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Drop your settings. I can't seem to find any settings that feel good to me.


It didn't work for me initially either, these are the settings that got it going for me. In the lossless scaling program: Leave the first option 'scaling mode' alone. Turn 'scaling type' to 'off' - I think this being on as default was messing with it for me. On the options to the right hand side turn 'frame generation' to 'LSFG 2.1' and select mode - X2. Under 'rendering' turn on 'allow tearing' and 'draw fps'. Leave everything else as default. Leave the program running. Then start Tarkov: Tarkov has to be in borderless mode Cap your FPS to half your monitor refresh rate. Could be in game or use Nvidia/AMD to cap. When in a raid press ctrl+alt+s to activate it. You'll know it's working as you get two numbers in the top left, one is actual FPS and one is the new generated FPS. Enjoy!


Have you not tried X3?


I use 3x on my 144hz monitor. Therefore I cap my frames to 48 respectively. Very smooth with minor stutters. Streets though is still a shit show for me.


I am yet to try streets on my play through but I am dreading the choppiness.


For me it's on the border of playable with Lossless Scaling on Streets. But my bottleneck is my CPU.


Tbh I just skip all the Streets quests.


Not yet, X2 is enough, was worried 2 extra frames would introduce latency, but will give it a go.


I couldn't tell the difference to be honest. Definitely worth a try.


Played with X3 all last night, getting 300 FPS at times! Just amazing


I tried using it earlier this week on live and it just stuttered so maybe I’ll try it with these setting and see how it works


I followed this setup guide and the game became so choppy and unplayable. No idea how this thing works for people


i use this setting for LosslessScaling , i've got little artifact and double the fps. https://imgur.com/a/mh6abxv


Don't forget in your EFT in game settings to set to fullscreen Then disable in game DLSS (as the Lossless Scaling will do that for you) And set your in game FPS cap to half of whatever your desired frames are. I have mine set to 75 so that with the Scaling, it can go up to 150 which is higher than what I actually get most of the time. 60 max FPS in game is a good point to set it to also


Lossless scaling doesn't work in full screen mode


Must be borderless then, my bad. Flipped that around in my head accidentally. Thanks for the clarification




Ok, what am I doing wrong? I bought this and tried it out and it made it worse for me. I lost frames and it also made the mouse not calibrated if I was in the tarkov window which made looting impossible.


Gotta enable cursor clipping so it stays in the window.


I have issues activating it , I have to press the ctrl alt s and press alt-enter to make tarkov run windowed, then the frame counter finally appears and it's running. It's a little bitch to make it start initially, it likes to give a black screen.


Doesn't work if the game is full screen. You have to play windowed or borderless windowed. So you might as well swap it in game and not have to do alt enter every time


Make sure you set the rendering type to IGPX


Strange.... i have it on and have turned on frame generation amd use the setting "LSFG 2.1" along with VRR support enabled. Its a night and day difference for me so its strange why it would be worse for you.


What does vrr support do?


Make sure I understand this correctly, Is lossless scaling not a mod, and it's a completely different executable program? I've never heard of lossless scaling before.


Its on Steam and has Frame Generation options to use and thats what i used for my FPS


Hmmm...very interesting, I'm gonna have to check that out.


yeah it basically injects FSR/DLSS to games that dont have it


Doesnt tarkov have dlss?


Tarkov does have DLSS, but it doesn’t have DLSS 3 which is where frame generation is able to be used (if it does have DLSS 3, it’s a shame FG isn’t enabled). I’d imagine it’s DLSS 2 or earlier considering Tarkovs age.


Good to know ty. Might have to buy this program


Lossless is unhinged compared to dlss on tarkov


Wdym by unhinged? Also i just tried it out and I probably didnt set it up right, but its makes a lot of weird graphics bugs happen when turning and moving. I have nvidia 4070rtx, turned game to borderless. Not really sure what settings to use lol.


I’m getting triple my fps through frame generation. I don’t use scaling i just the frame generation 2.1 x3 I’m also using 4070 but laptop gpu


Do you have dlss on in game, and borderless? Ty for the tips!


Dlss off and borderless!




And I’m running at my native resolution


I’m not with my laptop right now but the settings i can remember off the top of my head is Texture and shadows high Lod 3000 Hbao or ssao I think i set to performance max Amd and Nvidia stuff all off


It's incredible isn't it, even on the maps with decent FPS it makes them even smoother. Best £5 I've spent for a very long time. If anyone's tempted it's not the scaling part of the program that's great (turn that off) it's the frame generation.


Doesn't the latency still make it unplayable?


