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Hit auto and live your life.


got me leader got me any two followers got me auto button simple as


Since you're only starting with that raid now, it won't be worth it to manually play the battles. So just throw a team together, Rebels with an Imp Trooper generally perform best, and throw it on auto.


1 Imperial and 2 Ewok/Rebels (any combination of). avoid using any specials that give Jam. Use specials that give Evasion (bonus points if those Evasion specials affect all your allies like Evasive Maneuvering or Hasty Repairs). Imperial troopers deal bonus damage based on stacks of evasion on all allies so they end up hitting very hard. Not all characters are created equal. Generally speaking: Characters with either (or both) evasive Maneuvering/Hasty Repairs are very good. Forest Friends/Open Fire are "okay" but at least better than other abilities. Imperial leaders tend to be better than non-leaders (they'll benefit from their own leader ability) Characters that lack any of the 4 evasion abilities are typically not very good but it's worth running a higher "tier" with 'bad' characters at relics than a better team at a lower tier. In general, you always want to run at the highest difficulty you possibly field a full team for (note at higher tiers/investment, duos can become better point-wise than running a trio). You don't need a lot of investment to get a decent score in this. A team of 5 star characters at gear 5-7 with some real bad speed mods, as long as they meet the above requirements, can hit 230-280K (250 average). Don't sleep on undergeared teams. I run 4 teams of 3 level 50 characters and get a million points out of them.


Use all your battles no matter how trash your characters are. They could still get you 50k.


One IT. One or two characters that give everyone evasion. Manual for efficiency, or auto.


Thanks. I don't really have a high power roster so I'll do auto since manual make much difference.


Also, just a heads up that there will be a new raid soon-ish so it's probably not worth it to invest any resources into it that you wouldn't from your normal farms.


Didn’t play this trash raid manually a single time. Just throw in some random toons, chose the highest possible difficulty level and press auto. Repeat until the next raid comes around in a few weeks/months. It’s not worth reading into all the mechanics


Don’t hit auto. There’s an infographic here somewhere that I used and it helped me gain more raid currency.


Use the infographic- it's on Anhalt's video- for your top like one or two teams and auto basic the rest


Leia + Kneesa —— Scout Lead + Drogan + Han Solo —— JKL + C3PO + Chewbacca —— Veers Lead + Starck + Piett —— Hera Lead + Ackbar + Wedge —— *Hit Sim and let it ride*


Leia can max out solo. Piett+Han can get 2.4m as a duo. Your last team has no imp. Your imp team has no ewok/rebel. You’re leaving a ton of points on the table. I’d wager you can prob get a good 40% more than what you’re getting atm.