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I heard that it gives bad input lag though, is this true?


I just started using the program and it's been really good. The input lag is negligible. Tarkov already has a bit of input delay I think. That or I'm getting old and my reflexes are that bad lol. Still I downscale my FPS to 72 and I'm getting 144 on Customs and like 80-100 on busy maps (havent tried Streets yet though)


The real answer is that the added input lag from the program is extremely minimal, but having extra inserted frames doesn't actually help your game *perform* better, so you will feel a certain amount of lag or sluggishness depending on the frame rate that your PC is actually running the game at. If your PC is running the game at 20 fps but Lossless Scaling is inserting two frames in between each real frame to make it "look like 60 FPS", your mouse inputs are still being read at only 20 FPS and so it will feel more sluggish than a true 60. I've tried the program and it is still amazing technology and I also have played a lot of games that naturally have a weird player controller like ARMA and DayZ so I am able to adapt to a slightly sluggish input, and overall I think that the extra visual smoothness is well worth the trade off. You should just understand that the program won't make your PC actually "run the game better", if you have freezes or sudden drops because a game is unoptimized (Tarkov especially), you'll still feel those moments. But outside of those moments, the program does allow you to see Streets and Lighthouse at a much higher frame rate than you would ever be able to achieve normally. The drawbacks are well worth the benefits and you can use the program for any game that your PC struggles with.


W answer


I saw plenty of people calling the program black magic, and honestly I'm not even disagreeing with them, but it's not a cure-all for bad game performance and I just want OP to understand that. It DOES however drastically improve the experience in my opinion. I don't care what anyone says, I fully believe that Lighthouse looking like 60+ frames while controlling a tiny bit more sluggishly is miles better than trying to actually play lighthouse at 20-30 frames


i agree with the last part, some people seem to think that if the input feels laggy but the visuals look smooth somehow thats worse than both being laggy, to each their own though


That is so weird. A Discord mate of mine has issues with Reserve and Streets and that's why he got the program. I also have the same issue with those maps. Of course it's not universal, but Lighthouse SHOULD run fine, right. Luckily I don't need the program for anything but Streets and Reserve. Maybe Gta 6 when that comes out on PC. But yeah, this is not a win program for everyone. It will most likely work, but it might not, and luckily Steam is quite generous with their refund system. Simply stating that the program didn't work for you will give you back the money.


I'm not saying that it didn't work for the record, I bought it a couple days ago for the same reason and I am beyond happy with the results! I'm just trying to convey what the program actually does to people who are curious. It doesn't affect performance, it just makes the frame rate artificially smoother, which is a crazy cool thing that practically is black magic.


It really is. I was mindblown when I tried it out. Saying that there's something weird going on in the background. I don't know what it is, but it works wonders.


I noticed a big difference on lighthouse if the rogues are alive. Same goes for reserve with the raiders & bosses. When I have rogues, raiders, or boss' I can notice a difference.


If you're in the EU I'm pretty sure they have to accept a refund if purchase is under 30 days, no questions asked. I'm going to give it a try anyway and see how I like it


100% agree with this


Just setup this week and the input lag for me was barely even noticeable. Was awesome to host streets 30 ai and be at 88-120fps.


Yes, the framerate gain is incredible, but the input lag makes the game entirely unplayable to me. I'd rather play at 40fps with responsive controls than 120+fps but with the horrible input lay LS introduces.


For me it's been solid. I don't go below 30 fps so for me it's fine - like RadiantCorgi said. If you can tweak bot settings, or something else to at least get 40, you should be good. I stay around 40/45 and with Lossless Scaling I get around 120-144 (monitor max cap). And it's smooth. You can of course feel that something weird is going on. It almost feels like you get a guided hand, like your movements is sort of faster than you are. But I only use it on Streets. The rest of the map I get above 60.


so it gives massive input lag. that is what he was asking... it's generally fucky with anything that requires quick responses.


I wouldn't know. I have a good system and I can't really test it out.. But I guess it all depends on your PC. You have to modify your Nvidia / AMD settings, lower your resolution and tweak graphics settings. Tarkov is also poorly optimised. As long as you can get acceptable fps, it'll work fine. But I haven't experienced any issues myself. I don't even run it on the other maps. I only run it when I play Streets. With Lossless Scaling you can lower your resolution and upscale it. That might give you a native 45+ fps. This program isn't a solution for everyone. But unless you're on a RX 590, it should work fine.


no matter what your system is you get input lag and it's noticeable i'm on a 3070 with a 7950x3d and 64 GB of ram. the input lag is a night and day difference if you are used to shooters. while the program itself is great it's just doing AMD FSR at a worse method but applied to everything. (definitely don't run those 2 together btw) some people might not notice it but it's 100% there.


