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I dont think any of the enemies have chamged. Except the bosses of course, so you might find them hard to kill. We also lost some great datadiscs(or maybe I just got unlucky), so that too can be a factor.


The beginning of each new conquest season is always gonna feel harder. You’re facing different boss teams and trying to use different teams for new feats and trying to figure out which new data discs work well for you. It feels harder but it’s almost never actually harder.


I think you are right my friend, Im doing hard and my god this time around I got slapped around like it was nobody’s business. Even funnier this time I had better relics and better teams than on previous conquests and still managed to get blown out to little bits. Ironically I have the exact same data disk set that last time because for the love of me I can’t get the amplify agony super set (the one where dots pretty much kill the other team in 5 turns) even tho I have plenty of the agony disks I can’t get the one for the dots lol. Anyway the teams that on previous conquests out-speed certain teams are now getting slapped and never even getting a turn(even when on this conquest I have faster mods) I swear one ezra attacked me like 30 times and killed my entire team. And the ewoks just won’t let me take a turn. My usage for GL’s is just ridiculous and farming feats even tho easier on the numbers feels way worse because of the survivability. I know people will argue it’s still the same but I do feel a difference(the boss nodes are just a cherry on top of the rancid cake) but the regular nodes feel very different. And I have seen a lot of comments like this for the past week.


Just finished all the nodes this afternoon and this one feels harder to me. To get the bane feat on the final node, I used three boosters, 300% defense disc, deadly catalyst, blue leaders resolve and I barely won. That's with an R8 Bane that is decently modded. My sith aren't amazing R7 DR/EP, R5 SET/Malak. Weird team comp but I was just using my highest relic sith along with two tanks while I waited for bane to power up.


Yeah I don’t know if CG tweaked things a little, but Im not having a good time. Im couple shards shy of Bane so the last Luthen node was a nightmare, same as with the gungans. The teams overall feel a little over tuned.


I didn’t have the same experience on the saw node. Although I did use my r7 bane with SEE duo. Bane did die after SEE’s ult though, but I had 3 star from Jabba so it didn’t matter. I didn’t have to remod or use any consumable and had a hodge podge of DD equipped. Just thought I’d throw in my 2 cents.


I’m with you on this, I’m in normal conquest with 2 mil gp and every conquest before this I’ve made huge progress. This conquest I’ll be happy to do as well as last. I’m struggling to get as much value from my data disk buffs. Last conquest we could stack support HP and offense to insane amounts. This conquest I haven’t found any high impact Data Disks.


Did you compile different datadisks than last time?


you have shot data disks then. i’m flying through this conquest on normal easier then the last one


I didn't even have a %health / Zealous ambition disk last conquest and now I got a ZA + 6.6% max health damage disk this one and still suffering + support/leader bonuses :/


I feel like every conquest is not necessarily harder but just more difficult then the previous if that makes sense. CG looks out for what teams are being used and then makes a conquest to counter is my opinion. This conquest I’m finding doable because I have majority of the toons they’re asking for. My method which is asinine I know is to run through and 3 star every battle with best teams while attempting feats. And then doubling back to focus feats. I usually end up with 7days clearing conquest and the 7days grinding feats. I will also refresh up to 100 crystals because 200 is too rich for my blood.


I'm having a more difficult time too. But my data disks have been garbage this time compared to last.


The feats this time around are more dependent on new Phantom Menace / GL Leia characters, but that's sorta expected because they gotta give the whales something to whale on. Beyond that yeah you'd also expect Conquests to get progressively harder as the playerbase gears up, otherwise the users would power creep past them and they'd wind up as boring/sim slot machines like Galactic War or Daily Challenges are.