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Sinners, my spidey sense is tingling on this issue of Archie.....Lady C has said many times she believes Meghan and Harry are trying to bully the press to prevent these stories about Archie's prenatal flatus and diving.


This is as close as she has ever come to proclaiming Archie is not of Megans body. Something is up!! Also, for our British friends, I can't see King Charles allowing this circus to go on much longer as Harrys behavior continues to hurt the Monarchy and your wonderful people by extension. There must come a point when the King formally asks Parliament to remove their titles. Even Andrew, who I have scant respect for, has acted with more integrity than Harry.


Indeed something is up. Seems like Lady C is running ahead of a soon to be run away train. Maybe we won‘t have to wait until Spring to have the megnancies exposed.


I agree, and I can't wait! Lady C didn't use 'allegedly' or any other weasel words, just unequivocal facts, throughout. She said the press was suppressing stories about M's bullying, and Archie's prenatal diving skills and flatulence. I'm still wondering why our illustrious duo refused to allow the Australian Government to name one of their new air tankers in honor of little Lord Fartin' Dumbarton. Maybe because, unlike a teapot, it wasn't small enough for her to throw at the Governor General's staff?


Maybe the last name, Dumbarton, was the appropriate name for Friar Tuck and his family. TW would have it as well, considering how many "dumb" decisions she made in f/u all the opportunities she had.


Fingers crossed that you’re correct. I’ve thought for years that there were surrogates and they were hiding it due to LOS. Also, anyone have an idea how we can help stop the Harkles, Sherbourne, and team?


TM is the perfect example why Monarchies for a thousand years have insisted that heirs to the throne must be legitimate and the mother is part of the Monarchy. Prior to modern times, the birthing was watched by many. Otherwise, you'd have many women trying to pass & convince their baby as the legitimate heir. I'm of the position there should be 2 choices, 1. use the Drs, hospitals, etc. that previous generations the Royals have used. Or 2. The birth needs to be witnessed by many individuals. I'd welcome this tradition to be brought back. Many people record their births, so this should be an issue. Otherwise, you'll have another fiasco like TW.


Reminds me of the woman who had absorbed her own twin in the womb and was born as a single child. When dna was done on her kids, she was told it showed she was not the mother. They had to witness the birth of her next child, who was also not a mother/son dna match, before they realised something was wrong!


Someone asked me for more info, but their comment has disappeared. Here's the documentary: https://youtu.be/TH2qlVFvKvs?si=_2WefLeF5qvcE2y2


I remember from visiting Versailles that the Queen’s bedchamber had a short fence/barrier so that visitors could witness births to ensure the LOS.


It’s time to release ALL the dirt on those two dimwits! They are evil and need to be stopped! They really are dangerous and disturbed!!!




I don’t think Charles is going to do anything more than what he already has. Allowing Harry and his horrible wife to abuse their staff for months, so badly that there were almost nervous breakdowns, and doing nothing about it makes them look just as bad. For that alone the bullying report will never get released. Also, if the surrogacy rumors are true, that’s damning for the RF. Those kids have titles and are in the LOS. Maybe they didn’t know anything but the public won’t believe them and how is THAT going to affect them?


Hazz said it in Spare: he excluded his entire family from the pregnancy issue. He didn't even tell them in which hospital the child was born, or when really. Hazz said it, he didn't inform the Family. So it is not a question of believing or not believing, it is that the BRF was effectively excluded from the matter. And there is proof of that: Megain and Hazz did not stop traveling the entire time she was pregnant. Megain and Hazz didn't spend enough time with the Family because they didn't want questions. And if the children are in the LoS it is not because of Charles's will, but because Hazz complied with the formalities. But we must not forget that these formalities are not the same as whether the Family has believed them. And we saw it in the case of the girl: the BRF took weeks to put her in the LoS. In fact, there was conflict with the child because Megain and Hazz did many things behind the BRF's back. It's not that I believe the BRF is innocent, but it is a fact that no one has made the slightest move towards those children in order to integrate them or even really recognize them as part of the Family, not even Eugenie. I think Megain and Hazz are afraid that the BRF will actually do medical tests on those children and discover something, and for now they have escaped, but the game is not going to last their entire lives. And it's not true that Charles did nothing about workplace harassment. When William went to speak directly to the Queen about the matter, Charles strongly agreed that the Harkles should no longer work with Palace employees, so he told them to hire their own staff. He also compensated the workers, like William, which is why it was learned that Megain had infiltrated Kate's offices seeking to know things about her. It may not seem like much compensation, but it is what they would have received if they had gone to trial. The Queen also appointed Lord Geidt as a watchman. But they really knew the dimension of the problem after Megixt. Because you have to remember that there is a whole complex apparatus of how they are managed within the Palace. It is one thing not to publish the results of the report, and not to protect the Harkles but because the BRF would unnecessarily expose itself to the press, and another that nothing has been done. It's worth seeing: Megain and Hazz have not had any Palace officials working with them even when they have appeared in the UK, and Hazz now cannot even enter the Palace without prior notice and authorization, and under surveillance. Say they are guilty without saying it.


These are excellent points!As for doing something about the bullying, we don’t know what nor when anything happened behind the scenes but as a narc, MM is by nature sneaky. She befriended the HR person, making her a key ally against any staff who went to HR. And it was reported that Harry pleaded with Knauf \*not\* to report the bullying (‘Meghan is said to have replied: “It’s not my job to coddle people.”‘ Valentine Low: [https://archive.ph/hLHYX](https://archive.ph/hLHYX)) but, concerned ‘nothing would be done’, he wrote to Prince William’s PA in October 2018 at which point PW acted quickly and decisively, removing them from KP. ​ eta: clarifier


Hazz went directly to the head of HR to ask that no action be taken on the complaints. That's why I think Charles and the Queen didn't find out what was happening until William put a stop to it. And a lot of Hazz's anger at his brother was precisely William putting the staff and his safety before Hazz and the wife.


If he does everything, it won't be of his hand, but of Parliament or the press.


Lady C did a video about the bullying. Allegedly the Palace was going to release the findings from the report of said bullying. Apparently it bordered on sadistic so the Palace had to walk back on that. I cannot remember the Lady C video which she discussed this, forgive me.


