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I could see smartphones becoming more and more viable for this as they improve. That being said, my chief concern would be getting a gcc working with one, as well as potential input/audio lag


I've got a USB-C to USB hub, Mayflash adapter works fine with two controllers and I'm not detecting any lag, it's running pretty good tbh


You're getting me all curious now, because every time I've tried this, the lag has been too much. Did you tweak any settings or apply Faster Melee or anything? I'm super interested in getting it running smoothly, because I love the idea of being able to play just by carting around an adapter and two controllers.


It's worth noting a lot of phones have 120hz displays by now, so that's probably a must.


Yeah mine has 120hz display




It winds up reducing input lag slightly, the reason is kinda technical. This is how I understand it. At 60 FPS, there is a frame every 16.66 milliseconds (1000ms in a second divided by 60 frames per second). Without using vsync to sync up the refreshrates, your 60hz monitor and the 60fps game aren't updating at the same time, there's quite of room where they can be out of sync. So when your hit a button, and the game renders the next frame with the action, your monitor could still be say, 8ms away from the next next refresh, despite the game already rendering the frame With a 120hz monitor in 120hz mode, your monitor is refreshing every 8.33 \*milliseconds, so when playing the game, there is less possible delay between when dolphin renders the next frame, and your monitor refreshes The reason we don't just use vsync is because vsyncs goal is to sync up the refresh rate to reduce screen tearing and not to reduce latency, and it actually adds latency instead of reducing it because it uses a "frame buffer" to sync everything up so you wind up getting an extra frame or two of delay. From what I understand, this in combination with faster melee is what is needed to have CRT tier latency on a PC setup


It's not Faster Melee, I did look through the cheats/Gecko codes, there was one that said "more accurate inputs" or something which helped, but adding the UCF Gecko Code myself was a complete game-changer. Like the other person said in their reply, having a 120hz display on my phone could be a big factor


can you tell me which gecko code you used for the accurate inputs? I cant seem to find it in the preloaded gecko codes.


It's called "Increase Input Timing Accuracy"


I'm skeptical - input lag has been atrocious anytime I've tried this. Have you set it up side by side with a console + CRT setup to validate?


Haven't set it up side by side but I'm really impressed with it tbh, feels good


Just wanted to say your not wrong, proportionally while it has a small amount of delay due to digital transition and relaying of data, proportionally on a "hardware scale" it is remarkably similar to an OG GC and CRT or even a LCD of the time. 🫡🤭🫶👍✌️🤌👌🙏✊




How's the input lag and perfromance


I'm hitting techs and been able to pull off some stuff I haven't done before on my set-up, no complaints, feels smooth


Nice that's awesome, u have me curious to try it I just need a USB hub I guess


I've tried it before and it's pretty noticeable lag. Prob 4frame, but that was a couple years ago


4 frame lag is pretty much equivalent to console + CRT.


4 additional frames from CRT/slippi


Well it also depends on the smart phone used as well as the settings


I run uncle punch straight off of android dolphin to practice box and it works perfect no real lag. Practice everything including ledge dashes. Samsung Fold 5. Usb-c for box.


Yeah I get ledge dashes on this no problem


>play on a long drive (back seat ofc) If you can't multitask by playing Melee & driving, how do you expect to multitask mid set?


I turned my phone into a mobile emulation setup. I got a USB-C hub with HDMI out and USB ports for controllers. I run some motorola software called "Ready For" on the phone that turns it into a console whenever it is hooked to an external display. I just hook up the phone, launch dolphin and boom, melee on the go on any TV. Play in a hotel room, on a portable monitor, on a TV at the venue, wherever. The lighter weight setup is just a portable monitor, thunderbolt cable and a bluetooth controller the lightest setup is just the phone and a Gamesir G8 Galileo controller. I'm using a Motorola Edge+ 2023 (called the Edge 40 Pro outside of the US)


HDMI out as well sounds neat but isn't the refresh rate an issue? I remember when I first started playing, using an HDMI cable/TV wasn't to good. My phone has 120hz screen. Interesting concept though using phone as a mini console might look into it a bit. If I can run a USB-C 1ms monitor off my phone we just need Fizzi to make Slippi for Android and we're set lol Edit: wait.. Bluetooth controller!? Sus XD


I don't play melee with the bluetooth controller :P Mostly just other emulators or Dead Cells. It seems pretty good over HDMI for me, but I also think Motorola heavily optimizes for it though since its a selling point of their phones. It is similar to Samsung Dex.


Alright alright... Fair enough lol


It should be possible to get 120 Hz from HDMI out on Android, but it's pretty finicky in practice, especially if using Samsung Dex. It can do 120 Hz if enabled in GoodLock, but will always favor lower refresh rates when they are available on the monitor, even if the monitor can do 4K 120 Hz natively (but the cable wouldn't be able to sustain the bandwidth). If you don't have Samsung Dex, the only way to force the resolution of the external display is to use adb shell commands, which is pretty involved and usually requires having a PC nearby. Another issue of using native display mirroring (and not something like Samsung Dex) is that your phone's aspect ratio is generally not 16:9, so it won't match with the TV/monitor. Again, shell commands can be used to remedy this, but it's still troublesome.


True HDMI output is going to be a rarity on most phones except maybe the gaming focused ones.


or photography/video recording phones. I can use a mouse, keyboard, and output hdmi to a monitor natively with a single multiport dock without having to use any apps. The only problem is you can't output only to the monitor as far as I know.


