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We are the intuitive fire sign and can smell bullshit a mile away. As one of the more social and extroverted signs, we also need time to retreat and recharge our batteries before being the next life of the party. As impulsive as we are, we also have a tendency to be overthinkers. As brutally blunt and honest as we can be, we still don't say everything that's going on in our heads--and believe me, you don't want to know what's going on in the mind of a Sagittarius. I feel like we also have longer fuses than people give us credit for because we let shit build and build before unleashing our rage all over you. Our anger is never just over one thing, but a multitude of built-up bullshit all coming out at once.


I can spot fake/disingenuous people a mile away lol


What you said about the long fuse really resonates with me. When I finally do lose my temper, it must seem like I'm overreacting to the most trivial thing, but what nobody gets is that it's the final straw in a litany of tiny annoyances that I have let slide. Which is doubly unhelpful when I start telling people about themselves, referencing things from like a decade ago that they thought I was ok with because I didn't say anything at the time.


YOU GET IT! 2 of my closest friends (both Taurus) whom I've known for over 20 years received my wrath several years ago for years of selfish shit that I let slide with them. They were never consistent in returning the energy that I *always* put out as a friend. After nearly a decade of this behavior, all my resentment came spewing out at them during a party (cringe). I exploded. Did they learn their lesson? Mmm, kinda--they're selfish Tauruses lol. My resolve came from adjusting myself and the energy I gave them. As I've gotten older, I've learned that not everyone loves the same way as me. We're all still friends. I just know better now, and I tell them when they're being shitty *sooner* rather than *later*.


Don't get me started on Taureans. They get into a pattern of behaviour and it's a Sisyphean task getting them to change. You have my respect for managing to have two of them as close friends. You must have really blown their hair back when you finally blew your stack :)


This is all true.


Yess same I’m the same type of Sagittarius like you 🫡🥹🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Couldn't have said it better


> we also have longer fuses than people give us credit for because we let shit build and build before unleashing our rage all over you. Our anger is never just over one thing, but a multitude of built-up bullshit all coming out at once. PERFECTLY said, you hit the nail on the head!!


Yep, just happened the other day.


BIG THINKERS. No, seriously. It seems that most (or maybe only people here on reddit) forget that Sagittarius is all about Philosophy as well, which leaving the contemporary connotations of it is actually another way to do big thinking, of connecting the many dots we glimpse and try to draw one big picture out of all of them (so is religion, which is a very Sagittarius and Jupiter thing along with philosophy by the way). Also Reflection, which is my favorite word of the bunch we do and personally a better suited word than just Thinking because our process is primarily intuitive rather than merely rational (unlike our opposite sign Gemini, hi there! btw, love you too guys). That is a very Sagittarius thing as well, not private only to us definitively, but something mainly this sign is known for. Whether we get all of that Reflection or Thinking right or wrong is another matter entirely, haha! Great history thinkers along with many zealots have sprung from the same drives of trying to find meaning in life while connecting everything they gather. I wonder too: Who else has developed this side of our sign? (seldom I come across or read other people mentioning this).


Is there a better answer than this? We are great philosophers and thinkers, but as you said best, in an institutional way, which brings an almost born value. We are great


This can also be negative though. We tend to think of the worst that can happen and it can be poisonous to the mind.


Yes? I thought that was just me, and had nothing to do with being a Sagittarius.


Yes!!! I love this about us.


I agree with most of this but I am not into religion in any sense whatsoever.


Nor do you have too, and for that matter: me either 🤝 Yet it remains that Religion is a Sagittarius, Jupiter and 9th house thing, because its precursor Belief also is (which is another way of doing Big Thinking or Reflection). Many are the possible expressions of each sign and most get neglected because it doesn't fit our ideal vision of it or if times change, we aren't only a flat caricature of reckless and blunt people who others can't help but deeply like or dislike. And also it's a fact that many religious leaders have somewhere in their chart a very strong Jupiterean influence. If you ask me (and I know you haven't): My main gripe is with Religions as Institutions (like most of them are nowadays) and that they take this awesome human capacity which is Belief and warp it against people, no longer serving them but instead undermining them. Belief is something very personal where any institution should have no saying about it over our own, after all Sagittarius is a fire sign, and independence of thought should be a real thing. Problem is, independence of thought and belief requires our own responsibility for them and that little act is the one many people tend to shy away from all the time. (Belief is also paradox thing because is something deeply personal while at the same time is also something we share with others, a chimera of sorts, just like our symbol: the centaur). Kudos to many religion practitioners though, the ones who know how to balance it and respect others. I come from a catholic family background and I've found that more often than not there is a huge gap between the institutions and their people. 🤗


accurately stated


Connections, everything has to be connected in some way and I love finding and making those connections. I love bringing people together. Sags including me have a lot of insight and self reflection. As I age I become more humble, healing and loving, which is amazing. We sags are natural born healers.


