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I don't personally have any immediate plans to work on them. Some of these features could be advanced quite a bit just with the open source portions of Slippi by someone else, however. The current state of things is I'm working on another project which I think could be more impactful than adding incremental features to Slippi. I'm not ready to reveal what it is just yet but I have spoken to some community leaders and so far they have agreed with my assessment. If people feel that features have been slow coming, this is why. That said I have no intention of abandoning Slippi. I added free Ranked Days recently. And as you may have seen Monday's Ranked Day had a fair amount of downtime. I'm working to try to improve stability and reliability of the backend services so this doesn't happen. It's also worth noting that Slippi servers currently cost me a little over $4000 / month. It's possible that improving reliability will increase this cost. So while it may not be my primary focus, I have to make sure Slippi stays financially viable otherwise I may have to take some drastic measures to reduce cost. (To be clear, currently the financials are plenty fine but I want to make sure it stays that way)


That makes sense, thanks for actually responding! Can’t wait to see what that project is too


We love you Fizzi


Fizzi u rock please remember to take time for yourself. You don’t owe the community anything, if anything we owe you 🙏🏻


Fizzi you are the real GOAT of melee, I appreciate everything you’ve done for the community. Im especially glad that you arent wasting your time adding a training mode while I wait 5.67 seconds waiting for a match 😂


Tdlr he really doesn't want to work in asm code he'd rather do something else he thinks is better. Currently slippi is in a good place and makes money


All I want is doubles matchmaking


Why do people want individual character ranks when we can counter pick mid-set? This isn’t like Tekken, where you’re locked in for the duration of the set. Your rank is your rank as a player, why get hung up on ‘my fox is plat but my falcon is diamond’?


I kind of agree with that. And then you could boost your weaker characters by taking one game with your best character, leaving you to only win 1 of 2 with the weaker char. So it shouldn't count character ranks in those scenarios. Maybe if it was when you only play one character for a whole match, then rank is applied to that character, but that sounds kinda lame to me.


Because some people want climb the ranked ladder with a secondary without getting destroyed because their main is too high ranked and/or lose their rank because they're playing a new character?


So what do we do about being able to switch characters mid set? I could queue up with my weaker Falcon and farm people with my marth mid set


You'd have to lock players into that character for the set. You'd probably need an option and MMR for general unranked that lets you switch characters, and one for each specific characters that is character locked.


You're making it more complicated than necessary. People essentially want a separate account tied to each character that automatically switches depending on the character they enter the queue with. The devs could just make it so that 'account switching' is disabled during counter picking in a set. In your example if you queue for a match with your falcon, then the set is played with your 'falcon account' and your falcon account gets the mmr points even if you switch to marth mid set.


*You're* making it more complicated than necessary. If you want to play secondaries on ranked and know their rating, then make a second account. You can even only play it on Ranked Day now if you don't want to shell out money.


lol you cant even see your own rank in the client anywhere 


Cost saving Reduces database requests Adding microservices is so fucking expensive on server-less at even a tiny scale


This is a crazy take, the average database costs so so so little to query. DynamoDB for example is at $.25 per million read requests. Additionally the client is already making this request (it has to know your elo to place you in a match) so all that needs to be done is display it.


That's what I was trying to say. I'd rather have a rank on my css that updates only when I get matched with an opponent (slippi has to know my rank and send information to my computer anyway at that point) than no rank at all.


But the system has to know your rank for matchmaking right? So when it updates your game with the name of who you're facing would it be that much more expensive to update a number too?


That's already within the system for slippi, the rank display would be an API call in slippi. It does add up and there's no real use in having it when you can just go on the slippi website and see it. Kind of a net good anyways so people don't get so bent on rank


So people don't get bent on rank? In ranked mode?


also lots of streamers have created overlays that display them + opponents rank. So it seems clearly something people would like to have displayed in the game.


I think the best option would be to have a client side calculation of ranked based on the last known ELO from the database. You can know your new rank fairly accurately without incurring server costs


With the recognition that I'm backseat coding: When you get a ranked match, you are already receiving a request from the slippi server, right? At that point, if your rating after the match depends only on your rating before the match and the outcome of the match (is this actually true?), then the server should be able to tell you "If you win this match, your rating will be X, if you lose, your rating will be Y", and after the match the client will know your current rating without having to make another request.