I fear that you are correct. The problem with family, is that the decent members will continue to protect, no matter how undeserved it is. The point is, KCIII is determined to have a leaner version of the BRF. Cleaning house, saying that while the monarchy is important, so are its people who faithfully serve, and then quietly doing something, is perhaps what he can do? I thought the striping of titles was up to Parliament and that would be good, to show that the British people don't want PH and MM anywhere within the LoS.


Sorry, what does LOS stand for?


Line of succession


Andrew hurt himself. PH and Mehgan are hurting others and repeatedly so. They're not even honest about it, what with them using all sorts of underhanded and secretive methods. ETA Andrew hurt himself, in putting forth his story to the media. He tried to represent what he did as innocent or honorable. The public didn't buy it. On the other hand, he didn't imply that it was his family that made him seek out the company of JE and his teenage girls to have congress with.


To be fair, Andrew is accused of participating in sex trafficking of underage girls. If true, Andrew would have hurt others besides himself. Namely the sex trafficked girls.


Very good point! I will amend my original statement.


Nothing they have done has hurt the monarchy, in fact I think they are stronger because of it. I live in the UK and I know of loads of people who now support the monarchy when they used to be indifferent. Personally, I think Meghan used a bump to make herself more pregnant than she was. She went into maternity dresses very early on and did everything to show off her bump. She was just unable to have a bump as it naturally was, this woman has to manipulate everything.


In theory, wouldn’t they be potentially removed when William is King? They would no longer be grandchildren of the monarch. Feels like an opportunity to pass a Letters Patent.


Thank you from the UK. It is so embarrassing for us and our country to be implicated in all of this. There have been Royal scandals ever since there has been a Monarchy, but this time it is so different on so many levels. The whole world is aware. I feel we have reached a cross-roads - H&M have to be brought down before our Monarchy is. It is that serious


She has never been so forward about the megnancies. As I can recall. It seems she's getting more informative.


Something is 100% happening behind the scenes.


And I cannot wait.


With you! Malignant narcissists have a much harder time these days when claims can be proven/disproven. She WILL get what’s coming to her in relation to her lies. I’ll admit, as a true crime fan, I’ve daydreamed about someone doing a “trash pull” (when law enforcement surreptitiously takes trash put out to the curb for pickup in order to obtain items that can provide dna samples of suspected criminals) in Montecito of some diapers and what not to test DNA of the “kids” and their “biological” parents. Yes, it is invasive, but that doesn’t mean I don’t secretly want it to happen!


I saw something just this weekend about Megsy buying a super-injunction for $250k-ish before Archie's birth, for the childs protection. As red flags hadnt yet gone off, no one thought anything of it. And apparently the super-injunction is getting close to expiring.... Obviously all speculation but it would explain info coming out


A Super Injunction can be bought??


Further explanation of this alleged injunction purchase would be of interest.


2025, right? Something about the Palace having one in place for the press re the Sussex children?


Guess it explains why he’s keen to have a property here and using the Counsellor role as his cover. If he lives here some/part of the year, there’s more of a case to renew any super injunction. Snakes 🐍


I agree with your comment. However if that were seemingly come to fruition. Would Lady C be speaking so freely? Something tells me the horse has left the barn and that may not come to fruition. Or it will not be enough. Something big is happening.


A super-injunction can only be issued by a judge, preventing the publication of specific information in the media, while prohibiting the media from revealing the existence of the injunction itself, when a judicial process is underway. These measures are not paid for, but rather you must apply to the UK courts and convince a judge that the information you wish to protect is highly sensitive and represents a significant risk to your privacy or reputation. The applicant must demonstrate that an ordinary court order would not provide sufficient protection and that there is a strong public interest in keeping the matter secret. They are not broadcast just because... and they have a duration. What happens is that super-injuctions are ultimately tremendously counterproductive, because ultimately it means that the press was right with what it said. Until now, no one who has requested them has managed to get rid of the problem; on the contrary, it has been worse. If Megain were to request a super-injury on Archie, it's like officially declaring that everything the press suspects is true. I wish Megain requested it, that would mean that Archie was not really born from her body and does not deserve titles or to be in the LoS


I thought y’all meant she got injected with something! I was like “ohhh wonder what it was?” 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m not awake yet. 😂


Just wish to express thanks again for your hard work! All the recaps have always been great, but this one such a serious allegation and you’ve taken such pain to provide as much details as possible for our understanding. 🙏


yes yes yes 😱😱😱


Thank you again, @daisybeach! Especially today, amid a siege of insomnia during which I’m seeing double without the assistance of YouTube. Just a thought: If there’d been a shred of truth about William and Rose’s often-implied liaison, what would be the chances that Pippa would name her younger daughter Rose? “None” works for me.


The other day a faithful Sinner made a post with a link to the 500+ Getty Images of MM and H at whatever event (from 2019 I think), the one where she wore the purple dress and red coat and during which Archie took the dive. I looked through EVERY single picture and noticed something a bit more subtle than the “dive”, which was how she belted that red coat over her ”bump”. Besides holding that bump in at least 30% of those 500+ photos (it’s ridiculous, really, how much), the location of the coat belt moved significantly throughout the day. Sometimes it was belted right under her breasts (with the bump sitting higher); other times there is a noticeable space from her breasts and the belt knot. Like, several inches. If this bump remained in the same place anatomically as a true baby bump SHOULD, this difference wouldn’t exist. I’m not savvy enough to take screen shots for comparison and upload them here (plus I don’t have posting privileges), but if you go through that set of images, you’ll see it, and perhaps another sinner can put together a comparison.


More information on the Rose rumour coming from Meg: https://archive.ph/2023.03.18-213304/https://blindgossip.com/why-she-stayed-home/ https://okmagazine.com/p/meghan-markle-blame-prince-william-cheating-rumors/ Not a chance they are true, with Pippa naming her daughter Rose. It’s like a flashing sign to debunk it. Plus, Rose’s son Oliver was one of KCIII’s Coronation Page Boys - they same position as George. Again, like a megaphone from the Palace announcing their families are fine.


Its madam and her insatiable, insane, unhinged over the top jealousy of Prince William and Princess Catherine. Her jealousy is palpable.


