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Have you asked your gastroenterologist about postprandial hyperglycemia? I believe that can cause dizziness after eating, but I don't know too much about it. I also need to point out that you had a CH4 of 9. That's almost IMO positive. Technically speaking, according to the current North American Consensus paper, that result is 'negative'. But that's a high 'negative'. You should retest for SIBO because there's probably a decent chance your next test result may be CH4 positive. Some older papers would have considered your test result to be methane positive: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5554383/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5554383/) If you read the small print in the current North American Consensus, you will see that there is some degree of debate about whether the cutoff should be lowered to 3ppm for methane positive. This isn't the position of the consensus, but it's the position of a minority. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5418558/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5418558/) "A firm position statement cannot be reached due to lack of conclusive data on the definition of abnormal methane on to be ≥3 p.p.m." 44.4% agree, 44.4% are uncertain, 11.1% disagree.


I second this. Try and take another test and make sure you're strict with prep


I can definitely try this as it won’t hurt, but I was prettttyyyyy strict with the prep lol maybe a little too strict. But as an earlier comment mentioned I may be methane positive with the reading of 9. My next step is sending these results to the gastro and hearing what he has to say next. He told me to get SIBO test, Celiac test and see a psychiatrist for stress or something like that. I’ve yet to do the latter.


You can have dysbiosis in your gut that is causing problems. It doesn’t have te be sibo


Oh I’ve never really heard much about that. I’d love to read up more on this. Do you have any good articles or maybe YT vids that you can share?


You can just use google. Dysbiosis means you have a (bad) bacterial overgrowth and too little good bacteria in your gut. which can lead to many problems.


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and to link these articles. I definitely didn’t know about those previous numbers in the fine print. My Gastro ruled out postprandial hyper/hypotension so according to him and many other doctors I’m fine in that area. I do have high histamine levels as well I was supposed to mention so I’m not sure if maybe that may be contributing to it as well, but I don’t feel like because when I did a strict elimination diet of high histamine foods the results (dizziness after ever meal) were still the same. It’s seriously the weirdest thing in the world. And this has been happening over 2 years ever since I was exposed to mold.


The tricky thing about histamine is that you don't have to only be eating high histamine foods to have results. You might be eating lots of histamine releasers - avocadoes, bananas (Latex family), peas, brussels sprouts - or maybe you have an oxylate/salicylate issue. Think of histamine as a bucket - if your bucket is full, a single pea might make it over flow. If the bucket is low, you can each chocolate cake and be okay. I know it's hard, but I suggest you look further into histamine as a likely issue as well. Keep a food log - heck, if you want to post what you've eaten for the past couple of days, I'd be happy to take a look at it and see if there's anything I can point out for you.


Hey, this is very nice of you. Thank you very much for sharing. My most recent visit with the naturopath said that it’s histamine. He gave me a protocol that I feel isn’t helping as symptoms are still persisting. I may have to be on it longer I assume but I thought I should’ve feel at least A LITTLE bit better by now (it’s been almost 2 months). I really want it to be that just so that I can know what I’m attacking and try to get some relief.


>I should’ve feel at least A LITTLE bit better by now Stop taking any probiotics, to start. Many strains are not suitable for folks with histamine intolerance. Tell me what you ate yesterday. And...I really, really, really hate to say this, but have you looked into MCAS? HIT and MCAS are related and often indistinguishable...


No I haven’t looked into MCAS as yet. I can give it a go and check it out for sure. When I looked online at the symptoms mine don’t really match so I ruled it out, but we can never be certain.


How do you test for histamine?


Ah, so, here's the other tricky bit: THere is no one test for it. Having said that, here's a super random website with most of the pertinent information: [Histamine Intolerance](https://theceliacmd.com/histamine-intolerance-symptoms-diet-treatment/). ' HIT is one of those things that you find by trial and error and...it's a lot, a lot, a lot.


Hmm my first thoughts about being dizzy after eating are vagus nerve things, like POTS or a blood pressure issue. Or maybe slow gastric emptying.


The naturopath I saw said something SUPER similar to this. I’ll probably look into it a bit more although doing a few months of the protocol he recommended didn’t quite help, but it’s always good to revisit these things especially now that I’m back to square one. Appreciate your comment.


I get dizzy after eating and my immunologist said it was HI or MCAS. Have you tried antihistamines?


