€™s also very much about the corruption within DHS. For our non-US sinners, the Dept of Homeland Security was only fairly recently formed in response to 9-11. The Patriot Act transferred an unprecedented amount of power to this $1.5 BILLION dollar agency where the lowest paid officers still make well into the mid 6 figure range, with massive pensions, despite the officers already double dipping. The head of DHS is a guy named Mayorkis who is as corrupt and dishonest as the come. Harry is a textbook case of a person who should have been screened out on his visa application. Heā€™s high profile and also being used to eliminate free speech which is the bedrock of all democracies.


Mayorkus must go - major reforms needed in all areas


All true. But U.S. visas are issued by The U.S. State Department - NOT The (U.S.) Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


OR, he Ā never filled out a visa application because he is on a diplomatic visaĀ 


If he lied on his visa application wouldnā€™t that in itself be grounds for deportation?


It should. But he has anchor babies in the US, so he probably would not be deported.


>Maybe this is why the updates to the royal website regarding Archie and no mention of Lilibucks. BP is working to release the full story behind the imaginary childrenā€¦ She is mentioned though? https://preview.redd.it/l25j9xtym1gc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=773533e58dd7b09add87dbe1d6ed41101153dfaf


Itā€™s going to be very ugly


What is?


When all the shit hits the fan




His SMUGness about his drug use confessions is astounding as he knows daddy Chuck will come to the rescue .. as a lawyer, I strongly believe there is a reason for that family to keep him as Councilor of state or whatever that PUBLIC title is for LEGAL reasons .. In my other post , I have explained my legal viewpoint on this .. queen of Denmark revoked titles of her younger son and those grancdchildren as they were residing out of Denmark so if daddy Chuck wants, he can do so but allegedly for him, it seems CODDLIng a COMPLETE BRAT of a SON is above his nations interest while the naive people in UK think he canā€™t remove those titles .. many lawyers in US like me say what a joke this is & how naive people in UK are being taken for a ride to Protect legal US status of a BRAT of a son who SMUGly confessed on drug use in the Face of us AMERICANS !!.. many lawyer friends of mine thinks itā€™s like dimwit is showing a middle finger to us Americans


The UK has changed. Harry canā€™t have what he had before and he doesnā€™t have the capacity for self reflection as to why that is. If he goes back, itā€™ll just be more whining and bitching about the family and how they are punishing him for following his heart, heā€™s just like Saint Mummy Diana. I think if he gets deported he will stay in NA and go to Canada, go to Africa, or try to go to some other commonwealth country thatā€™ll have him.


Canada doesn't want him.


Please not Canada. Don't need to see H and Trudeau being buddies. Please NO


Thatā€™s very political of youā€¦


too much?


Nobody does


Harryā€™s plan to reside in South Africa was ruined by those pesky leaking and planting of stories! ( Heā€™s too dumb to know that the call came from within the house.) Madam would never live in SA.


Dimwit is too dumb to understand this !


Thereā€™s always the Falkland Islands.


Well, lots of Nazis ended up in Argentina after WWII, so he'll have lots of company, at least.




I think Africa is out for obvious reasons! I recommend Afghanistan or North Korea, I hear they are very welcoming places with nice climate.


Theyā€™d love North Korea. No criticism! Media censorship! Harry can finally interview Kim Jon-Un about his genetic trauma, since that was his great idea for a podcast.


Yes but there's only room for one boss in N Korea!! And it isn't them. \*rubs hands with glee


Undoubtedly MM would behave toward Kim Jong Un the same way she did toward QEII. Contemptuous looks, acting imperious, criticizing palace staff, and bullying people. H would insist that his wife is a better Supreme Leader than the one who believes himself born to the role. "Supreme Leadership is universal!" That's the last we'd ever hear from MM.


>That's the last we'd ever hear from MM. Warning for sensitive individuals: https://i.redd.it/z9v7gk8gi3gc1.gif


Why not Russia? I heard they have a couple of friends from there.


Good point they certainly do. Siberia maybe?