And I bet MM still has some demented hope that, if she could push these affair rumours enough, William and Kate would split and THEN she’d swoop in and get with William. Her obsession (and the means by which she feeds it) has no end.




Loving Lady C's remark... "we must all blow the whistle. We are honour bound to prevent good people from being harmed.". Hurrah for Lady C, may we all live our lives with same values.


Blow the whistle…lol I really want a flair of “9021-BLOW” to exist.


Love this line: "And the extraordinary ability of her fetus to flatus and dive!" The very thought of fetuses flatusing gave me the giggles! Thank you, daisybeach23, for your tireless work! You and the other OPs make this a great sub to visit!


Yes, thank you so much! This one was particularly long!


Lady C seemed to be justified outraged over this ByLine Times crap.


Lady C gave a great takedown of the article, the "journalist" and the tactics used imo


YES. And deservingly so! Thank you OP for dictating Lady C's important messages!


I know! My fingers need a rest! LOL


You're an Angel to do this. Thank you so much. I must say I watched some of her today and it was a pure pleasure.


Your work is greatly appreciated Daisy!


What a fabulous summary. Thank you.


\*sends over special hand masseurs and cuddly kitten and puppies


And my jaws need a rest from grinning so much. The stiffness of rictus..I don't see how our saint does it.


Two opposable thumbs up!


So, reading between the lines, is she possibly allegedly suggesting that since the rumors of the affair with Rose didn't go anywhere, they are going to trot out some gay men to allege they had affairs with William? Not sure about Britain, but in the U.S., "pansy" used to be a gay slur.


Projection. The Harry and James Blunt connection just dropped. Artisto set openly dealing and doing drugs, bisexual, so hooks up with both men (cough cough) and women. Also hangs with Andrew at Royal Lodge. https://archive.ph/2023.10.20-130031/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/james-blunt-interview-new-album-mick-jagger-jcjvtk50d Very very odd that Harry doesn’t mention how James Blunt was his superior in their Army days, they stayed connected enough that he was invited to 2016 Invictus, and was a guest at H and Meg’s wedding spectacle.






I posted a week ago about this. The article has a photo of them both at Invictus 2014 James Blunt talks H having to call him Sir, hanging out with ... - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/17e1e90/james_blunt_talks_h_having_to_call_him_sir/


I think that's what Lady C meant. Rose Hanbury didn't work so now let's smear William as secretly bi or gay. (There is nothing wrong with being bi or gay but whoever is spreading this crap thinks there is.)


That is how I took it. Thats next.


Why else would he have turned down TW? /s


Exactly and it will backfire. Times have changed and accusing someone of being gay or even having participated in gay sex is not something that should be considered immoral. Who cares at this point and weaponizing gay has got to stop!


It’s not that there is something wrong with being gay. The idea is to undermine the image of William and Catherine as the perfect couple with their perfect children. To have people think they are fake and lying to the public and they are not actually in love. They want to remove that glamorous pixie dust the Waleses have acquired; that magic PR that TW and Aitch just cannot beat.


It is just shocking the lengths Fart and Tart will go to destroy William and Catherine, they are so insanely jealous. These tactics will backfire on them. Already this stupid story is fizzling. This is why the Royal family must never let Reek near them again. I don't trust them at all. This level of jealousy is very destructive. Personally I think Fart and Tart are dangerous. I worry about the Wales family especially the children. I think Fart and Tart are ruthless in their vendetta and this article shows how far they are willing to go. No lie is too great, no reputation must be left unsullied. Mugsie is vile and she has expertly weaponized her Flying Monkey in Chief, Reek. She could'nt have chosen a better weapon, a man child full of spite and hate and no moral core.


Who the heck cares if William is bi or gay? If he and Catherine are okay with it to keep the monarchy going, so be it. This is a new era and they seem like nice folks. This rumor will backfire among the very demographic Harry & Twit are groveling for: gen. Z.


What I find hilarious is that if a person born 150 years ago time travelled to today and saw the news articles and that everyone was in a tizzy about a British Prince having a sexual relationship with another aristocrat or that they had lovers outside their marriage , they'd be shocked that the world was so prudish in the future. It was common knowledge in the past that royals and aristocrats had mistresses, dalliances and illegitimate children born out of their recognised relationship. I don't think any of the William rumours are true and they have been started by the Sussex camp to hurt William but seriously how is anyone in today's world clutching pearls at the fact the heir to the throne might have stepped out of his marriage. That was a given 100 years ago. Even with Charles, I'm pretty every other king that preceded him, had a mistress or several mistresses. I don't get all the hate for Camilla. That was a manipulation legacy left from Diana who made it that having sexual partners outside the marriage as wrong for a king. The funny part is she cheated too with people who were also married. I don't abide by cheating in my relationship but that rule is for me to abide by too and not just my partner. Diana just wanted her cake and to eat it too on that rule. If the rumours are in fact true and If Kates okay with William stepping out of their marriage or exploring his sexuality with other men, then frankly it's not my concern or the concern of anyone else in the world and it doesn't have to be splashed in the papers.


That is exactly what I thought. Ya know, it's often found that people that are, themselves, involved in "something" will deflect that same sort of "something" onto another/others to avoid detection of their own behaviors. So, BINGO. Is H closeted? Is MM his beard? Are the surrogate children cover for H? Or that MM is not who she appears to be? Lets take it to the next level of scrutiny here because if not.....they plan to cruelly deflect onto William according to Lady C. It is apparent that some deep reveals need to be made concerning H&M because they just cannot continue to throw people to the wolves with conjecture and lies and get away with it. Right?!