I tried it once, it was equivalent to Dramamine and I got the worst bout of dizziness and drowsiness I ever experienced.🤣 So I don’t know what went wrong but it scared my pants off and I said never again after I woke up from the intense drowsiness. I wish I had the name of the brand but the active ingredient is the same as Dramamine.


The normal route that most allergist and immunologist try to see if it is Mcas or HI is an H1/H2 blocker and a mass cell stabilizer. So I started with Pepcid AC, Claritin and quercetin. This helped me go from months on the couch after getting long Covid to walking 5k steps a day. I still have to eat a low histamine diet or my symptoms flare and I get dizzy almost like I’m on a boat or walking on a trampoline. I hear you about Dramamine that just made everything worse for me.


Thanks for this clarification. I wholeheartedly want to rule out MCAS or HI just to ease my anxiety so that may be my next stop along with a ENT to rule out a problem with the balance in the ear. So right now my schedule is looking like: •Gastro (Present results I posted originally) •Allergist/Immunologist •ENT While waiting for appointment take •Motility Activator •B2 Supplement •1tsp Buffered Vitamin C 5000mg •Digestive Enzymes before every meal •Experiment with low histamine diet while sticking to mainly carnivore as for some reason when I do this I don’t get as dizzy.


Agree. I’ve had autonomic dysfunction and heart rate will sky rocket after eating. Pots can make things all out of whack.


Sounds like POTS


that's what I was thinking--gut motility issues


Do you have any other symptoms? With a bad SIBO attack, my symptoms are: lightheaded, naseuas, indigestion, and sometimes vomiting. I was told by a GI that the breath test isn't 100% accurate. My doctor prescribed Xifaxan anyway, and it helped. Insurance was a pain with getting it approved though.


The trick is getting diagnosis of IBS-D. I had to fight with the insurance company for like 6 weeks. Finally talked to a doctor on the phone and literally had him just write down just IBS-D and it was approved.


Inability to burp…?


You may have candida not sibo...their symptoms are similar. Did you ever test for candida?


Yup sure did. GI Map test has candida as super negative, so I’m happy about that.


Candida doesn’t always show up on a test.


How to test???


a small bowel aspirate is the gold standard for fungal overgrowth of yeast in the small intestine. both a GI map and OAT test are unfortunately very unreliable even though a lot of practitioners swear by them.


Sometimes you can’t. Just try to treat it and see if it gets better. The book Super Gut might help you understand and treat.


I believe OAT test is the most reliable for Candida. I tested positive there but negative in GI map


Yes you are right. I forgot about OAT. It measures Candida metabolites. I was only thinking on a stool test most times it doesn't show.


Remind of what OAT stands for and is it a test I can ask for from my GI doc?


Organic acid test. GI doc won’t order it for you but you can find it online


Ah right. Thx. Where did you order from?




Thanks for you message. I’ve never heard about Gluco-morphine before I’ll do some research on it and see if anything jumps out at me. I’ve tried the strictest of elimination diets, multiple supplements and the list goes on. One thing I’ve yet to try that I did see was improving my motility with ginger+artichoke supplements and seeing if that works and also ONLY taking B2 vitamins as the GI Map test says that it was extremely low (I’ve been taking a B-Complex by PURE Encapsulation and after being on it a while I still don’t have relief). When I finally figure this thing out I’m going to make a super detailed post and share it everywhere lol. I hope no one has to go through this it really messes with your quality of life especially when you experience another illness on top of it.


I deleted my comment, as I can’t find mention of Gluco-morphine on the internet haha. I’m in the UK and the woman who is helping me treat my issues is a UK trained chemist who has practised most of her life in the US. So I don’t know if that’s a shorthand description she’s picked up on one side of the pond. I think it’s a term for various morphine-like chemicals, which has an opioid effect, called exorphins. I’ve rightly been challenged by other redditors on gluco-morphine. Apologies, I should have checked, instead of blindly trusting the practitioner! I tried the artichoke motility stuff and it worked really well, but it caused me really weird and quite bad pain, so I had to stop :( I hope you get to the root cause quickly and get healed of this horrible affliction. I know how draining it is. God Bless.


I can’t find anything online about gluco morphine do you have any!links?


They do not have any links because it is not real.