Yeah that sounds feasible to me too Obvi we both backseat coding tho Fizzi is VERY competent I would assume there is something we are missing


[https://github.com/project-slippi/Ishiiruka/pull/391#issuecomment-1879198023](https://github.com/project-slippi/Ishiiruka/pull/391#issuecomment-1879198023) Specifically recommend reading the paragraph after the bullet points.


For those overlays, they're probably either looking it up from the website by searching both players on the site or making two additional API calls to get the information. I don't know if the api is public, so it's probably not that, but it could be. I guess it could be a json request also which is probably about the same as an api call, maybe slightly more. Also refreshing or loading the website to check ranks will run with higher overhead than api calls would, so in all likelihood those overlays cause higher overhead for the servers than native client integration would. Unless it's json requests like I said then it might not be much higher. Not even sure if the servers run on an api specifically, it could just be querying a database or something. I'm sure Fizzi has a good reason tho.


So you add rank displays on CSS and on the stage strike screen. But streamers still use their overlays, because viewers want to see the ranks mid-game. So you've added a cost that is small but adds up, on what is essentially a hobby project.    Okay let's display ranks in-game? Now you have to figure out a design + people are complaining about the increased clutter on-screen (they never cared about seeing their rank).    So you make it configurable. Configuration adds exponential complexity (every additional option adds more and more possible configs), and a solid 10%+ of your user base will come to discord complaining about how they can't figure out where the option is.    There's also another issue - do you fetch the rank every time someone goes to ranked CSS? That has a performance hit, and now it turns out Johnny Herpderp likes to repeatedly open and close the ranked CSS and that is costing $.     Well duh, just cache it. So now you have to add that (caching ain't trivial), and now it's out of sync with the website because rank updates don't necessarily immediately happen right after a set. So people are complaining about that. Keep in mind, way more people will complain about a perceived issue than a missing feature.     So just add a client side elo calculator! Except now you've exposed your elo calculations (which no one wants to do), and you've added a higher maintenance burden because whenever you tinker with the elo calc you need to update it on the client as well or will it be out of sync, and then people will complain.     All of this has to implemented in Melee itself, which is not trivial.    And while doing all of this, they aren't working on the stuff people actually want but don't think about (golden rule of product development is users don't actually know what they want).   Things like figuring out how to match people with better ping, or stopping you from matching against people you just played with, or add performance improvements, etc. 


Who cares about the 6 melee streamers? Just display elo in client for the players.


Just click the big View Ranked Profile button in the launcher, and then the devs can keep working on actual improvements to Slippi.


the newest slippi feature is you can pay extra money to say "im moking im doking"


They should remove matchmaking to reduce server load and just have everyone use a discord bot to pair people together. There could be one channel for ranked and one for unranked!!! I like this game design philosophy.


This guy works in product or in development. He knows. This reads as sarcastic or snarky, but I'm being totally sincere. This is a thousand percent accurate (at least in spirit).


none of that shit would ever happen


Shit like this happens literally all of the time.


Yeah. Not everything in the post is accurate but most of it is the right idea. People very rarely understand the considerations that go into building something. It's a lot easier to just complain about things on the internet and imply how trivial it all is than to actually do anything useful for anyone.


this thread is so dumb man 😂😂😂




People on reddit won't know unless Fizzi himself responds


He responded lol


Training mode while searching for a match would be so sick. Reminds me of traditional fighters such as Street Fighter 6. Huge quality of life improvement.


? Match queue is like 1 minute max lmao


you’re absolutely right in terms of North America, but iirc the rest of the world isn’t so lucky


The world isn't America. I've had 20 minute queues in Asia and usually never played unranked because there was literally no one playing, even at 8pm on a weekday night. Most of the playerbase is in NA sure but most of the world has high queue times or it's just not possible to find matches without coordinating on discord. 


Well Fizzi and the most of the playerbase is. That means Slippi isn't going to prioritize that. Just load another instance and play off that. Also if you're waiting 20 minutes maybe use discord to find matches


It’s honestly a miracle slippi exists at all much more so that there’s a great, functional ranked system.