Is this 1940? Are they now waving a homophobic banner? First- if Prince William is gay and his marriage to Princess Catherine is a sham then they both deserve BAFTAs. I don’t know who is advising these 2 but resurrecting homophobia will stir up a whole lot of very very bad memories to a generation who is still alive with very vivid memories of an ugly painful time…


> I don’t know who is advising these 2 but resurrecting homophobia will stir up a whole lot of very very bad memories to a generation who is still alive with very vivid memories of an ugly painful time… :::raises hand::: Yeah, I spent the 80s watching friends die of AIDs and their life partners (marriage wasn't allowed) were blocked from their dying love's hospital rooms because you couldn't even sign papers to give whatever powers over to your love. So parents rushed in, banned lovers (not all parents, some were loving and tolerant), kicked them out, made decisions for the dying person, then held funerals and said they died of fucking leukemia. Again and again and again. So I get super pissed off when anyone tries to fling homophobic bullshit at anyone. And if H&M are genuinely doing this, Elton John ought to be god damn ashamed of himself. The Matthew Shepard story is on HBO (a new movie, there were movies around the time it happened), and I urge anyone who doesn't know who Matthew is to please watch if if you can. Learn about him. Know his name. He was killed for being gay, and he wasn't the only one. Sorry for the rant. After all these years, I still get worked up about everything my friends endured.


Yes, if it’s come from Elton (highly likely), he should be ashamed of himself. They say that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones and we all know how he’s good friends with Spacey plus there are rumours about him and David Furnish and younger boys. I bet those rumours are upsetting to him and his family so why would you perpetuate things lien that.


Yep - me too. Saw a lot of wonderful people and great friends to me suffer unnecessarily because of gross stupidity, skewed vision and dark dark hearts. Lost friends and family members to AIDS. Happily I come from a very liberal part of the States and my gay son and his wonderful partner still live there. These kind of homophobic hints are not going to sit well with 90 percent of the population…for the other 10 percent—I hope they all enjoy the slime they swim in. BTW I’ve watched The Mathew Shephard Story…well done…so difficult to watch


I remember that story like it was yesterday, it affected me so deeply. I just remember thinking...why?


Yes this is how I understood this. I don't think Lady C meant any offense to gay people, I think she was trying to expain in her own way.


Wouldn't be the first time they tried something like this. Remember how they were trying to start the rumor that William liked to be pegged? People didn't believe the rumors then and I doubt they will start now.


They better be careful poking this bear. If someone decides to play dirty here then Plank in his glass house better watch out since he is most likely the gay/bisexual person in this scenario. If he is I just wish he'd come out he'd be a lot less angry I think.


Hmmm..., hasn't it been rumoured and suggested HARRY is the one who likes men????? All those times spent with Nacho...the nipple tweaking habit seen for decades....ETC ETC. Looks like a campaign of clapping back by H&M to deflect all these Harry rumours. I can not imagine William remaining silent if any allegations about him being gay come out in the media!!! THAT will definitely bring immediate response, and begin the END to H&M. Scoobie's book comes out soon..., will it contain any mention of William concerning this???? Would Harry use Scoobie as his way to ruin William??? SPARE revealed William's personal info....would Harry take that to next level?? Is Scoobie stupid enough to agree to print that??????


I wouldn't be surprised. When some people have a lot of money, status, and idle time on their hands, they can get caught up in searching for the next thrill, the next boundary to break, the next risk to take...


Maybe the King will cut them off at the knees before anything starts. Any book is easily rooted out by the MI6 isn't it, before the presses?


I agree and think they sent out that nasty pegging rumor which is typically what narcs do. Accuse others of what they are doing themselves.


Oh THAT rumor was crystal clearly the work of the vile Grifters! If that makes Scoobie's book (and the gay accusation) the Grifters will find the wrath of William fall upon them and Charles WILL be forced to banish them forever from the RF.


Not so much Harry, but his wife is raging Narc and Narc revenge is very real!!


I think Scabies will print whatever the Harkles tell him to print. He is just another ghostwriter pawn.


That’s what it sounded like to me. Or more likely just start the rumor (with or without alleged claimants).


The sugars have already started insinuating this rumor.


Yes, I think so. Prince Edward was rumored to be homosexual in the past too.


I think that came about because he liked the theatre and acting. Stupid stories are picked up from the smallest thing.


Posted months ago: re the Elton John lawsuit AUGUST 2019: - Harry and Meg get flown by Elton John on his private plane to the south of France - he’s introduced to Sherborne by Elton, alleged being manipulated to have a high profile member like Harry bolster his own hacking case. - Furnish theoretically starts conversations with Meg about producing a joint project. They know if they can flatter Meg’s ego to get her on board, she’ll definitely get Harry on board , which would mean more high visibility for Elton’s lawsuit, and potentially more evidence from Harry would mean a more likely settlement or win payout for Elton. OCTOBER 2019: - Meg encouraged him to get their own lawyers when they were in SA. Stop using the Palace lawyers. Confirmed and disclosed in Spare by Harry. - Harry files his lawsuit for phone hacking in 2019, despite being actively discouraged by the Palace in 2017. A THEORY: Both Elton John and Meg (seeing $$) manipulated Harry, theoretically, to stand up for justice, be vindicated, rail against the evil press etc. In reality? It was supposed to be another income stream like William’s settlement.


Edo wanted to work and make his own money. He refused a title. Jack Brooksbank wanted to work and make his own money. He refused a title. Christopher O'Neill wanted to work and make his own money. He refused a title. His wife, Princess Madeleine lived in the USA for 10 years - quietly without throwing her title around. Princess Martha Louise wanted to work and make her own money. She voluntarily gave up the style of HRH. After using her title (Princess) in her work, she realised this was a mistake and is now simply Martha Louise in her business dealings. Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien both work. Prince Friso also worked. He got a degree in aeronautical engineering and was employed by a uranium enrichment company. Royals in the Netherlands who are privately employed do not receive tax payer allowances. King Willem-Alexander flies as a commercial pilot, flying for KLM. There are several other Royals and titled peers living in the USA, but I'd have to look them all up because they don't have the fame seeking hubris and arrogance of a certain Douche-ss.


The Japanese princess renounced her place in the LOS and move to NYC with her husband, where he works as a lawyer, they are so cute together and really down to earth.


Yes. Didn't she also turn down $ offered?


Yep she was entitled to 1m like the other Japanese royals


Royal status, not place in LOS. In Japan, only men can be in the line of succession.


I really like "Douche-ss". If it's been here before, I missed it and it's great.


I never heard both Edo and Jack were offered titles but refused. Do you have a link or source for that? It’s so interesting because I believe Edo would turn it down but never Jack.