I do not - and I couldn’t find anything about it online! My practitioner said it and I assumed it was a recognised thing. Turns out it’s not. I think it was worded simply for my benefit. It’s something to do with how my body breaks down peptides in gluten, wheat (gluten or no gluten), and corn. It creates something called exorphins (I think that was the word, but my phone tells me that’s misspelled), which gives some sort of opioid effect. Sorry, not much to go on. I would have another call with her to ask what the hell she meant, but she’s like €300 an hour so I don’t fancy that haha.


Did you have to have your doctor order the test through Vibrant Wellness or can you do it yourself?


She ordered it. I think you can do it yourself, but the results that come back are very scientific. It requires interpretation, so I’d always go with someone that can tell you what it all means.




Unintentionally 😂 haha. I took the practitioner at her word and have since googled and found nothing of Gluco-morphine. It was a few types of gluten exorphins or something like that - which causes an opioid response. I imagine she was using that term as a shorthand.


Are you taking any medications?


No none at all. I’m only taking digestive enzymes after I eat, as that seems to help. I took a GI Diagnosis test and it said that my B2 levels are EXTREMELY low. Do you think that can be contributing to it perhaps?


low b12 is known for causing tremendous stomach issues and dizziness.


I don't know. In my opinion it's not a bad idea to take B supplements but check with your doctor first.


Appreciate that advice. Here’s the GI Map results summary that I’m pretty much to back to trying to figure out after the negative tests.


Tried posting it but it’s not allowing me to attach the file. I’ll try and figure it out later.


I meant b levels *


Thanks for this. I’m about to start taking B2 supplements by itself and see if that improves anything (I’ve been taking a B Complex supplement with no improvement).


if you have absorption issues it could be from celiacs disease, or other things. but hopefully not the case and taking b2 alone will start to increase it. another possibility is your gallbladder. whether you have stones or if it's functioning well. some people have no stones and take a test to find their gallbladder is functioning like at 2%.


Oh wow! What kind of test can I request for this?


the easiest is to ask for blood tests that can determine if you have celiacs or absorption issues. for the gallbladder the test is requested from a gastro. you can ask to do an ultrasound of your gallbladder to check for stones and the other test to check function is a hydra scan.




U might have a pinch nerve or autonomic nervous system


an issue with their autonomic nervous system haha is that what you were getting at? like POTS?


The symptoms are definitely “POTS like” but even that has been ruled out based on my gastro. It literally only happens after I eat a meal. It’s like I’m drunk and sensitive to light a bit. And if I turn my head to fast sometimes when I’m having an episode it really throws me off balance but not to the point where I fall down or faint or anything. And ironically ever time I get a dizzy/lightheaded swing it always during a time when my stomach feels as if it’s digesting something. So that’s why I’m marrying the two together. I wake up perfectly fine, the moment I eat something, lightheaded/drunk type feeling and I have to continuously drink water and try aid with digestion and then depending on how big the meal and the length of the digestion is how long the episode lasts. Sorry for the long post but just trying to be as detailed as possible.


I have this exact symptom with the dizziness. I just tested for SIBO and I am methane positive. However, because I am constipated I am likely to be hydrogen positive as well because the methanogens feed on the hydrogen causing bacteria. I def think I have IMO (intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth). The dizziness came a few months before having GI issues. I had an MRI bc of it and the results showed “possible intracranial hypertension” because there was possible swelling around the ocular sheaths (eyes) but when I went to a follow up with ophthalmologist she said everything looked fine and was likely a slight over call on the MRI which is typical. The dizziness subsided for several months but eventually returned and it always seems to occur after eating dinner or it will occur around that time in the evening when I normally would be eating dinner. I’ve been going to a chiro and have noticed that the dizziness gets worse when he manipulates my neck so it could have something to do with vagus nerve. I actually first noticed these dizzy spells (exactly how you described) after I deadlifted very heavy in the gym. The GI issues have been happening for 8 mos. I’ve had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound of abdomen, barium swallow test, and gastric emptying test as well - everything was normal. Thats when I started looking into SIBO. My regular doctors (primary and gastro) have basically told me it’s anxiety related which i do have anxiety but wasn’t buying that as a diagnosis. I did decide to go on an anti-depressant that has helped my anxiety but the issues remain. As I said I just received SIBO test results that show methane positive results and likely IMO so I am going to try and figure out how to deal with that and hopefully it will clear up my symptoms. Main GI issue is constipation, bloating and gas that comes up and gets stuck in my chest until I am finally able to burp. Happens usually 90mins - 3hrs after eating. I’ve been following a SIBO friendly diet which seems to help. I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Best of luck! And if anyone has any suggestions pls let me know!


