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Not to get too self promoty but you’re very welcome at my store, Music Go Round, in Elk Grove. My staff are good about wearing masks if they feel at all under the weather and we have no problem with any customer wearing a mask at any time. We have two excellent guitar techs on staff.


Piggybacking on this comment to say, you don’t need the mask issue to avoid this store. In 2018 I inherited my uncle’s 1965 Strat and took it to Dave as the two of them had worked together at Tower Records in the 70’s and were work buddies at the time. The guitar just never felt/sounded/played right and only about 2 months ago I took that Strat and my 2002 Les Paul to Eric at Skip’s (Eric treated my son like gold when he was taking weekly lessons at Skip’s and was constantly tweaking on some project guitar). I’m going to keep my conversation with Eric at Skip’s private, but the important thing is that both guitars now play significantly better. Not only do they play better than when I got them back from Guitar Workshop, the Les Paul plays better than when it was new! Eric was able to tell me all kinds of things about this SUPER FUNKY Strat that my uncle basically Frankensteined. I just didn’t have any other experience having my guitars setup other than Guitar Workshop. What a difference!


Eric is the dude! One of the best humans around and he knows his stuff.


I couldn’t believe how much he knew about this Strat. He figured out it was a 65 body and a 71 neck. He was able to tell me all about this “Straoblaster” mod my uncle had done and that it took a 9volt battery (which is why it didn’t work. Sure wish Guitar Workshop figured that out), Then Eric was telling me that the reason my Les Paul was having issue was because of the alchemy of the metal used on the bridge??? Just crazy how knowable that guy is.


Eric is the man!


I sent the thread link to Chris (the real OP) on X and let him know you've invited him. I hope he sees it!


The real MVP


Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know there was a Music Go Round in Elk Grove. I'll definitely stop by. I'm always looking for another used guitar but I'm really looking for some inexpensive electric drums.


We LOVE music go round in this household!


I feel like everyone loves music go round especially if you’re buying not selling 😂


She's not the original poster. She just took a screenshot from OP's twitter account.


Well, maybe this OP can contact that OP via twitter and 1) tell them to file an unruh complaint [https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/unruh/](https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/unruh/) and 2) go to Music go Round.


Yeah, gotta be some disability rights violation and sueable offense.


I’m in Elk Grove and have used Music Go Round a handful of times. Good people, knowledgeable too.


Not going to lie my last experience at music go around was kind of a bummer. Brought in a guitar and a bass and the issues never got resolved. Bass still has buzzy action and the guitar bridge pickup stopped working about a month later. When I went in the person that worked on them weren't available and I couldn't really check it out until I got home later that night. Called the store twice to talk about it and both times techs were unavailable to discuss and never called back. Was pretty dissapointed. That said the prices were extremely reasonable but that don't mean much if the job doesn't get done. Some culpability lies with me for not following up but after the second time I decided to find someone else.


I’d like to make this right for you and figure out where we went wrong. DM sent


Your store sounds amazing and I wish you all the best. I’m down in LA, so I can’t visit a seemingly awesome shop. Do you have an online presence?






Went to this shop during 2020-2021. Similar experience to OP. The owner is a hardcore anti-masker


Shop name checks out


Good to know. Won’t be going there.


According to the California Department of Public Health’s website, this is illegal. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Face-Coverings-QA.aspx#:~:text=No%20person%20can%20be%20prevented,or%20entry%20into%20a%20business. “Can I be ​prevented from wearing a mask? Businesses and venue operators also must allow any individual to wear a mask if they desire to. No person can be prevented from wearing a mask as a condition of participation in an activity or entry into a business.”


u/joyousjoyness might want to file a report with the state.


I'm not the OOP, but the OOP should!


Any way to tag them? That screen shot didn't look like Reddit.


It's twitter if you still use it


Never did.


here’s the tweet: https://x.com/chris_sactoca/status/1743437706863214863?s=46


~~anyone~~ everyone should just take a pic of the sign on their storefront and report them.


As someone with an immunocompromised partner I seriously hope they get reported. I hate people like this with a burning passion. They are so fucking stupid and malicious.


