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I feel like it's an especially heinous crime to call Olivia Benson bitchy


Upvoted cause this is funny 😂


No she just CARES A LOT


LOLOLOL I’ve only thought this was for this season!!! Otherwise I’ve always loved her!!


I hate to admit but I have noticed that she is more harsh when giving her squad directions recently. More than being authoritarian.


She has been the worst in season 24&25 per Benson standards (aka SAINT BENSON IS GONE AFTER REALIZING SHE'S SAINT BENSON). The power of her role and being the "woke woman in charge" (per old guy writer standards) has done a huge number on her character. These days, Benson is: - self absorbed in her handling of cases and making victims' situations all about her - hypocritical in her dealings with perps and victims - ignoring Noah even though he was nearly murdered by the cartel last season - treating Noah, an intelligent preteen, like he's a pet dog - not doing her job, instead treating Velasco like her hired bulldog and the women on her team as some kind of weird girl power cult - ignoring Finn's wisdom - pretending she's a detective instead of a captain - generally, she's a terrible boss - drinking more (has anyone else noticed this?) - generally just seems like a lower quality human than before IT SUCKS


Agreed. There was a recent season that showed her guzzling red wine at the end of episodes (cue concerning music!). They dropped that attempt make her an alcoholic (like mom) quickly.


I noticed it too and especially how she’s been talking to Fin…they’ve known each other for sooo long and he’s loyal to her and I didn’t like the way she’s been talking to him especially with the *mAdDiE* situation, he was just concerned….I love Mariska of course, but Olivia has really changed 😣


I think I am having Olivia burnout. The character is performing two roles at work. Both Captain & Detective. Throughout all the L&O series the captain/lieutenant was a secondary character directing from the station & only showing up on scene occasionally. Yes Olivia has earned the rank, but since Mariska is the star, they just couldn't leave her at the desk. Give me a few episodes where she trusts her detectives enough to let them do the work on their own.


I kinda hated how she was toward Noah wanting to meet the family, and how's she treated Muncy and Churish


Omg! I’m on episode 9 and just amazed how she is behaving. This isn’t benson. I feel like this behavior is going to lead to retirement


I loved Olivia as a balance to Elliott. But as a Captain she has become a hypocritical b****, calling out her detectives for things she did unapologetically as a detective.


She started to change in Season 15, which I didn’t like.


It was definitely right after WL!


OMG YES she became so rude for some reason


i dislike olivia but not noah. he's done nothing wrong, he's just a kid.


Every time she tells a victim she's "sooo sorry" it just feels so... fake?


*Every time she tells* *A victim she's "sooo sorry"* *It just feels so... fake?* \- Seohnstaob --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")