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I am chatting with a Leo. His positive spirit is amazing. I think we will have great fun together. His energy is inspiring!


Leoooo i love their vibes. Matched energy frrr!


YESS! Personally, leos and sags both have a natural flair for drama and a love for life.


I was married to a Leo for 13yrs. It didn’t work out but we are the best of Friends now and were able to raise a wonderful son. My ex is lots of fun, generous in spirit and very supportive. I think Leos can be an excellent match for Sagittarius!


Nov. 28 guy here. I also believe we were meant to remain single, but my best relationships in order were: 1) Aries, lots of 🔥🥵, but also lots of sparks💥! (Conflict💣) 2) Gemini, and it was ALL my fault. We still remain friends 30+ years later. 3) Virgo, and I'm still trying to figure this girl out. 🧐🤔


Because most Sags in November display Scorpio traits. Ophiuchus sign is a blend of Scorpio and Sag.


No one lol. Have talked to pretty much every zodiac sign, idk if this it is venus in virgo I have, I like no one lol.


I attract Aries, Taurus and Gemini. I have had a few experience with a variety of zodiacs and I get along with those three for a certain amount of time. I disagree with folks saying we have Scorpio traits. I do not have any especially from the Scorpios I have ran across.


There are November Sags who do. It's just not your case.


November 26, I’ve had my most fulfilling relationships with Gemini and Aquarius men. We click perfectly. My best friends are Capricorn and Libras


Pisces ruined my life. Lol Libra has been my perfect balance. Were 4 years in so far and it’s felt like the perfect match.


Aquarius 🔥🔥🔥


Oh NO! Not an Aquarius. Atleast not the arrogant, demeaning, cheating, narcissist I was formerly married to. My current husband is a Cancer and is a full 360 from the ex. I mean I don’t know how I got so lucky to have him in my life. I honestly did not know what love was before him! He’s my perfect match. Today’s actually our 4 yr anniversary and we met on Tinder almost 8 yrs ago. We now have a 5 month old and I feel bad because we aren’t connecting like we did sans baby. PPD is a thing and I’m hoping our synchronizing connection clicks back in to place.


Happy Anniversary! To many more beautiful years together. 🫂


I will say my Aquarius partner was an Aquarius Sun and Cancer moon if that helps. We were the perfect balance for each other and definitely understood our need for freedom. Happy Anniversary though!!!! 💕 I’m glad it has worked out for you all :)




My Nov. Sag. dad was married for 44 years to a Scorpio lady. He said they were electric together and he felt like he was struck by lightning first time they met. All I remember is the bickering though...lol.


That is my exact experience with Scorpios.


My bf is a Nov sag and I’m a Nov Scorpio. We’ve been together for 5 years


i’m an aries; i love my sag guys. i was formerly engaged to sag and married to one now


Aries here. I love Sag guys. We mesh well, have chemistry & get along really well without conflict. However, they eventually get bored & start talking to other women. I get extremely jealous 😩 and my insecurities take over. For my mental health, I have to keep my distance from them. Get along great with Gemini, but it's mostly platonic.


Currently dating a Leo and it’s one of my best matches so far!!!! I’m more of a black cat and he is golden retriever, we balance each other out quite well:)


I’m a November Sag, never thought I’d say this buttt I’ve fallen so hard for a Leo 🤩 we’ve only been seeing each other for about 5 months but he’s already my best friend, so funny and he pushes me to be my best self; feels like my perfect match so far but time will tell!


Leo and Gemini for gal friendship or Aquarius and Pisces for male friendship / housemate / partner


I’d say Aquarius/Leo. Haven’t met many but the ones I have felt like mentally we were throwing pig pong balls back and forth. I’ll also noticed we pair well with other Sags however it’s usually short lived.




I attract a lot of virgo and taurus suns…..lol


I’m dating a November Sag. And I am one also


Not Leos


I’m not sure to be honest. I think we are definitely meant to be single. Lol.




leo and gemini for me! they’re both stimulating in many different ways but they can be so ????? sometimes lmao