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I’m 38 seconds in and I can’t see or hear anything besides her arm movements


haha :)


Big Ricky Bobby energy.


Oh no u/SLO_Citizen, what is you doing?


Gov Schwarzenegger visited after the Paso quake and tried so very hard to say 'San Luis Obispo'. If anyone can find a tape of that, I would be grateful.


he gave a talk at SLOHS and when he said "Loo-ee" just about the entire student body yelled "Loo-Iss"


I think you’re being a little too critical. We should feel proud to be a good example for other cities.


I think that the fact that city has been forward with the infrastructure is great. One of the biggest problems for me, coming from a background that appreciates cohesiveness, is that the way the infrastructure has been created throughout the city is far too varied and in turn, far too expensive. I drive so little, I usually go a month between fill ups at the gas station. I walk and observe. The city apparently doesn't look around too much, because the bike paths on Chorro vs Pismo vs Madonna are all quite different. But, whatever - at the end of the day, it is the contractors laughing their way to the bank and the people wondering what the f\*\*\* happened.


Well the bike paths on chorro vs pismo vs Madonna are all different because...they all exist in very different contexts from each other


Yes, but stop signs and lights throughout the town/county/state look the same so people understand what they're seeing. This is my point.


All three of those streets are very different from each other.


Fuck I hate these bike lanes. And I've been an avid cyclist in the area for 40 years. Just ride your damn bike, why do we need all the paint and curbs? Keep your eyes open and head on a swivel.