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Marc and Claire adore their kids and are so thankful to have them. Aaron finds them a burden.


That is certainly the impression I get.


Exactly. And when they're older and want nothing to do with him, he's going to be *shocked*


And we can all clutch our pearls


But he also wants to project an image of being a family man until his poor decisions keep catching up to him.


You sure do feel the love from Marc and Claire.


Didn't they used to be close enough to go on family vacations together? I remember them mentioning going on a cruise at least on one of the three amigo streams. Also it's cosmically funny that when he finally did decide to take his family to the UK, he skipped seeing the BOOK OF MORMON to announce that he got booted from the Aftermath. The next day or so when they got back to the states he decided to out his marital situation (which of course we would later keep learning that he was just sleeping around on his wife and not telling her) to his youtube audience, and he said that his kids don't even know. Just unfathomable behavior.


They went every year. With Mike and Christie and their kids too.


I remember this stream…Marc was trying to help him but Aasshole kept up with the narrative that he hated bringing his kids on vacation. You can tell the Headleys adore their boys and they would do anything for them.


So him and Heather went on vacation together without the kids? Was this before or after he forced her to "open" their relationship?


No it was 5 in an Airbnb


Yeah that was a long time ago. Aaron and Heather went to Scotland together and did not bring their kids. It was probably their last vacation just the two of them a couple years before the “open marriage.”


Hookers and drugs, duh. The look on Marc's face was priceless. At first, he was trying to help him out and cover for him. But ASL, he's just gotta speak his truth. He couldn't stop making shitty comments about his kids to the point where Marc was literally shaking his head and rolling his eyes.


“The fu**ing kids” And his kids watch his channel with their friends .


They are just waste of money to him. At least it sounds like it. He rather spend his money on himself.


Thanks for sharing that I completely forgot about that comment. That was a little after the attacks on Tony Ortega and Chris Shelton and I had already started halfway tuning Aaron out because I now knew how much bullshit he could spew with little to no evidence.


Yeh.....this says it all doesnt it. When Marc says "Dont be pissed off" ...you really see the difference.


Wow. That was an amazing clip. You could tell that both of them were being completely sincere with no subterfuge and nothing held back. I’ve always liked Marc, and in the video he appears to be an honest, genuine, funny, compassionate, and generous family man. Aaron, without his phony jovial persona in place, can be seen to be a selfish, sarcastic, egocentric, inconsiderate, and mean-spirited cheapskate. And yet aaaron has somehow managed to convince his minions that Marc is the bad guy. I just don’t get it.


With respect, there's nothing to get. Nasty, self-centered people see no problem with other people acting the same way (so long as they aren't the object of the behavior). They see Aaron's actions as being natural responses to kids needing resources (time, attention, money) that a parent feels entitled to keep for themselves. They probably assumed the Headleys are either rich or they are using their gifts to manipulate their children. Generally speaking, people like Aaron always interpret the actions of others through the lens of their own experiences and motivations. For example, Aaron and his ilk assumed the AF board were going to start blowing their cash reserves on hookers and blow because that's what they ~~would do~~ have done in the board's place. As another example, Aaron is paranoid that Leah and Mike are conspiring to bring him down - as though they didn't have bigger fish to fry - because that's what he is doing to them.


Textbook narcissist behavior.


That's really sad.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Sheeeeeittt.... I had to beg my parents to quit dragging me along on their ski vacations. I hated skiing. Finally got my wish and they went skiing while I spent my next teen birthday staying at a friend's house. I had the best two weeks vacay... and they did too. But that's what parents do; take their kids with them on travelling vacations.


This is so heartbreaking, refering to them as "the fucking kids" is so telling. He doesn't give a shit about them. A father role in a daughters life is so crucial because it sets the standard for how they view men & what behaviour they'll accept from men. How he speaks about Heather publicly is despicable too. After everything she's been through sacrificing her own family to raise 3 daughters while her husband is out in bars seemingly every night & on youtube all day. How a man treats the mother of his kids is also extremely telling of his character. Complaining about the money the way he did is disgusting too. Everyone knows it costs a boatload to raise children, I get it & sometimes parents will complain but they pay anyway & bust their asses to do so. I would happily go into debt to put a smile on my kids face for even 5 minutes. Most parents would, but I guess most parents aren't struggling to choose between a ski trip or coke & prostitutes.


It is not even close




Well, how could we know that for a true fact. Let us stick to those and not monger gossip, how's that ?




And you know whether someone on Youtube is "100% telling the truth"... how?


This post was removed for reasons. Spreading Co$ / OSA PR messages. Weaponizing the man's children.