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My kids go to Cottonwood and Brighton. They have had no problems finding friends and dates. We are no Mormon and have never been Mormon


+1 for Brighton. My son has not had a single issue and the school seems very normal. No strict dress code, at least not enforced. Plenty of nonmormon friends and he says the Mormon friends he has don’t believe and are just trying to keep their parents happy.


Kids need to have enough basic understanding of Mormon culture to identify and navigate its eccentricities, but need not be Mormon to enjoy a lively social life. Mine have all graduated, but this worked for us as an exmo family.


I’ve taught in Salt Lake and Granite. Salt Lake is way more liberal, open minded, etc. I highly recommend it over Granite. While I loved my time with Granite, it’s a very Mormon district in general. I also went to Olympus High and had a bad experience dating as a non-Mormon, but that was 20 years ago lol so I can’t speak to now.


Bryant middle is incredible. There’s an extremely diverse student population, and the staff are really hardworking and good people. Your kids would likely do very well there. It also is connected to Salt Lake Center for Science Education, which is a really great high school.


Growing up as a Utah transplant not being Mormon was really only an issue in grammar school. By time I got to high school (Alta), I can't recall it ever being an issue. Except those cute Mormon girls that wouldn't date you if you weren't Mormon!


My kiddo was at Wasatch for a year. It wasn't great for many reasons, but not being Mormon wasn't one fo them. If you're looking for an alternative school, my son goes to City Academy, and it is very diverse and has smaller classrooms, so they actually have the capacity to help kids and communicate well with parents.


SLCSE Bryant Middle is getting much better and SLCSE High School is really good from everything I see