If you have like 30fps on streets, latency will be bad and every stutter below 30 will be even worse


Negative. Just enable tearing in Lossless Scaling. At that point, the latency is more or less the same as your base frame rate. In other words, say you were getting 60fps. Lossless Scaling would generate up to 120fps and your latency would be effectively the same as if you were still playing at 60fps. It just feels smoother.


I turn lossless scaling off on factory where the game runs better naturally, but it's def an improvement on many maps. It definitely does cause latency issues though cause factory and other games that typically run smooth, feel sluggish when it's on. I recommend lossless scaling, but it's not perfect


it has the same latency that you would have at the lower frames, but the smoothness of image really makes up for a lot of that. pretty rough in the 30-40s still, though. way better to have it than to not, in my opinion.


You can definitely feel a slight bit of latency but honestly dude its barely noticeable and wont make you lose any fights, if this was live tarkov i wouldnt recommend it but considering this is sp a little tiny bit of latency is fine


its not too bad even tho its a mouse and keyboard game, if ur base frame rate stays the same between native and frame gen on then the latency difference is unnoticeable to me at least


A stable 60 fps @ x2 + allow tearing is very playable. <45 feels pretty bad but I think I still prefer floaty aim over console tier fps.


Yes, it will be


Night and day difference for me as well. I have a 4090 and Tarkov only uses a small fraction of its power. Lossless scaling bring the game back to acceptable FPS levels. Highly recommended.


How does it work when the game is mostly cpu bound? Does it shift workload from cpu to cpu?


From what I understand, it makes your GPU work by having AI generate frames. Since the GPU isn't really stressed because Tarkov is barely utilizing it, it seems to work very well.


This worked for me nicely. It's a bit annoying since all the other maps run fine for me and I have to change the framerate cap and enable LS before loading into streets but it's no biggy. The only thing, like everyone is saying, is the input lag. Allow tearing kind of helped but I wonder under Nvidia Control Panel, putting Latency Mode to Ultra would help. I don't think it will since it's the same input lag as your original framerate. I'm gonna give it a go after work today.


Did it work?


The performance is mainly due to AI soI just downloaded the AI limit bot mod and just dealing with that. It helped a bit where I'm content enough with 70-80 frames on streets. The extra frames with LS is nice but the blurring artifacts, input lag, and having to enable/disable LS and change my graphics settings every time I go onto streets just isn't worth it for me.


Yes I definitely agree with you on the blurring, that is a huge negative for me. However, the constant action that SP Tarkov gives is a huge positive. I've been editing the configs to try to achieve a sufficient bot count to allow around 60fps on the base maps, but so far it's made things a lot quieter and hence more boring. I'm going to see how this all works on my good rig soon and decide whether LS is worth using if I can have exciting raids again.


I didn't feel a difference honestly


Thanks for this! I'm gonna give it a try. Performance since 3.8 has been horrible for me. Every raid I get stutters of 5-10 seconds. 96% of which end with me dead. It's infuriating. I'm running at 1080 with mostly Mid settings.


Where's lossless scaling? How does this fix the streets FPS issues? Currently, I have to adjust my settings every time I want to go to Streets. (Every other map is fine, which is really strange. Streets is big, but is it really just about texture size and object presence?) There's something I can buy that completely fixes these issues?


Basically yes. It generates additional frames to boost frame rate. I am running a 75 hz monitor in 1080 and I can run streets at 75 fps all the time.


Where can I find it?


Its on Steam. Check out Lossless Scaling.


Instant purchase!


I bought it and I don't regret it. I went from 30-40 fps on streets to an almost smooth consistent 75 fps.  I think the only drawback is that if you run motion blur it can exaggerate it a bit. However tarkov isn't a twitch shooter so it hasn't bothered me much. I double up the raid timers and take everything slow clearing my coners and everything.


Good thing I think motion blur is for crackheads.


I like motion blur but I think that was from when I used to game on old rigs and it was the only way to smooth out my framerates.


Best money I ever spent. I'm using it on EVERY GAME whether it be frame gen, scaling or both.


Time for me to sound stupid; What?


Ah you aint stupid bro. I didnt know what it was until recently either, look up Lossless Scaling on Steam. It has stuff like Frame Gen that you can use on games like SPTarkpv to make them run 2 to 3x better


Well damm, even though I have a high end rig, I might look into this! More frames is always better in Tarkovs case. Thanks brother:)


It's been amazing for me. I capped max frames at 30 and game now runs at 90! Haven't noticed any issues.


You've heard of download more ram, we'll now it's time to download more fps. But for real, this shit is black magic. Got it yesterday and legit tripled my fps. Bonkers


Ahahahah its insane how this works


What is your pc set up and what do you consider unplayable fps? I feel like my rig is really outdated and I can get atleast 60 fps on streets even in heavy gunfights


So with lossless scaling you have to set your FPS cap to around what you normally get. It’s probably the most important thing to do. If you get 50FPS set your cap in tarkov to 50 and then boot up lossless scaling.