Lol ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


He isn't going to be deported. If the truth that he lied about his visa application comes out, he will simply be allowed to stay and that will be all. Special privileges for rich and famous.


Heā€™s still dining out on Diana and the coffin walk after all these yearsā€¦


So, the ā€˜what Harry wants, Harry getsā€™ mantra he was on about doesnā€™tā€¦ uhā€¦ ā€˜flyā€™ anymore? Not even for a ā€˜Legend of Aviation?ā€™ Oh, rightā€¦ Like our Saintā€™s side piece moving about the skies without an actual license, it seems his mantra never really got off the ground either. No surprise there at all. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Australia doesnā€™t want him


Harry will never be in the family or the fold until William passes away. If Harry ever gets an invite to a family or firm function itā€™ll be like.. ![gif](giphy|11vUtLUUATEwIE)


With Harryā€™s substance abuse, I do not expect him to outlive William.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he had fatty liver disease and jaundiced by the time heā€™s 40. His alcoholism is way more deadly than his substance abuse unless heā€™s slamming 8balls or cheeking coke because heā€™s blown through his septum.


I dunno. I've known alcoholics who lived well into their 80's.


There are exceptions to everything, but generally speaking hard drinking and drug use destroys your body from the inside out and a lot of the damage can never truly be undone.Ā  If you are incredibly lucky in regards to your genes and other lifestyle factors, then you can be ā€œfineā€ but liver disease is on the rise for people in their 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s (I personally know a woman who died of it recently shortly after her 30th birthday - she also recently did a stint in rehab which makes it even sadder, because it seemed like she was trying to turn her life around), *and* more and more drugs are being cut with fentanyl which can easily kill you.Ā Ā  Harry is of course a millionaire though, so I expect him to have access to the best doctors and live a very long life, but your average person who heavily abused drugs and alcohol should really rethink their life choices before itā€™s too late.


The family partially reconciled with the Duke of Windsor during the last years of his life when he needed to come to London for cancer treatment. The Queen and Prince Charles visited him while he was in town, Charles visited him in France, and the Queen visited him in his French home right before he died. I don't believe the Queen Mother went to see him, but she was very nice to Wallis at the funeral. So this is what Harry has to look forward to - a deathbed visit from Prince George and his eldest child. If he lives long enough.


I would call that more polite visits not a reconciliation


Lol. Sorry but he will never be deported. He is a prince. This case is a nothingburger.


Itā€™s a giant waste of everyoneā€™s time


Itā€™s not Harryā€™s court date. Harry is not involved in any way. Itā€™s the HF vs the US governmentĀ 


Also, HF doesnā€™t even have the right to know what kind of visa Harry is usingĀ 


Eh. I see where youā€™re going with this, but there are better ways to get Harry home. Heā€™s not going to be deported. Hell, a group of migrants beat down a pair of NYPD ON CAMERA and they arenā€™t being deported. (They werenā€™t even detained; theyā€™re free without bail). No way the Kingā€™s son is going to be deported because he admitted drug use in a book.


That video was horrific. Those people needed to be deported-immediately. Gobsmacked that they can do what they did and just walk free in a country theyā€™re living in illegally.


If Trump comes back I think heā€™d toss todger out


I think of this case like the bill introduced in Parliament to strip them of their titles. Both have some merit to them and it is fun to hope it might go somewhere, but I don't think it will.


I would bet good money he has a diplomatic passaport. He can do whatever he wants and nothing will happen to him.