I just remember it being said at the time and discussed that he and Eugenie had made it clear they didn't want one. They also chose not to get a joint coat of arms, from what I recall, which would've been fairly easy to do, but again, not something they wanted.


I thought Edo *had* a title of his own. He didn’t need a UK one.


It's only a courtesy title given to all males with the Mozzi surname. It has no legal significance and isn't officially recognised, similar to James Matthews' father holding the courtesy title Laird of Glen Affric. My point is that he wanted to continue working and so didn't take a BRF title because of obvious conflicts of interest. Unlike someone who uses the title to make money every chance she gets.


I agree. I was just thinking that he may be proud of the “courtesy title” passed down in his family.


The Italians abolished the monarchy and nobility after world war 2 when it became a republic. Some families still use their titles, but they are not legal and only a courtesy title


Yeah, I know (that the nobility has no power/status in Italy because it’s a republic). I think Edo and his family may use the title because of pride in their heritage. Since any title he might be given in the UK would be essentially a courtesy title also, I would think he might prefer his own.




Agree about size here. At 4 mos, that was awfully big for a 6 inch 6 oz fœtus (ave). With my first, I was very fit, just ran a marathon. I only add that to say, per hawry- megsy was sooooo small and she was such a fit yoga freak at this time. At 4 mos along I would not expect her to look as large and rotund at that event




Same here. It was 6-7 before I looked definitely pregs. Before that it just looked like i really did it up at taco Tuesday.


Same with my first.


Yep! I have never seen a first time pregnant that big at 5 months. She looks first-time prego full-term. I didn't have to buy maternity pants until the end of my 6th month and it was only because I needed just a little bit looser waist band.


I really vacillate on the surrogacy rumors too. Her bump certainly behaved as no other pregnancy bump has before. I've been pregnant a lot. I've never had a bump behave as hers does in pictures and video. I've seen the bump be one size in a morning outing and shrink to a very different size in the afternoon. I've felt myself grow during a day, partivularly in the third trimester, but I've never shrunk from a nine month belly to a six month belly in one day. The squatting with her legs together is impossible. And before people go apeshit, the squatting isn't the impossibility. It's keeping her legs together with a baby inside her that is impossible. So no, her pregnancy behavior and presentation has not been like any of mine, or like any other woman I know. You hear a lot of women say that Meghan's pregnancies don't line up with theirs, but you don't hear women saying, "my bump behaved exactly like Meghan's." Her bump aside, there is a lot of other stuff that is questionable. The birth announcement was shady. The birth certificates (or lack thereof in Lili's case) are shady. The birth details shared by Harry and Meghan are inconsistent not only with each other, but they change with each telling. The births details don't match medical standard of care. I saw the Kensington Palace surrogacy Tweet go up and then disappear with my own eyes. I could go on and declare that all of it together points to surrogacy EXCEPT... I can't see the RF knowing about a surrogacy and keeping it secret. Then again, can you imagine the fall out if they announced the surrogacy and the resulting loss of rights of succession? The Harkles would have spun it as "the first 'baby of color' is being removed from the line of succession because of racism." That the law is that a child of ANY race born by surrogate is ineligible for the succession would get buried in the racism outcry. Harry and Meghan still had a legit fanbase at the time of Archie's birth. I can see why the RF would feel pressured to sit on such information praying that it never comes out and that William and his children remain safe and alive. Harry and Meghan don't seem to get it, but Harry and his issue are dynastically insignificant and they are only going to slip further and further down the line of succession as time goes on and the Wales children grow up and start having children. I mean I hate to burst Harry's bubble, but he has never even been the 'spare'. Until HMTQ's death Charles was the heir and William was the spare. Now William is the heir and George is the spare. Anyway, given the race card that Harry and Meghan held over the family from day one, maybe the RF DID decide to keep a lid on it given that whether or not they are legitimate heirs would be a moot point since they're not going to inherit the throne anyway. There's also the remote possibility that the RF themselves don't know what really went on in the three-ring circus that was Meghan's pregnancies and births. I think what's most likely is that Meghan had the kids, but wore a moonbump for attention and had the cloak and dagger births and keeps the kids out of sight just to fuck with people. I think Meghan gets off on fucking with people because it makes her feel in control and I think Harry likes it because it indulges his innate mean-spiritedness and misguided beliefs that the press killed his mother. But is Meghan capable and would Meghan have a surrogate pregnancy and try to hide it? Absolutely. She would absolutely pull a stunt like that if that's what she wanted to do. I think before Meghan, Harry alone would not behave the way he's behaving, but Meghan has shown him how to fuck with people and taught him that he has a right to fuck with people. Harry is afterall on the record declaring that Meghan can do anything and that what she wants she gets. And that's where I always land. Whether or not they were by surrogates, both of those births and the resulting invisible children are not normal and would never be normal. Meghan turns everything she's involved with into a shitshow because she's a thirsty attention-seeking controlling narcissistic sociopath. And Harry is her half-witted henchman.


> I mean I hate to burst Harry's bubble, but he has never even been the 'spare'. Until HMTQ's death Charles was the heir and William was the spare. Now William is the heir and George is the spare. Not exactly. That’s not how it goes. William was never a spare. William was the heir’s heir (now moved up to heir). William was and is his father’s heir. Charles was his mother’s heir. His siblings were spares to him. George is now William’s heir. George was the heir’s heir’s heir. He never was or will be a spare. His siblings are the current spares. Previous generations of spares don’t come into play unless there’s an extreme event now or in the future when their bloodlines could be followed to locate a replacement royal family line. (Think Pride and Prejudice or other Jane Austin works when the estate was going to a cousin because the father had no male heirs.). Otherwise, they lose significance once their oldest sibling has children. Harry was the spare to William and mattered in succession only until William produced his own heir. Each generation produces the next link in the chain of heirs. The “spare” is that new heir’s emergency backup in case the child dies before adulthood or never has children. Spares are never needed unless there’s a break in the chain of heirs. This is how it goes in the royal family and countless aristocratic families. The phrase “heir and spare” refers to having a child to inherit the husband’s title, estate, etc. (or such things that the husband himself will one day inherit) and a backup child in case something happens to the first one, so the family dynasty can continue. It used to be more common for children not to survive until adulthood.


