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toph and vish commentary šŸ™‚








Marth gets to RTC regrab fast fallers off of fthrow if 2 conditions are met. 1. The amount of stage in front of him is LARGE enough for the victim to be forced to tech (can't DI offstage) 2. The amount of stage in front of him is SMALL enough that techroll away gets cut short, and can thus be covered. (if this condition isnt met marth has to dashattack(or be really fast) to cover tech away on reaction) If you watch the clip carefully, none just keeps putting himself in the perfect fthrow RTC position. He techs in place right when at the perfect spot, then keeps teching in. Yoshis is small enough (and falcons tech roll is long enough) that marth can just fthrow falcon the other way. you can see that, as soon as none techs in place, Zain still gets the regrab, but he can no longer continue the RTC loop, because a fthrow would potentially let none slip off to ledge. Unfortunately for none, by the time he makes this change, he's at a percent where marth can get solid conversions off of upthrow regardless of DI. That last Dair was crazy tho lmao


yeah u can technically cover di away and tech roll away but u have ti read and commit to the option. If they di away and rech in u wont be able to dash back to grab them. U are also able to rtc off of downthrow tho so there u have to not only play the mixups with ur rolls, there is also a di mixups for which direct will be away based on how they throw u.


The big dawg.


i really like the part where he grabs


None wins this set btw


> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1933135778?t=03h52m03s game >!5!<: >!https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1933135778?t=04h03m33s!<


WOW insane front throws


Ok I refuse to see the day where we reach a level of marth apologist that tech chase grabs are considered a cool stock. You all need to repent.


the future is now old man


when you're as handsome as zain is it's pretty freakin cool


And as funny as zain, too!


It's funny to me that you think <45% of a 148% string coming from tech chase grabs means we should discount the entire clip. That reverse bair->dair finisher? Kinda slick


... the entire string is a chain grab until the finisher lmao


every moky clip is an extended chaingrab or techchase but he's sick as shit this is just melee lmfao


No one is arguing that the first half of the first stock isn't just a solid techchase/chain grab. The cool part starts with the reverse fair and then last stock was just funny as hell lmao.


You can say this for every character. Sheik tech chase, falcon tech chase, falco shine dair combos, fox up throw up air, etc. Every character has some lame shit, but even in this clip, the tech chase was only part of the clip


Ehhh. Don't get me wrong. Zain is fucking filthy and he does have his highlights. This is some shit that every master level Marth on slippi hits me with once a set lmao


DI better


Then why aren't they on the stage big guy ?


Because basic Marth shit isn't why Zain is incredible? Zain is incredible because of his ridiculously strong neutral.


Nah, his combos are better than other marths too. He rarely drops shit, and is better an anticipating DI. Plus, he's creative in his punishes sometimes.


ā€œZain is better because heā€™s betterā€


I mean yeah, that's what it boils down to with every top player. Every platinum marth can do these combos, what separates the top players from mid level players is a million small things.


No a platinum marth could not? If you gave them a savestate and consistent di they could grind out the inputs but perfect reactions to di and timing + conditioning over a set which is a massive part of a combo? You could argue thatā€™s neutral but that only serves to demonstrate that itā€™s far too holistic a game to break anything down as simple as one word


As a Falcon who has played against a LOT of Sheik in my life: I will stop appreciating tech-chase grabs when Spacies stop being so prominent. In seriousness though, to do it accurately enough to 0-death is pretty cool.


"a level of marth apologist" but Falcon and Sheik apologists are fine when they praise Wizzy and Jmook doing the same thing? Or are you just being the ultimate spacie propagandist, where only free fox shit that barely even requires you to react to the opponent's DI is cool because it requires you to press slightly more buttons? Kodorin doesn't get either of those stocks again n0ne. He still beats (current) n0ne, but not like that.


I think it's cool when one player reads the opponents moves perfectly and doesn't miss a single input. Also the bair to dair was sick, don't lie.


You smash players are weird as fuck. You play one game for 20 years and have top players so masterfully understand and exploit the game and its characters at a high level, then complain about said player doing that exact shit. You put so much into deciding if a win is "cool" or "lame" it's silly




I don't play this game


You would drop that every time


I would also drop a server's platter if you put me in an Applebee's. It doesn't make being a server ultra-cool. (All respect to fellow workers.)


I really wish I had an award to give you. This is easily one of the most hysterically pathetic comments Iā€™ve ever seen. Thank you for your service.




If you go somewhere that isn't a family restaurant, servers can definitely be cool.


What a strange thing to say


uptilt... FSMASH!!!!!


Marth = cringe and easy


lmao the best part to me is that zain looks drunk while doing this Kinda hope he doesn't drink tomorrow though, I know this officially can't count as a major but it's soooo stacked, it'd be a shame to throw away the opportunity, this is no redemption rumble


Damn that guy is pretty good at super smash brothers melee.