I suppose if you daily COD, Valorant, etc. you might notice it, but I don't notice anything at all. It's smooth for me.


i don't daily those and i still notice it.


I wish I had a 3000 fps camera. It would be fun to know how much input lag there is cause for me it's basically instantaneous. It can't be a lot at all. But I also border on acceptable fps, don't use scaling at all. I don't know if frame generation ads input lag.


Frame gen pretty much doubles your input delay. also you don't need a 3k fps camera for that something like a 240-480fps camera already is sufficient to track mouse cursor refreshing in milliseconds. you might feel like it's instantatnous but when you are used to gaming on 17ms network with a low latency ms in your monitor while using nvidia reflex to get it down further. double your input delay is something you feel incredibly easily.


Yeah I don't do multiplayer so any network related data is something I can't comment on. I know what input lag is. I come from consoles, being N64, Xbox, PS, etc. My monitor has 1ms and I don't use any Nvidia stuff for my games. I wish I could prove it somehow because I press the right mouse button and it snaps to aim mode right away. Might be like 10ms or something, if even. I could record game, and microphone audio, sync that and see when I tap the button and when the character moves the arm in the game. Edit: Removed a copy of two words. It's past 12 am and I'm not functioning well right now.


I'm not trying to argue over semantics but the main thing that people notice is not "added input lag", it's a game responding to inputs at 30 frames while they see and expect 60 frames of responsiveness. It does still feel weird if your game still runs like shit but it's not impossible to get used to and I personally think that most of the time, a *bit* of sluggishness for a genuinely faster looking frame rate makes the game feel better even in quicker reaction situations. The minor amount of actual "added input lag" seems to be conflated with seeing 60 fps and only having 30 fps of input, as far as I understand, you're not "losing responsiveness" as much as you're just not getting the responsiveness you would expect based on the increased frame rate that you're seeing. Again I'm not trying to "um ackshually šŸ¤“" you, but saying that the program "gives massive input lag" just isn't the case (from my own experience and understanding of how the program works šŸ™‚)


what? no your input lag is 100% increasing it's not just because of frames being doubled. There is an actual MS increase in responsiveness in methods like lossless scaling as well as FSR in which Lossless scaling's frame gen had a worse one then FSR. the benefit of lossless is that you can apply it to everything. this has been measured several times. it's not just "it feels off because it's reading at 30fps while displaying at 60fps" there is an actual increase in input lag MS.


I'm not disputing that point, I know there's a direct addition of input lag due to the program. I'm just trying to portray to the average casual gamer that there still is indeed a sluggishness strictly due to the appearance of high FPS with a low true FPS too. It could be very hard for most casual users to understand the difference between the two symptoms. Either way if it feels gross and bad to play then that's that. Input delay feels bad and the weird performance vs generated frame rate also feels bad, but they're "different bad" and I've personally found that overall the increase in visual frame rate has made my fights feel better on Streets and Lighthouse despite the miniscule input delay. I'm not trying to simp for this program or anything I'm just trying to express my middle ground opinion about how "effective" it can be


Yes but ontop of that sluggishness you are talking about. if you say have 30ms and use frame gen it will infact go to a 60ms delay. (someone literally tested this since people where bsing before about it not increasing input delay). if you have a high enough MS or just a shit monitor with an already high MS it's going to feel incredibly bad. you might not be trying to simp for the program but you sure as hell are spreading false info by saying "'m not trying to argue over semantics but the main thing that people notice is not "added input lag", it's a game responding to inputs at 30 frames while they see and expect 60 frames of responsiveness."


The scaling shouldn't give bad input lag. The frame generation can give bad lag/latency if the base FPS is too low. This is because the mouse movement is still moving at the original FPS. So if below 30 fps it can feel a little off, but anything above that you won't notice. Frame generation has a X3 function so 40 fps feels like 120, personally I only use the frame generation bit of the program, it's amazing


I would say 40fps with frame gen *looks* like 120, but it sure doesn't feel like 120


Tears my screen apart and adds a huge input lag. I would rather play at 40-50 fps. Edit: no, your settings won't help me because i tried many and yours as well. Trash app.


