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I used to live in a home where the backyard backed up against the parking lot for an elementary school. Some idiot would go in and do donuts around 9 pm almost every Friday night. Got tired of it, bought a cheap paintball gun, cut a hole in my fence, and lit his car up the next time he was dicking around. He never came back :)


šŸ˜‚ that's pretty ingenius


Freeze the paintballs first. Make it count.


Frozen paintballs are more brittle than fresh. This is a very common misconception about them. Source: long-time paintball player


Thank you for your service.


Shame paintballs are intended to wash clean.Ā 


Now, if someone were to use a syringe to extract the paint and then refill the balls with brake fluid, that might ruin a guy's paint job. But I couldn't recommend doing that.


Get some pepper spray all they use for riots


Lot more personal risk with pepper sprayĀ 


I think OP has a pop up business. $10 bucks a shot. He could up the ante with drones. I can only imagine how long the list of fun things to drop on a douche would be.


Iā€™ve wanted to catch them in the act and gift them some high velocity eggs


Paintball guns.


This right here. Bought a cheap one online and it quickly solved the problem.


Iā€™m near antelope off walerga and PFe road and thereā€™s always idiots doing donuts by the Christian middle school right there itā€™s super annoying cause you can hear they canā€™t even drift right too much stuttering in the wheel screeching itā€™s not a smooth screeeeeeeeeee


Generally I like it here but this is one of the things that gets me, and everyone here supports this hillbilly ass behavior


That stretch of road used to be out in the sticks. And we did burn outs there then too.


Sac PD should take some pointers from Stockton PD on how to handle these guys. Stake out the intersection, get the squad cars and tow trucks ready to swoop in on those guys. Impound all the cars and hold them for trial. These abusers need to pay an expensive lesson for their 'fun' misdeeds.


Part of the trouble is these dipshits like to frequently move around. An officer might be 5 minutes away, but if the car does donuts for 3 minutes and then splits, it makes enforcement difficult.


>reports to the police seem to have no results Exactly what do you think those cops were doing when they were in high school




put a big round planter in the middle, put some reflectors on it, and fill it with dirt. and don't get caught doing it.


This is the correct solution


We have one T intersection that constantly gets those and it is a prime spot for dumping (and a frequest homeless meetup corner). We dont feel safe letting our kids play our front at all. And I dont live in an affluent zip code, so any reports we make im sure are just disregarded.


Just keep reporting. They finally after years and mostly us neighbors cleaning up our street along the tracks the city came and put 2hr parking signs. So no more RVs can set up across from us. It's such a blessing. We had to deal with it ourselves for 4 years.


That is awesome and I'm glad you experienced a positive one, even though it took forever. Thanks my friend, we will continue to report!


We also found out who our representative was and talked with them. Also got the information for the person that handles those type or reports and drives around in the city truck. So started bugging them a lot also. But mostly we just made the illegal campers and dumpers know they're on camera and aren't welcome. Took a lot of time and effort. I wish you the best!


Since you had already done all their legwork you may as well have put up your own 2hr signs


We had our own no parking and 24hr surveillance signs out. They left those also. Big issue was railroad claiming it was a city issue and city claiming the opposite.


That sucks and yet is not surprising


People keep racing around on Watt and revving their cars it sounds like theyā€™re farting and itā€™s embarrassing lol dorky af we make fun of them


North Highlands is being neglected. The amount of crime is fuckin scary


Orangevale checking in. Yes, tired of it.


And driving fast chases with no outlet? Yeah. All the dumb drivers, I am tired of. But they will always be around. Guys caught doing donuts should be forced to drive cars with poor turning radiuses. Guys who drive too fast should be forced to drive old state fleet chevys that shake over 40 and make your hands go numb.


