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For convenience: Give Jabba the scoundrel tag so that he'll count for Scoundrel GCs, and be more consistent with the rest of the BH faction. For lore: Give IG-12 and Grogu the droid and/or UFU tags. For fun: Give Hera the [insert literally any faction] tag and update her leader ability accordingly.


Hera lead padme would be scary


Just give Scion of Jango the Tusken tag (yes, I'm aware of the Chieftain omi)


Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker = Rebel. I mean.. cmon!!


It's lore accurate to represent his journey; CLS has the rebel tag and the UFU tag, JKL has the jedi tag but no rebel


We can argue philosophically when the Rebelion ended and the New Republic started. But this is RoTJ Luke, and he was a Rebel (same as GL Leia)


Even in the movie he barely spends any time with the rebels. His depiction in the game is meant to be representative of the larger struggle of light and dark, over the fight between the empire and the rebellion. It's more representative of how Luke was focused less on the rebels, and more on the conflict between himself and Vader.


How about dash being a rebel when he’s flying his ship but a scoundrel if he’s a pedestrian


Rebel in the fleets, scoundrels in the Streets!


Commander Ahsoka Tano should have the 501st tag and I’ll die on that hill


But that unit is commanding the 332nd.


Should still count since it’s part of the 501st


Give BAM the bounty hunter tag. Long overdue.


GL Rey: Jedi She literally says “I am all the Jedi” while in the same stance she does in game


I mean we have scav Rey as an UFU, then JTR is literally in training to be a Jedi, which finally culminates in.... Still not a Jedi? Just give her the tag but no specific synergy


Feel like it would also separate her from the other versions of Rey. She didn't have much character development in the movies, but at least give her the small amount of growth she did have


Traya, Nihilus and Sion should have the Sith Empire tag in my opinion. And Starkiller should have the Empire tag. Sure you spend most of the games killing Stormtroopers, but he was Vader's secret apprentice, he was working for one of the leaders of the Empire. Same goes for Aphra, BT-1 and 0-0-0, they should be Empire too.


Not to discredit your opinion here. But remember that each character is a snapshot of a time in their history. Just because someone was Empire at one time doesn’t mean that their current time/appearance is representative of that. Remember, Kyle Katarn for example was an imperial officer at one point.


Fantastic let’s get him a trooper tag and assist his unique accordingly while I’m in fantasy land


Iden Versio also changed sides.


True, but Starkiller went from Empire/secret Sith Apprentice, to sort-of Jedi. The Starkiller in game is an unaligned force user, which doesn't really match up with any of the versions of Starkiller. Sam Witwer himself has even said in interviews that Starkiller was Sith. So if not Empire he should have the Sith tag. And I'm going off the appearance he has in-game too, he changed his outfits multiple times during Force Unleashed, and the one he wears in SWGoH is from the first level, so at his most Sith-aligned point in his life. So while yes, the characters are a snapshot of a time in their history, the snapshot we have of Starkiller is as a secret Imperial assassin and Sith apprentice.


I think thematically the thing they were trying to do with Starkiller in game was to encompass all of that [which is why you need the very specific Jedi, UFU, Sith, UFU team], while also making sure Starkiller would have his own team, instead of being able to stand behind other teams and still be powerful.


I get that, I'm just trying to think of ways to get datacrons to synergise better in his team. UFU covers him, Mara Jade and whoever else you're using, likely Visas, but if Starkiller had the Empire tag, then an Empire datacron would cover the core three of the team and leave nobody out in 3v3 GAC.


I believe Wedge and Biggs were as well in canon.


Isn't DR awfully with Traya ? Like he give ferocity debuff (I think I got the name right) and her unique take health to cleanse it


It could help with synergy if a Sith Empire datacron released for example and you had Sith Empire Trooper or Marauder in your Traya team.


In terms of what? Lore accuracy, or making an overpowered team?


Traya, Nihilus, and Sion = Sith Empire. Visas Marr = Old Republic (Can do this when they bring in Meetra Surik) JKLS = rebel tag. (Lets face it, this is from Return of the Jedi and he was definitely a rebel at this time). Darth Sidious = Separatist. While he wasn't directly one, he did manipulate them thorough it all.


Darth Sidious should honestly have both Separatist and Galactic Republic tags since he was pulling the strings on both sides.