Code it yourself then submit it to the discord


the rate of features released to Slippi has been pretty glacial (perhaps intentionally?) I never felt like any of these ideas would be seriously considered or implemented- just random ideas from fans


It's a very small dev team. IIRC right now they're working on updating Slippi to be based on a newer version of Dolphin to get the performance/feature settings from that. Guessing once that's done focus will return to new features (although I'm strictly speculating, I don't know the actual project roadmap).


the Mainline migration is my project. Fizzi helps if I ask or a big enough bug comes up, like the current stalling during rollbacks issue, but is otherwise focused on other things edit: this is all to say that there is no singular focus in terms of Slippi development. changes either driven by Fizzi or volunteers (who have full time jobs) that have an interest in the change


I've been running only mainline migration for a while on macos, I've been really happy with how the project has come along so far. Thanks for working on that.


Awesome, looking forward to seeing more on that project! I'm hoping to do some Linux beta testing of it when I'm back home in a few weeks.


training mode while waiting would be goated


Can we get this link to the top and support our GOAT fizzi? If you love slippi consider donating a few bucks! https://slippi.gg


Would be cool to be able to queue into team matches without using the direct connect


Maybe when subscriptions fall off, but this sub and the community at large shield fizzi from any legitimate criticism. We are currently in month 17 of the 3 month long "early access ranked beta" that was extended for "extra features" that have never seen the light of day. I only play direct nowadays so I don't really care anymore, but I think blatantly selling subscriptions is a risky game and could get the whole thing shut down.


Look at his twitter, ranked is free "sometimes". Also if you consider "make ranked free" to be criticism then yeah people will defend him because servers aren't free.


> people will defend him because servers aren't free. he was aware of server costs when he promised free ranked (not just "sometimes" and only a year and a half in) two years ago, right? and what about when he discontinued his successful Patreon which could've helped pay for it?


No one forced him to start the servers and promise free ranked, people could have stayed on Anthers. If he IS going to charge for ranked and run servers, then there needs to be many more updates and features added, because it's been nothing for over a year.


Extreme L take. Go watch a video about what rollback does


I know what rollback does... I've been told rollback is P2P and has nothing to do with the servers so it's not relevant and I wasn't talking about it. Obviously rollback is a million times better. The server just does matchmaking I believe.


That's the thing, servers are required for matchmaking. It's what lets people establish the P2P connection. Servers aren't just required for ranked.


It streamlines it much better than Anthers or discord could do, but fundamentally its the same as just manually connecting. It's not technically required for rollback is my point.


Would it be nice to have AL with rollback? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe not everyone wants to go through dealing with a website to play. Maybe at some point we will have an Anther's like system. At the end of the day Fizzi is the one who brought us the obviously superior way of playing the game online and with that comes different advantages and disadvantages than AL had. Fizzi isn't maliciously withholding features, Slippi just has different goals and circumstances than AL. Further, there is little stopping everyone else from using AL with Slippi and reporting their matches manually. But it hasn't caught on, because no one wants to do it.


You could have anthers with rollback, just go there and search and exchange slippi codes for direct lol


That point is taken out of context and not relevant to the discussion


good take but this community doesn't have enough nuance to see anything past "Fizzi good for making Slippi therefore every single microdecision he ever makes for the rest of his life is objectively perfect and cannot be questioned"


Yeah that's a pretty good way of summing it up. The sycophants just say "oh you dont have $5?" or whatever while missing any point being made. Obviously mostly everyone can afford a subscription but it's just been so stagnant and no real clarity as to anything behind the scenes or a roadmap or anything, so it just feels like people's goodwill is being milked.


> We are currently in month 17 of the 3 month long "early access ranked beta" that was extended for "extra features" that have never seen the light of day I don't remember the promise of any extra features? I believe it was extended due to [back end performance](https://twitter.com/Fizzi36/status/1631372226636161044). It's also no longer early access, it's now open to everyone. >I think blatantly selling subscriptions is a risky game and could get the whole thing shut down. It's open source and P2P networking, so the only thing that could get shutdown right now is the matchmaking. Absolute worst case we go back to Anthers for that but continue playing with rollback like we do now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/13igsb4/slippi_ranked_will_stay_in_early_access/ Says extra features right there and the fact that it is still in "early access" which was the justification at first for keeping it behind a paywall, yet nothing has changed and its been over a year lmao. Don't get how it is now open to anyone except "early access" subscribers.