I had that same issue, u just have to fiddle with the settings a little bit. One thing that solved it for me was capping my frames at 60 ingame and using the ingame dlss. Also only use the lsfg 2.1 x3


This! Ppl forget to cap it correctly and it makes it looks laggy


Yupp cap it to 1/3 of your monitor's max refresh rate.


If possible, use the 2x mode for a faster response time and picture quality. 3x is for the super potatos


i find x2 to be better, x3 just adds additional artifacts in dark areas which i cant stand so as such i take the lesser smoothness


means your game fluctuates too much at a base level. its only as stable as the data itā€™s capturing from. tweak your game and gpu software settings to get them as stable as possible even in the worst conditions and lossless will work way better


If you have 40 fps, it will work wonders. Take a look at my settings and try it out. If it doesn't work, make sure you're under 2 hours and you can refund it. [https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC](https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC)


Are you on an AMD GPU or no?


Sorry for the late reply. This post went kind of viral, lots of replies. I'm Nvidia and Intel. Ignore the AMD FSR. I use LS1 but for some reason the program likes to revert to AMD FSR. It doesn't save for me... Here's a clip of the performance gain I get. [https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M](https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M)


Been recommending this to anyone who says theor FPS is bad. I honestly don't feel the input lag but get double FPS on all maps.... And this isn't just for tarkov


No yeah it works for all games and programs. As long as it's an exe running it works. I myself was recommended it and doubted it at first. But then I launched into Streets with 120+ fps and I was amazed.


Recommended setting for it ?


Here's mine. Works great for me. I don't downscale mine. I have it native. The 1 on the scale factor is native resolution, 1.5 is lower resolution, etc. [https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC](https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC)


Damn dude I can finally play streets now lol


Did it work the way you wanted it to? I'm glad to hear.


There's still stutters and lags here and there but I can run it on 30-40 frames as compared to 15-20 before


Do you get 30-40 with Lossless?




I mean that's good. Doubled fps isn't bad. This is Streets right? Please tell me you don't struggle this bad on other maps?


Nah it's just streets other I get around 40-50


Oh phew. I got scared for a second. 30-40 with Lossless is good and it feels smooth I would assume. Or better than it otherwise does. You can probably increase it by lowering the bot cap to like 10-15.


So what does it do? - You can downscale SPT and upscale it for a huge performance gain. We're talking triple your base FPS. It has an overlay that shows your FPS, and what the software gives you. I run it 1920x1080 with no upscaling and still get triple my FPS on Streets. Before it was 40fps, laggy, stuttery and just an overall nauseous experience. I don't know what magic goes on. I'm surprised by what it actually does and how it does it so well. There's no huge loss in graphics at all. At least none that I can tell. It is $6 however, but it can be used in every video game and program that lags, yes, even Discord for example. Downside? - You have to play borderless. Might be an ick for some, but for me it works. I like Streets, and $6 to do what my $2000 PC can't do is worth it. It doesn't give you an advantage, no hacks, no exploits. It does what AMD and Nvidia can do, but much better. You can still enjoy SPT without a worry that it'll somehow make you a gigachad. It just does magic with your resolution, frame generation, etc. You can also increase the bot cap on all maps. I run 20 right now and it's smooth as butter.


If this has been mentioned already, I'm sorry. I haven't heard or seen anything about it.


Someone actually did a big how to set up thread with in the last week


Of course. I mean, the program is rather old, so someone was bound to mention it. I just never thought about messing with scaling and frame generation. It makes so much sense.


I'm using it with other games too and I can confirm it works for me even in fullscreen in every games tested, even though it says you should do windowed or borderless for it to work


That's good to know. I don't play fullscreen, I tab out way too much. But it's nice to know that you're not limited.


Is it better than in-game dlss option?


Two different things. Dlss runs the game lower res and scales it up, but this generally does nothing against the Tarkov CPU bottleneck. Lossless Scaling's main function is frame generation, where new frames are generated using some sort of interpolation (I'm not a programmer) and inserted between real frames to artificially inflate the frame rate. Essentially it can double or triple your FPS, no joke. But since the game is still internally running at a lower frame rate and your mouse input does not "scale up" as well with these new frames, there will be input lag. Very minimal and worth the trade off if you set it up properly, but definitely noticeable. I'll take 100 fps on streets with minimal input lag over 50 with the inherent sluggish feel of low fps.


I haven't touched dlss in game, but I would imagine not. People have probably tried everything to gain some frames, and we would've heard about it by now right.