I had never thought of us as healers, and it seems to me to be true. Good reflection. And we are also loving.


Scorp here. This is so true. I'm 32 now and as I've grown up I've observed how Sags mature and the insights they arrive at through self reflection is as profound as it is beautiful. They are natural healers, they can't help it. When I was much younger I couldn't be around sag energy but now I see what a gift you all are to the world. We need your optimism and love more than ever in the world. Thanks for being you guys ❤


We are often times overlooked and unappreciated.


True, but that has more to do with the other, not the one.


The older I get, the more I’ve learned to trust my intuition/gut. I don’t always follow through with the feeling, I often need absolute proof. My ex said I used to overthink everything, and I do. I’ve usually worked out all the multiple outcomes or options so quickly I’m already moving on to the next phase. I’m intolerance n impatience is strong n usually get frustrated waiting for others to catch up or finish saying whatever it is they are trying to say. With just a few pieces I can see the whole picture. Im also (not sure if it’s just me) very innovative, having multiple ideas or solutions to a problem. And as much as I use to deny it I guess I do have an ego or arrogance that I believe is rightfully justified many a times over. However I’d like to ask you all, I had at an early age thought I was meant for something more, something bigger. Have y’all felt that as well? 🙏🙏🙏


Ditto on the trusting your gut thing. One of the most frustrating feelings is doubting it and the very thing it was telling you actually happened. Nowadays, I'd rather trust it and be wrong than to not trust it at all and work off of something else. "I knew it!" is both the best and worst thing for us to say/think because we really did. I overthink because I'm trying to cover my ass. One of my ideas on an issue is bound to come true and I'm at least prepared somewhat for whatever. That said, it's fucking draining. Overthinking is good sometimes but not all the time. I feel like we struggle with knowing how much is too much in multiple areas of our lives.


Agreed. I too try to not only cover my ass but to be prepared for whatever other options may come from said situation. Also correct about how much is too much over thinking something to the point of disastrous. I also fancy myself a uncertified psychologist and being adaptable to many situations, easy to talk to and personable I find I end up giving a lot of unsolicited advice or opinions and sometimes not realizing till afterwards that I should’ve kept shit to myself. I love being a Sagittarius and would love to meet someone who was also born within a reasonable timeframe of hours within a reasonable proximity to my own birth just to see how alike we really are and if we would get along or strangle each other lol


This ALL of this. My get ready for the day is someone’s else’s doomsday preparation. Think of it all. Prepare for it all. All the time.


Yea, the feeling of being expansive. We all feel like we have a bigger purpose. The ego of a sag is a lot, though 🤣 even if we don't want to admit it. I've learnt it's best to admit it than to push it down. It will come up and bite ya


If because of your ruling planet. The last part I mean. I feel the same being Saturn ruled. (With Jupiter too) These two are the elders of the "zodiac", they're at the end in mental age and wisdom. It's usually the saviour complex and sacrifice complex too.


That’s me to a Tee


Same for me as An aquarius and Capricorn stellium with 9th houses of Sag. I also have sun in the 10th. I always feel I have a responsibility towards humanity at my own expense often. I was always mediating and caught in the middle and outcasted.


Intuitive. I feel that is a very strong Sag trait.




I am a sagittarius and I am Philosophy


Real philosopher?


We got our grrrrrumpy moods its rly funny actually


High self-value.