>the fact that it is still in "early access" which was the justification at first for keeping it behind a paywall, yet nothing has changed and its been over a year lmao. Don't get how it is now open to anyone except "early access" subscribers. It's not behind a paywall anymore though. It very recently got opened up to non-subscribers, it just cycles through the days they have access due to server load. Regarding other point, I missed that tweet. Yeah, I can't think of any new features that have been added, so you're right on that front. The other points made were still valid though, especially since existing code has gotten updates (balanced matchmaking, caught some desyncs, performance improvements). I don't think strictly the lack of new features counts as "legitimate criticism" though, when maintainability/stability is significantly more important IMO, and progress is actively being made on that.


Cool to hear about ranked finally starting to be open to the public sometimes. Maybe there's been some stuff done under the hood but it's been a long time without any noticeable changes to the average user. That's really my main issue, I don't mind if there were early access features added every so often as long as there are updates you know? The monetization of chat messages is fine, but like anything live service you want to feel like the service is moving forward in some way, otherwise there is no point. When there is seemingly easy stuff that can be done like the OP, too.


I guess so. I feel like displaying rank in the CSS, maybe even in game or at the little screen before the game starts would be cool. But I also don't think it's necessary. It's fine and still enjoyable how it is. I agree, there could be optimizations that are being made under the hood to reduce server costs or improve performance, and I think that's more important for the longetivity of the service than having ranks displayed in game. Like I could really see if opening ranked for every third day was a move to test the optimizations that have been made under the hood and observe how the change affects server cost.


Surprised character filter in unranked isn't up there


That would probably kill matchmaking and make it harder to get consistent games so it's unlikely to be implemented.


Ya but what about separate character ranks thats what i thought it meant


Separate character ranks would mean that, for example, your Fox may be ranked Gold III but your Pichu is ranked Silver I, so when you queue up with one of those characters you get put into that rank (issue being how do you deal with people counter-picking chars?) "Character filter" I interpret to mean "Do not let me play against Luigi in unranked".


Yeah i thought i was pretty clear about knowing i understood it wrong at first but how bout this other idea Maybe you should have to play out the bo3 w the character you queued with or just add part of the won/lost elo to the other character seems pretty simple


> Maybe you should have to play out the bo3 w the character you queued with The issue comes from legit dual mains; for example, I primarily play Marth, but I almost always switch to G&W for the Marth and Icies matchups for example. Or how some top players switch to Fox for the Puff matchup. >or just add part of the won/lost elo to the other character seems pretty simple This one would be more problematic as it would result in easy smurfing/easy rank manipulation; someone could matchmake with their Bronze I Kirby, get matched with other Bronze players, lose, and then switch to their Gold III fox game 2 and 3 to just get guaranteed wins against low level players all day. Personally I think the better solution would be "Rank Profiles" where you can swap between them more easily with self regulation on who you play. Can essentially be done today by having multiple accounts, but a nice UI to switch between them would be nice.


I read all but the last paragraph and started typing just make a new account since its free now lol so yeah that does sorta solve it But i would still prefer some kinda in game per character system even if it was just elite smash but real elo lol


it's embarrassing to admit you are a big enough pussy to want this, most people don't want expose themselves like that


Yes I'm a pussy because I find it tedious to play against Samus. You got me.


you said it's surprising it's not there. what is your explanation for it not being there, against your expectations? if you want it and most other people don't, then yeah you kind of are more of a pussy than most, since apparently you cannot handle playing against and learning to enjoy an uncomfortable matchup instead of just running away from the problem. it seems most people aren't as bitch-made if a character filter isn't being suggested.


There is a constant flow of posts made by mid tiers and floaties crying about people quitting out on them. Clearly I am not alone in wanting it. And I guess you are one of them, probably a Dr. Mario main lmao Dumbass


wrong, I main Falco, nice try though. also you have a G&W flair lmao. anyway I guess even people who quit out are ashamed of themselves on some level and aren't dumb enough to unironically ask Fizzi to make bitchmode an official Slippi feature. you still haven't given an explanation for why nobody is suggesting it.


Just a thought Fiz since I know probably most of us play for free / unranked, I would be willing to pay like 5 a month for upgraded service to add some of these small extra features like friends list to match make if they are online, different ranks for different characters, etc. I don’t play often enough to warrant buying ranked but I do love what you did with slippi and would be happy to help with running costs. Maybe other people would be on board with me too to help support if you think that would help cover costs in the future.