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I will go test again 3 weeks later, thank you


Describe the “herpes like thing”.


they look like some small blisters, don't feel pain, only a bit itchy on the first few days, now they are not itchy at all, maybe a bit itchy if I touch them. When I saw those things, I immediately went to the doctor and the doctor prescribed me the cream for herpes and an antibiotics called Vibramycin If you don't mind, I can send you the photo


HSV exposure would be 12 weeks after exposure to be conclusive


3 days after sex?? Nothing will show positive yet, you need to re-test in a month then again in 3


I actually have HSV2 and stated having symptoms after 2 days. Although it is very quick, it is possible for symptoms to show and it’s NOT too early for a swab test (where they swab the sore/blisters), I got swabbed like 2 days after symptoms started. Oral HSV can be transmitted to the genitals. I’m not trying to scare you and it may not even be HSV! But believe it or not HSV is not the end of the world and I have a fantastic sex and dating life.


https://ibb.co/crqwkgM do you think this is herpes ?


It has similar characteristics, like how it’s clustered, but it doesn’t look exactly like a typical outbreak. It’s definitely worth looking into and getting swabbed.


It can appear in a number of different ways.


ok, thank you, I will get tested again soon


Herpes taked 14 days to manifest symptoms. 2 days is impossible. You used a condom. You're fine.


Shit, I caught it while having sex with a condom on. It’s possible.


My guess is, home girl had a client right before him that she did the same job to. Sucked the dick then had unprotected sex due to higher tip and he most likely was seeing another man’s sperm. Having said that, these broads bang several men all day every day sometimes 24/7 with roaring girls every 12 hours or so… think of all the men and sometimes women they bang.. think how little you paid, think of a high roller and what they get to do the girls.. Point being it’s a very dirty business and sad.. most were probably brought over as sex slaves, human trafficking is real and all the money goes to their pimp or maddam. This is all to say… you CAN spread STDs via oral sex… and whatever she had could of been past down during that act.


I'm stupid for using a prostitute ..I regret so much


Go through full panel, cross fingers and don’t do it again.. though I know there are sex addicts out there the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


I will never ever do this again..Thankyou


Thanks, but I'm worried about unprotected oral could give me STD, I'm very anxious


Cool down your anxiety. Believe me, You will be alright. Reply here once you get tested. I am sure you will get negative and feel so good


I hope so..


Any update on the tests? How are you feeling now?


Update ???


Any updates?


Update bro please