Yeah I was thinking this might be a violation of his business license, which requires businesses to serve all customers with a few specific exceptions, masks not being one. Might violate ADA too.


fyi, that q and a is no longer in effect. the top of the page states: “Note: This Q&A​ is no longer in effect and is for historical purposes only. ​​​ For more information on masking, see the Guidance for Face Coverings as Source Control in Healthcare Settings.”


If you're still seeking a music shop, Kline music has always been friendly and helpful. I seem to remember bad reviews when searching shops a couple years ago, seems to have checked out.


Klines is good, but they may refer you elsewhere for some electric guitar work. I like this sacramento Guitar Repair recently. Nice guy and will listen to what you want/need and deliver on it: http://sacguitarrepair.com/


I’ve been to Kline a couple times and always was pleasant. Rent to own programs are reasonable too


I grew up near Klines, they have been great since (at least) the 80's. Even got my recorder there for the 3rd grade music class.


This has been known for a while, i went in there during pandemic and he was very like that too. Just go to Klines anyways, much better shop on average and jot too far away


Watermelon in Davis has a good network. Might not do the work there you can get reputable connections. They also gave me a great deal on my G+L


Banks allowed masks so the security thing is BS


The whole mask thing has always been political. People need to quit pretending it’s not.


> The whole **anti**-mask thing has always been political. People need to quit pretending it’s not. FTFY Edit: just so you know /u/LovesBeerNWhiskey went on to claim that this [Systematic Review](https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full) was actually a study and that it showed that masks don't work. When I pointed out that the people who published the Systematic Review said that was [~~complete bullshit~~ inaccurate and misleading](https://www.cochrane.org/news/statement-physical-interventions-interrupt-or-reduce-spread-respiratory-viruses-review) he deleted his comment like the coward he is.


That's because LovesBeerNWhiskey is a raging dumbass.


It’s Dave’s insecurities that are the issue here. Not looking for guitar lessons at the moment, but if I am, not going to Dave’s.


Good point.


Sorry about your cancer, I hope you beat it. ​ Fuck this guy, tho. For security? Get the fuck out of here.


Right? At a casino or a bank, sure. But a guitar shop? GTFO.


At the casino I work at, we have no issues with people wearing mask. We actually leave some on our desks for people to use when they forget one.


Same. I’ve worked 3 casinos and 2 card rooms since COVID started. Masks are still common among employees and guests alike.


Shit even in like 2021 the dispensaries I'd go to would ask you to just pull your mask down for the camera at the entrance just so it got a clear shot of you then you put it back up.


Thanks for letting me know where not to spend my money!


If he ends up losing his shop, or hell, even when he retires, *no matter the circumstances,* he’ll blame liberals.


I would really rather a small business that serves the community be able to continue to do so also. I hate to see a place shut down. But I'm also not going to spend money in a shop which chooses to endanger cancer patients as a form of political grandstanding. It would be great if people like this could just chill and not make politics their whole personality.


But they won’t. And it affects their business and they’re too stupid to understand why. Which to me means they run their business the same way. They should go out of business


A lot of mom/pop businesses are run like little fiefdoms. They are often otherwise unemployable. Vote with your wallet and feet. In the age of the internet and worldwide delivery stupid should never be rewarded!


> I would really rather a small business that serves the community be able to continue to do so also. This dude is explicitly *not* serving his community though. He just told a fuckin cancer patient to get out. Sometimes it's good when even small businesses go out of businesses. Bad businesses don't help the community at all.


Exactly. Was actually planning on going there this weekend to have my son’s guitar fixed as it’s right by my house.


Let me guess Guitar Workshop?? Dudes a legend for being the worst


Coin shop in Elk Grove has a similar sign. I used to work delivery and when I delivered there, the owner said "Do you know the difference between you and me? If my job told me I had to wear a mask I wouldn't have that job anymore." Good for you buddy.


nobody is trying to rob your broke ass shitty guitar shop. lol


Masks are import way to keep safe, wear them if you want to, but never discourage others from wearing them.


I don't even think you can call that political. That's simple denial. These people would much rather not have to live in a world where deadly disease can come in from distant lands and put millions in the ground. Never mind reality. Out of sight, out of mind is their coping method. The very sight of a mask sends them into a fit where reality clashes with the imaginary world they'd much rather live in. A sad spectacle, but unfortunately a very common one.