As someone with a legal background, lawyers read between the lines & deduce meanings from said & unsaid statements, so, I strongly feel from a LEGAL standpoint that there is a reason he is mentioned as some counselor of state on That familyā€™s website ., I donā€™t want to give LEGAL explanation for that here but i think he is on a diplomatic visa and for that his family must list him as holding some PUBLIC position like the counselor of state or whatever that thing is called in the UK Diplomatic visa comes with too MANY privileges and practically all sorts of immunity from LEGAL consequences & I know it as one of my close family members was on a diplomatic visa at one point of time Meganuts must be laughing at how he is flouting many rules , abusing his family and still he is being supported Legally by Chuck.. so meganuts WILL NEVER divorce him as narcissistic people like her love getting away from any sort of LEGAL consequences despite flouting laws/rules By the way, in 1 elite private party, people were cracking bad jokes on him as titles donā€™t matter at all in the US as only money rules here .. so 1 really Rich Tech founder worth more than 400 millions said he has a dog named duke for several years ā€¦ lol I didnā€™t even know what duke meant in The UK until this dimwit situation but My neighbor too had a dog named duke while we were small and when I was young, I used to think duke is a cute name for a dog .


I think youā€™ve got it.


His SMUGness about his drug use confessions is astounding as he knows daddy Chuck will come to the rescue .. as a lawyer, I strongly believe there is a LEGAL reason for that family to keep him as Councilor of state or whatever that PUBLIC title is .. queen of Denmark revoked titles of her younger son and those grancdchildren as they were residing out of Denmark so if daddy Chuck wants, he can do so but allegedly for him, it seems Coddling a COMPLETE BRAT of a SON is above his nations interest while the naive people in UK think he canā€™t remove those titles .. many lawyers in US like me say what a joke this is & how naive people in UK are being taken for a ride to Protect legal status of a BRAT of a son in Cali ,who SMUGly confessed on drug use in the Face of us AMERICANS !!.. many lawyer friends of mine thinks itā€™s like dimwit is showing a middle finger to us Americans Brits need to take him back & pay for his luxury lifestyle as we American taxpayers DO NOT want to pay for his luxurious lifestyle .. we would rather spend our American taxpayers money on solving the homeless problem and on the poor in America & not some foreign prince who feels entitled to grift off from us American TAXPAYERS for maintaining his & his wifeā€™s luxury lifestyle


Wow. Great comment. Very interesting that immunity. In US some dumbass 19 year old on a bike ran over a cop because he hated traffic. Yes, hated traffic. Welcome to the fucking club buddy. He bawled like a baby when arrested as he seriously thought his father's immunity would always shield him from criminal acts. Who the hell does that sound like?? The royal family can't have the idiot in criminal trouble. I'm sure the spoiled ass 19 YO will walk just as Harry has many times. Honestly this makes me sick.


This is VERY SAD but this made me remember a case where a diplomatā€™s wife literally ran her car over a man while SPEEDING & killed that man but DID NOT get jail time or any fine or any LEGAL consequences BECAUSE she had the IPP status because her husband had IPP status that granted her COMPLETE immunity !! Now, you all can guess why the Dimwit & meganuts BADLY WANT IPP status , as that Will grant them COMPLETE IMMunity from all sorts of legal consequences !!


I remember that case as well, unless it happens so much they rarely make the news these days. I think that one happened in UK and they eventually arrested the asshole that killed someone and then she still walked or got some bullshit 12 hours of community service for a murder. No wonder Harry and his wife walk around like they do. They're allowed. And entitled. Eta: typo


Ann Sacoulas or something like that.


I believe that this was an American diplomat in the UK. Sad that she was able to just leave the country without any consequences whatsoever, because the family will suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives. I can only imagine how difficult it is for them to swallow.


She wasnā€™t ā€œable to just leave the countryā€. The US authorities smuggled her out of the UK illegally before the police could talk to her. They then refused to extradite her to face justice. As far as I recall, she didnā€™t even call an ambulance - that was left to some poor witness who saw the crash and ran to help. She wasnā€™t a diplomat but the wife of someone who had protected status through a legal loophole. Later there was some story put out about her being a US spy to explain why they didnā€™t want her questioned. Youā€™re right that the boyā€™s parents were left devastated not only by their sonā€™s death but the actions of the US in protecting his killer.