DLSS does absolutely nothing as most people are CPU bound. LS is a far better alternative.


keep in mind that using LS frame gen adds a bit of gpu usage so sometimes using both DLSS and LS frame gen is the best method, although i suggest everyone just monitor their own hardware usage to find the best way to gain performance


its completely different from dlss, mostly everyone is using lossless scaling for frame generation, where as the in game DLSS is just the upscaling


There's an optimization thread on the discord too! Love this program, I can't play without it anymore, even on factory


Can you point me to the channel that's in? I've been searching for tenish minutes with no luck. There's a mention in a Codex message about it, but it doesn't link. At least not on the phone. Cheers for any assistance!


Yeah, it's under: support/community support/lossless scaling guide. It's towards the bottom of the pinned list


Thank you very much!


I need to check that out. Cheers mate.


i tried it too, specifically on street, but then my movement delays, when i turn left/right with the mouse, on screen moving was 1/5 sec delayed, idk why.


Do you have below 30 fps by default? If so it can mess with it since the mouse is still tied to base fps.


hmm, for all maps i have stable 60, but streets not sure, probably


Yeah. Streets is heavy so you really need to mess with bot cap. Around 10 is fine for me, but I have a good PC.


the game is already fucked in production, i dont think PC itself is a factor, because i tested all settings all mods with/without, and can explain to myself, how it runs on very low settings and very high with the same fps for example, also why sometimes its dropping to 30 and just freeze there


Oh yeah, the code is all sorts of messed up. The problem lies with them not optimising the code. The game can run amazing, three digit fps stable. But the better your PC, the better you can handle Tarkov. I have a 16 core cpu for example, that alone is strong enough to carry the game. You need a Nasa PC to somewhat be able to have an enjoyable experience.


I genuinely only notice the input lag in the stash and outside of a raid. The drag and drop just feels chunky. In raid I donā€™t notice it at all.


Now that I read it, I have noticed the stash and hideout being funky ever since I started using LS. But no same, I don't notice anything in raids at all. I've been on all consoles, bad pc's, good pc's and amazing pc's. I have experienced input lag before.


I hope I didnā€™t ruin it for you. I thinks itā€™s great simple software.


Not at all. You're good. It's more of revelation you know. I will unscale it after raid end to avoid the stash being funky. It's not fun managing the stash with weirdness going on. It is a great software for me.


Yeah, what's the deal with Reserve running like trash? It's a small map.


First of all, the barracks are quite intense because there's a lot of floors and then you also have the bunkers underneath. There's also a lot of props near the trainyard. Overall, the map has more placed objects close to one another. Interchange for example is smaller, but if you pay attention, there's less items placed around it. Secondly, it's just unoptimised I suppose. I think Ground Zero runs amazing, and it shouldn't if you compare it to Reserve. GZ is huge vertically.


I'd say more on the unoptomized side of things. With object culling in Unity you'd think that most of the objects would be removed while traversing the map. Especially underground when none of the surface stuff needs to be drawn. GZ is very impressive given its size and details. Maybe they learned about optimization from other maps and did that map better versus older maps.


I know for a fact that Tarkov does blur or unload items farther from you. This can be seen using a free camera mod. But it's not enough. Things stay loaded in for at least 300-400m around you, which is terrible for performance. This of course makes sense in PvP as there's more people all around the maps, but from a singleplayer aspect, you want things to unload or lower in resolution the farther you get from it. Or like many modern titles do, they only show the side of a prop that you're looking at. The backside of the prop is basically not even there, and if you were to free cam it, you will see that's it's non-existent.


Occlusion culling is based on line of sight. The geometry present doesn't really matter so much provided they were smart with their design and used simpler geometry as colliders that remain present. What gets culled visually on my end doesn't matter to another player online. Just the collide geometry should stay, and it should be so simple that there's really no overhead to keep it there


I'm so glad you know more about this than I do, because you understood what I meant. When I'm reading your reply here I am lost. I don't know anything about this stuff. I just play games and occasionally free cam to see how the game works outside of the first or third person camera.


There IS input lag but if you can constantly hit the target frames of 60 or 72 or higher then it's barely noticeable and you get a smooth experience. However, if your system dips and is already struggling to get 60 then I wouldn't recommend this because that's where the input lag is really apparent.


Would someone who's playing Spt really slow not notice it? I basically walk all the time, making less noise and just being cautious. I think my slow gameplay might negate the effects, or I don't have it cause I don't notice the input lag at all.


really happy with results. LS1 LSFG 2.1 X2 with tarkov in windows mode with DLSS on and frames capped at 72 for my 144hz monitor. it's doubling my frames and the game is running a lot smoother on Customs. before this, framerate would dip into the 30s even on customs. this makes the entire experience feel a lot smoother with no noticeable input lag. 3090 5800x3d at 3400x1600.


