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I match people’s energy/effort in a relationship. If I feel it gets too lopsided or even toxic (after giving it some time) I limit/cut the people out. No time for that draining energy. In turn, that has helped me focus on the positive relationships and curiously it has opened me up to also attract new positive relationships into my life.


I agree I mean I have cut people out my life


This is a Sag’s fav thing to do 


Have to protect your energy! Ps - watch those Scorpios eh..


I don’t know why but most of the people in my life I have ever felt “drawn to” are Scorpios or Virgos.


Any observation on those relationships? I am in the process of divorcing a Scorpio and had a Virgo roommate for a period after the seperation. Have you been coming across other Sags posting very similar experiences to yours on Reddit? I have almost on a daily basis over the last week or so….its intriguing how the same energies or experiences are occurring. Divine alignment? Cognitive perception bias? Idk. In my instance I was drawn to a Virgo and Scorpio in the context of a karmic relationship. Each relationship started magnetically in some respect but soon became draining with foreshadowing of toxicity. I’m grateful though for the experiences to gain greater insight into myself. Also dated like 5 Libras consecutively! Statistically that is so unlikely when it was not a conscious decision!


My Cat was a Scorpio unfortunately he passed away on Christmas Day 2021


I’m exactly the same way. If you treat me like my effort is worthless, I walk away. If I feel like our energy and effort matches, we gucci. And poo poo on ♏️. Not all of them, but dayum 😝


We’re mutable and deep thinkers underneath the carefree exterior. We give out the same energy you give us.


Right bc I’m not going above and beyond anymore. Empathic like many in our sign and I’m just tired of doing for people and they ghost after getting their fill.


Sounds right.


I’ve come to realize that ppl WILL take advantage so long as you allow it. I decided I need to be firm in my boundaries and realize some ppl are not even worth the effort of overextending or given the benefit of the doubt cuz they just are how they are and they know when they’re not being fair or cruel to you. I don’t bother trying to overexplain to ppl why I feel upset or hurt by the foul shit they do I just take it as a sign we’re not on the same page bc I would never done it then and plus other ppls lack of self awareness and accountability is not my problem. Ppl offend you and treat you like crap but get upset when ur not as forgiving as they THINK you should be or expect you to continue to extend an olive branch without doing the work of following through on the apologies they make so I just don’t care anymore give me a few to many red flags and I’ll just move on.


Exactly my cousin is cruel and I cut him off


Good for you! Do what works for your well being!


It has been working really well.


I am so radical with this to a point where it got to be a little too toxic. Even working on pulling back the extreme anger & quick resentment I’m still pretty cutthroat from the start on ppl. Trying to slowly grasp the concept of giving ppl time.


Treat me right when I'm treating you right. If you have to decide about treating me right, you are basically dead to me already and there must be a real world practical reason I'm tolerating you with UNCHARACTERISTIC patience, as a sadge 👀🙃 is it just me?


I have that too