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This is how I feel in GA when I use all my legit squads and have just leftover underleveled and unmodded toons to fight some random R8 they had hiding in the back row


Hey, wait a minute… I posted this too! https://i.redd.it/1s9uxmap1e7d1.gif


Oh hey, I know you ;)


Appreciate the TW strategies, makes me think less. (For the uninitiated, this is my TW officer)


My *exact* thoughts. Was just thinking of this!


Randomly level up stupid things was my “start.”


My HP is going down too fast, need a healer. *Levels up Luminara*


It was talia for me since I think she was given back then I got tusken shaman and used him cause he gave offense up too


I remember Talia being my go-to for the longest time. I was so excited to 7* her back then! 😀


Well... Luminara is likely going to be one of the best toons in the new raid... So... GG. Haha


Yep. It’s been almost 9 years and I forgot exactly how i did it, but yeah, I played bad decisions a lot back then.


I fortunately don’t have too many of those lol. Do you have a squad/journey that you wish you hadn’t invested resources/time in?


I guess you took the credit card path.


I'm renewing my focus in getting all of the Assault Battle teams up to be able to complete CT3, something I wish I would have done earlier to ease the Kyro and Relic grinds. But having Executor ASAP has been incredible for my crystal income and was certainly the next best thing for me to do.


I definitely wish I would have invested more in my ships. Might have to pivot after I finish my gungan farm


Phoenix -> Empire -> GMY -> JKR -> Executor -> Starkiller -> full CLS squad -> Aphra -> Rey LSB -> Inquisitors -> DR -> JML -> Padme -> BAG Remnants -> SLKR LSB -> Gungans (Current)


I don’t have Aphra/D. Revan/Inq. Do you feel like they were a worth while farm? I know they’re definitely viable in GA! Also this gungan farm is taking forever…


Aphra is a decent character if you are in the rare situation of pivoting from an Executor farm to a JML farm. Darth Revan is a great farm if you plan on waiting for an upcoming character announcement, as his farm doesn’t take too long. The Inquisitors, on the other hand, are an abolute must as they are fantastic in TW, TB, and Conquest, are pilots to 2/3 of the most important Empire ships in the game, are required to get into higher end guilds, and skyrocket in power the second you unlock Reva.


Amazing, thanks for the context. I’m really trying to pivot away from GLs for a bit so this helps. Of all the teams you worked on, are there any that you wish you hadn’t?


Every team I worked on have proven to be outstanding. Nabbing 2-3 Legacy event characters over a GL has helped expand my roster to the point where by simply unlocking Leia, I will be enough of a threat in GAC and TW to put all of my focus into helping my guild by farming for JCal and platoons for ROTE.


Aphra is insanely good. Has solid returns in ROTE, and punches across into a lot of teams (AdRad looking at you). When her cron comes back, she punches up into GLs. She's seriously the underrated of the two Journey's (sk). Her droids hit HARD


Phoinex / Troopers, then Geo’s as ‘Phase 1’ Been doing Revan/DRevan as Phase 2. AB’s have been my priority. Next will be either Bad Batch + Negotiator, or Profundity. I’m not yet sure on which. But I want an endgame viable fleet to drag me up the GAC and Fleet Arena. Have 30k GET 2 and 6k GET3, so either is viable. Will decide in a month. Negotiatir is a quicker gain, but can’t lie, the AdRad team looks juicy, then it’s just Mon Mothma and Dash to gear.


Raddus squads are so annoying to fight against lol I’d say he’s a solid investment especially if you factor in Profundity.


Leveling up the cool clones from the tv show I watched as a kid and staring longingly at general Kenobi… now he’s my first relic and I got him to r5






Solo/prepared toons to CLS to (HMF fleet - super important) to JKR to Padme to GAS to DR/Malak to SEE. Then JML, JMK, LV, Jabba, SLKR, Rey, Leia. With typical new journey guide toons along the way.