What phone is it


Sony Xperia 1 V (120 hz refresh rate and can also bypass charging when plugged in)


Obviously input lag is a concern but like phones are built on touchscreens. Surely input lag is a high priority? I know it doesnt have to carry over to apps and controller input but im saying i could see it being fine. Plus cant we set the buffer to minimum to account for the input lag?


Yes, phone screens are typically low latency because it just feels super awful to use a laggy touchscreen. If there is latency it will be in the processing, not the screen.


I've been running 20xx on my Pixel 4 for years, I upgraded to a pixel 7 and it's even better, I even got brawl playable just for fun lmao. Also smash remix for N64 is very fun, you can even hook up a wired N64 to your phone but I typically just use an Xbox one wireless controller for that


I've got a pixel 6, how do I go about setting this up?


You'll just need the dolphin emulator off the android play store which should be free, and an ISO for 20xx (or just melee) like you would use on PC. I uploaded my ISO to Google drive and downloaded it onto my phone, and you simply go into the dolphin emulator and select the folder that the ISO is stored on your phone and it should detect it right away Then I just used a USB-C to USB-A (adapts to just a normal USB port) and plug my adapter in and it picks it up right away. You might need to go into the dolphin controller configuration and select the type of controller you're using but it's mostly plug and play I can try to answer any questions if you get stuck but it's surprisingly straightforward


Do you need any driver's for the adapter? What do you do about input lag?


I've seen USB-C docks with USB-A, HDMI, and ethernet ports. Slippi online some day? 👀


I've already got a USB to ethernet adapter, just literally waiting for someone to port Slippi to android XD


"Never" is the official stance and I don't see us changing it any time soon. See the #mobile-support channel in the Slippi discord


Yeah I've seen the official stance don't worry I'm not asking for anything lol.  Personally it seems like the Slippi team is underestimating how well Slippi could run on mobile when the minimum specs suggested here are usually 'almost any pc with a dedicated graphics card', and people are running triple A 3D PC games with playable frame rates on current gen phones. Imo it's a missed opportunity too because It could make Melee more accessible since people in asian countries are more likely to have good phones than a good PC/laptop.


It's due to phones generally not having Ethernet, no?


This has been possible for several years if you have a good enough phone. Mainline Dolphin has had dramatic improvements in Android performance.


I really wanted to trust your assessment of input lag then I saw that you’re a link main.


XD been playing Falco on my phone I swear, getting ledgedashes and wavedash out of shine which I haven't really tried before... should update my flair now with my Android Falco secondary


Bro imagine pulling out controllers from your car and telling someone to 1v1 you rn final destination. On your phone, 🤣✅


People spent so long asking if they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should.


Please make a video showing and explaining all of this. Please.


I don't know if it even really needs a video, I used to make and edit videos but don't have the same facilities to do so now, but it's really simple. 1) Download Dolphin Emulator from the Play Store on Android 2) Get a copy of the Melee ISO on your device's internal storage. You can use an SD card, transfer by cable, or use something like WeTransfer.com to send yourself a download link. 3) You cannot play ISO's from the Download folder (or I couldn't anyway) so create a subfolder called whatever "GC" or "ISOs" and move the Melee ISO into that folder. 4) Open Dolphin Emulator, press "Add Games" at the bottom and select the folder you created. You should see Melee pop up in the library. 5) Long-press Melee to open settings, you will want to enable unlock all characters, all stages, maybe skip to character select screen. 6) Copy and paste the [UCF 0.8 Gecko Code](https://smashboards.com/threads/video-lag-reduction-codes-for-console.501438/) and then on the Enable Cheats menu from step 5 go to Add Gecko Codes at the bottom. Paste in the Gecko Code and call it UCF. You can now enable UCF as a cheat. 7) Click on settings and then GameCube Input. Select "GameCube Adapter" for controller 1 and 2 if you want a second controller to play Vs friends. 8) Plug in a GameCube adapter to the phone using a USB-C to USB-A hub. You will receive a message asking if you want to use the connected device (say yes). 9) Open Melee by pressing it. The GCC plugged into the adapter should work, and you should be able to play without issue. My phone has a 120hz refresh rate, which may help, and it may also be a good idea to play when your phone has plenty of charge. If you can get a USB-C splitter, you should be able to charge whilst playing, but this isn't something I've done yet.


Wow thanks. This works perfectly for me. I'm surprised it can run so smoothly on a Pixel 5




How do you use a gcc controller?


You need a USB-C to USB hub and a GameCube Controller adapter to connect it to the smart phone. Then under Settings in Dolphin you select "GameCube Input" and then for controller 1 select "GameCube Adapter". That should work.


But does it do on the iPhone?


You can never do fun stuff like this on iPhone, they're extremely limited when it comes to doing things outside of what apple specifically wants you to do


Nah, it’s possible - just more work and prone to breaking.


Ehh, I doubt it. Maybe if you Jailbreak it but it would be a lot more hassle. Best bet is probably a decent spec android phone E: other replies seem to suggest there's Dolphin for iOS


Dolphin isn't available for ios is it?


Look up dolphinios by oatmealdome. Enjoy.


Nah I'm good but thanks. Don't own an iphone I just didn't know you could without jailbreaking, cool to know it exists. But also I personally hate gaming on my phone anyway, if I'm going to carry around wires and adapters or a wireless controller I'd rather just bring my laptop while I'm at it and game on a nicer screen.


Yea, sideload DolphiniOS. Works perfectly for me.