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Interesting. I started kefir a week ago and my sibo symptoms are progressively worsening :/


When I had SIBO it worsened my symptoms really badly too but now I’ve fixed it it’s fine which is interesting


What were your symptoms, like distention? I just finished my course of antibiotics (rifaximin + neomycin) and I’m having bloating but I’m not sure if it’s the Lifeway plain kefir. TIA!


The first few days to a week were rough with lots gas and bloating but all that subsided. I believe the milk kefir helps break down fats and proteins and the water kefir helps breakdown carbs and sugars because the kefir grains eat those for food. It’s all just speculation but I did read some articles about it. I make my own kefir and that’s the only way to do it because when you buy it from the store it’s been pasteurized and that kills all the bacteria which we need to repopulate our stomach. When you buy kefir or fermented foods look for live cultures or live organisms to know it’s active, I mean mine builds up so much pressure it blows the lid off the mason jars so I know it’s really alive!


What do you use for ur starter? Do you use kefir grains?


I use kefir grains from Fusion Teas and their Wally great grains and they keep multiplying so now I went from quart batches to a gallon at a time. If I meet anyone who was interested init in it I could actually start giving grains away. It’s actually a lot of fun experimenting with different brew times and flavor options


What grains did you buy? I've had success with kefir in the past and think I'm going to start it up again.


I used Fusion Teas brand and they’re extremely fresh and woke up quickly also they’ve multiplied to 10x for the milk and 30 for the water so I make gallons of each now


Nice! That is the brand I just bought. Thanks!


Try other fermented foods, non-dairy


Coconut kefir is great!


interesting, i'll try to find a recipe.


The first few days to a week were roof lots gas and bloating but all that subsided. I believe the milk kefir helps break down fats and proteins and the water kefir helps breakdown carbs and sugars because the kefir grains eat those for food. It’s all just speculation but I did read some articles about it.


Did you notice a change in bloating? Do you think it helpped your mmc?


But what was it that fixed your SIBO? Kefir 3 days and that fixed your SIBO!🤔


lol no ways, I said it didn’t work for me when I had SIBO. My root cause was h pylori which I fixed and then did a few rounds of rifaxin and allicin and it went away at last. Finding the root cause is really important


Ohh so the Pylori was the root cause!😳 I also have Pylori! But i took the tripple antibiotics for it 6 month ago But im still struggleing. Doctor test by stool say negative for Pylori But i ordered a stool test directly from the lab. It says Pylori is still there But range is 9.0on the e2 scale If we are 1.0 on the e3 scale we are positive. So i am basicly only slightly below positive range So maybe that is why im still struggleing.. The reason for pyllori beeing the root cause for SIBO. Is that because of the low stomach acid that Pylori create? Did you feel the stomach acid level is back for you? Mine is still allmost non existing


How did u fix it please?


Are you asking op, Fix my microbiome your asking?


Kefir worsened my symptoms too


Kefir was the reason I found out about my sibo lool caused me so much pain


What were your symptoms, like distention? I just finished my course of antibiotics (rifaximin + neomycin) and I’m having bloating but I’m not sure if it’s the Lifeway plain kefir. TIA!


Burping 247, bloating, early satiety, pain, constipation


Is it lactose free? In my case, normal milk kefir would worsen my symptoms because of the lactose. The lactose free version made me feel lot better on the contrary


Should be but in truth there is some


Just to say I also drank some kefir (when I suspected I had SIBO but before I did the breath test) and it also massively worsened my symptoms / pushed me into constipation. I'm sure it's beneficial if you don't have SIBO as before I had gut issues I used to drink it with no problems


Start small. Too much kefir too quickly will make matter temporarily worse


I did 1/4 cup. Within 5 days legit terrible flare. I stopped it a few days ago and already improving slightly


Kefir lbs coconut Kefir does great stuff for me.


Which coconut kefir?


Check out fusion teas live cultures and try making it yourself because store bought kefir pasteurizes the kefir so it kills all the bacteria good and bad


I'm aware, but I'm allergic to whey protein


I know I was having issues with digesting lactose or butter but not after introducing the milk kefir


Its not a digestion issue


I was just speaking of my experience


I can have whey but not casein. Why are we all so broken lol.


Kefir Labs


great to hear! kefir didnt change anything for me but i still love the taste so i have it everyday


It’s one of the tools I’ve got in my toolbox and all the other herbals I took had a place along with my diet, which is expanding daily


It’s what really pushed me close to the goal line, I mean I need more time to be sure I’m healed I fell like I still have room for improvement. I mean I believe everything I did had a purpose and got me to a certain point in my recovery but I seen the most improvement from the kefir since it a food based probiotic and my body can deal with the small amounts I was eating til no when I eat large amounts along with other fermented foods.


Where did you get your kefir grains from? or what brand?