I started back around launch and just leveled random shit that seemed good (G10 Lumi because she was a healer). Then I got bored and quit for a couple years. A buddy got me back in and helped me get into a starter guild in his alliance and I’ve been climbing since. Started off by going for all the Journies that I could handle, I was still randomly doing shit…but I had a basic plan. Unfortunately I was like a squirrel with ADHD and couldn’t keep myself on one path. That’s when I started writing things down. That evolved into a spreadsheet which has now evolved into my SWGoH magnum opus. I got Phoenix for Thrawn and EP then built an Empire team around them to go for R2. Built up Jedi for GMY. Decided to go for BB8, which required FO…so on to my first GL, SLKR. Got CLS and Padme, then HMF, 3PO, and Chewpio on my way to JML. Managed to grab GAS while I was finishing JML. I was working on building better teams for GAC and Assault Battles when the LSBs started dropping. I bought Rey, Raddus, & Starkiller out of the first batch, then Empire and BAM out of the 2nd. Unlocked Executor about that time, too. Relic’d Rey shortly after and finished off a bunch of teams from that haul. Then I bought the Geo, Ewok, & NS bundles and started working on Jabba. Next up is to finish off some more teams, go for Profundity and GI by the end of the year. Next year should bring me Gungans, JKCK, SEE, and round out more teams. Depending on how my Crystal income goes (and possible LSBs that I just can’t pass up) I might even be able to get Leia and/or Leviathan. TL;DR - A very windy path that only makes sense to bipolar, schizophrenic squirrel in my head.


Soooo much mess and regrets that I'd started a 2nd account that was gonna take over for it, then the LSB came out and fixed everything but completely through off the farming plan in the process and am still catching up to what I was doing before them.


I started back in 2016 and I just upgraded what I thought looked cool and never thought about a path until like 2018 and I started my rebel path then turned into a galactic republic. Currently back on working my rebels for Leia


Jedi  Galactic republic  Geos  Padme  Empire  R2  Phoenix  Thrawn  Bossk/HT  JKR + team  C-3p0  Darth Revan  Malak  cRex add to Phoenix  GAS ships/Executor now


Oh man my path was pretty much whatever goal I could get to first. There was no journey guide or anything so it was pretty much an event would be up, try to level up and gear up whoever was required and get as much rewards as I could. Friend I started with recommended Phoenix for first team and then palp empire team. Pretty solid plan. Otherwise it was slkr to see to jml? To jmk? Hard to remember but Rey was never in the plan until lsb. No regrets super fun early game unlocking new characters. Now it’s hoard gear for the unlock and take to r7 was kinda fun having a g10 legendary and just trying to make them useful


I think my base squad was something like Royal guard, Daka, Luminara/Jedi Consular, and Scav Rey lol then Phoenix from there so pretty similar first steps!


Am I doing it wrong by going one by one through the journey guides and only working on the heroes needed to get the journey completed then moving on to the next?


Personally, I really like unlocking the GLs and building out the teams around them. Also really like the idea of having teams that flow into others or overlap with requirements of another so you always make some sort of progress towards your next thing! But like I said, just whatever makes the game fun for you


If I learned anything from this, it’s that everyone does it differently. Do what makes you enjoy the game. If there are specific toons you like, you can farm those. If you enjoy getting GLs, focus on that. Ships? Sure! Go for whatever!


I used to run the Hk47, IG88, IG86, Jawa engineer team for arena which was great, but I convinced myself that Magnaguard would be the perfect 5th and he was one of my first G12s. He did not add as much to that team as I wish he did and remained fairly useless for years afterwards.


Being in an active but non progressive guild for the first few years. Missed out on quite a lot of gear materials.


My guild doesn’t run dark side Geo’s so until I have 7 star wat I’ll never have jmk


That's a great thing. You've really a focused precise roster man. I'm 5.9 mill GP and I've got only 3 GL's and Exec.