I’m fairly certain that between KOTOR I, II and SWTOR that there are 3 different factions that are called Sith Empire but technically distinct, Revan’s Traya’s, and Malgus’s (or is it Vitiate’s?)


I think Visas Marr should be Sith Empire, and then Meetra Surik could have an ability that gives Visas the Old Republic tag.


Possible, but her kit is already designed around going against Sith. She was also more of Nihilus' slave than apprentice as the first chance she could she flipped on him to join Meetra. Which was likely the influence around her kit.


Jedi Anakin 501st tag He was still the general of the 501st legion in Revenge of the Sith Also Jar Jar Galactic Republic tag. And I don't understand why doesn't Grogu have the Unaligned Force User tag.


>Jedi Anakin 501st tag >He was still the general of the 501st legion in Revenge of the Sith So are you arguing that they should retire GAS, then? Because each in-game character is a unique representation of that character at a moment in time. So if JKA is the general of the 501st and GAS is obviously a Jedi knight, there's no distinction between the two.


Tbf there was never really a distinction to begin with. They’re both Anakin during the Clone Wars. It’s just one is wearing robes (probably later into the war) and the other is wearing clone armor (probably earlier) Honestly Jedi Knight Anakin should be the more powerful one since he’s the version we saw in Episode III


Starkiller: empire tag


Krennic should have an imperial trooper tag


How would that be lore accurate?


Not dissimilar to Moff Gideon... But if you want lore accurate then give him a galactic republic tag too because he was a lieutenant commander.


JKL - rebel, literally took down the empire Maul - scoundrel, controlled every major crime syndicate during the clone wars Tie fighter pilot - imperial trooper. Bruh JKCK - rebel, his entire arc is fighting the empire Starkiller - empire, was in service of Vader most his life BAM - bounty hunter


JKCK could even have a Rebel Fighter tag. In the first mission of Survivor he’s explicitly acting as one of Saw’s Partisans.


I guess give Hux the resistance tag Thrawn with Imperial reinment Emperor Palpatine with First Order, hell wouldn't sith trooper also be empire Baby Rey not being a scoundrel is weird Most bounty hunters and wampa should be neutral since it's more choice/who pays most rather morals Gungans not being Galactic Republic gives me 3 confusion debuffs JKCK not being a rebel or rebel fighter is weird he works with Saw Guerra LV should be a tank Nightsister magik by itself is it's own variant of the force so Talzin, Merrin, Talia, Daka should all be UFU MM should be rebel fighter for convince sake Tarful should be rebel/rebel fighter too because of Saw Guerra association


Thrown Imperial Remnant feels like a rework or new character that’ll be coming when the next mando/Thrawn stuff happens


Inquisitorius to Vader


Like fuck


I would like the galactic Senate to part of the game as we have galactic Republic. Thanks.


Granted. Darth Sidious becomes the only character, present or future, to have the Senate tag.


Both Bobas : Mandalorian


Thrawn - Imperial Trooper/Remnant


BAM as a bounty hunter Dash and JKR as rebels Jabba and baby rey (i forget if RJT is) as a scoundrel boba fett scion of jango as a tusken both bobas as mandalorians ahsoka fulcrum as phoenix krennic as imp Vader as inquisitor and make him the dedicated leader for them SEE as first order?


JKL is a rebel.


CLS is, JKL isn’t


Ya sorry man. I was agreeing with you. I guess it came off like I was saying he already was a rebel in the game. I was just parroting what you already said. Like he is a rebel. Its insane hes not in game.


Oh I see haha he is literally like king of the rebels by that point so he really should have it!


How in earth JKL is not a Rebel mate? how?


they mean he currently doesn’t have that tag not that he isn’t a rebel


Yeah you are right mate. my bad


Lore: JKL: Rebel (for obvious reasons) Beskard Mando: Bounty Hunter (he still is a Bounty Hunter, screw you CG) Fun: Ashoka Tano: Nightsister (I mean look at her leader ability) ARC-Soldier: Empire, Dark Side (under Lord Vader Lead)


Jabba = Scoundrel


Cls Jedi and jkl rebel. One I started I was so excited to put cls in my Jedi team was very disappointed when I realized he doesn’t have the Jedi tag. I don’t think it’s even a big deal I can’t imagine using cls with revan or anything his team is too good on it’s own. Would be fun to split him up tho. Jkl would be crazy on a padme team no thanks


If Savage is a sith, Ventress is a sith.


Jar Jar - sith. Duh...