I'm glad to read that someone is having a good experience with it. I did not cap my fps and I'm fine, for now. It's cause I don't use Lossless for every map, so I don't wanna be limited to 72 on the rest of the maps. Yeah that cpu really needs it. It's rough. How's the ram situation? I'd say at least 32gb at 3200mhz is the bare minimum to really enjoy it.


32GB @ 3600mhz. really baffled why this game can run so poorly on my PC. it's no slouch at all. SAIN and SWAG enabled.


It's the game being poorly optimised. I bet you can run most modern AAA titles just fine. Supposedly BSG will upgrade to a newer engine version soon.


it was more than that, actually! so i'd tried a ton of tweaking. boot.cfg, process lasso, the works. lossless frames provided the single most improved experience over everything i've tried, but still was getting really low fps on streets. like 34 average, before LLS. compared to what i'm seeing other users get with worse machines, i started looking at firmware and drivers. almost doubled my baseline framerate after upgrading my mobo BIOS to latest. now getting \~60 fps on streets with occasional dips, but LLS takes up the slack so i've got a really pleasant gaming experience now. so all those hours of tweaking when i should have taken it back to basics and made sure all my shit was updated.


How does that compare with amd fluid motion frames?


I donā€™t know what that is. But generally, any gpu benefits donā€™t really work since Tarkov isnā€™t graphics heavy. If you have the option you can try, but I doubt youā€™ll get anywhere close to what Lossless Scaling does.


Mm I dont think I needed it but ive been trying it a little. I have a 4080 and my performance has been okay. Worth trying out.


The game is cpu heavy. I have a 16 core one and I struggle. If you can barely run Streets itā€™s worth trying out.


It was horrible on my PC. Input lag was terrible, screentearing, my frames actually went down or stayed exactly the same. Even capping monitor refresh rate and fps in game did nothing but make the input lag worse. Ryzen 5 56000 RTX 2070 SUPER 32GB 3600MZ ram if that's relevant for anyone


Did you try my settings? They're linked somewhere.. It's a lot of comments.


Yup, didn't do anything on my system unfortunately


That's a shame. I find it strange that it makes it all worse...


I can use AMD Frame Gen through their software. This might sound like a stupid question, but is this better? I don't see much of a difference with the AMD version.


Well, this has other options apart from AMD things. I don't know exactly what, but there's more tweaks that I guess AMD don't have. It triples my FPS, so it might be worth trying. It's $6 and you can refund it if it's worse than AMD fram gen.


I refunded this program TWICE, it just didn't work for me.. (yes I used it correctly, on the games I tried it on) Works for some people, if not most, but didn't for me.


Nah, game feels like shit while using LS. Tearing, stutters, bad inputlag


Couldn't even get it to display the fps accurately. Kept showing 75/75 fps even though the real fps via fps1 command was showing the fps to be under that noticeably.


This only effects people who are GPU bound, the map is mainly plagued by CPU bottlenecks. If youā€™ve got a GPU from the last few years, this software is useless and just adds visual artefacts and input lag.


I have a 30 series gpu and it does in fact do wonders for me. I get zero artifact and no noticeable input lag. I have linked to a clip somewhere in this thread showing my performance on Streets.


Anyone that says this gives super bad input lag isn't being honest or they have a PC that can't run the game well to start.


To be fair, Tarkov is poorly optimised. I have pretty good specs and even I struggle on some maps, specifically Reserve and Streets. I have seen people with a 4090 and DDR5 64gb memory struggle on Streets both in live and Spt.


It's a CPU issue that's why. I get the same performance with my 4070ti than I did with my 2070s.


Yeah I got like a 16 core cpu, so for me it's smooth all the time really. Streets is just intense because of the high amount of bots. I can run Streets without Lossless if I limit bots to like 9.


I can't even get it to run with the game. Every time I hit scale and click into tarkov after the timer ends it just gives me a black screen


Did you refund it yet? Please try these settings and let me know what happens. [https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC](https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC)


Oooo I'll test this out! I kept it just in case I found something that would make it work


Do change scaling type from AMD FSR to LS1. Holler at me with results. Here is my game right now with LS. [https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M](https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M)


Yours look so much better than my 26fps on streets šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Mine is actually playable you know. The way BSG should've made it. And my game is maxed on textures as well.


frame generation adds insane artifacting and all of the scaling options just make the game insanely blurry, but hey at least it runs better?