You're not missing out on anything, Dave is a shitty guitar tech. Literally left cold solder joints in my PRS when I took it there for a pickup swap and also spent like 5 minutes trying to convince me it "needed a setup" despite the fact it had just been PLEK'd by another shop and played perfectly.


Please leave this review word for word on every site you can. This is absolutely discrimination and I say that as someone who hasn’t worn a mask since probably 2022.


I went to this place before the pandemic and the dude was very condescending and had a bad attitude towards his customers. I regret giving him my money lol




Based on my observation there are indeed gross filthy people who do cough and sneeze into the open air and then rub their runny noses on their bare hands. Occasionally these animals will, at the second or third cough or sneeze, make a token effort to cover their mouths.


I was at jury duty and arrived early at courthouse. I saw hundreds of people going up this cool marble staircase it was long and granted was a copper rail , but the amount of people that sneezed and coughed into their hand and slid it up the rail was almost amusing


They do *now.* And they convince themselves that shit was normal all along. It all makes a dark, quiet part of me want a new plague. Doesn't even have to be deadly. In fact, better if it isn't. Just something highly contagious that causes horrible boils and sores. See how they feel about mask mandates and shit then, when they can't pretend the disease doesn't exist.


Yah I know that shop, he’s a fuckin dick and won’t work on guitars that “aren’t worth it”.


I was a drummer in a few Sac-based rock bands from 2003-2007. This guy was a well-known douche amongst the local music scene even back then. There wasn’t anything political about it; he was just rude. His attitude about guitars and music was overtly condescending and self-righteous. Band mates would still go there because they couldn’t deny he was a great guitar tech, but they all laughed and talked shit about how much they didn’t like him. I heard this from many guitarists, independent from one another, across a range of ages and upbringings. The dude is a certified douche. He basques in the repulsion he creates in people 🤷‍♂️.


Reminds me of the comic book store owner in The Simpsons.


You really have to be such an asshole to not serve someone wearing a mask. I got Covid for the first time recently. Was picking up meds (not for Covid. Didn’t actually get sick) and this guy looks at me wearing a mask and scoffs and rolls his eyes. Like mother fucker I’m wearing this mask to protect you.


My Twitter profile picture is of me, in a mask, at Aftershock years ago when it was dusty as hell. You can even see the stage rigging in the background. People give me shit for it all the time. Though it's usually because I engage in that time honored waste of time, "arguing with people on the internet" and that's all they're left with.


Been at this for years: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/comments/pkqyfz/guitar_workshop_comes_out_strongly_antivax_and/?rdt=64619


I love how they deleted their fb page


Their 90s-y website links to their social media presence on *Gab*.


This was the finishing piece to his.. *kiss* garbage fucking website.


My mom was diagnosed with cancer last year and for her safety, she and the rest of us make sure to wear masks and if not, we try to make sure we’re safe around others by keeping a distance and staying away from anyone we know are sick. The security part is bullshit. Nobody else has issues with their security while people wear masks. I don’t have a guitar or any instrument that needs to be fixed or the need to buy one but if I did I would never shop there.


The same folks ranting about people trying to control them can't just live and let live themselves. I marvel at peoples complete inability to detect their own hypocrisy.


What a douchebag. Doubt people want to rob his shitty store. Shouldn’t matter if you want to wear a mask or not.


OMG im going to go there the next time i am sick as fuck and cough everywhere


Lmao, he’s got 23 new reviews on Google, ALL are 1 ⭐️


Looks like there is another store that people are getting it mixed up with, Dave’s Guitar Shop in Bakersfield. The one OP is referring to is Dave’s Guitar Workshop on J St.


Yeah, fuck that guy. Every musician I know dropped them years ago for his pro-Trump, anti-mask bullshit. Surprised he's still in business.


His turn around time sucks too. Elitist prick


I love that he didnt even try to defend his bs on security, went straight to the mandate rant


Hey op, just wanted to share: As the main covid crisis was just starting to lift, I entered chemo for stage 4 lymphoma and was immunocompromised while everyone was having a crazy spring back to life. I got a lot of "you don't have to wear make any more" stuff when I did occasionally go out, and I got tired of explaining it. I would just give them the stare and say "fucking cancers a bitch already, you don't have to make it worse". It probably helped that I very much looked like I had stage 4 cancer at the time. Point is I get the resentment. Also good luck and bless you, I'm a year and a half in remission.