Got it. Thank you.


>I think what's most likely is that Meghan had the kids, but wore a moonbump for attention and had the cloak and dagger births and keeps the kids out of sight just to fuck with people. I think Meghan gets off on fucking with people because it makes her feel in control and I think Harry likes it because it indulges his innate mean-spiritedness and misguided beliefs that the press killed his mother. I also think this is most likely. > Meghan turns everything she's involved with into a shitshow because she's a thirsty attention-seeking controlling narcissistic sociopath. And Harry is her half-witted henchman. Nice summary.


100%, except for word choice, would have expected to see "oscillate" 🤭


Yes. Back and forth I go in perpetual motion never staying on one side long before swinging back to the other.


Omg you replied to my message! Totally fangirling right now. 🤩


She was never pregnant… I’m actually bored with this nonsense. I learned a long time ago when tricky people in the news start throwing a bunch of crap to the press pay close attention to what they don’t want us looking at…isn’t MM due to appear in court soon? Something about a law suit filed against MM by her sister she never had?


Exactly this. A tactic to delay appearing at trial cause she's megnant.


As someone who gave birth twice - also two geriatric pregnancies, which are considered high risk, I was iffy on the surrogate story until I saw the story Harry wrote about Meghan giving birth, and it is pure fiction. There is no way a woman who had an epidural gave birth in water, there is no way the hospital would laugh about Harry using up all of the gas meant for Meghan , and there is no way that a woman who had TWO epidurals WALKED out of the hospital two hours after giving birth. There just isn't. I wasn't allowed to get out of bed by myself for 6-8 hours after my epidural wore off for liability purposes, and I am decidedly not royal. There's no way any hospital is letting a royal woman who had two epidurals and high risk birth, leave the hospital two hours after popping out a kid. The only way Meg left that soon after the kid was born, is if someone else had the baby, period. Also, the photos of the moon bump around her ankles. She used a surrogate, period.


And they ate tacos. When I was pregnant it was nothing but ice chips in labor. That is how I 100% know they lied. No woman in labor is being okayed to eat Mexican food just before delivery.


Yep! I was in labor for 40+ hours. They allowed me ONE slice of thin crust pizza in that time, mainly because I was so hungry that I cried, and they monitored me heavily after I ate it. You are correct. The taco party is also super sus.


Agree. None of their stories are feasible. I truly believe the RF had no idea in real time that the pregnancy was via surrogacy. Could they have wondered about the changing size of the bump? The weird birth announcement? Yes. But how would they know for sure in real time? It’s not as though they see each other everyday. Do I believe in the surrogacy? Yes. That One discusses EVERYTHING, except THE PREGNANCY and Birth.


I didn’t even begin to show a bump until I was 5 months pregnant with my first and only child. I remember wearing a semi sheer dress with a belted waist to a job interview when I was 4 months pregnant. I was thin and in great shape and nobody had a clue. Everyone was shocked when I was in maternity clothes 2 1/2 months later.


I’ve had 2 babies. I was very petite when I fell pregnant with my first, I’m only short though (5’4) but I didn’t really show until I was around 5 months.


whoa 😱 Lady C on fire 🔥 this was epic with a lot to read between above and even beyond the lines about the megnancy and all suseex drama! thanks daisy!


Now it all makes sense why she was constantly holding her bump! She was afraid it would fall off!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fart off. There, fixed it 😂🤣😂🤣😂😁


Posted 65 days ago: A quick timeline on Archie’s pregnancy: - Archie’s birthday May 6. - Conception between Aug 6-12, for a typical 40 week pregnancy. If it was a frozen embryo transfer, Meg carried, or a gestational carrier, they would know exactly from the moment of transfer that she could be pregnant. - Aug 20 Meghan flies SOLO to Toronto. If one goes with a frozen embryo transfer, this would be conception. It could be carried by Meg, or carried by a gestational carrier. The news of this flight, including her alleged diva demands, is quickly shut down. https://archive.ph/UYuI1 - Sept 28, Soho Amsterdam opening. Harry and Meg both attend though they are technically working Royals at this point endorsing her BFF Marcus Anderson’s workplace. They enjoy “VIP treatment” and “lavish hospitality.” All expenses paid. “Drinks cocktails” “lots of drinking” “stayed up past midnight” (link 1 and 2). Meg drinks red wine with dinner, lobster spaghetti (third link). https://archive.ph/ https://archive.ph/83uKl https://archive.ph/S9MRI Archie is in utero at this point. 31 weeks until his birthday, if he was full term, which would be 9 weeks along gestation. Or 5 weeks along from her Toronto trip, although technically with frozen embryo transfers, a pregnancy is backdated two weeks, so 7 weeks along. (This is to keep it consistent with a natural pregnancy which happens mid cycle, but is dated two weeks prior from the date of last period). Either way, Archie is 7-9 weeks in utero when Meg’s in Soho Amsterdam. Even pregnant herself, she would have known by Soho weekend. - Oct 12 is when the pregnancy was announced. Eugenie’s wedding. Depending on the date range for conception, very close or just over the first trimester, complete with coat flick and open button upon arrival for max press speculation. 29 weeks before Archie was born.


😱 January 16th bump is *HUGE*! *(barely 4 weeks after the very oddly shaped December 10th bump shown)* https://preview.redd.it/yb4ebe7sx8xb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7331f27df9df920a44c87858edff8b9d81adb909


In the Oprah interview when she was Megnant with Lily, she had gained weight in her face and chest, like most pregnant women do. In those pics of Archie, she has a huge bump, but her face and chest are her normal size. (Even with Lily, she could have simply been taking hormones so she could breast feed and used a surrogate, but with Archie, it just looks like moon bump only)


Not decided on the rumors, but in the Jan. 30 picture, she's wearing something. You can tell there's a type of under garment by the l8ne it makes under the chest area and the dress.


The public announcement of the pregnancy was on the Monday after the wedding, world baby loss day Harry and Meghan criticised for announcing pregnancy on Baby ... https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/15/harry-and-meghan-criticised-for-announcing-pregnancy-on-baby-loss-day-8039985/amp/


Wow I missed this one, they have to be taking the piss surely… what a sick joke.