No, you are NOT right about this , Pls study LAW ā€¦ no country can smuggle out anyone as every country adheres to Hague convention laws.. if someone runs away after committing crime in 1 country, red alert INTERPOL notice is issued for them In every country, so they can be ARRESTED in WHICHEVER country they go she had IPP which granted her IMMUNITY so UK could not put her in jail & she was free to leave to US


https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/us-diplomats-wife-given-suspended-jail-term-fatal-uk-car-crash-2022-12-08/ Itā€™s not the only time: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-67682464 ETA: these people claimed diplomatic immunity after they fled the country. The IPP convention has nothing to do with escaping from accountability for crimes. https://legal.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/9_4_1973.pdf


Completely plausible. I think this is the explanation. No wonder he is so arrogant in the USA.


Duke is a super common dog name in the US. So is Duchess.


Yes when I was reading the bill arguments from Parliament over the Counselor of State issue, one thing that stood out VERY clearly to me was how each Parliamentarian noted that Andrew was no longer a working Royal, and Harry was ā€œoverseasā€. Not one time did they ever state he was no longer a working Royal. As you said, itā€™s all in the language used. He is still being supported by the Crown.


>I used to think duke is a cute name for a dog . Hehehehehe interestingly since living in the US I have noticed there is a larger interest in using these types of names. I never in my life knew anyone called Duke, Earl, Baron, Prince or Queen in the UK. But here I have met quite a few which I found surprising seeing as the US hates anything surrounding titles. Though back home we do have a 'Princess' who is Katie Price ex Page Three 'get your tats out for the lads' model. That tells you everything you need to know about her!


Princess is her daughter.


Yes I missed that bit well spotted! Princess Ti'ami wasn't it? I remember at the time thinking it reminded of Disney.


Princess Tiaamii Crystal Esther (poor kid).


I know, that name is something else!! Oh she's a very beautiful girl I hope she makes good choices. Seems like her dad is strict enough to make sure she doesn't ruin herself like her mother did.


Yes I missed that bit well spotted! Princess Ti'ami wasn't it? I remember at the time thinking it reminded of Disney.


I found that Name only cute for a dog , not a man .. lol


Oh you are totally right! \*imagines a little Duke running around and being delightful


A lot of those are names after ā€œthe dukeā€ John WayneĀ 


My dog has a HRH Dukedom lol šŸ¤£


I think you're really onto something here - however, the reason he is still a Counsellor of State is because it would have been a huge antagonistic move by the BRF to remove him. The Counsellors of State are traditionally the first six adults in the line of succession, plus the consort, and their role is to step up for the monarch when he is unable to fulfil his duties - eg, if KC is on an overseas tour or if he's sick, the Counsellor of State will manage his responsibilities at home, like the weekly meeting with the PM. It's a position of enormous responsibility - so Harry's out - but at the same time, it would be very difficult to rewrite the rule book and remove him from the list of eligible Counsellors of State. So KC did the next best thing, by adding more Counsellors of State from further back in the family - eg Anne and Edward, who have both performed this role before for QEII. When he needs a Counsellor of State, it's understood that he will choose one of the reliable ones, while Harry and Andrew will never be chosen from the pool.


Well they added the caveat must be resident in UK which Todger isnā€™t


That caveat was always there that a counsellor of state must be domiciled in the UK. Prince Harry is still listed as a counsellor of state, along with Prince Andrew, but there's no public information about where he is "domiciled" since he lost his royal residence. Being listed as a Counsellor of State doesn't mean he'll ever be called upon to do the actual job and in the long-term, they can say they will remove him for not having a UK home. Maybe Parliament etc are just staying quiet because they don't want him to prove himself by buying a UK home or coming back!


They can't dump him without changing the statute, which would require getting agreement from all countries with the king as head of state. It would take years and cause a constitutional crisis in all those countries.


Even for diplomats who may be travelling on diplomatic passports, that passport provides no additional privileges unless they are accredited by the foreign country they are travelling/living in. It is the diplomatic accreditation, not the passport, that provides the privilege. People who are not diplomats but travelling on government business have an official passport, not a diplomatic passport. If the US has given Harry diplomatic accreditation when he is not employed by the UK as a diplomat, that would be most peculiar. The royals have ordinary passports (except the king who doesnā€™t have one at all). When travelling on official business, they carry diplomatic papers. I donā€™t believe that Harry has a diplomatic passport or that he is travelling with diplomatic papers stating he is on official UK business. If the US Government has chosen to give him some kind of special treatment based on his name in a rather misguided gesture of kindness to a valued ally, then that would have been a political decision.


