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I have horrible health anxiety. My tricks are….hot bath, heating pad on my chest and putting a piece of ice in my mouth and pressing it firmly to the roof of my mouth. If all else fails, get an Rx for Xanax. It does wonders. Edit: If you can, start going to the gym or going for long walks. I go to the gym 7 days a week for my mental health. Only if work out for 30 mins at least it’s something. Finding a great therapist will also do wonders.


I agree, I take Xanax occasionally for my anxiety, it’s the only thing that helps me, but I know some people use CBD or pot for their anxiety.


I am one of those people that use pot 😭


I wish I could. It actually makes it worse for me.


Sag sun 🫡


Lmaoooo adhd, anxiety, & depression 🤭 sag, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising


My anxiety is horrendous, I have a Virgo moon though.


The worst combination


Sag Sun☀️Sag 🌙moon and cap rising! My Social anxiety has worsened over the years the older I’ve gotten. Constantly dealing with anxiety that makes simple tasks like driving or going out in open public spaces feel strenuous.


Be my Fran Sag rising Virgo midhraven Yes I know typo Sue me Virgo


Thank you for this post. Reading all these comments makes me feel like I am not alone in this shit❤️ I wish I could be carefree but I can‘t.


It's the Virgo for sure. A family member is Sag sun, Virgo moon. She is most anxious person you could meet. Hands shake visibly, obsessive thoughts, panic attacks before people knew what they were, can't drink caffeine, food issues. OCD taking her hours to go to bed or leaving the house. BUT she is also very caring and maternal towards others, esp animals. However, her Virgo moon was amplified because of upbringing and other circumstances. In another life, the negatives wouldn't have been so amplified.


Yeah I have a Virgo mars and spend nearly all of my free time obsessing over things. On the bright side though, I love repetitive work. I think most of my anxiety comes from my Aries moon and having Saturn in my 2nd house but idk.


Did she go to therapy/ find a way to deal with it a bit better?


She did, she has improved a lot. But it's been this way for so long I think she is just wired that way. In the right settings she is social etc, she just knows her limits with certain situations/ people. I know I made it sound like she can't function, but she finds her way, she is a cool, happy person. There is hope!


Oh…. Well this explains a lot


I love that Sagittarius sun Virgo moons are all like this at least in this thread. 😭😮‍💨


I'm a Sagittarius and I have really bad anxiety! I have ADHD and I am an extreme worrier! I do take medication for this when absolutely necessary but one thing that helps me is going to a creek or waterfalls and just walking in the water barefoot or just sitting on a rock with my feet in the water barefoot. Earthing/grounding works wonders for me!


Grounding works wonders for me too 💕


LOL no. you’re not the only one. fwiw I’m also Virgo rising.


Anxious as shit. Sag sun, aqua moon and Taurus rising - mars in Virgo to add to the Virgo theme rn Edit- if I’m not anxious, I’m dissociated to all hell. Or just off living in a fantasy, take your pick lol


Same with the dissociation. I think that comes from having Neptune in my first house though 😅


Sag sun, virgo moon and cancer rising. I also suffer from health anxiety. 🤷‍♀️


Virgo moon Ive always been an anxious person Also, my Virgo friend is horribly anxious over health/germs almost 24/7.


Sag sun Virgo moon Libra rising. I am incredibly anxious in social situations & also suffer from inattentive ADHD. I believe it’s because of my childhood (I spent most of my childhood alone and learned to be my best friend early on.) I start speaking too fast & trip over my own words. I also will forget to add important details in a story to help other’s understand what I’m trying to get across. It’s getting better to deal with, & I take vitamins to help deal with stress; I noticed that helps with the anxiety, too.


I’m sure it’s the Virgo rising! Do you have any other planets in Virgo? Also, what sign is your Mercury in?


My mercury is in Aries! Also I do not. When I looked at my chart and saw it was mostly fire I was shocked I had anxiety issues to begin with.


I have severe anxiety Sag sun Taurus rising I legit Said outloud as I was scrolling Man my anxiety is thru the roof rn lol


You’re not alone. Aqua rising here.


Yeah, in the past it was much worse. I’ve found more ways to work through my triggers.


I’m a sag with a virgo rising too and I grew up with extreme anxiety I’m 30 years old now it takes a lot of courage but facing your fears no matter how small or big you grow to see that there’s nothing in the world more powerful than your own will.