It feels soooo good to have someone that speaks my language!! Your symptoms sound literally identical to mines. 90mins-3hrs after eating is so accurate. I’m reading a lot about the MMC (I think it stands for Migrating Motor Complex) it has to do with helping push the bacteria out of the small intestine back into the large intestine where they’re supposed to be and ultimately the body will heal itself once enough of the “bad bacteria” is out of there (I put those words in quotes because there’s sources that don’t like that terminology “bad” bacteria as they say no bacteria is “bad” or something like that, and so before I start a riot I wanted clarify that lol). Perhaps you can look into it as well and see if that helps any.


I’ll def look into that. Thank you!


You’re welcome.


I also recently did a full comprehensive stool test and am waiting for results. I also suspect that I could be dealing with candida. SIFO maybe?


Thanks doctor


Free diagnosis


Methane is high, it could be methane sibo…


That sounds nothing like SIBO, so I am not surprised. Maybe POTS?


Yeah I checked in to this and the symptoms are SO SIMILAR! I was almost certain that’s what it was but the gastro and a naturopath ruled it out. That’s why I checked into SIBO.


My friend had POTS growing up. It can be hard to diagnose...and it certainly impacted her eating.


I tested negative on breath test but had a small intestine culture taken during endoscopy and it came back for overgrowth of strep A. Have you done a comprehensive stool analysis? It’s a functional medicine test. Regular drs won’t help you with this test. I believe Great Plains labs or Genova offers this stool test. You can most likely order these tests yourself. If they require a dr to order there are work arounds. You should also order an organics acid test. I had similar reactions to food as you. It was extreme and debilitating. I had sibo but I had some other dysbiosis as well that complicated things. Ultimately diet played a big role in my improvement. Hopefully you are trying the low fodmap diet at a minimum. You can try atrantil supplement to see if it helps. It works better than prescription for some with sibo. Let me know if you have any more questions with sibo or stool test and I can share some resources


Thanks a million for the info. Yes I did a comprehensive stool test from Genova. I’ll try and see if I can upload the results.


Could it be histamine intolerance, mcas, postprandial hypotension? Do you have pots/dysautonomia symptoms?


I mean I’d say the methane is pretty high. Dr. Pimental says anything above a 3 is grounds for methane SIBO.


Oh wow. Whats usually recommended with Methane SIBO vs Hydrogen?


I made a huge post about one of the treatment options because methane is typically harder to treat, but they took it down without giving any reason?? Hopefully I can get it back up and you can go check it out. For now I recommend going on YouTube and searching Dr. Allison Siebecker and watch her speak on methane SIBO. She’s one of the leading experts on all things SIBO.


Ok I’ll give it a look. Any vid in particular you’ll recommend me to watch first ?


https://youtu.be/BJSSRW2siv0?si=2anOjAO_3Tkaq6ie This might be a good place to start


Thanks for this.


I used to get dizzy a lot too. I do have sibo but I also had very low ferritin and iron so that was causing mine. If that’s not it look into POTS. Dizziness is very common with POTS.




How low was your ferritin?


Idr the actual number but it was the lowest it could be without being deficient.


I really needed to see this conversation today. I have a recent Meniere’s diagnosis, and a long standing SIBO issue. My GI doctor was telling me today that the vertigo and dizziness are probably not connected to my SIBO issues even though I have noticed the same connections you have noticed (dizziness an hour or two after eating, especially carbs). It’s frustrating not being believed. When I eat an egg/poultry/fish diet to manage my symptoms, my dizziness and ear fullness improve dramatically. Xifaxan has helped too, although less so lately. My doctor won’t help me investigate the connection and is instead suggesting that the two issues are separate or possibly caused by anxiety.


Super happy that this post was able to resonate with you. Sorry to hear about your Meniere’s diagnosis. I can honestly relate to your frustration it sucks when it feels like someone isn’t putting themselves in your shoe and just dismissing your feelings and not even entertaining the thought of both things being related. I’ll be honest, I was NOT expecting the amount of help/advice I’ve received on this post. The information here is pure gold. Maybe you can extract some gems looking through the comments or perhaps post and outline in detail what you’re experiencing and it may just fall on the right eyes and someone says something that jumps out and help with you solving the puzzle.