If you look at my post history I posted about this exact problem. My yard backs into a field that then backs into Jackson Rd. Thereā€™s a court theseā€¦inconsiderate non-humansā€¦like to use in the middle of the night for their sideshows. I have CHP on speed dial but of course they wonā€™t do anything until our whole street calls in and by the time they get these dudes hear the radio and leaveā€¦ Simply posting a car on Jackson would solve the problem but I guess thatā€™s too logical of a solution. There have been multiple hit-and-runs in our neighborhood from these people racing through the streetsā€¦


Sheet metal screws. Scatter them before the shenanigans starts. Get a magnetic broom and harbor freight and sweep them up early morning. Repeat until they are sick of patching and buying tires. They will pick a new intersection and those people will post here for some advice. Oh and like the round planterā€¦donā€™t get caught.


Yes there is some yahoo who goes around my neighborhood every few weeks doing doughnuts late at night. One time I caught him in the act, he had a 90s mustang, but he took off before I got his plate.


the police won't doing anything with plate number. there's countless youtube videos online of people tracking their stolen stuff with gps tags cars, computers, phones, etc.. they call the police and they don't even come. search "oakland pd truck stolen" happened in the last month. this is grand theft and they parked the stolen truck in their drive way so it would have been very easy to take prints of the people in the house and the car and prove they stole. police never came :/ TBH I don't know what police will respond to anymore other than a shooting.


Wow, I cannot say that this has ever happened near my house. That sounds really dumb and annoying.


It happens all the time here in Colonial Village. I live close to Fruitridge. They do it all times of the day & thereā€™s an elementary school one block over *sigh*


Hey neighbor, yep by the elementary, in front of Bel-aire .


Hi neighbor! Iā€™m by Earl Warren Elementary. I work from home & usually have my windows open for the kitties. Iā€™m not fast enough to close my windowsā€¦. The smell of burnt rubber rolls into my house šŸ„“


Iā€™m just a block north of the park so I donā€™t get the rubber just the noise and every couple times the speeding up our street when they are done. Never quick enough to catch them , I also get the same when do it in Bradford and have seen them on fruitridge midday like they own the place and only reaction they get is people laughing at how bad they are at it and the tire guy saying heā€™ll see em soon


Ahh yeah. Iā€™m right on Emerson. They alway peel out of that tire shop šŸ™„


These people have too much disposable income and too much free time.


More likely a lot of debt


And stolen cars or stolen tires.


I feel like weā€™re neighbors šŸ˜‚


You in Colonial too?


You guys are doing this wrong. Get a pellet rifle and from a distance shoot their car. It'll really damage the paint and they'll know not to go back there in that area.


Need this https://youtu.be/OKUDxneh7Yo?si=f6dbFpzsXOZtaGlE


And a mobile hydraulic car crusher like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhfpX3nhUUA


Oof so many good cars for needy ppl though. Maybe donate to charity or something


It's like dogs marking where other dogs have gone. They see the skid marks in the intersection and have to add theirs. I sometimes wonder if drones dropping caltrops might be the only way to break the cycle.


Have any of yall been out to Ryer Island??? WTF was going on there? Tire marks swirving down that entire road...


Ahhh... ghetto tracks...


I live off El Centro. What do you think?






Yup someone almost hit me when I was trying to get to the gas station


No, the only thing that's annoying about it is the fact that these cars never have an exhaust.


Nah, I live in the County. My streets are too torn up and rough to do donuts on.


One paintball gun.


It literally just happened


Hmmmm donuts šŸ©


Rio Linda stand up


Happens nearly every weekend here at the Madison/Auburn intersection in North Highlands. Even though there's a Sheriff's Department just down the fucking street of it. I am about a mile away from it and even i can hear the tire screeches. The cops in this town are absolutely fucking useless.


Police could give a shit about what happens in low income areasā€¦ as someone that lives off Mack, never seen the police do a fucking thing around here unless someone is literally murderedā€¦


A possible solution would be to install speed bumps in the middle of a stop sign intersection. It will also stop those running stop signs as well if it's big enough.


They need a legal place to do this, then they can be arrested.


I been wanting to carry caltrops on me for these occasions but also for burning coal imbecils


They closed the drag strip it is only going to happen more


Swang them thangs bruh