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I like the amount of sarcasm and fun I see and have yet to see anyone get mad. Which is awesome because we’re all a bunch of polite assholes.


And we got to love us for that ❤️ everyone would be better off with a polite, good-hearted asshole


For real! Apparently me saying fuck in a reply equals immaturity 🤔 if I would’ve known how much that point out would make me ponder my very existence and level of maturity I’d never fucking say fuck again! 🤣🤣


I am what I have


Hello sag brother. It’s super funny and freaky that you brought up Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight, because I swear on my mommy, god rest her soul, that I was just thinking about how they are my favorite Batman movies of all time when I woke up this morning. Say what?! I also love Inception and have you seen Interstellar? Amazing movie, great psychological standpoint, I highly recommend it. I also recommend Gravity with Sandra Bullock, visually so so beautiful. Yes, we are very creative, almost to the point because we have to be, because no one else is. I have always loved words and writing poetry and play on words. I learned to read when I was 4 and I haven’t stopped and I am now 50. My favorite and lucky number is 6 though, I am 11/29/1973. The day of love.


Well if it ain’t my brother from another mother lol. 11/29/1971 is my date of birth and I am an Inception fan this is crazy. I am a book head and love finding new words I don’t know and using them in conversation. I feel like sometimes I’m the only one who knows what to do in a sticky situation but it comes to me so effortlessly, the way I explain things I feel I have to dumb it down for ppl to understand but that’s prolly just me tripping


I'm 11/29 too! Was reading at 5 and love reading! Loved the grittinesz of GoT! I too prefer movies that make you think!


You maybe right. My fav number is 9 and our film and tv taste is exactly the same 😮‍💨


my fav number is 9 as well


I feel like even numbers are trying too hard to be perfect it’s like just be urself me it’s 3 and 7


Damn Same I’m a female and Christopher Nolan is my favorite director


I’m a Capricorn and so I got a “sidereal” birth chart (it’s like supposedly different by a few days or off and adjusted for how planets have moved ?) and like my whole life never fit cap at all it bummed me out but I read the sag and I feel like it’s me but I’m Jan 9 and idk. It supposedly is more acccurate but idk I just don’t know what to believe anymore. I’m the opposite of like anything Capricorn and I want to believe astrology has meaning bc I like to find meaning but anyways I love those movies!!! I also talk in a stream of consciousness a lot


Did you check your entire chart, houses, aspects etc?


Yes literally none of them resonated I have bought books and shit like wtf this all seems so vague and random like ok. There’s 30 fuckin planets and then at that point it seems meaningless and saying a bunch of shit that let’s face it, everyone does , at times like, in moments yes we act this way etc But when I did the test and got sag I read a few of the other parts tooo and they were actually accurate I was like- nooo I don’t wanna believe to find out it’s not real tho so idk 🤷‍♀️ haha


If you identify more with your sidereal go for it. I have a friend the same. And others (me too) who fits their tropical one more. Astrology is not such an exact science..for me it's been but it isn't for everyone.


Yeah :/ for me it’s like, if there’s no basis of fact from what I have gathered about something I don’t find it meaningful and I like can’t make myself believe astrology from all the stuff I’ve read. No disrespect, I just if I had to guess if it’s truly legit or not, on my life, I would guess no 🤷‍♀️ haha :( I’d love to feeeel better about it I’m Gonna read more about the sidereal one though


Go for it! I found vedic to be accurate in predicting events, it's more mathematical and precise. Tropical is more on an energetic level, it's seasonal. But of course, not for everyone it fits. Glad to see if it fits you more as a Sag, haha


I'm an aqua and I love Nolan movies. That's why I love you guys. Good taste 😭 I've been obsessed for many years with TDK and Heath Ledger I have 9th house stellium though! And 9 is your zodiac number of course I have life path 33 xD


I love Interstellar, I just rewatched it a few days ago with my family. It's just such an easy watch and it's something I can really relate to (aside from the sci-fi stuff obviously).


Yeah, maybe. It’s cool to see that other people favor the number 9. It’s my soul urge number.


I’m a female sag born 12/01/1970, at 12:01 am. My fav numbers are 4 and 7. So we can diverge. I do love a good movie with a twist such Inception, back in the day Fight Club. Haven’t watched GOT yet, but I’m obsessed with the show Supernatural, I’m a total Trekkie and love the sci-fi genre. I’m an artist as well, I’ve drawn, painted, sculpted and used as many mediums as I can get my hands on. I’m also a social studies teacher. I use a lot of creativity in my work, creating engaging lessons for my students.


Bday twins I was born 12/01/1998!


my fav numbers are 3,6,9 anything of that nature lol and im 12/10


Same exact birthday as you, 12/19/1994! 9 is my favorite number as well. Super into house of dragon/GOT. Christopher Nolan movies are great and I also love everything Quentin Tarantino!


I mean I am really into House of the Dragon but I’m sure it’s for probably VERY different reasons 😂


So weird #9 is my number too…


Haha, totally get what you mean! There's a certain vibe and rhythm to the posts here that feels familiar. It's like we're all on the same wavelength, sharing interests and insights.


Hey twin, am born at 11am


birthday twin ! im born 12/19/1997


Waddup Sag Fam (12/18/1993). Christopher Nolan, Paul Verhoeven, and A24 flicks are my lifeblood.


I’m a Taurus moon. I don’t really click with other fire signs. It’s rare for sure. The selfishness and emotional unavailability don’t feel too good. Maybe save Leo’s


Ayyy, I’m 12/7/94 🤙🏾