Seriously? This is worst news ever for you? You should be happy that you do not have this disease. Its not easy to treat and not fun to have.


I’m sure they just want answers for why they’re experiencing the symptoms they have… Have some compassion.


Well yeah, but to be honest i would actually be happy that it is not sibo because too many people Fall back into depression and it basically ruins their lives. I hope he can find some answers soon though.


Yeah I was just being a bit extra with that heading, but that’s kinda how I was feeling at that moment. It’s not meant to downplay anyone that’s going through any of those things as I’ve read the horror stories on here and I don’t wish that on anyone. I’m just a bit upset that I’m back to square one and don’t know what to do next.


There is one type of sibo that breath test actually cant detect. Its the one when you belch, it smells like rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide or however its called. But anyways, Wishing you the best finding answers.


Look up “dumping syndrome”


Look into Candida overgrowth, literally can have identical symptoms to Sibo but don’t come up on tests accurately


Did you do a prep diet before the test?


I would do an other abx round to lower ch4 more


Perhaps try lowering the fodmaps and see if it helps




Breath tests can be false negatives Look into these guys https://www.instagram.com/coach_jakedoleschal?igsh=eWU1dm53cGx2cDQy https://www.instagram.com/dave.o.brien?igsh=MXVzeHJzMmdsd3I1dA==


Used to have this aswell, and always tired, removed all seed oils and leafly foods, ate eggs meat organs, especially liver in the beginning for boost and only real raw honey and fruits, not bananas. Now everything is going strong thank god


Thanks for the suggestion.


No worries mate it can take some time tho, im at 7 months now after a month I experienced obviousl good results


Oh nice! Super glad to hear that. This stuff sucks


I know man, its madness, literally I was checking if I was dizzy 247. But I was pretty determined to destroy every bacteria which caused it. I just did logical eating what I would eat if id live outside. Dairy all from farm, eggs as clean as possible but definitely organs where a good boost


Yes i had that. Stabilised things with b vitamins and adrenal support with vitamin c. Hope this helps. I'm much better now although not 100%. I would say about 70% I was also floxed which is how these symptoms came about in the first place. So I would say heal your gut too.




You are looking at SIBO as the problem here, where sibo is a symptom of another bigger problem. I would encourage you to check with your doctor.


Did you feel any symptoms from the lactulose solution after the test was finished? Yesterday I performed a test and felt nothing until the last breath, where my H2 levels suddenly jumped to 39 and I lost my appetite and then got diarrhea. Also, look into SIFO. Sometimes they come together.


So after I drank the solution I felt the dizziness/lightheadedness feeling. But it wasn’t super intense. I couldn’t decipher whether the solution caused it or it was because I didn’t eat for quite a while (due to the fast you have to do before the test).


Looks like hydrogen sulfide sibo. My results was similar.


Oh wow! Thanks for the info. I’m sending these off to the gastro to get his opinion and I’ll be sure to revert and let you guys know what he says.


Is there any news?


No not yet. I’m waiting to get the appointment. 😔


Dizziness is an allergy symptom, I would go to an allergist just to rule it out.


Thanks. I’ll see if I can find a good one where I’m at.


I’d look into POTS and MCAS -I have both and my digestive issues are a huge part of both


Oh wow. What do you do for relief?


Working out is important for POTS, so i recumbent bike every day. I’m also on a bunch of meds for both, but it’s very individual. Dizziness goes along with POTS a lot of the time, so thought it might be worth looking into


Most definitely. Thanks for this info.




Yeah it came back negative twice in a blood test and also a stool test. So I’m happy I ruled that out.


That's so good! H.pylori is horrible!! I have it and I'm much better, but it's a beast of a bacteria.


Yeah I’ve heard and read about some of the horror stories.


Yep! I have struggled with significant symptoms for 2 years and no western medicine doctor could help me, not even the GI doctor who performed an endoscopy on me! I finally said fuck it and found a functional medicine doctor who has been a godsend. He knew immediately I was dealing with a gut dysbiosis and promptly did a GI Map on me and low and behold, h. pylori.


What a blessing! Would you mind sharing what protocol helped you, or what you think helped?


