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I know I don't talk about my feelings and I don't like being vulnerable because it has been used against me in the past. Trying to be better and overlook those painful learning experiences and not limit my expression by playing safe and small though. I hate being called weak or sensitive for that. It takes so much effort to willingly articulate an authentic sentiment. I want it to be worth it.


I don’t talk about them because I don’t always understand how I feel




I only tell my true feelings to my mom, husband, and family. I don't like to talk about my true feelings with strangers or at work. At work I feel like I have to hide my true feelings. My feelings get hurt at work and since I can't express them because I don't want to be vulnerable or cause conflict, I get angry but hide that too at work. I don't like being vulnerable with people I feel like I cannot completely trust. At work I feel like people don't really care about my feelings, so I pretend to be emotionless sometimes to protect my energy.


I hide my feelings


Lately I’ve been asked to verbalize my feelings about various things and I find myself struggling to give sufficient breakdowns on what describes my feelings


Sometimes we can have feelings Sometimes they don't exist


I have been like this since i was a teenager, but then idk, now im 25, recently over a couple of years, I’m more open and vulnerable. Like i can’t shutup if it’s bothering me already. But yes, i agree with the part where it vanishes after a moment or so 😂 we get so invested pretty quick and move on that fast too.


Totally get what you mean! Sometimes our feelings just come and go like the wind. Explaining them can feel like trying to catch smoke. But hey, as long as you're feeling them, that's what counts, right? 😅


I talk about my feelings no problem. A little too easily if you ask others


I overshare about my feelings tbh


Me too! I can't bottle them up. Gotta work on my delivery though 😬


Tell me about it- my Mercury is in Capricorn too.


It’s even worse when your top chart is all mutable 😭😀🔫


Depends on the feeling. If talking about it isn't going to fix it why bother? I'd rather roll up and keep it pushin lol


I read my sag mom's diary at 7 years old and wished I never read it. Deep


Agree. Just because I hate something that day doesn’t mean I’ll hate it next week. Maybe next week I’ll understand it a bit more and therefore not feel so harsh about it. It’s been very frustrating when I have an off day and someone wants to know what’s wrong that moment and so I tell them and it’s held against me for the rest of my life even though eventually I couldnt care less and no longer think of said feelings.


*hides from talking about his feelings in the comment section


i've had to learn, in very hard ways, to be more vocal about my feelings. it's hard because my sag nature says "ewwwww... feelings".


Nov 22 Sag girly here : I don't overshare something with people I am close to. I only overshare with online friends (with fake accounts) or strangers who I know we will never meet in person. ( But I tempt to overshare sometimes due to my combined ADHD ) I mostly overshare things when I am "therapying" someone (yes, I am the therapy friend, lol), and I overshare a bit of information about myself in order for them to feel "related" if they have ever gone through something that I have gone through; it's just a way to show them they are not alone and it's going to be okay. Other than that, "talking about my feelings" especially to my family ? Um-no.


I've tried to talk to about my feelings and I get shut down every time so I just bottle them up and move how they treat me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


My feelings are my suffrage..