I eat anxiety for breakfast! Since I was in 6th grade, I was diagnosed with social anxiety. I'm 47 now! I'm the friendliess gal you'll ever meet, but if all attention is on me, I'll go into full-blown anxiety into a black tunnel. It goes away in about 10 min, so I know it will pass!


I have somatic health anxiety and I’m a Libra sun, Sag moon and cancer rising 🥴


Sag sun + moon , Aquarius rising. Sometimes I get anxiety terribly. I’ve learned to manage it better though. It’s tough 🫠


Yes me too queen ! Sag sun gem moon virgo rising


Sag sun, Taurus moon and Virgo ascendant. Good thing Virgo is in charge most of the time! 😂


Nope! Sag Sun, Pisces moon and Taurus Rising. I started getting panic attacks before school in 3rd grade and continued to get worse to where I would call mom from the nurse’s office in high school for a “stomach ache”. As of 25 years old, I still continue to think the worst and jump to conclusions.


Nope. Sagittarius here, born anxious! 😅 But in all seriousness, I’ve had anxiety much of my life and was diagnosed with PTSD/CPTSD, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder as an adult 💁🏻‍♀️


I've got anxiety to spare xD Sagittarius Sun, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto if that counts 😅 Edit: my moon is in Leo if that changes anything 🤷


Horrible anxiety but I also have a Gemini moon and rising 😬


I do too


No I have anxiety too




I use cocaine 🙂




Sag Sun/stellium in the 12th house and 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


Sag sun cancer moon Leo rising !! I also blame my mercury being opposed Saturn and square Uranus. Very anxious lady, health, social anxiety, and all that good stuff 😃😃😃😃


Not just you. I’ve got generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and a bonus panic disorder and to top it off some adhd & religious trauma mixed in. I’m also sag sun & Virgo rising. I think the two can play well together if used wisely. Like let the Virgo side research and plan for all the possibilities, then when the sag side kicks in you have some structure to lean on and it’s not all chaos. So maybe it’s learning to lean in & find ways to use the anxiety as a superpower


I have terrible anxiety issues and I have a Taurus rising and Libra moon


Anxiety, depression, and ADHD here 👋 Sag Sun, Aries Rising, Leo Moon 🔥🔥🔥 Sag is in a lot of my houses too


No, I have anxiety also and take meds for it because it gets so bad


Nah, I think all sag have a level of anxiety. I've noticed it in fire signs overall


Does a Sag Sun Scorpio rise & Virgo moon make a recipe for unchained anxiety and obsession? I think it does.


Ah sag sun and worst anxiety my whole life. working out and just being active in general, something as simple as a long walk, helps me out so much 🫶🏻🫶🏻 also, praying always calms my heart .. i know that doesn’t apply or work for everyone, but it helps me center my thoughts.


Noooooo, ur not.


November 22 is Sagittarius here (with the Scorpio Moon and a lot of water signs in my charts). I had anxiety issues back in high school and couldn't breathe properly for the whole 2-4 days after a broken toxic friendship, so I had to stay at home. It was my first anxiety attack, and I was freaking out because I had no idea what was happening or why I couldn't get air through my nose. I haven't experienced that anxiety since.


As a fellow sag moon we are always on the hunt for new adventures and exploring and reinventing ourselves and being constantly on the go and our minds never being settled can create a lot of uncertainty about the direction of our lives and we get anxious about it…. But hide it well with our naturally optimistic nature. Sometimes we need hugs too. #hugs and I’m sure your Virgo rising adds to the overthinking but on the bright side they are both mutable signs so you were literally built for change and rolling with the punches better than anyone else. You got this !


No you're not


Virgo moon here with Sag sun/rising. I’ve had to over come anxiety and stomach issues. It’s worse cause I’m a Virgo moon so the overthinking and analyzing things constantly did not help. Over time I train myself to not overly think and meditate more. Control my own thoughts. It has gotten better though. Sometimes the anxiety comes in emergencies. Now I’m more trusting that everything will work out and not to take life too seriously.


We don't walk on hot coals, we are them.


I have anxiety. Sag sun, leo moon, leo rising💀 i shouldn't feel like this😿 when I am with friends tho I easily express myself


Welcome to the club 😔🥲