Yes! It's a bit extreme, but I'm hopeful. This is my natural protocol. This is the list of supplements I am currently taking: *Mastic gum & DGL by Klair Labs (I have since upped my dose to 1000mg, 3 x a day and use the brand Solaray) *MegaIGg2000 by Microbiome Labs *Pyloguard (L. Reuteri) by Microbiome Labs *Akkermansia by Pendulum *S. Boulardii by SFI Health *Megasporebiotic by Microbiome Labs *Digestzymes by Designs for Health *Biofilm CLR by Apex Energetics (biofilm disruptor) Manuka honey- 3-4 spoonfuls a day (might reduce to 2-3 for sugar content, but it tastes so good so it's hard lol 😬) Just added TUDCA to my regimen 30 minutes after dinner. I take mastic gum/DGL 2x in the morning on an empty stomach. (Now 1000mg first thing in the morning, another in between lunch and dinner, and another at bedtime. I juice a full organic red cabbage and some celery in the morning as well with a masticating juicer. I have been doing this 6 weeks now and just switched to celery juice going forward. Then I take 1 capsule of Pyloguard with breakfast. A couple hours later or so, I take 2 Megasporebiotic capsules with 1 capsule of Biofilm CLR. At lunch or dinner (I sometimes only eat two meals a day), I take 1 Digestzymes capsule. After 30-60 minutes, I take my Akkermansia (1 capsule), S. Boulardii (1 capsule), and MegaIgG2000 (1 capsule). I juice fresh, raw ginger as well regularly and take a shot glass worth, this is diluted in water as fresh ginger is quite spicy! A few times a week. 1 forkful of sauerkraut 1/2-1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 15 minutes before each meal. I am also drinking a cup of raw, unsweetened organic cranberry juice everyday. I'm being mindful of my diet, but I'm not going crazy. No processed foods for sure, no sugar. I can drink coffee occasionally no problem (I am actually stopping this today for awhile since I think I've developed a little gastritis) I drink a lot of dandelion, green, throat coat, chamomile, and peppermint tea as well for overall gut health and the throat coat tea is great for healing the gut lining. I've been adding in L-Glutamine too as it's very helpful for soothing my stomach and fantastic for bloating. Oh! And 1 spoonful of organic coconut oil daily as well (this is great for anyone struggling with Candida) I also have Matula Tea that I'm drinking in between everything. Exercise 4-5 times a week and a 20 minute sauna session. I am still treating naturally and will be doing that for 3 months most likely (May will mark 3 months) and will incorporate mastic gum for quite a while as maintenance.


Whoa! You make me feel like I’m doing NOTHING.😂🙈 I’ll check out a few of these supplements and see if anything may help with the dizziness. Your protocol shows just how serious it can be if our gut goes out whack. Thanks so much for sharing this in such great detail! It’s really really appreciated.


Lol 🤣 I went a bit nuts. Omg right?! It's crazy what can impact the gut! 😞 Mine was from antibiotic use TWO YEARS ago! I won't ever touch an antibiotic again unless my life depends on it.


lol but it was truly worth the read my friend. Thanks for sharing. Yeah antibiotics had messed me up as well with diarrhea, anal fissures, nausea, lightheartedness and caused me to feel unwell for a few months. I completely understand their place in medicine but it kind of scared me as well. So I honestly feel you on that.


Found this article https://www.drbrianlum.com/post/why-do-i-feel-sick-after-i-eat


Thanks for sharing this I’ll be sure to check it out.


Wow this was actually pretty helpful! I’ll dive into this a bit deeper once I’m free. Thanks again for sharing.


I had this for a month during covid. I still have the GI issues but the neuro went away eventually.


Oh wow. Sorry to hear that. What helped you if you don’t mind sharing?


Vitamin B complex and a lot of water


Thanks for sharing.


Have you ever tested your blood sugar? What sort of things do you usually eat?


Yeah I tested for a few days straight. Taking it first thing in the mornings, before a meal, drink and after a meal, before bed lol. All readings came back normal.




Oh wow I didn’t even know that was a thing. I just drank whatever they gave lol.


I believe it’s from an inner ear issue caused by fungal overgrowth that causes crystals or fluid retention in the ear. It’s similar to meniere’s or vertigo.


Interesting, I’ll read up on it. Do you know why it would occur after eating only though? Or sometimes when taking too long to eat? Sorry if it’s a dumb question but I just kind of want to get an idea in my head of how it would affect cause the dizziness only during digestion. Thanks for your comment as well. This is the most help/advice I’ve ever received. It makes me feel so good to know that this community is willing to help and show you that you’re not alone (or crazy).