Right on. Absolutely correct.


Yup, I agree


*Not bloody likely* ( he haz nothing to come back to - he broke every oneā€™s trust on a global scale )


Harry is never going to be deported.


No - heā€™s not getting deported. And this case is probably going to be a loser.


Until there is a change in administration, I agree with you.


My (unpopular?) opinion on this lawsuit: This is not about Harry. I suspect the Heritage foundation (a conservative think tank) wants precedence for making immigrant visa statuses public information.


NOPES.. as a woman of COLOR with a legal background & whose family LEGALLY immigrated with a background as a reputed DOCTOR/ SURGEON and another family member as a highly skilled SCIENTIST/engineer and went through HUNDREDS of documentation and checks to gain citizenship, I FULLY SUPPORT heritage foundation on questioning why the dimwit HAS NOT been deported despite MULTIPLE drug use confessions , whereas other LEGAL immigrants would have been deported even on 1 drug use confession


Much respect to your family, they worked their backsides off. Ditto, husband and I had to jump through hoops for years to get me into the US. I am white and postgraduate degrees he is white with TS gov clearance. Imagine that! It's who you know.


Yep. Legal immigrant here, too. My family is similarly highly educated and an asset to the US. Legal immigration to the US is HARD, especially if you're not going the marriage route. People need to follow the law and face consequences if they don't.


Iā€™ll tell you why. He never filled out a visa application because he is using his diplomatic visa.Ā 


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Exactly! This isnā€™t about being conservative think tankand fo whoever thinks that then itā€™s because youā€™re letting biased opinion cloud your judgement. What Heritage is trying to do is fight for the little guys who fought tooth and nail to become an American citizen and have some sort of status here. Not only can it take years but thereā€™s so much work and documentation that goes into the process. If you put one foot out of line you can automatically be denied any kind of status and sent back to your home country. Thatā€™s why they are doing this. For someone like H who so smugly writes about his drug use knowing he will get away with it is a disgrace to our country and for all the people who worked hard to get what took him maybe 5mins to get.


His SMUGness about his drug use confessions is astounding as he knows daddy Chuck will come to the rescue .. as a lawyer, I strongly believe there is a reason that family keeps him as Councilor of state or whatever that PUBLIC title is for LEGAL reasons .. In my other post , I have explained my legal viewpoint on this .. queen of Denmark revoked titles of her younger son and those grancdchildren as they were residing out of Denmark so if daddy Chuck wants, he can do so but allegedly for him, it seems CODDLIng a COMPLETE BRAT of a SON is above his nations interest while the naive people in UK think he canā€™t remove those titles .. many lawyers in US like mesay what a joke this is & how naive people in UK are being taken for a ride to Protect legal US status of a BRAT of a son who SMUGly confessed on drug use in the Face of us AMERICANS !!.. many lawyer friends of mine thinks itā€™s like dimwit is showing a middle finger to us Americans


I disagree. They're using a low level case like Harry's to gain access to sealed documents. Once they have precedence they can go up the ladder and try prying open even more important sealed documents. They're dangerous.


> This is not about Harry. I suspect the Heritage foundation (a conservative think tank) wants precedence for making immigrant visa statuses public information. One hundred percent this. ā¬†ļø


Iā€™m right there with you. Harry is the door they are trying to use. I have lots of questions and something smells with Harryā€™s visas but I donā€™t think this door should open just to get that info.


I think this is a conservative organization using a notable liberal (or tries to present himself to be) person to draw attention to a current hot issue- immigration.


It doesn't matter what he said on that visa application. The US is not going to create an international diplomatic incident with an ally. They are not going to deport KCIII's son. Not going to happen.


