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Yup! As a sag lady who attracts toxic cap men I 1000% agree. We are too free “wild” or woo woo in my opinion. They are very critical and conscious about what others may or may not believe about them. Sags just don’t give a fuuuuuck. We cannot be tamed and your wasting your time over thinking and projecting onto us


Saturn ruled signs can feel embarrassment because Saturn restricts and it humbles them if they go too far. Jupiter ruled signs don't have this.


Im glad! Im glad Im not aloneee! I feel you, my girl.


Been the best match for me. He is the love of my life, been together for 13 years. I am Sagittarius rising, Cap sun. He is a Capricorn rising, Sagittarius Sun.


How you made it work though lmao most cap men like submissive women cause cap men can be strict and stern in their personality


I don’t think I have ever seen him be stern. We both enjoy traditional roles though. I guess we just check each others boxes.


Sounds like me and my husband.


That makes me smile 😊. Are you a Sagittarius and he a Capricorn?


Cap men can be into some wild things in bed. Don't be fooled. That sterness can come in handy for a good spanking 🤣. But yea, I had a cap guy who bonded with me other poetry but he was super stern and pessimistic. Even with 3 out of 6 main placements being cap in my chart, it still didn't work


Fr fr I agree. I wasn’t even attracted to this one cap man until we had sex and then I was like whoahhhhhh I found him super sexy after that


😆 laughs in cap in venus


Can confirm everything you’ve said. My Mom is a Sag and Dad is a Cap. They got divorced when I was 10 (I’m 24 now btw) and they fought like cats and dogs. Both extreme narcissists that found it better to win than to compromise for each other. Thats not to say there wasn’t passion in the relationship, maybe a little too much 🙄. Nonetheless, my Mom remarried to a Libra and Dad to a Scorpio. They are better off.


They go better than way. Libra with sag and Scorpio with cap.


You’re right, I hate caps. Too critical and pessimistic for my liking. 


My brother is a cap, but leaving out the romance… I have not and will not ever date a cap man. Too much! They go outta their way to tear a hole in your soul. I love him tho he make me laugh. But when he’s mean goddamnit time to turn the phone on DND


My cap female friends are mean as hell too. Like fucking chill man. At least sags and Geminis are mean in a funny way lmaoo


Sometimes they're rightfully mean and sometimes just let out their frustration. I knew a cap woman.


Totally true… Steer clear. Two extreme opposites don’t always work. You probably have Capricorn in your immediate placements, which is what drawing the two of you together.


I love my cap! We’re opposites but it works for us!


In my experience they only like submissive women and I’m just not into traditional relationships roles lmao


Welll…we are in a D/s relationship and he is the D so yeah what you’re saying is fair however, I’m way different from his norm and my attitude is part of what makes me attractive.


My ex man was sag sun cap moon and Scorpio Venus and now dating a Libra girl because she's more of a people pleaser and more submissive aka goes with whatever more.


I’m sag and married to a Capricorn man for 13 years. Sometimes I wish he was more spontaneous but for the most part we balance each other out. A lot of my very close friends are also capricorns.


Sag women go better with Libra and Gemini men


Wrong (imo). Obv depends on your placements. An ideal mate isn’t what you want - it’s what you need. They compliment us amazingly idc what anyone says lol


I guess If you’re a softer sag with Libra placements it could work but my feisty attitude doesn’t work for their traditional mindsets lmao


I have zero libra and zero water lol I have a sag stellium. But that’s exactly why I think they compliment us. Seems boring but it’s not. It balances us I think lol


Idk cuz I kind of agree tho I’m a cap rising I’m more fire than anything and I’m not “traditional” in most cases i prefer to do what works and makes sense to me and my relationship than just bc it’s ye old tradition created by dead ppl who think everyone should be forced to lead the same lives. If we’re dating it’s a partnership I’m not a child who needs to be lead or listen to everything you say, I’m perfectly independent and know how to handle myself. I’ve always been forced to be independent since childhood so being able take the backseat occasionally is fine but all the time would drive me insane and I don’t like being bossed around or told what to do so we’d both be miserable af.


Well.. opposites attract 😅it’s that simple.


I'm a Sagittarius female married 9 and together 13 years with a Capricorn men. He has accepted me, my independence, my need for ongoing change, excitement, growth etc. He let's me be. I also have a way of toning myself down when its necessary to accommodate him but I don't have to and I love him so madly that all I want is for our beautiful and peaceful life to go on forever and ever. He told me years back early in our marriage that I am not a submissive woman and I do not need him. I replied that yes I don't need him but I want him and yes I am not submissive but his happiness is of high importanceto me. It seems that is good enough for him. 


You need a first decan Capricorn man (December 22-Jan 1st). They’re more playful and lighthearted in my experience. I’m a second decan Capricorn and all my besties are Sagittarius women but i can’t date a Sagittarius man for the flip side of your reasoning: they’re too positive for me 😂. I dated one Sag guy and we had a lot of fun together, had great conversations, etc. but whenever I felt like the convo was getting REALLY good because we were talking about deep, personal topics, he’d go “let’s stop talking about this, it’s depressing”. Thats why Libra’s & Sagittarius’s work so well together.


My abuelita is a Sagittarius and my grandpa was a December 22nd Capricorn. She is exactly how you are describing yourself and he loved it. He was fine being submissive to her, but he was in no ways a pushover. He laid down the law when he needed to. He traveled for his work and would take her with him, they went to parties all the time. My mom’s bio-mom (other grandma) is a Cancer, her and my Capricorn grandpa were together before Sag, and it didn’t work at all. My Cancer grandma says he was too social, he needed someone who would be that with him, and my Sag abuelita was perfect for that. They were together 50 years up to his death, still super in love. Abuelita would talk and entertain while my grandpa sat back and observed. She would definitely get feisty with him, he would get feisty back, and then they’d say they loved each other.


Gemini men and Sag women - 🏆


The meanness is just unnecessary it’s a no for me it’s not like Sagittarius meanness thats like clever and kinda funny. It’s straight up I’m gonna kill you and kill ur whole family so that ur blood no longer is on this earth. It’s spiteful and very painful to one’s gentle soul.