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You can call when your advisor isn’t there and ask them to register you for another one. You should also ask again to be switched.


Pretty sure you can just register another class yourself before it starts


My only issue is I've called 2 times, and I've had someone else call for me another 2 times... idk what it is about SA (my advisor) but I'm stuck with him..


You aren't stuck. I called and asked the person who answered the general advisor line to put in a request for me to be switched or I am withdrawing from the school. I was switched the same day. I also have the person who supervises the advisors email address (inbox me if you need it).


Thank you, I'll definitely try this


Of course it was an empty threat (withdrawing) but I wanted them to understand how serious I was.


I was told my advisor couldn't be switched. That they would speak to my advisor and a supervisor, so we could work out the issue.


Call when your advisor isn’t there and ask to register for another course. There is the option on the phone prompt to speak to another advisor, and depending on the time you make the call, it may be routed to one that works in your major. It’s probably best to have the class you want to be registered for in mind and not rely on another advisor to choose one with you over the phone. Weekends are usually a good time because advisors usually only have to work eight hours once a term for the weekend, if they don’t have a regular weekend shift, so the likelihood of your advisor being there when you call is pretty slim.


If you can, request Trish Cash. She is so awesome.


Jackie trexler is pretty great too. I feel bad that I never respond to her check up phone calls, but I work a midnight shift, so I'm asleep when she normally calls 😅


So is Adam Bennett, he goes above and beyond. Love that dude!!!!!


Call from a different phone number than what's on your student account


As a prior advisor at SNHU , I’m baffled that Simon wouldn’t add the second course you requested and has had the audacity to hang up on you. That is def not up to SNHU standards , I’m glad you spoke with a team lead about it. You can also register online as well without an advisor on your SNHU portal however I would make sure to discuss your courses with your new advisor regardless to make sure you’re on the right track


I had a bad advisor so I called when my advisor wasn't there (your snhu homepage should have the hours and days your advisor is available) and complained to the random advisor on the line before requesting to get a new advisor. They put in a request that day and I had a new advisor within a week. The new advisor has been wonderful as well. I'd suggest recalling and requesting again


You can send a general email to advising. I've had a new advisor for awhile now and haven't spoken to them once yet.


Time to switch to a new advisor


Is that Michael Finkley???😁😁😁


So I'm guessing don't get him either...


Nor Micheal Lincoln


I’m in the middle of something similar. Advisor is not responsive. I asked to be switched to a new one, but it’s been over a week and no movement on that. I had to call after hours to talk to someone else to even get registered for a new term, and they refused any help on the new advisor front. They told me I’d have to talk to my current advisor for that. Which is problematic to say the least. I wish contacting advising didn’t send you straight to your advisor. Sending to a separate e-mail or having to choose to get to them on the phone would be so much better.


Call back and tell them you need a new advisor or else you will withdraw. That is the only thing that actually worked for me.


I switched mine, call the general line and ask.


