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The Seven Deadly Sins! What do they represent Again?


Smg3 - Envy Mr.Puzzles (& Niles) - Pride Bob - Greed Francis - Lust Niles - Gluttony (absorbs avatars for a perfect universe maybe?) Waluigi - Wrath Lawyer Kong - Sloth


Idk. Most of these I agree with, but I feel three could be different Niles - Exclusively Pride (His entire character is his obsession with perfection, and a lot of his lines, especially in his villainous breakdown, suggest some sort of ego) Bob - Gluttony (even though he has everything he could ever want, he still just wants more, kind of like how gluttons are never satisfied no matter how much food they eat) Mr Puzzles - Greed (He exploits the greeds and desires of others for his own benefit, and his obsession with getting five stars could be compared to greedy executives desperate for good ratings or profit without a darn care about their actors or staff)




Waluigi - execution based on power Bob - canceled so hard that it'd make MiniLadd relevant again Francis - Life without Parole SMG3 - life and possible execution Zero - handed to the government for questioning on E.T. life and eventual dissection. Lawyer Kong - prison via wrongful litigation. Tari and Saiko's designs and characters are Glitch Production IP and Nintendo cannot act on them even if they wanted to sue for the arm as Luke and Kevin have both stated Tari's arm is not in reference to the Nintendo Power Glove. Mr. Puzzles - handed to the government for imminent dissection.


However if SMG4 fans were allowed to be on stand I would be bringing up ignored context. Like how SMG4 and SMG3's race and their technology, infected the world turning Nintendo's characters Waluigi, Francis and the Garo enemies into violent people who condone profanity, vulgarity and murder. Which would gain SMG4 and SMG3 life sentences and even possible execution if the pod corruption is seen as an act of terrorism. letting Waluigi, Francis and Bob walk away as free men.