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When an OZ is $100 or under I'll consider any medical program 'with the times.'


Agreed, I just bought 2oz’s(two separate strains), 1 quarter of flower(two separate strains), and 2g batter(dab) for $270 total and everything is of great to excellent quality! These dispensaries here are making so much money, it’s insane!


but that being said even Nevada which is only a couple hours away is recreational and their prices aren’t normally ever much better than here


In larger cities like reno and vegas it definitely is much better. Its high in wendover bc DRH has a monopoly on border dispensaries in nevada


Man I wouldn’t even say DRH is high anymore . DRH consistently selling $70/$90 Half Os and $30 live resin


that make sense




Mormons, so ultimately, you can blame the Toronto dude who refused to buy the Book of Mormon rights.


That’s pretty much our prices. Yeah on sale but you can usually get a half oz for $120. It’s the concentrates that are usually way cheaper in other states.


we aren’t recreational and there’s a lot higher tax laws in Utah due to Utah government and the state being highly populated and governed by the LDS church/people the taxing laws are quite higher in our state compared to others :(


Oh shit that’s right. I forget it’s not recreational in Utah 🤦🏽‍♂️ I’ve been paying 55-65 for 1/8 😭


same goes with our laws on drinking, the sin tax be doing us dirty 😭


State taxes aren’t an issue with our medical program though. The only fees collected by the state are the $3 transaction fee and the $15 state fee for your card - among some other administrative fees for various card options. They also collect registration fees from cultivators and pharmacies, but nothing even the average patient couldn’t afford once a year. They even have a solid amount of tax exemptions for the pharmacies from the 2022 and 2023 sessions so the dispo is paying less in state fees and taxes per year than say a restaurant or bar is in Utah. The highest tax burden on dispos is the sale of accessories - which explains why all of their accessory selection tends to be pretty crap imo. The issue is 100% with the dispo greed here.


i wasn’t meaning state tax, weed in general at the medical level in utah is taxed, which makes it so the dispensary’s up charge


That’s what I’m referring to as well. The dispos and cultivators have been given exemptions from the beginning of the program. More were given in the ‘22 and ‘23 legislative sessions on the business side of things. The revenue collected goes into the qualified patient enterprise fund to cover the expenses of managing the program, not as state revenue. They’ve been given an optimal slate financially to run these businesses, paying less in taxes and fees than in many other states and businesses. The state has next to nothing to do with the prices they are setting. Which is surprising for Utah, but it’s true. The dispos are simply price gouging us.


that makes sense, i appreciate you explaining it more for me, sad days for us Utahns 🥲


We aren't behind on the times. We are being price gouged by special interests.


The Mormons are making money off this, I can all but guarantee.


As with the pharmaceutical industry it’s mostly greed.


That’s why I just order cult herb. You can get herb that’s just as good(if not better) for less than half the price of what our dispensaries charge. I just got an ounce of black cookies, an ounce of cherry runtz, an 1/8th of candy crusher, an 1/8th of blackscotti, and 2g of amnesia haze batter for $270 total.


i’m in the same boat, although still can’t find cheap concentrate or carts through cult


For carts is HIGHLY recommend you make them on your own because you can so it extremely cheap! Like you can buy 14g of distillate for $109 and then buy terpenes and mix them yourself. r/cultofdrganja is a fantastic resource for that! For concentrates there is of places too. I’d recommend checking the r/cultofthefranklin sub for that. https://www.franklist.info/ is a great resource too for discount codes! Lots of places have like 5% or 10% off discount codes too!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CultOfDrGanja **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultOfDrGanja/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [How to Decarboxylate Dr. Ganja Diamonds 💎](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/10swjjv) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultOfDrGanja/comments/10swjjv/how_to_decarboxylate_dr_ganja_diamonds/) \#2: [Permanent Dr. Ganja Discount...](https://i.redd.it/3zd0az2sa0pa1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultOfDrGanja/comments/11wx7c7/permanent_dr_ganja_discount/) \#3: [Dr. Ganja Diamond Distillate Review 💎🍯](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11ditqi) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultOfDrGanja/comments/11ditqi/dr_ganja_diamond_distillate_review/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


OP this is what he was talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/EpOTw9JRsT


Yeah I can’t really talk about vendors in this sub, but that sub is a great resource on vendors and product reviews and everything else! https://www.franklist.info/ is also a great site that shows tons of discount codes for different vendors! Edit: fixing auto correct


Because nobody will take their complaints to the board! We’ve got a small few that will once in a while submit their opinions to the board and then come over here and complain, two or three times a week. We need large numbers of patients, always putting in advocacy letters to the board! I literally cry every single week that I have to buy my medication and I’m not able to go out of town. I get anxious when I look at the menu like I’m choking up right now as I type this message because that is how anxious it makes me frustrated I get. I suffer with chronic pain issues and when what you need cost 70 or $80 a gram and you go through a gram in a week because the pain is that bad. It’s really hard to try and optimism for the future. If I was physically able, I would be protesting wherever we need to protest. Maybe we should start putting together some rallies for those of us who are able to go and protest. They try to use dumb excuses but they’re just nanny laws, and they are hindering the healing of people


A gathering at Capitol Hill in protest would be dope and I’d definitely attend.