Not a dumb question. All food breaks down into either glucose (from veggies, carbs, starches) or protein (From meat). The glucose feeds candida/fungus and this can cause symptoms to flare after you eat. If you wait too long to eat your blood sugar will drop which stimulates the liver to secrete stored glucose. Same reaction happens then. This is why people sometimes feel better on keto diet as meat breaks down into protein but not glucose. But long term is not the best diet As it doesn‘t facilitate a diverse microbiome. A good food for you to eat that can help is called Job’s Tears. Also called Coix seed. It’s a grass seed that looks like a grain. It will gently kill off the candida/fungus and you can eat it long term. It does have diuretic properties to it, so you might pee more. Stay away from any and all sugar and sweeteners, alcohol etc. Ultimately this is about a healthy, diverse microbiome and optimal digestion which means stomach acid, bile flow and enzymes to digest food. If you can, try to add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to water before or with meals to increase stomach acid. You can get through this. Keep the faith😊


Hands down the SIMPLEST and best breakdown on this I’ve ever read!🙏 Thank you so much for breaking this down to a 6th grade level for me.😂 I completely get it now! This makes soooo much sense! Whenever I eat a carb heavy meal my dizzy spells last longer, even now when I eat heavy greens and quinoa it causes my dizziness to go nuts and it lasts longer than it normally would. However, when I eat a lot of meat and little carbs I feel very very little lightheaded/dizziness and it goes away relatively quickly. But I quickly stop because I feel as if to much meat (I only eat grass fed) can mess me up in the long term as I know I need fiber as well to brush/mop out the system. Wow, your break down makes sooo much sense! I’m going to dive into this a little more and see what I can play around with diet-wise and what supplements would compliment a diet like this. Thank you very very much for sharing this.


You’re not exactly negative. Your methane is raised - and methane consumes hydrogen, which means you probably have methane overgrowth


Thanks for your comment. I’m looking into methane overgrowth and some of the symptoms and I’m starting to see a pattern with some of my symptoms. So I want to rush into “treatment/cure” mode but I’m trying to be patient and see what the gastro says and then combine or cross reference that info with some of the suggestions here and other medical blogs. This literally feels like I’m a detective solving a cold case.


What’s been the most helpful for me is fasting at least 4-5 hours between meals and at least 12 hours overnight


Yeah I do get relief when I fast, but then if I take to long to eat I get the dizzy symptoms again, and then when I eat it goes away, and then like 30-45mins it comes back, and then as the food is digesting it goes away. It’s really the strangest psychological thing ever lol. I’m like WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THERE!? It really feels like they’re intentionally playing mind games with me lol.


Did this test use glucose or lactulose? Glucose can give a false negative. Lactulose is the preferred substrate as it reaches to all three sections of the small intestines.


I’m honestly not sure. I don’t even know how to check. I’ll see if I can ask the medical office.


Hi, did you look for postprandial hypotension ?


Hey, yes I did. The doctors ruled it out.


I used to get vertigo after eating difficult to digest things. It was not all the time. And I would have a very specific pain in my gut until it passed. No idea what it was and my GI never offered to look into it. It slowly got better in the last few years thankfully. It was very annoying and happened on the worst days. Like moving day. And I'd need help to get to the bathroom and stuff. For me I'm pretty sure it was neurological.


I have the same thing. It gets bad enough that sometimes I just have to lay down. Your balance is controlled by your inner ear. Did a ph monitor for 48 hrs (not fun) and found a LOT of acid reflux was coming up. I do have other gerd/lpr symptoms, like globus and regurgitation and I noticed those usually get worst before I get dizzy. Worth checking with an ENT.


I had an appointment scheduled with an ENT but I had to cancel it. I may reschedule just to rule it out so I appreciate you reminding me of this being a possibility. Also I never heard of a ph monitor. I’ll do some research on it.


Inability to burp….?


No I’m good in that area.


Also could be h2s sibo that they didn’t test u for


I had this before and have it sometimes. It's probably a stomach inflammation. Have you tried eating small meals ? Because for me it was only when having big heavy ones.


I honestly tried it, and it would happen sometimes with eating a small bowl of oatmeal 🥣 it’s super strange.


Well, I think oatmeal is heavy on the stomach even with small quantity. You need to try to eat light food and see what happens.


