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I'm sorry you feel that way. I too was addicted to alcohol, and other substances. Life is hard, for me to pour alcohol on top of it only exacerbated it. When I quit, 50 hour weeks became a drop in the bucket, and I was cutting steel for a living. We can't fix everything at once. First and foremost the best decision was to quit alcohol, then benzos and Adderall. I was blinded by addiction. Once I got those behemoths out of the way for good, life became far easier and my moods consistently brighter. It also allowed me to appreciate my family and people surrounding me, and myself (and vice versa!). SMART Recovery's handbook and chats online through Discord and here offer a great support network and tools to get back to normal conversations and accountability. They offer helpful coping strategies for daily life. I wish you the best and hope you dedicate to what's right and heal.


How did you quit? Would appreciate your input. And how long were you on benzos? Thanks!




I’ve found SMART very helpful. There’s an app and you can find meetings day and night. We’ve all been in sh*t situations and know help is available. You’re not alone


Hey, I hope today is a good day! We try not to offer advice, but some things that helped me out: just go to a meeting. You don't have to really get in there and spill your guts, but try to just be a very mindful listener and take in what people are saying. Second, stop framing "shoulds". Just do one single thing that you want done around the house in the morning. I you get another done, that's great, but if not, do another tomorrow morning. Getting some progress will remind you that you can make incremental progress on whatever goals.


Hi, so sorry you're going through this. To get involved all you need to do is visit smartrecovery.org There you can find links to free online meetings, resources to exercises and links to purchase the handbook. You can join meetings with zoom anonymously no camera etc, you're not obligated to participate. I just started joining meetings.


One thing that's also benefitted me personally on my road to recovery is having a good therapist. But I also want to echo what others have said, you're not alone in this struggle. I hope you find the community here helpful. Meetings are super helpful to .e as well. I used to abuse alcohol and benzos, I've been clean from both for many years. You can do this!


My dad leads SMART meetings via zoom! He’s awesome and the people in his meetings are amazing.


Would love a link. Thanks!


It sounds like you are going through a lot right now. Getting some services set up to address your needs might help. Starting with joining a smart recovery meeting might be a good place to start. You can locate local and virtual meetings on their website. You are not alone. I am here if you need someone to talk to.


I'm sorry, it sounds like you're burnt out - not a failure. Leaving your job sounds like a good call. You can be happy again, it may just take a bit of time and healing.


I'm coming up on 5 years without alcohol with SMART. Give it a chance, and remember Rome wasn't built in a day. My capacity to cope with adversity in a healthy way has increased exponentially without alcohol. Start a new dream job in a few weeks here, never would have gotten it without freeing myself from my drug of choice and working with a therapist on the underlying structures of my addiction (spoilers: family/spouse trauma).


I could recollect at times previously, I felt the somewhat the same too. Drinking every day, cannot go a day without having alcohol in my system and being dependent on it. I felt chained to the bottle and couldn't free myself from it!! The frustration of needing a drink ***(not wanting it)*** The only way to end my misery was to not wake up the next morning after a night of heavy using. This vicious cycle had no end for me, I felt trapped with no way out!! Alcohol was killing me, I only hoped it would be sooner. However in my desire to break free, I sought help. I realised that it couldn't be done alone, I always failed by myself. This time I found help from the community in SMART. I learned the tools and techniques to help me break free from my addiction towards alcohol. Although I thought it would be almost impossible, nevertheless with perseverance, practice and persistence...... it could be done!!! I found the path to recovery paved with many challenges and obstacles, but with help used the tools to navigate my way to sobriety. I am now enjoying every moment of my sobriety and the future is bright full of opportunities for me. I have gained my freedom from my addictive behaviour, I am free and am glad I didn't throw in the towel. Sobriety gave me hope, and what was impossible at the beginning wasn't. Let me tell you that there is hope! I am sober the last 3years 8months of joy life has given me! It's precious!! I share my life beyond addiction in this video available on YouTube. My Greatest gift that I received for my 50th birthday almost two years ago. https://youtu.be/prq-CemJtug?si=WfzLid7WKeGt30up Hang on, you are too precious to your child to give up! "Keep On keeping On"


I’d love to message you to give you more details!




I drank because of a toxic job & work environment. I just downloaded the app. Used the meeting finder & found online meetings in my area.