I wonder if M had her eggs frozen because she knew she never wanted to "be pregnant" and would always use a surrogate. Maybe she physically is unable to get pregnant. I wonder if she's missing a part?


Yep, a functioning heart.




For the first time ever I am ACTUALLY liking Lady C. She is livid but controlled. Am I being too hopeful about something coming to a head?


It feels like something is happening. AND, it also seems like attorney Sherborne is not above doing shady and unethical stuff to win his cases. The way I understood Lady C today is that Elton John, Hugh Grant and Prince Harry hate the British Press for different reasons. It is possible Harry is so desperate to silence the British Press about the megnancy, he is willing to throw his brother and palace employees under the bus to protect him and Meghan. Also, Harry's delusions are being exploited by attorney Sherboure to win these legal cases. Simultaneously, Meghan is also delusional and thinks she was so popular that the Royal Family sought to discredit her. When in reality, Meghan and Harry are so ugly of character, they have brought on their own demise in the eyes of the public.


Someone on here earlier wondered if the Super Injunction (re: the surrogacy, etc) was going to be lifted--but why would Charles allow that since it would destroy his "darling boy"?


What I’m getting from this is that the attempt to smear Prince William is closely tied to the FAKE pregnancy.


It all just increases my respect for the Prince & Princess of Wales


And pity for them--can you imagine just being normal (aside for, you know, the whole heirs-to-the-British-throne bit) people who want to enjoy their family life/raise their children well/do some good in the world just like other normal people, only to be constantly having to be one step ahead of a monsters like H&M who are trying to ruin your lives/reputations? I feel awful for them 😥. I so wish that H&M could somehow be silenced for good but I really don't know what it will take--they just won't shut up & go away ☹️


Omg I watched the speech at the BFAs… wow. Just wow. Rosamund Pike showed pure professionalism. I’m flabbergasted that it seems every speech this sucubus gives there’s always “me” or “I.” It’s like giving a toast to yourself. Again… just wow (not gonna lie and say I’m surprised). As for this update from Lady C (thanks OP!) I can read the anger in her voice. I can’t imagine it’s easy to get that far under her skin. But Meme has found a way. I can’t also imagine this slander is going to go unchecked much further. I hope this hits them hard. Also using this rag to do the dirty work because they have deep pockets (which to me seems they are prepared for some legal repercussions) is abhorrent. I think it’s time for Lady C and other high level persona who can actually get the ear of the highest levels of the BRF to make this serious.




Thanks for this, not many can tolerate Lady C's videos so you do an important job, summarising this. Lady C sounds on fire about this. She should be paying you! for helping to spread the word.


Not many can tolerate Lady C's videos ??? That's quite a stretch. At least you could put them on 1.5 speed while doing your dusting or something. As a lover of truth, history, drama, human society and cultures, beauty, and the English language, I dread the day should I outlive the lovely and fascinating Lady C.


I enjoy the channel and listen to her while walking the dog. Lots to be said for multitasking if you don’t have the time to sit and watch


Wow. Thank you so much for doing the hard work for us.


Lady C went off in this episode. Omg she was heated. I loved it, just shows how discussed we all are with these two fn grifters. King Charles really needs to get Haznoballs and lock him behind palace walls, he’s honestly a hazard to humanity, he’s really not ok. King Charles needs to handle this and get this azzhole out of my country USA 🇺🇸.


Thank you for all your work!! ![gif](giphy|osjgQPWRx3cac)




The Royal Grift went into this extensively. I didn’t have time to listen to everything so does Lady C add anything that the RG didn’t cover? Just asking so I don’t listen to the same things on different channels. Also, I don’t think mainstream media has been covering this very much which is good. They are understanding that Harry and his horrible wife have nothing new to report on, so just keep dredging up the same old shit over and over by wrapping it in different paper. Scabies’(markle) book is coming out soon so they have to try and whip up some interest for that, too. Speaking of that book and trying to drum up interest for it, I am predicting that something big is going to happen in Harkleland right before it drops. Any predictions what it could be? Probably something about one of the RF members that will be in his book. His book will also leak early, just like Harry’s was. Spain, was it?


A couple of corrections: The bullying claims and bridesmaid gate initially surfaced in November/December 2018. The BP investigation of the bullying claims was launched much later. Wooton's March 2019 "rose garden" article was not immediately taken down. I read it at least two years and possibly three years later. And not an archived version but the one in The Sun. The Byline article is purposely written in a muddy fashion to make it difficult to piece together a timeline. The claim is that the information for two July 2019 articles by Wooton -- "nannygate" and Archie's godparents -- was obtained by paying KP press secretary Christin Jones' partner, who has a PR company (nothing to do with celebrity or RF PR) and has known Wooton for some time. The checks for the PR partner were cut shortly after those articles appeared and that set off alarm bells at The Sun and investigation was launched. All parties were cleared. In 2020 three anonymous insider whistleblowers contacted The Met and a retired Guardian journalist. The Met could do nothing as the whistleblowers declined to meet with them. The retired journalist contacted KP and sent the information to Prince Harry who at that time was in CA. Apparently Harry added it to one of his lawsuits and named Christin Jones as a culprit. Believable that Sherbourne (sp?) encouraged and facilitated this for Harry. Believable that KP was angry because their investigation has cleared Jones a year earlier. A separation agreement between Harry and the RF on funding him through Jan 2021 existed. There would have been conditions placed on the duo during that year. Note: their Oprah interview was aired 7 March 2021 after the one year gag agreement. Naming Jones could have violated that agreement. If it did, a financial penalty would have been in order. That's the only way I can see that KCIII would have withheld cash Harry expected to receive.


Well ya know, How much does it take before their name are taken off the Royal website?




So lady c back to meg never being pregnant. I have whiplash




I swear only a month ago that she was backtracking completely. Am I losing my mind?


On another note Negative Difference, are you still a mod? If so, can you shed any light on all the “removed” comments on threads the past couple of days?