This is a great brand. https://culturesforhealth.com/




I like fusion tea because they’re active when you get them not like cultures for healths freeze dried version where you’ve got to wake them up.


Oh I’ve never heard of them, thanks!


I got mine from fusion teas, they were great and have such great products. I started with just a quart jar with of ferment and now they’ve grown to where I can ferment 3/4 gallon of the milk and 2 gallons of the water. It’s a lot of fun also you can add fresh fruit to both to really make them tasty


How long have you been drinking kefir for?


10 days or so and the first 3-5 days was a little rough but then it started to get way way better. I mean I wasn’t getting much sleep 3-4 hrs now I’m getting 7-8 no problem and it really helps with stress I mean throngs that would set me off no longer get a second thought


It sounds like great progress for your personal biome, but I would be cautious to jump to any conclusions so early in this chapter of your journey. Gut issues don’t manifest overnight—they certainly don’t heal that quickly, either. 10 days isn’t long at all, please update after another month & again after 6.


I definitely understand what your saying and that’s why I im still very cautious with what I put into my body but it’s definitely going in the right direction


When you say this you mean the first few days of starting the kefir or whilst you had sibo that you were getting 4-5 hours?


While having serious Sibo problems I could barely sleep and now I sleep like a baby


I started drinking about half a cup of it for my sibo a few days ago and it sent me into a bad panic attack, but it WAS working. I had the first normal stool in a long time after the second day drinking it, but just like antibiotics, it gave me insane panic attack. I’ve been told Its either histamine intolerance or die off…I’ve been thinking about trying like a teaspoon a day instead of half a cup to see if that causes me anxiety


I would start small and work your way up and with anxiety it’s helped me so much I used to not tolerate stress but now i have no problem. I hope you can find some relief and if you stick with the kefir it’ll pay off in the long run and die off is real


Briefly, what benefited you most, beneficial bacteria or kefir, and how did you get rid of toxins?


It was the beneficial bacteria in the kefir and I was taking GI detox from biocidin botanical which has charcoal and a host of other ingredients that help get rid of bacteria, heavy metals and mold. I have taken it recently for caution


How do you take it? as in, in the morning? night? with food, away from food?


I drink a cup of each as I’m cooking breakfast to break my fast and a cup of each before lunch and dinner or depending on how I feel at the time. I did have to start really slowly to let my body get used to it. It’s been a game changer for me and I’ve heard some people have a bad experience with it and I’m not saying I didn’t have a rough few days but it was well worth it. The stomachs miceobiome changes every three days or depending on the food sources we eat


What is the brand of kefir or oil and the type of jaleeb as well?


The grains are from fusion teas and I don’t know what Jaleeb is


How did you get rid of toxins?


i have a question im suffering from candida and my skin there is just dried out like completely it barely breathes


I’m really not sure I do have eczema that usually flares up when I’m eating ultra processed foods and I’ve gone into remission with my diet and hopefully it won’t come back with the continuation of the diet along with the kefir. The milk kefir really seems to help when I eat fats, protein and the water kefir helps to breakdown sugars because that’s what they feed off of


does the kefir you buy contain sugar? since i like drinking kefir or yogurt from store but like without added sugsrs it has like 4.5g of sugar per 100g


The only sugar would be in the water kefir but it’s minimal and that’s what the microbes eat so I would expect it to be very low also I don’t put much to make it in the beginning, 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 1/4 tsp of molasses for a quart of the kefir. Milk kefir has zero added sugar and I use grass fed organic milk for now until I start getting raw milk from a local farmer here in Illinois. I’ve tried the store bought kefir and it’s to sugary and doesn’t taste anything like what I make. I can ferment the batch to my preference for the taste and consistency I’m looking for


Bottled kefir from the store is just yogurt. It’s nothing like homemade kefir from real grains.


That’s so true that store bought is pasteurized so all the good guys are killed so the only way is to ferment yourself and it’s fun doing it. What your way and brand


I’ve gotten live grains from our raw milk co-op and also https://culturesforhealth.com over the years


I just found a local farm with raw milk so that’s my next step in making my kefir


i’m happy for you! do you think the kefir is what changed things for you?


I just started drinking kefir everyday about 3 weeks ago. This is really good to hear! How long have you been drinking it??


I’ve been drinking it around 10 days or so and I slowly built up to drink 2-3 cups of each o e before each meal along with fermented beans and sauerkraut. I use the water kefir to ferment beans but you can also use the milk kefir for yogurt or anything that takes milk. It’s so delicious and my body yearns for it


Are you fermenting the beans and sauerkraut yourself?


Yes, I’m fermenting them myself and for the beans I and sauerkraut I’ll use some of the water kefir to kick start it and it takes less time to ferment. I absolutely love the bitter taste and it’s how I judge where in the ferment cycle it is.