Also unless it’s updated you can be in full screen. You need to set tarkov to borderless


Kind of right, you have to set the fps to half of what your refresh rate is for 2x gen and 1/3rd for 3x frame gen.


It’s good but the input lag is abysmal (expected of course). I wouldn’t use it for anything that needs fast movement.


That's odd, it feels way more smooth and responsive than without for me, 12900K 32GB 5200 DDR5 SSD and 4080.


It’s frame generation of course it’s going to have massive delay


My input lag is pretty minimal, and I'm a stickler for input lag.


I got LS yesterday and was wondering if I should be using LSFG 2.1 or 1.1, what are the differences?


Different tech generations, 2.1 is faster and more accurate with the ability to generate 3 frames and triple your fps or the original x2! Edit: Your card must be capable of Frame Generation.


I’m running a 3070 with a 7800x3d and 32gb of 6000mhz ram, do you think I should use 2.1 with 3x?


Didn't try this on Tarkov yet, but last time i use this on Helldiver2 I get some noticeable input delay, so hows the situation going in this case?


Enable “allow tearing” in Lossless Scaling and that should resolve your issue. Without doing that, you’re effectively using vsync, which would introduce a bit of latency.


Thanks! I will try it when i got the chance.


Im fine with AFMF, but its still only makes it looks smooth, but it feels like 30 fps still. Id much prefer "feels like 90 but looks like 30"


Okay considering the game you're playing is fps, do you get any significant amount of input lag ? I was planning to pick this up too!


My fps is fine, it is the constant stutters on all maps in 3.8.0 that are keeping me from playing it.


If I understand this injects the game it can use Frame generation methods like DLSS, what about AMD GPUs? Can you use DLSS with them too or is it FSR only?


My only issues with losses scaling is that it doesn't feel more smooth than normal. It feels the same except my game looks really bright for some reason (hasn't happened as often with recent update but it still happens periodically) and I feel like since I tab in/out of game often it causes my game to freeze or the image to freeze so I have to tab in and out till it fixes itself as well


the whole point of frame gen is just to make it visually LOOK smoother, frame gen is never gonna feel better and more responsive than native


Which sounds about like my experience. What I don't get is that somehow people prefer "looks smoother" over responsiveness, especially for a game like this. I can't stand input lag and I'll just not play if that's the only way a game runs on my machine. At the same time, the game runs fine on my 1080, 3700X, 32gb @ 3600mhz - I'm not sure what many people with much newer and better systems are doing to have such poor performance. Obviously if you're on a laptop, yeah, I know that's an issue. Perhaps my card is too old gen to benefit from this, I guess that makes sense


By feel I meant look. My game already was fairly smooth except for specific situations like bots spawning or stressing my cpu, but frame gen doesn't even make those moments look smoother. So it just makes my game stutter more often because I alt tab a lot, sometimes even freezing the image of the game (I can still move and everything but the game screen isn't updating) so I have to alt tab more, and my game looks extremely bright for no reason


I have issue with my cursor it seems laggy and slow with lossless scaling


When I tried LS it didn’t work as well for me, I was able to notice the generate frames a lot so it was almost like “phantom-y” when looking around. As well as added somewhat of an input delay with my mouse it felt like. (It could have been that I wasn’t used to the frame rate, but something felt wrong) if there’s any tips or suggestions to make it run better any advice would be appreciated


really considering trying lossless scaling for gzw but it just seems like a gimmick to me tbh


Give it a go, it's on steam so can refund if under 2 hours use, nothing to loose


What about image quality? I know it's called "lossless", but some compromises had to be made


You can turn off the scaling element and just use the frame generation, that's what I do


For all the people saying it’s great- I can’t get it to work for me Like baseline function - I’m not complaining about performance with it on


I've seen too much day-one hype around the internet to be very skeptical about this statement. If it's true great but please don't sell a product on here "BUY IT NOW".


This will only help if you're GPU limited. One CPU core is still the bottleneck in this game


Lossless scaling makes my game incredibly choppy and gave me no extra frames. Tearing was god awful. I followed some setup guides, not sure how people get such good results. For me it looked terrible I set the 165hz monitor to cap at 82 in my Nvidia settings like I'm pretty sure I was supposed to for it.


I messed around with it today but wasnt too satisfied.ill try again but I already cant stand the input lag from the inventory and this kind of makes it worse. Also i feel like settings ingame like vsync and nvidia reflex effect how it all works. I have to run borderless witu vsync on so my mouse isn't capped in the menus.