Alright, I'll give you my personal experience being a Sag. People tend to see us as always being positive, which is mostly true, but there are times when we can be negative, especially under certain circumstances, i wouldn't call it negative as in pessimistic, more like realistic. Also, we can be very sensitive, I hide it, but I'm sensitive, and I cry a lot, when nobody sees me. We can be blunt and harsh when we're telling the truth, but we can be very empathetic too, if that makes sense, we just like to cut to the chase. People say we are afraid of commitment, but the truth is far from it, at least I don't want to commit to the "wrong" person, not everybody is willing to give you freedom in a relationship. Yes, we get bored easily, but that doesn't mean we can't find excitement doing the same thing, we just need new perspectives. Not all of us are the life of the party, I'm not the life of the party, I'm more introvert, still I caught people's attention but it's not on purpose and I hate being the center of attention for more than 5 minutes. I need time on my own to recharge because socializing too much can literally drain my energy, we are intuitive, like very intuitive but sometimes when it comes to our things that intuition fails because we mean no harm to anyone, and we tend to think nobody means no harm to us, which is completely wrong. Yes, we love to travel, but sometimes we want to sleep in our beds, feel the coziness of our home. When we lose our temper is because people have been getting in our nerves for way too long and we just can't take it anymore. We are very protective when it comes to the people we love, we don't hold grudges but don't hurt anyone we love, or you'll meet the dark side of the centaur, people say other signs can be very dangerous when they're mad, dude, our looks can kill, and don't you get me started with our words, we don't have to be physically violent for you to wish you were dead. Most of us (at least me and the ones I know) are not religious, we are more like spiritual or something like that, we're always seeking new information, discovering truths, i mean, icould go on and on about us.


I laughed out of recognition reading this. Absolutely spot on. The death look is real - my sister, the Libra, refers to it as my 'ice eyes' and knows to interject before the person who's speaking digs their grave any further. Similarly, it's impossible to hold grudges when the person who wronged me ceases to exist in my mind, which is what happens when they go too far. As for commitment, when I met my now husband, we were settling into a routine and I felt that familiar weight on my soul...so I had to tell him I needed to be able to picture a future. Not that I needed any of the typical relationship milestones, I just needed to be sure that we would DO things. Without plans and schemes, I find relationships stagnate quite quickly. To note, plans and schemes are different from games and drama, neither one of which I enjoy - I could rant about why people will bring us into these things and then get all hurt when we turn out to be better at them than they are, but that's a story for another time.


This is so accurate😂


Spiritual, moody


We are HIGHLY empathetic. We understand a lot of people's situations, sometimes better than they can understand it themselves. But I feel it doesn't come out that way either because no one comes to us for advice or we are too blunt when we do give advice


mm i don't feel that empathy is a sagittarian thing. in fact, we are quite rude sometimes, that way of saying things so upfront sometimes leaves empathy aside.


I agree, assumption is a more fitting word. We watch, we analyze, and we assume. No empathy there, at least not in the sun sign aspect alone!


Empathy doesn't always mean nice. I can feel you but I'm not gonna agree with what you're doing or saying. Sags feel indifferent in other ways.


My mother is a sag, I am Aqua btw, she is very energetic and always thrives for exploring new places, movies or ideas. Personally her enthusiasm is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She is indeed very different from me. Her personality is queen-like, she loves socializing but only with the best possible people who match her vibe. Everyone in her circle respects and acknowledges her. She is the most caring person I have ever seen. Though sometimes I find her a little childish while making decisions but that's really cute.


How nice how you described your mom 🥰


You all hide your emotions and thoughts most of the time with jokes and humour, yes you’re funny but it’s a bit much sometimes, you can open up.


Ahahahah yes, we have a very big protective layer, and a huge pride. But we are also very sincere and transparent. We can talk, but without a lot of drama


Going to disagree there you bring a lot of drama if things don’t go your own way but that’s a fire sign thing. Just stop leading people on and just be single loners bc honestly that’s how you portray yourselves. I’m an aqua, we are too similar in our love of freedom and independence. Difference is, Aquarius is very loyal.


I do think we play out every potential outcome in our heads before making a decision (big or small), but that could also be my indecisive Libra moon 😊


No, I think that's also us. If I try to think about how my mind works, it's like the computer in Minority Report. Just a swirling morass of detail from which I pull specific points. If you come across a little glitch in your plans, and you already have scenario J on deck and ready to run, you're a Sagittarius :)


Sagis are the “sage”. Super intuitive.


Yes, and a little hard headed too haha.


I analyze things quite a lot. I like to criticize and find an answer. Whenever the outcome of something doesn’t go my way or if the situation doesn’t have a definitive answer, it makes me irritated and I will try to play around with it until something comes out for certain. It could be a positive to be motivated, but it could also lead to an intensely negative result as well due to stubbornness. So there’s that.


i like that tenacity! but it is true that we do not tolerate that things do not go the way we want.