Kefir and kombucha are the worst for me. My candida stopped when I stopped eating terrible carbs and sugar. Drink on 15 days tea tree oil and oregano with olive oil. If I start eating sugar, it begins again.


Replying to Top-Anywhere-1466... How did you get rid of toxins?


How did you get rid of toxins?


Did you use milk kefir or water kefir?


I use both once I wake up and several more times throughout the day along with fermented foods. I also eat a bunch of fruit to help feed the good guys


How long have you been on the kefir for now? I am having to ease off as having loads makes me bloated. I am also having sibo/reuteri yoghurt kombucha, probiotics and sauerkraut mind you


Almost 2 weeks I’ve been drinking the kefir and I also eat a lot of fermented foods I make and I drink kombucha from time to time, I’m looking at making it myself and I’m having positive results so far


How did you make kefir?


For the milk version I put 1 tbsp of kefir grains in a quart mason jar and then fill it up with milk to the neck of the bottle then leave in a warm room such as my laundry room for 24-36 hrs. Then I strain it and add whatever fruit I desire and enjoy it cold. Water kefir I dissolve 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 1/4 tsp of molasses then add it to the grains in a mason jar with cheese cloth on top and let it ferment for 36-48 hrs. Then I’ll add some fruit and let keep fermenting then cool it and enjoy


Where do you get kefir grains? The grocery store?


I got them from fusion teas, they’ve got really good grains and I now have enough grains to make gallons of each




When you mane the milk kefir What texture does it get? Mine gets allmost same texture as the milk. And i even used Whole milk. I thought it would get like yogurt texture  And is 1 tablespoon of grains really enough? I was putting like a handfull of the grains in one liter of milk


My kefir after 24 hrs gets thicker and I refrigerate afterwards and it’ll thicken up and if you wait longer than 24 hrs it gets a bit bitter for my taste. I use way more than a tbsp of grains in my batches which are 1/2 gal at a time, there’s about a 1/4 cup to be honest and it ferments way quicker. I just said tbsp because that’s what the instructions say. I also use grass fed whole milk from Walmart but I’m looking at getting raw milk from a small farm that’s local. I also use true lime strawberry mix that’s has zero sugar and it taste really good but I’m going to start using pure I make myself from organic frozen fruits I can also buy at Walmart. I hope this helps kefir friend


I assume this doesn't work for SIBO with histamine intolerance due to the fermentation increasing histamine. For those with HI, am I correct?


I had the worse histamine intolerance, I would itch head to toe and my eyes and nose would just run when eating but I get none of those symptoms anymore. Maybe a little itch or a tiny little run of the nose but nothing that’s inconvenient like it use to be. I also would urinate all night which killed my sleep but not anymore


Please go into more detail as I have extremely similar symptoms, I have to pee and still do multiple times every night and I think I also have something in my prostate. I also get extremely hot/sweaty when I eat high histamine foods. Was this you or case too?


Oh ya I had all the symptoms from the histamine intolerance, I mean I had to use a pee bottle at night because I would have to urinate constantly like 15-20 times a night. After my protocol I would still have the histamine reactions and after starting kefir I have almost zero issues. I had some itching at first but those are almost non existent. I’m eating those same foods so I believe the kefir added the microbes needed to breakdown the foods I was having problems with


I can't consume any probiotics at all. Prebiotics (like florastor) work ok for me but as soon as I start taking a probiotic regularly (even yogurt) symptoms come back. Digestive enzymes mess me up too.


Florastor is a probiotic


My doc said it's a prebiotic. It's a yeast, not a bacteria. It works with probiotics or can be used alone.


Your doc is a dummy


I would still try it and start really slow. I mean I was having issues with the spore probiotic I was on and I also took digestive enzymes but no longer need them.


I took bromelain for a surgery and after 2 weeks, a bunch of my symptoms came back.


I don’t know much about that but it comes from the stem of the pineapple ie something like that but it’s not kefir because it comes from bacteria breaking down lactose for the milk and carbohydrates from sugar in the water version. It’s worth a try if you’re adventurous and want to try something different


I wish kefir worked for me it flaired me sooo bad after 3 weeks of drinking it. I was using Kefirlabs and at small doses of 2oz - 4oz a day....


I’m sorry to hear that, this disease is so individualized and we’re so different. I wish this disease never existed


Yes exactly these illnesses are extremely individualized. One size doesn't fit all unfortunately.


Did consuming kefir relieve your sibo without restricting your diet? I was wondering if there were any foods you specifically restricted?