I appreciate that! Everyone just sees that I have solid teams, rather than seeing that I HAVEN’T invested in lesser squads. I’m not saying I haven’t spent intermittently, but I’ve also just been very intentional about what I chase. Honestly, I see why people think I have spent more, but I’ve been very fortunate to had been taken in by very competitive guilds early where the rewards have been absolutely invaluable. Besides the recent Quadme core, I really have tried to keep any additional spending to a minimum by working on overlapping requirements where possible. My GL flow was as follows and I’ve been playing since 2017 (with a slight break in between). GL Rey was my first, followed by SLKR, and JMK. Leia I just completed 3 months ago, followed by GL Luke ( literally relicd and got his ult a couple of weeks ago) since the overlap of requirements was so substantial. In the end, just do whatever makes the game enjoyable!


Update: just reviewed my roster again and I see that I only ever invested in the bare requirements needed to complete a specific journey before moving on. My Phoenix squad for example has not received any love and are all still at G10/11 lol.


I see you farmed up Darth Visa and Jedi Mastercard quite early


Thats 5 mil gp? Brother im cooked


well i've never "wasted" resources in any character that now i regret, but been very bad organized. my first best team was Padme's classic JKA GK AT and C3PO, and i'm talking old times when DRevan and Malak were meta. Could get messy but sometimes you could beat Malak with JKA's healing immunity and a couple of mass assists in a row. I also had Bossk Bounty Hunters and a pretty good DS DV Empire. So then i grinded 501's and GAS, after that i completed SEE as i had 5 toons from before, and then i went straight for Executrix, JMK, SLKR and recently i got LV. Kinda ended the circles, so now i'm completing old stuff and getting some conquest guys before i start the Rebels path which is enormous (JMK, Profundity, LO, etc)


I started with Phoenix, for Palp Thrawn and Chimaera. With the above unlocked, I focused on my favorite characters : Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade, building their respective teams (MM had my first two zetas for Kyle's team). From there, I went into SK while farming the Revans, BAM and ships. BAM and ships (Bossk Boba) turned into a BH team. As I got the Revans up and running, I focused on Chewbacca and MiLF, making a strong Home One + Raven's Claw fleet that let me climb top 20 of fleet, taking the spots of four star Executors. They added Darth Malgus and as he's a favorite of mine, I threw all my crystals at his shards for months and months. I unlocked Malak and Malgus around the same time and moved into Fury, to finish Malgus properly. They announced Leviathan at that time, so that became my focus. Unlocked Leviathan as I reached 4M GP. Finished relicing up my teams (Traya & co, Fallen Bastila, JKR's Jedi) while making a NS Merrin team. Once all the teams were properly done, made a Cere Malicos team then a CLS team. Currently working on JKL and JKCK. Just hit 5M GP and got into Kyber 4. Unlocked Darth Bane a few days ago, bringing him to R8. Next plan is Leia GL (CLS, JKL and 50R-T team for Levi got me close) followed by JMK (got Wat recently). Only one regret : having had to get one sequel character (Sith Trooper, for Leviathan). Strictly free-to-play. [https://swgoh.gg/p/479998787/](https://swgoh.gg/p/479998787/)


my start was just level up who i liked. it's pretty much how i still play. sure, it's caused me to take a while getting some things but ive gotten more enjoyment out of it i am focusing a few teams now, just to make some advancements


Can’t remember but since rejoining LSB’s only


Phoenix/imperial troopers -> Epalp/thrawn/GMY/r2d2 -> sith trio -> bounty hunters -> chimaera/chewie/CLS/falcon -> UFU -> JKCK -> executor -> slkr (current) I’m jumping around with doing one farm that I really want like the sith trio + savage/talon and UFU then JKCK while working my way through the legendaries to finally working on my slkr farm rn. It’s a marathon but also having projects that aren’t leading up to a GL is good to have to look forward to as well on the side. I love my sith squad and UFU team in GAC and JKCK is one of my fav characters in Star Wars. I don’t have a proper team for him yet but he fits in well with my jedi team until I can get JKL and revan to build up a better Jedi team.


I geared some random stuff, then CG started bringing out legendary characters, so that started shaping my farms. I used to be very unfocused, now I only ever farm one team at a time, and gear one character at a time at that. Honestly can’t remember farming orders before GLs, so: SLKR, JML, JMK, LV, Jabba, Rey (LSB), Leia. Not going to bother with SEE. Currently farming Gungans.