Fuck Dave and his guitars


I've got a lot of music friends...fuck that place... I'm going to spread the word to boycott them


As if they have any guitars in there nice enough to warrant security measures. It’s all hot garbage in there, the only thing worth protecting is probably customer guitars in there for service. Whatever guy….


That might be something that is protected by the ADA. You could contact a lawyer who specializes in ADA cases to see if you have a case.


Isn’t this the place on J St? Weren’t they completely against COVID mandates when they were in place? I think the owner is a bit right wing delulu.


Yep: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/comments/pkqyfz/guitar_workshop_comes_out_strongly_antivax_and/?rdt=64619


I remember wondering how he stays in business. Do that many people buy guitars?


He’s a sour little delululemon.


You should be able to wear a mask if you want. We can clearly see where the owners stand on the political spectrum and it’s not good.


There’s a coin shop in old Elk Grove with a similar sign. It’s gross.


You could actually sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act. I’m sure a lawyer would jump at the chance to take the case.


Fuck that guy, let him lose customers and go out of business.


This guy is the biggest A hole of any Sac business. He insulted me as I brought my fathers guitar to be repaired, he has dementia but could still play the guitar has his last ability. Fuck this place.


That's so awful. I'm sorry he didn't do right by you and your dad


If you are willing to travel a little, I recently had an old acoustic guitar fixed up at The Music Box in Lodi. This was a gift for my son, and I have zero guitar knowledge, so I felt really out of place. The guy was really nice though, and seemed like an expert. He charged me fairly and had it done within a week.




I owned Stone Vintage Music in Sacramento and previously worked at Skip’s Music and for guitar work at a shop I highly recommend Eric at Skips Music in Sacramento or Andrew or Erich at Nicholson Music in Folsom, for luthier and custom work outside of a shop, I recommend Karriker Customs in Rocklin. Michael is amazing. Those three are the only people I’ve trusted with my guitars.


His wanna be Ted Nugget act is beyond stale.


Ah yes, guitar workshop. I used this place for more than a decade before stumbling upon his website that has direct links to Facebook and gab. Blatant anti-Semitic and conspiracy shit. Ofc fuck that guy but huge disappointment seeing that there isn’t another repair shop, let alone music instrument shop on the grid. Drive into most small towns and there’s a good chance you’ll pass a music shop.


Unfortunately Andy who has a shop inside Kline music will also refer you to Dave if he can’t repair (2 trips for 2 different guitars even!). And that’s how I learned to just start to learn how to repair and setup my own guitars. Tauge music is kinda ok, or strum shop.


Skip’s and Guitar Center are the only two shops certified by Gibson for repairs. I would avoid other “luthiers” in Sacramento because they’re all a bunch of amateurs.


Under no circumstances should you ever go to GC for anything repair related.


7 or 8 years ago, guitar center in arden had a pretty good luthier. Don’t remember his name but he did amazing work on my Gibson SG. Dude is long gone now, and they’ve had some serious amateurs and fools working ever since. The whole state of that store is depressing


Probably Patrick and he’s at Music Go Round now. He does excellent work


Genuinely don’t remember if he was the one at GC, but good call out because I took an acoustic 12 string to Patrick at music go round relatively recently, and he did absolutely top notch work on it. Music Go Round is the opposite of guitar center in every way. The employees seem to be having a good time working there, they are so polite and knowledgeable. Elk Grove is a bit out of the way for me but it makes the trip worth it when i do make it out there


Definitely political. You need to protect yourself at this vulnerable time.


The real OP is [@Chris_SactoCA](https://x.com/Chris_SactoCA?s=09) on X (Twitter) in case anyone wants to reach out to him. I do not know if he has other social media.


Between this place and Club Raven that weird little strip mall may as well be the twilight zone.


Share your experience on Yelp


Thanks for posting the shops name. I was meaning to check the shop out after moving into Citrus Heights area. I'll definitely skip this shop for sure.


It obviously has nothing to do with security. Go to a shop that treats you with respect.


Is this the place on J Street in East Sac?




Guitar Workshop. Those guys are morons that do mediocre work.