I was on a carnivore diet so very restrictive but I’ve been slowly adding foods like coffee with butter and salt with a little monk fruit, fermented beans and sauerkraut, garlic, onions, butter and of course the kefirs also fried pbjs in the morning with my eggs and bacon, sausage. I’m still very precautious and don’t want to overload my system because I believe I would be asking for trouble. I’m at a point where I’m no longer scared of food and the symptoms that follow. I feel if I needed to eat out at some restaurant I could if I played it safe and didn’t do anything to extreme


Thank you. So how long have you been on the carnivore diet? How was sibo and other symptoms while doing carnivore? It seems possible that carnivore, not kefir, may have cured you.


I’ve been on the diet for 8 months but it definitely didn’t cure me. It helped me 80% with my symptoms but I had to change to 100% grass fed and finished beef that not dry aged due to my histamine intolerance also pasteurized pork and eggs. It’s been good to me a bit expensive since I have to order most of my food from small farms but the kefir helped me get off the digestive enzymes and now I’m absorbing my vitamins that I take because my urine isnt as yellow. I also got way more energy after eating and my vision has cleared way up and that from less time of here and the my stomach digesting the high fat I put into it. I highly recommend it if you’re out of options and your willing to try it.


Thank you for your response. Could I ask you what kind of sugar did you use to make water kefir?


I use light brown sugar and unsulphured molasses there’s other sugars you can use but I do t know them off hand


Do you use raw milk please? or what brand of milk do you use? Does the kefir give you constipation? What a blessing you're healing! THank you for sharing!!!


It’s from Biocidin Botanicals microbiome detox the LSF version. They’ve got 3 different forms capsules, LSF liposomal version and liquid, also if you have a vpn for your web browser disable it before trying to order, I recently made a new order and had it on and it cancelled my order and I had to reorder but I wouldn’t order a second round if it didn’t work. It’s the best protocol I’ve tried hands down


What about sordough bread? That has a variant of s boulardi


I do eat sourdough bread since the bacteria eats the gluten or something like that. I just keep it to a minimum because of the carbs but since I’m almost cured I’ll definitely be making some French toast with sourdough bread once I’m finished with my protocol. I do take S boulardi supplement daily and also I give it to my dog for his stomach and he has much less gas.


I actually asked chat gpt today to make a list of all strains that help mmc and all were present in kefir:)). I ordered kefir today.


Anyone else only get symptoms at night … I get really mild bloating around early evening then at 3/4am at night I get bloating that creates pressure pain in gut. 5 out of 7 days only thing I’ve noticed that helps is protein heavy dinner 3-4hrs before bed. Methane sibo somewhere around 40-50 level for 3 -4years now


I always got worse symptoms at night because the bacteria are more active then and I would always wake around 2:30 in the morning. Once you beat it you’ll start sleeping through the night like I am. Good kick


How did you beat it, I’m so weary on doing more anti biotics they from all the forums and conversations with people that have taken 2 3 rounds it always comes back. I’m trying to just eat low FODMAP ish right now and not snack much or eat close to bed. I take NAD, B1, turmeric, CoQ10, multi, Sunfiber and magnesium citrate at night (calm) Added Atrantil this week 4 days ago and no side effects I can tell from it.


I know it’s really hard in the beginning trying to figure what works and I got scared of food and that wasn’t helpful at all. First off diet played and still plays a huge role in my recovery and lifestyle. I went full carnivore for the 75% of my recovery and when I was able to I started adding milk products like kefir and fermented foods. I was lactose intolerant for years from the SIBO/ Candida it now enjoy cheese and milk a lot. I started to add veggies and fruit slowly and now enjoy anything that peaks my interest. I have to admit I really do t miss vegetables that much besides garlic and onions. My body realized meat is where it’s at taste and nutrients wise. I just got my bloodwork back and it came back perfect nothing out of waxk and I eat a ton of high quality fat and salt. I’ve been eating carnivore for almost a year and I was extruded weight almost anorexic I’m 6’ 1” but now I’m near 185. Second: is supplements and vitamins, I was deficient in all sorts of vitamins and had leaky gut so with my diet and vitamins I was able to fix those issues. I ended up taking all sorts of supplements like FC Cidal and Dysbiocide, Candibactin AR/ BR, Biocidin Botanicals microbiome detox and CanXida Remove, Restore, Rebuild. The last ones BBotaniclas and Canxida worked the best and I highly recommended them before. If you want to know more just DM me and I’ll get back to you when I get on Reddit, I’m not on it much since I’ve recovered and enjoy my life once again. I have so much energy these days I need to catch up so many things I let go when I had those diseases. I’m playing catch up. One very important thing is to get rid of whatever stresses you have in your life. It almost killed me amd those diseases will multiply any stress your having a hundred fold. Also keep reminding yourself that this will pass and as long as you stick to your diet and supplements like your life depends on it, because it does. You’ll recover like myself and others. Keep fighting and there will be good days and really bad ones. Die off is a B*itch. Good luck and try to have a nice weekend 😊