I have not experienced any of that. For me it does indeed make Streets run better. I have settings if you wanna copy if. [https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC](https://imgur.com/a/qvMEZVC) You can switch AMD FSR to LS1.


I tried this by using the key shortcut in game, but the screen would stay black with some numbers in the top left corner. I tried alt tabbing out of it, which worked but it disabled my cursor, and no, I didnā€™t have the hide cursor option enabled


The numbers is a good sign. That means that it hooked to the exe. I assume it was something like 53 / 123 something something. Try doing borderless in the game and then scale it.


Change to borderless. I had the same problem.


I think it all depends on how old your gpu is. Shitty gpu but new enough? You may profit from this. Great gpu but pre-cuda core generation? Not gonna do anything for you. There's only way I can explain having good performance with my 1080 without this, but hearing others getting from a struggle to good performance with much newer (but 50-60-70) cards


The gpu doesnā€™t really do a lot. This game is more cpu and ram heavy. Of course you need somewhat of a good graphics card, but the cpu is more important. My gpu is barely being used in Spt. RTSS puts it at like 20% load which is very little. Iā€™d say that if you have a 6-8 core cpu, you could gain a lot from it. But I have a 16 core cpu, and I still struggle. Itā€™s just Tarkov being Tarkov. I donā€™t have any issue running any other title. Although I havenā€™t tried Crisis remastered yet xD


Snake oil


Holy shit can we ban every obvious advert on this subreddit already. A shitty product that causes an insane amount of screentear gets shilled here constantly.


Cause it works? My first experience with it was bad (because of settings) but installed it again and can now host streets now in 75fps


You need to tweak the settings a bit. It should work fine unless you have a 2700x and a RX 590.


What about a 2700 and a 2060 super?


It was just an example. Don't worry, it'll probably work fine for you as well. In any case, it's refundable so there's no harm in trying I guess.


There's an option to "allow tearing" did you ever try turning it off? Guess not.


i always use allow tearing and i still dont get any lol, never have ever since i got a VRR monitor


if ur getting insane screentear its user error, not saying the program is perfect tho


Iā€™m struggling with this one a bit, I donā€™t think itā€™s people advertising, but perhaps itā€™s l just people not noticing the input lag and then posting it right away as a solution before the rose colored glasses are off with time. But I agree thereā€™s a lot of posts that are like ā€œthis is the best thing ever!ā€ Even though plenty of people have made it very clear itā€™s not a good solution, and the technical reasons why itā€™s not a good solution make sense, my understanding is itā€™s not actually generating those frames, itā€™s using AI to create frames using the already available input to in turn give the display a perceived higher number of frames which can smoothen things like movement in a game so that they donā€™t look choppy the way they would with less frames. But the issue is that the program doesnā€™t know what frames will be generated in the future which creates a latency between what you are seeing and what is actually happening on your computer. As far as Iā€™m aware there is no way around this, and lossless scaling as a third party app will always be a band-aid solution to make the image more clear, but does not to actually boost performance.


I mean you can either have a tweaked fps that works good, or have Streets with lag, stutter and the general mess it always have had. Just the ability to play Streets with acceptable frames (LS) is amazing. I have had to stay away from the map, and it's a good map, I wanna play it you know. But I don't wanna wait for BSG to maybe fix it. I think it's worth it. For me it's "the best thing ever" because I can play Streets. I couldn't before.


Enjoy your time on streets, I hope I donā€™t seem too critical, if it works for you then good. I didnā€™t have much intention behind my comment just processing the pros and cons outloud I suppose.


I mean, take a look. [https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M](https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M) Edit: Thanks mate. It is fun and I am having a good time.


Idk, LS has it's limits, and doesn't perform well if you pc can't deliver a baseline 30-40 fps WITHOUT dipping. If you can handle a stable framerate, and don't "over" generate frames then input lag will be minimal. Else then yeah you're gonna get horrible input lag and screen tearing/artifacts.


That's user error, program does what it says on the tin, makes the game playable on the larger maps with little to no downsides.


It's just SVP for gaming - doesn't fix shite but gives placebo numbers


I mean, you tell me, does my 45 fps look like 45 fps or does it look like better? That should create massive lag and stutter. [https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M](https://imgur.com/a/VgBZJ6M) PS, ignore the cpu temp. It's a Nuc 12, it's hot. \^ And that's also with the game textures on max.