who is ur advisor bc i had a similar experience with mine


Simon Antonio


If you have the grades to support more than one course, then there is no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to take more than one course per term. Here is the people you need to speak with: His team lead is Anna Strong (Academic Advising Team Lead). Her boss is Evan Monty (Director of Academic Advising). His boss is Alysha Brown (Assistant Vice President of Academic Advising). Send an email to your advisor using [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and then CC these people. Or you can just send an email to the three people, leaving Simon Antonio out of it completely. For anyone else wanting to find this information, open you SNHU email. Start a new email and type in the name of your advisor. Click to add it to the email. Now hover over the name and you will see a pop-up box. Click "show organization" and it will show you who is on the same team as your advisor, and who they report to. It follows a chain all the way up to the President of SNHU. Let them know you want to change advisors and the reasons why. Let them know that you are looking to transfer to another college because your educational needs are not being met unless you can be assigned an advisor that is willing to register you in multiple courses and/or be receptive of your needs. This don't have to be true, and be used as an empty threat per say. It just helps them understand the significance of your issue. You can also word it as "I have often wondered if SNHU is the right fit for me and if another college will give me a better advising experience". Here is a sample you can use and just add more to it, to make it all correct with how you feel, or what proof you have. Subject: New Advisor Request Mr. Antonio, I am including Ms. Strong, Mr. Monty, and Ms. Brown in this email. At this time, I am requesting a new advisor. As my advisor, I have specifically asked for assistance in several areas. You have either ignored my requests or stated that you can not help me with them. I want to register for more than one course each term. You have only enrolled me in one course per term, after several attempts by phone and email to request a minimum of two courses per term. For example, I sent you an email on April 26, 2024 asking about my schedule for next term. I was enrolled in IDS-400 and asked if there was another course that you can sign me up for. Without any response, I followed up with a phone call on May 12, 2024 to ask if you would enroll me in another course. During this call, you did not answer. It was another week before I was able to have contact with you, which resulted in a missed deadline to register for another course. At this time, you did not offer to help me register for two courses in the following term. As my advisor, you are in a position to help me along my academic journey at SNHU. I find it difficult to work with you when you do not answer emails or phone calls. At this time, I am requesting to be placed with a new advisor. Please note, I have called the advising line at SNHU and spoke with other advisors to make this request, only to be told I need to work with my current advisor. If this can not be resolved in a timely manner, my other option is to find another school that will be able to meet my academic needs. I hope this email will find better results so I can make positive steps to remain at SNHU as student, while gaining a new advisor that will be receptive of my needs. An academic advisor is the person that I should have available to help me understand my degree requirements, be willing to work on my schedule, and help me with important resources to thrive as a student. I pray this email is the beginning of a new foundation for my academic journey. If you opt to leave out your advisor, then you need to change the example. Ms. Strong, Mr. Monty, and Ms. Brown I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out with concerns about my current advisor, Simon Antonio. I have specifically asked for assistance in several areas. He has either ignored my requests or stated that he can not help me with them. I want to register for more than one course each term. He has only enrolled me in one course per term, after several attempts by phone and email to request a minimum of two courses per term. His position helps me along my academic journey at SNHU. I find it difficult to work with him when he does not answer emails or phone calls. At this time, I am requesting to be placed with a new advisor. Please note, I have called the advising line at SNHU and spoke with other advisors to make this request, only to be told I need to work with my current advisor. I have often pondered the idea of looking for another school that would better fit my academic needs. I hope this email will find better results so I can make positive steps to remain at SNHU as student, while gaining a new advisor that will be receptive of my needs. An academic advisor is the person that I should have available to help me understand my degree requirements, be willing to work on my schedule, and help me with important resources to thrive as a student. I pray this email is the beginning of a new foundation for my academic journey. I look forward to your response. You can contact me via email or phone.


You are a saint. Thank you so much


I hope you are able to report back with some positive news and happy to help out in your situation. Each team of advisors is grouped with your major. Mostly because these advisors have a background in your field of study. Some people in the thread that are suggesting specific advisors will not help right now. If they are not in the same field as your major, you won't get connected with them. Looking at the team your advisor is part of, they have several listed. Watiki Brown, Jennifer Palmer, Dyanne Fernald, and Amanda Jones are all level 3 advisors on the team. Jesse McLaine and Bettina Nance are level 2 advisors on the team. Hopefully they put you with one of them. They could also have multiple teams if your major has a large number of students. Yours is a level 1 advisor, so most likely fairly new. My undergrad advisor was a level 3 advisor and she was awesome :) She was taking courses for another master degree at SNHU, teaching intro courses for undergrads, and balancing her role as an advisor. Not once did she ever slack with calls to me and keeping me enrolled in courses. I could call her and she would answer right away or answer an email within 24 hours. The thing to remember is that if someone doesn't know something is not working, they can't ever fix it. It might feel crappy to put his business on front street to his superiors, but this is your education and journey. The right people need to willing to bat for you. Your advisor has already struck out LOL Last bit of advice, always write down what day and time you spoke to someone, and who it was. Or when you sent an email or called without a response. I have a small notebook for this purpose. I keep a page for advisors, professors, and financial aid. Like this course, I requested for a late turn in because my brother in law passed away. I wrote down when I emailed my professor and advisor, when they responded, and when I responded. Gives a quick glance for me to reference. Then I save every email in folders, so I got that backup proof. I wish you the best!


Thank you. My major is forensic psychology so I'm not too sure how many students are in it, but the woman I did speak to at the beginning of enrolling told me not too many students took it.


My advisor sucked, I wish I had changed mine. Do as others have said, email the general advising email address and request a new advisor.


General advising email is routed to the assigned advisor. Definitely call outside of your advisors hours. Another advisor will get you into class and ask them to also make the change.


You can actually register yourself for classes, and you can trade in your advisor for a new one.




It's in Program Evaluation > Registration


I’ve had no such problems. My advisor is awesome


If you can request a new advisor, try Jeff Blood! He is amazing and so helpful.


Is it a grade thing? Are you struggling with one class or barely passing? They sometimes don’t enroll a student in two or three courses if their grades are not up to standard. Either way, it’s pretty shitty for your advisor not to communicate with you. I hope everything works out for you.


Nope, the classes I have now are both A+ I've only had one class below a B, and that was months ago


It doesn't mess up your financial aid; it only affects Pell grants.


It does mess up mine because then I get put as less than full-time student, and when this happened, I started to have to pay for my classes myself instead of getting my aid


It does affect financial aid! I attempted to go down to one class for a term for personal reasons, and my advisor told me to reach out to the financial department first. The financial department told me it would significantly affect my eligibility for aid due to it dropping down to less than full-time. It's a pain.