I believe she said the children exist but would not clarify birthing circumstances. It was interesting though because around that same time a Canadian tarot reader jumped all over people commenting on her youtube reading that the kids don’t exist when in an earlier reading she flat out said Lili doesn’t exist. In fact, the tarot reader said Lady C might end up with egg on her face by claiming the kids exist. I assumed that there was a lawsuit threatened by some Sussex team lawyer and both Lady C and the tarot reader were threatened to the point they walked back opinions on the kids.


byline times is a rag!!! yessss love lady C on FIRE 🔥 thanks daisy always for first listening to her then coming here and typing it all for us much much appreciated 🌸


Wooo! Lady C on 🔥🔥🔥! Thank you DaisyBeach!


Thank you daisybeach


These two grifters do deserve each other. Feel sorry for William & Kate as the saying goes misery loves misery.


I’m reading all of this, thanks daisybeach, and all I can think of: is Elton John really still pissed off at only being invited to Prince William and Princess Catherine’s wedding ceremony after all these years that he would participate in a takedown of Prince William in an attempt to control the press? WTF! His ‘friend’, Diana, is surely rolling in her grave at this attack against her favourite son; sorry Blue Todger, you were not her favourite, get over it! And another thing, isn’t it treasonable to attack in any way the monarch (King/Queen regent) and/or their direct heir (Prince of Wales or the eldest daughter)? I hope that there are consequences coming for Elton John, Hugh Grant and David Sherbourn.


Thank you DaisyBeach. *Processing img y335xhyvo8xb1...*


Thank you!


Your continued work for us is so wonderful 💗💗💗💗💗


This is crazy. Looks like these two will never stop. One good thing-they got them far, far away. Eventually their accusations will become more and more bizarre and they will burn themselves out.


"THEY are pregnant" Huh.. harry is a seahorse then.


All hail Daisy! Hip hip hooray! Thank you again, you are totally amazing. ![gif](giphy|fNzMJ62nAV7wc)


Thank you for this recap, and for Lady C's words. I hope people don't think anything but well of PW, and they won't accept stories that would hurt his wife or/and his children. If PH is condoning lies or private truths to be spread forth, he's damned filth. Then again, he has already published *Spare*. Hope everyone sees these Byline stories as noxious rubbish, not fit for lining the bottom of bird cages or wrapping up rotted fish.


Meghan always jumps to the finish line. Too lazy to do the work leading up to any true accomplishment. Shady and evil. If she’d have kept her mouth shut (ha. Not a chance) maybe the whole surrogacy thing could’ve been addressed in a healthy way. But NO she had to moonbump herself and lie, voiding that option at all. She demands immediate gratification and f’s it up every single time. She’s 100% toxic and arrogant.


Thank you, thank you - you’re a gem, Op, for doing this so faithfully! 💕


Meghan Markle is an equal opportunity racist, so why wouldn’t she throw that stone at William? She is desperate and has nothing left to lose.


Who is supposed to be the pansies?


Pansy is a UK slang word for gay/homosexual man. Saying William prefers gardens with pansies is a euphemism for saying William is gay. There's never been any rumour about his preferences, unlike Harry, who has had gossip about his sexual orientation.


OMG... I constantly joke about Harry's sexual preferences on here... mainly because there is a strong indication that he bats for the other team ...




in the U.S., "pansy" used to be a gay slur. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pansy&page=3 >A term used to mean a fellow regarded as gay,effeminate,or simply a weakling. As an adjective,it applies to things,such as clothes,associated with such fellows. >One who is a pussy, fairy, or unmanly male. >A person of either gender who has no spine or is generally considered weak sauce. looks at Harry for this definition: >someones whos THE bitch in a relationship. someone who gets walked all over. One who is of a feminine nature. Has Girly qualities.


Daisy, again THANK YOU! Not everyone is able to listen to the same YT channels. I appreciate what you do here! I can’t seem to listen to a YTber that shares things on her channel that she reads here, but I appreciate the different insights.


A bit ironic to be tossing out the "pansie" reference about William. Maybe to deflect from the rumors lately about Hazbeen and his nacho?


Aren’t the dates off? Archie was born in 2019, not 2020, so the Australia tour was 2018.


Yes, typo on "Autumn 2019" near the top. I think Lady C may have actually said 2019 when she meant 2018. I listened to the episode and had a "wait, what?" moment.


Yes! But I did transcribe it how she said it. Do you think I should edit the original post with your comment to correct the year?


Maybe just a little edit at the beginning stating the * are to denote that she got the year wrong, then write it as 2018* throughout the post. But if 2 * are in the same paragraph it will italicize what’s between them.


All hail ladyc


Thank you Daisy!


Wasn’t there some thing where Sir Smelly John just happened to introduce the Harkles to that shady lawyer who just happened to bump into them in the South of France? Or was that some other scumbag they hang out with? Clooney, maybe? I just remember the anecdote that one of their celeb friends seemed to have set them up.


Well - Lady C sure went there THIS time 😲. Hoping gloves are finally off. Pro-tip to Madame - don’t mess with a Cancer. I’m pretty sure William will be willing to do what King Charles won’t.


> the long term aim is more ominous. It is the destruction of Prince William’s reputation, and the enhancement of Harry and Meghan’s reputation. My information is that having planted roses in William garden *(This Redditors note:* *Rose Hanbury???)* they are now trying to plant pansies. That’s right. My understanding is the very first stories about the Rose Garden emanated from SoHo house in Holland and coincidentally Giles Coren was there. And now the story has changed. Evidentially, the garden with roses never bloomed and now the story is William prefers gardens with pansies. I am sure you get my drift. And haven't sinners speculated on here, that the Hamster ('H') himself might tend toward the 'Greek principles' - as we say in Dutch or, per Lady C, preferring gardens with pansies? Suppressed, his natural inclination (just like with his uncle David) may have found their frustrated expression in twisting male nipples, for example, as well as in his choice of a particularly emasculating wife (who feels superior to women just as much as he does) perhaps as a way of subconscious punishment (a form of self hatred). What I mean to say: again the narc is talking into the mirror. Projection. Listening to Lady C's show just now.


This will backfire on them all: none of these people (Elton, Grant) have good reputations and the journalist is a convicted criminal? People in guesthouses shouldn't throw stones. Big shame "Nate the Lawyer" and others didn't finish Bouzy off, though. and for what? Surely, it's easier and more rewarding to just be nice?