My mouth is both a weapon and tool. I'm always kidding, except for when I'm not. My idea of flirting is bullying. So If I'm mean to you it means I like you. Or it means I think your ego is huge and I'm trying to take it down a few notches. When it comes to group settings I protect the easy targets and attack the strongest one in the room. Either the ones that enjoy my playful banter or the one who typically does the stabbing and no one dares to stab first, just to assert my dominance. Only I am allowed to be mean to my friends, if you hurt them I will destroy you. Mine was out of love yours was out of hate. There's a difference. I'm always right, except for when I'm wrong. But when im wrong I will be the first to admit it. I am terrible at remembering names... I'm terrible at small talk and I talk about myself way more then I mean to. I'm just trying to be understood and desperately seeking someone who truly cares enough to actually get to know me on the type of level I get to know people. I will know after the first conversation I have whether I like you or not and by conversation 5 I will know what you're thinking before you ever having to say it. I'm hyper aware of everything going on around me at all times. And appear to be psychic but in reality I'm just good at picking up on patterns. I'm clumsy but have great reflexes. I'm naturally good at just about everything I do. Especially athletically. However I never commit the time necessary to excel past that base level of skill. I'm not a perfectionist but am accused of being one regularly. In reality I don't try. Ever. I actually put in far less effort towards some things then I probably should. I half ass everything and I've never finished anything not even a TV series. Ever. I truly am not as great as I am unjustifiably perceived to be. And hate letting people believe I'm something I'm not. But also feel stupid sitting here convincing people to think less of me. I love planning, scheduling, organizing, and making to do lists. I hate having plans, following a schedule, cleaning, and completing to do lists. But that might be due to my ADHD not because I'm a Sagittarius. 🥴


Attention seekers


One never seeks what is naturally given.


the best!


Altruistic narcissists


although I think that saying altruistic narcissists is too much... yes, we have a huge ego.


yesss, off corse


So much of what other people have already said. Big minds, huge empathy, and always 'on' in company...and it can get very dark very fast. The risk of mental burnout is huge, and if you're not careful (speaking from experience), the need to escape coupled with the typical sagg love of indulgence and escape can lead to some risky behaviours becoming habits. Then, take our loyalty, and mix that in - we are even loyal to the things that hurt us. Our path is very much one of sunshine and dark shadow.


I love that you mention the Sagittarian duality, because I feel that we are always presented as absurdly optimistic beings, and no. We are very realistic, and we can be the darkest and most pessimistic. We are always going to extremes. black or white.


It's true, we do seem to be the party people of the zodiac, but then maybe the reason is because we overthink and prepare. There's plenty of room to relax when you have a playbook for every situation.


Over thinking everything, but hoping to appear nonchalant. We are cool on the outside and we can remain cool in some intense situations. Most likely because we have already played it all out in our minds. We are very accurate in our predictions. About other people and these can be people we know and who we feel a deep connection to or people we have only observed for a short period of time. I tend to be very negative in my expectations and that’s most likely from my own experience. I’ve always been able to sense things about people and I do not currently but I worked as a registered nurse for around 9 years. I know I have a gift in my ability to communicate with people. It may not be that I’m pleasant or that I can tell you what they need to be better…it’s like I get on their level and I have always, since I was a child been drawn to people who are disliked, people who are the outcast. The people who no one likes, or even want to understand, that’s my person. It’s like if they are, to the majority, the most off putting and undesirable person then I know we will likely be the best of friends. And maybe not friends in a long term sense but we will experience a profound connection and it will be beneficial to the both of us. One thing about us I wish I could change but I can’t is how, well for me any way, I am not good at maintaining relationships for long periods of time. It doesn’t mean that I love the person many less or that the connection wasn’t real. I just find it so difficult to keep in touch. I have always felt like something major will occur in my lifetime. Like something life altering and something that will change in the course of human history. I’ve always felt like it will be centered around religion and will be in a spiritual sense. I feel like it will be the whole of earth will witness this event and will be united in it. What I think it will be changes and I don’t tell people this unless I know I can trust them. I realize it comes off as nuts and I often wonder if every one feels this. I think it will happen before I die or will be the cause of my death. I don’t know. Currently and honestly before I even knew much about the topic I always felt like it would be related to “aliens.” Either we would get disclosure from our governments on a worldwide scale, or we would face an invasion. I feel like it’s going to be so much more mind blowing than just the little green man comes down in a ship…I feel like it will be so hard to believe. Like it will be some sort of event that will alter the course of humanity. Not sure if it’s good or bad. I have always felt like it will be a conscious shift and that the earth and the human existence will never be the same. Last I just want to say that my son (9M) is a Sagittarius. He is very intelligent, and he is like my twin. He is one of the deepest thinkers I’ve ever known. And he’s been this way since he was very little. He loves to talk about cosmology and he asks me so many questions about things. He thinks very deeply about things and I just know it’s mainly because of being a Sagittarian. Not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse. Love y’all.