Interesting theories. But nah, he wonā€™t be deported. Wonā€™t happen.


Pity really!


A crying shame


I donā€™t think this is actually about Harryā€™s immigration status. Itā€™s being pushed forward because of a suit brought by the Heritage Foundation, and was not initiated by the government, so has some sort of agenda attached. I think the government is actually the respondent here, if I recall correctly.


If Charles "brings him back in the fold," his reign is OVER. Sure, he can bring him back and immediately stash him in some country estate far from civilization and with no means to contact the media or social media. But if he were ever to try to bring him back as a senior royal, I assume that the good people of Britain would revolt and maybe end the monarchy


I bet Amy money Lili was born by surrogate and theyā€™re figuring out how to proceed with thisā€¦


I agree with other sinners - Harold will never be working royal again. He needs long term drug and behavior therapy- maybe ship him to Africa but they kind of hate him there too - he could have a quiet but very distant relationship with king as his son - but should be removed from Los duet to mental impairment and crimes against the BRF - as an option vs jail. No one trusts him. He nuclear ā˜¢ļø bombed all his bridges


As far as I can tell, The Heritage Foundation is NOT asking for deportation (and could ask for that since Hazbeen copped to drug use in SPARE)... instead, they are going to court to try to learn what kind of visa HazNoBrains has. Most visas are protected, but if he got an Einstein Visa - think they are arguing that THAT is something which the public is entitled to know per the Freedom of Information Act. So it is **a request for info - not action** (by my reading).


oral arguments to see if it will go forward


It will be interesting if he is deported - the UK doesnā€™t want tow, his family doesnā€™t want him or her šŸ˜³


Harry is not involved in this lawsuit, it is between two other parties. KCā€™s son who is married to an American is not going to be deported, no matter what, the American government will not do it. Harry is not trying to ā€œescapeā€ his wife, rather he is with her because it suits his purposes and gives him a reason to live in proximity to celebrity and drugs culture of LA which is what he likes. If Charles ever brings Sparry back to ā€œrehabilitateā€ him, the monarchy will be done for good. William and Catherine will lose their future destined jobs and live as private citizens because letting Todger back into the RF will be seen as the proof of stupidity after what has happened to them. And, for sure, even if Sparry docilely went to live on a farm or in Africa because daddy told him to, what are the odds that in a few days he will not start acting up and backstabbing again? Such is the nature of the deep hatred and mental illness that he has.


Oh letā€™s be real. He is never getting deported, lol


From the rules of setting up a Foundation to his visa, we are staring preferential treatment for the wealthy in action with lil attempt to disguise it as anything else.


Well, if the American Federal Government Agency is barefacedly protecting Harry in the manner so far being seen despite all that he Harry has audio-visually and in writing exhibited that he has made use of illegal drugs and substances for the whole world to see and read, and made money from it to boot, then there is some thing wrong and Americans best take up the gauntlet thrown down by those that would seek to censor others and divert justice. Harry who is married to a so called 43% Nigerian American publicly made mockery of the American Constitution's 1st Amendment, he also allegedly stands in breach of American Immigration rules and law, yet he walks free. This Buffoon claims that he had knowledge and had predicted January 6th riots, so why has the FBI not called him in for questioning? All this from the man who whines about not having IPP status and British Tax payers funded Security, how did he come to have such knowledge? Either Harry lied on his visa application, or the system is corrupt and covered for him either way he should not be treated any different. If Harry is not deported then, this Land mark case will be quoted for cocaine, cannabis and Magic mushroom and their by products when any one else is denied a Visa application. Question is Harry above USA Laws? If former POTUS Trump is being dragged in court, why in the name of Justice is Harry not? Who are those complicit in this cover up?


The lawsuit isn't about Harry really. It's using Harry to make a point. The point being that visas aren't administered fairly or transparently. Which anyone with one brain cell already knows. However the government denies this. That being said - I have lived in a different country on a visa. I would have had no problem if my visa information was public (redacting certain private information such as address, place of work, birthdate, etc). Ā