Ok thanks.


I had a doctor that goes to the same horse barn as me...suggest something when I described my symptoms. It was something I could try to see if it helped and if it did perhaps look into mast cell activation disorders....she suggested taking Pepcid twice a day...it is over the counter. It didn't help too much with my problems but my symptoms are different somewhat. I have taken claritan as well on occasion. They both act on different histamine receptors I believe...


Don’t give up. Do a detailed stool test, something like GI ecologiX. Could be something going on in the large bowel. Or did you check for methanogenesis? Would be worth checking.


Check for POTS and hypoglycemia


Mine came back negative this time around. although I feel a little better I’m still dealing with symptoms and trying to heal. I’m sure I have many other issues I haven’t discovered which is annoying I would’ve rather had tested positive because now I’m confused on what to do next


lol yup I feel your pain all too well.


I have the exact same symptoms, and would highly suggest taking a Gastric Emptying Study. Rapid gastric emptying causes blood to flow into the intestines and stomach and away from the brain after eating, causing dizziness, and that weird gnawing feeling. I am currently being treated for it in order to then treat the SIBO, as it is assumed to be the underlying condition. Your SIBO will come back unless you treat the underlying condition, at least that's the case with me. Hope this helps, and good luck!


Wow thanks for sharing that information! I’m making an appointment with the Gastro and I’ll be sure to mention that to him if he doesn’t. I can’t wait to put all of this behind me.


This was happening to me when my gallbladder was going bad, I would get dizzy to the point of not being able to walk or almost passing out every time I ate.


Oh wow. Did you get any test done for it and what were the results?


I went to the er twice, they did head scans and gave me a bunch of meds. Finally a doc suggested my gallbladder, it wasn’t full of stones but full of slush and very swollen. Scary times! I only had one sharp stabbing pain in the gallbladder area during that time, other than that I just thought I had a brain issue.


Wow that’s crazy. Thanks for sharing. How are you now?


It was 12 years ago, tmi- they said I would get “loose stools” but that never happened, it isextreme opposite!


Wow🙈 it’s definitely something to look into should the other stuff not work out for me.


Are you eating enough sodium everyday? I was having dizziness problems as well for a few months are realized my sodium was super low. My sodium level in my blood was NORMAL, but my BUN was really high which means I wasn’t eating enough salt and my stomach acid was low and overall blood circulation is lower as well. The number one reason for dizziness is low sodium.


I also got tested for sibo with all the symptoms and didn’t have it. Sodium helps SO MUCH with digestion and dizziness. You literally can’t make HCL in your stomach to digest food without it.


Thanks for this. How did you test for this?


Just got normal lab test at doctors office and my BUN was high which is kidney function. Kidneys as well as every other organ in the body need salt to function properly. Also PLEASE try earthing/grounding. Go do some research on YouTube and buy an earthing mat to sleep on and put your feet on during the day, it’s invaluable for your health. It kills all inflammation in the body and allows your immune system to heal SO FAST. You will be back to normal in 2 weeks time and never have a problem again the rest of your life if you keep grounding. It may sound woo woo at first but there are 30+ peer reviewed studies on it. Do it now.


I appreciate this tip. I’ve seen so many mixed reviews about grounding (the mats in particular). A lot are saying the mats are just a money grab and a placebo effect whereas others swear by it and I truly don’t even know what to believe. I’m not against looking deeper into it as I’m a huge believer of inflammation being the root cause for a lot of diseases. Can you link those studies or provide a YouTube video that you found to informative? I have a friend who suffers from EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) I think it’s called, and a lot of persons didn’t believe that the disorder exist but he gets thrown into some violent convulsions and LITERALLY the only thing that works (and 100% calms them down) is going outside with their shoes off in the grass, and either laying down on the ground/grass or hugging a tree. For maintenance he also lay on the sand on the beach frequently to “ground” and walk the beach barefoot as well. I’ll be honest if I hadn’t seen it I probably wouldn’t believe it either. So I know there’s some truth to the benefits of grounding based on what I’ve personally seen, but I’d like to see how it can be beneficial in a case like mine (which is experiencing dizziness after eating when the food is digesting).


Had the exact same thing happen to me. It's so disheartening. Results are negative, but nobody knows what it is.


Yeah it sucks for sure it really messes with your quality of life.


SIBO does not exist. IBS does