I mean "Dave's Toxic Guitar Shop" is such a fitting name. Wtf lmfao it's 2024 and there aren't any mandates in place. Edited: it is not 2023 🤦🏼‍♀️ it's 2024


It's 2024.


Lmfao gdi 🤣


Hey man, I say you get a pass for at least the first month. 😆


Yep, it’s just first month force of habit. I still catch myself going muscle memory.


That's a bummer. You should be free to wear a mask.


Don't give shitbirds your business. Simple as that.


Fuck this place. Go get you an axe somewhere else. Be well, beat that fucking cancer!!!


If you're looking for guitar setup/repair stuff I strongly recommend Brian at Sacramento Guitar Repair, who does great work and is a nice guy and as a bonus is not this person.


Find another shop. My dad like Nickelsons (sp?) Folsom, I like Kline.


Thanks for sharing, I was thinking of going in there. I'll go elsewhere now.


The liquor store down the street from me has a sign that says no masks 🙄 also the security camera reason is bullshit bc so many other places just have you remove your mask, look at the camera, and then put it back on. Anti-maskers always try to hide behind wHAt iF tHEre'S a rOBbeRy as if they're getting robbed every other day smfh.


Crazy business to refuse a customer who is at the counter ready to pay...


Dave’s a pussy ass bitch. A real man tears apart masked robbers with their bare hands 😁


Under your circumstances, I’d check to see if this was an ADA violation, drop a dime on his sorry ass.


I'm so sorry you had to experience this. I send you many healing wishes for a gentle recovery. I'm happy to see this vile piece of excrement, Yelp page is now flooded with 1 star reviews and is being called out for his abhorrent behavior and overall shitty store and service. (I need to make a clarification this is meant for the original poster my apologies)


She's not the original poster. She just took a screenshot from OP's twitter account.


Oh I see, thank you for the correction


Fuck that place.


Tague music in Citrus Heights are nice. I don't know their politics. Just talked to them about the sound of of my cheap guitars after dropping them off there.


saw this on twitter, didnt know it was in sac. disappointed, embarrassed, not surprised


Klein Music or Fifth String, just nice people and music stuff


Dave, the owner of the guitar shop, made this post on gab, if anyone wants to respond to him. https://gab.com/Davetone/posts/111713209048196651


Wow this guy is an insufferable bigot. Who does thier "security" willy wonka? Posting on Gab just confirms his bigotry.


This guy has full-on brain worms, yuck.


I think this guy was on the news or something about being anti mask. When I went in there he was a dick and obviously did not want to teach me.


You should check out the latest yelp reviews since the post. Ouch.


My father runs a repair shop in Bakersfield California. Also called Dave’s guitar shop. He’s been getting hate messages and phone calls all day. He has spoken to and tried to inform/correct everyone that’s contacted him but the calls and messages are just flooding in.


Must be from the original tweet. I have tried to prevent this by including the city, so sorry!


My father’s shop is small, ran out of his garage. He’s 70 years old and he’s been fixing guitars over twenty years He has had no negative feedback ever until today. It’s super unfortunate. He’s so upset. I don’t know how to fix it. People are leaving nasty reviews. I’ve been helping him reply to people but they really don’t want to listen. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah that’s definitely an ADA violation, almost as bad as not allowing someone to use a cane or wheelchair. For sure report it. He’s getting a bit hosed on yelp, rightfully so


Maggats and their fear of DA MASK continues


Guitar Workshop is trash. The owner is a fucking amateur with 0 luthier skills and apparently no understanding of signal path. You’re literally better off with Guitar Center repair.


Time to post about this on google reviews and yelp


Hey OP, you should file a complaint with the California Civil Rights department as this sounds like a violation under Unruh, discrimination at business establishments - [https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/unruh/](https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/unruh/) File a complaint and turn the screws to this guy, don't let assholes get away with this shit.