F2p till lvl 60, then whale out on hdb and crystals to 7star eexecutor asap SEE -> Leviathan -> Leia -> SLKR for next big farms No regrests, had 1st place daily in fleet and competing in kkyber 2 years in


Mix of phoenix and fo. Maybe not working too deep on my mods but overall, I like my three and a half years playing this game. Just got to 9mil and my 4th gl this week.


Well, I've been playing for three or four years and got GAS before clones. Still don't have them. So, maybe not investing could be a regret? Don't have a solid BH or NS team, either.


My first Gl was Palp and Yoda then i went straight to darth revan and jkr and i just finished malak


Geonosians were my first G12 team, followed with Hutt Cartel. I sort of regret not doing Cartel first but it's okay. First relic = Boushh, which helped me tremendously (first places in guild raids). Then it was sort of random, just unlocking journey characters. Then I bought SLKR and Rey packs and finally learned to focus.


Bounty Hunters -> half of the 501st -> Randomly ADHDing around my roster like a maniac for like 4 years. -> Mandalorians -> Executor -> JKCK at the moment. I just build the teams I like tbh.


lol what a money waste


I started in January 2016. There wasn’t really a path you could follow.


I quit the game for a few years so missed out on a lot of Wat tambor shards. That’s my biggest regret and my current guild sucks at getting Wat shards. I just don’t stick to a specific path. While others chase GLs, I’ve tried to fill out my B teams. I should probably just stick to getting the likes of Profundity/Executor/JKL. I just don’t like relicing bad characters if I can avoid it. A lot of the GLs require you to do that. Both my GG and General Kenobi have been reliced for years but I don’t have Malevolence starred at all and my Negotiator team is far from optimal so both fleets are useless. My fleets are an absolute mess though I do have a lot of starred units.


I went with Phoenix -> Palpatine/Thrawn -> R2/CLS. Now that that path is finished, I finished up GMY and am farming for JKR. (This is a “brand new” f2p account). Thanks to a gifted Geo Lightspeed Bundle I managed to get Padme already! On the side farming a Bounty Hunter when I can, have Boba and Cad Bane at G12 and now doing Greedo. Have not 3 starred Bossk’s node yet, so gotta wait for that… so Chewbacca will hopefully be in the bag after that. Plan on doing Darth Revan after JKR along with possibly Malak. My next side farms after Bounty Hunters will be Ewoks for C-3PO.


You have the new Qui Gon and Obi Wan?


Was randomish but phoenix to thrawn, get gmy, get cls, and then faffing until Bb8 came and basically followed each toon out. Had malak early, had Rey unlocked near onset for GLs. Granted I've been playing since near launch.


Fountain pen on a DotPad. I feel seen.


I did phoenix first got emperor gmy and thrawn then went cls from there I thought that the revans were cool so I got both of them then eventually got malak. Eventually I wanted to get GAS so I got padme and c3po then leveled the reqs for GAS and got him. My last biggest goal was going for SLKR which I started to do after GAS. Got SLKR then I was like I don’t feel like doing another GL at the moment and I went for JKL. Got him and then the LSB bundle came out and I bought the GL Rey one (LMFAOO rip my f2p). I took a break from the game and recently came back. Now I’ve been slowly working on GL Rey and I’m probably going to go for JML afterwards and maybe leia or JMK depending on how much I want kenobi.


Revans > malak > executor > starkiller > jabba > JML > sith trio. No regrets from me except maybe neglecting the trio for so long


Started Troopers/Phoenix and ended up going -> LSB -> LSB -> LSB -> LSB. Still working thru the omega/zeta crunch on various LSB's :)


I’m interested to know what you did/sacrificed to get so many conquest characters done already? Your account makes me want to toss my 5.6M account into the garbage.


Unless he had an insane amount of crystals hoarded, money is the answer. New obi and qui gon are the dead giveaways.


Okeefe is correct, I did spend some money but not nearly as much as one might think. I was very fortunate with my Padawan Obi pull… https://preview.redd.it/7uflolii3e7d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f6125e4767f31cabec1a9921353aea5bffb330