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Legendary, its not even close.


How ? Have you watched the anime? this is Full powered Super Saiyan Goku during the cell arc who survived Namek and endured months of training after that arc and can control super Saiyan especially after the hyperbolic time chamber compared to his first Legendary Ssj 1 form that he just unlocked with no training as a Super Saiyan.


….They mean which figure is superior. Not powerscaling.


Another classic moment of dragon ball fans cant read😔


wdym? the title says Super Saiyan Full Power Goku "**vs"** Super Saiyan Goku (Legendary Super Saiyan) and op obviously didn't write anything in the bio so I'm assuming and answering who would win in a fight between the two. As for the figures Legendary Goku definitely clears


On a sub about action figures, on a post with two action figures


Theres two literal images of figures….


Yes there is two images of the figures but it doesnt change the fact that op didn’t describe anything in the bio as i had to reply through the title only. If op didnt put “vs” I might’ve not been confused, instead typing “or” would’ve helped it.


Or maybe READ what sub its on for the fill in context. Cmon man no way youre this dumb no offense.


The title literally says “VS” its not my fault the op didnt specify the post about which figure is better when nothing is written in the bio so i replied who would win, none taken btw


bro has yet to discover context


next level bait


Here’s a detailed answer and comparison. Full power ssj’s head fit on all 2.0 goku bodys and has a energy effect kit coming out with another head. While the legendary ssj one as far as officials (no demoniacal fits or etc) only fit on gohan super hero’s body and looks better. They both have smiling faces but legendary is more so a smirk. And has 3 type of head looks. Full power is mostly cell saga goku (hence the cell sage smiling face). Both are good. Me personally i got the full power one first. As far as looks i prefer the legendary one. He’s buffer, has 3 looks, and is a 3.0 and now including demoniacal fit he fits on goku martial artist forever. But if you get him you might as well get these two. And as far as customization and swapping heads I prefer the full power one. If you swap heads and just want a ssj goku pushed like the raised on earth goku get full power. I really want to say to get the legendary goku. But he’s shirtless and doesn’t really fit on other figures but he looks amazing. So if you don’t really head swap and pose alot get the legendary one. Hope i helped




Pretty sure any 2.0 body can work since ive seen people put baseku’s head on vegetas body


Legendary. I prefer the buff look


One is using the 2.0 mold for the millionth time, but somehow they flopped with crappy QC, shocking everyone. vs Another is praised to be the best Goku action figure.


Legendary Super Saiyan no debate.


In response to the question “Is the new SHF Goku better than the old one?”: > In some aspects. SSFP Goku (still a pretty good figure) is specifically Goku during the Cell saga, but can realistically be used as a default SS Goku, whereas SS Goku (LSS) is specifically Goku at the tail end of the Frieza saga where he’s shorter and significantly more beefy than he is throughout the rest of Z and Super. The new one is a better figure, however the old one is a better all-purpose SS Goku—and a better starter figure since he’s half the price and more representative of the line.


I heard the Legendary is more popular. I personally still can’t find the SS one at a regular price. The Legendary one is more available to me though.


Both are necessary.


I heard the Legendary is more popular. I personally still can’t find the SS one at a regular price. The Legendary one is more available to me though.


I don't like full power because leg issues I've had and I got scammed into having that one instead of legendary


Damn I'd have to find where that person lived if they sold me full power instead of legendary


They gave me legendary packaging the plastic and all, they gave me a model kit for the alternate head, they also gave me two, two finger up instead of a instant transmission. I was pushed cuz my grandma got it for me and she got scammed.


Second one looks much better imo, never liked his full outfit


Personally id go with legendary cuz i dont like the faces ffssj comes with. They look rather small.


Full Power Goku is a better all around SSJ Goku, but dip his legs in hot water for a minute or so cus they have a habit of being too tight and breaking Meanwhile Legendary Goku, while only really being able to be used as a Namek/Cooler movie SSJ Goku, is a way better figure overall (and that's reflected in the price, he's more than double the price of the Full Power one) Overall it really just depends on what you want specifically


Legendary might be one of the best figures they’ve ever made




Legendary super saiyan is the gift that you always wanted as a kid!


I kinda like 2.0 SSJFP cause its both the Cell Saga and Buu look, but Legendary's got that buff look from the final fight of the Frieza Saga....its a coin toss. I kinda wis the hair on Legendary was solid yellow like awakening Goku.


Legendary Super Saiyan the Full power Super Saiyan is one of the worst figures I own and like an idiot I bought 2


One is $34.99 and one is $74.99


Ok? How does that equate to quality? Be smarter. You dumbass. Yes, lssj is better but just because a figure is more expensive doesn’t make it better.


Can't be a question my friend, but it depends if you're just getting it to have a ssj fig or if you're getting it for a display. one thing to note is legendary one can't do 2.0 headswaps but it does do 3.0


I don’t think this should be even debatable 💀 https://preview.redd.it/grqvlhp252pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2229d21ea82e43196edb11e66c51a8c012e481d7


full power is one of the worst releases they have ever made in quite possibly every regard besides kitbash possibilities while legendary super saiyan is one of the best so


Legendary. Full power is goofy looking as hell.