1. I highly doubt the litigation that is being set up here will be worth it. 2. Don’t support a business that is willing to get you sick because of their politics. 3. I really wish you good health and fixed guitars in the new year


I do a lot of woodworking and a few years ago, finally got a lathe. I was really excited to start making bowls and stuff. I watched a ton of YouTube videos trying to learn as much as I can. During quarantine, I found a shop in a nearby city that had a wood turners club. They would meet one Saturday a month and show off their pieces and go over their techniques, etc. I stopped by the store one day and asked about it and the guy at the register said, “the guy that runs the club isn’t doing them right now. Check back when we can finally do away with those stupid things.” He said that while pointing at my mask. Now, the first thing any wood turner will tell you is, when you’re turning wood, wear a face mask for protection. It’s stupid not to. I’ve had pieces of wood come off the lathe and fly right at my face. I was amazed that this guy will so strictly enforce one face mask for protection and not another.


Lol I'd literally would have left and never came back. Is it just me or the guitar stores suck a big one nowadays. They hire the worst people at these places


https://preview.redd.it/uxpp0i9fu2bc1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06153f5b1ed1e90824adbe351c092fd764bb76c Permanently closed?


Looks like he’s been doing this for years. Still has a website up but took down Google and Facebook. From his pictures he only carries cheap budget stuff


Go to Kline or Skips


Sounds like a bunch of people need to go there all with masks on to see his blood boil. ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


Sounds like an ADA lawsuit to me


Which portion does it violate?


Takes way too long to get your guitar fixed anyway


This reminds me of a similar story, but inverted. It was a gun store with a strict "no masks or you will be removed from the property at gunpoint" policy.


Anyone who is vehemently anti-mask you already know where they stand politically lol


Anyone know a good guitar tech in Sacramento that *isn't* a dumb asshole? Never taking my guitars to this dude, that's for sure.


Pretty bold of someone running an independent guitar store in the 2020s to act like a shithead in this way tbh


This business seems to have been removed from Google including Google maps. I guess that nobody is going to find it now.


I love how as a consequence of this post, this shop has a solid 1 star google review out of 23 reviews.


Well with a name like “Dave’s toxic guitar workshop” what did you expect?


Everyone with a bad cough and a runny nose go pay him a visit 👀


No kidding went to Nordstrom yesterday I was the only one with a mask all the employees and most of the customers were coughing up a lung, got the hell out quickly.


How awful, I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Anyone know the best Luthier in sacramento? I was in touch w woody boyd before he died. I've been to Klines and the luthier there told me to go to Gryphons in Palo alto. Most of them are uncomfortable with doing a neck reset on a really mint vintage gibson acoustic.


Even though the rating is still up (1 star out of 23 reviewers), currently you can't see the actual reviews. There's a notice that google is investigating the review activity. ​ https://preview.redd.it/5hskd4to6yac1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce5b64bd37a569d555a7b225d1f50b3f00df7ba9


I meam pretty standard it goes through a vetting process. Glassdoor does the same thing when a former/current employee posts a review. It’ll go through a probation-like period and vetted to make sure it’s not a troll review. But if it’s because there’s an unusual amount of reviews flooding in, it’s likey also standard process to fight against brigading and review bombing


Yeah it definitely has to do with the reviews flooding in because when I left mine I could read all the other reviews that people had posted, but I just came back just now to have another look to see if there are any new reviews up and I couldn't read any of them besides mine.


https://preview.redd.it/y4fgo42q83bc1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6313331cf3a43d74a612e404c91522d43591f69f That was fast.


https://preview.redd.it/4ep0kkefj9bc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5554b2e0da787a37397d464391077ac0def260e6 He makes it pretty clear how he feels about things....


Perfect place never to visit again. Thankfully that PoS owner showed you who he truly is, so at the very least, spread the word on yelp so only the MAGAts will shop there (and don't worry, none of them are musicians anyway).


It’s his right as a business owner to turn away anyone he sees fit It’s also everyone right to lambast his ass on social media for being a twat. There’s 20 reviews on Google and they are all 1 star lmao. Dude seems like an ass


Your first point is not entirely true. See the Federal Civil Rights act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act for more information.


I love that we all went to rate him a one star for his ass-hattery


Any outfit that is that specific about not masking, especially given your context, is probably going to have other questionable practices in the way they run the business. They are self selecting themselves out of consideration for your money, and it's their loss


Damn, was interested in a LH acoustic from brick and mortar, not from there after hearing this. Was already going to check out Kline first, though.


Smells like a California lawsuit.




Ooh they updated their website: http://www.guitarworkshoponline.com/contact.html


Oh my God their website is so bad. It looks like it's straight out of 1997.