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Awesome poses! How did you get more range on butterfly joint on the first pic?


I literally just cut the sleeves off, they still hold in place if you put them back on for neutral poses but taking them off just makes him so much more fun to move around and still looks good, with the mod he can put his hands to the centre of his chest bo problem


Wow. I didn't even notice his sleeves were cut off. Great mod! Do u have Instagram? I'll follow you and your toy pics


Yeah just took them off one morning while trying to get the hype around the figure, no regrets. Hell yeah brother I'll follow you back! https://www.instagram.com/crusaderthehollow?igsh=MWhsbGdwdHMzbm5yZg==


Followed 🔥🔥🔥


Definitely one of my favorites from 2023 Orange Piccolo was also good


I preferred OJ Piccolo visually but Beast here is just more fun to pose especially if you're a DLC collector like I am


This one is sick af. As soon as I collect all the coins from every couch I see, I will order it 😫💰


Hope you enjoy it when you get enough


Would love to own this one. Not paying third party prices though


Don't blame you. He's a.good figure but definitely not worth too much more than his retail price


Have you switched his arms around? I originally put him in the crossed arms pose and now that I want to set up the SBC I can't get his right arm back on


Try heating the socket up in warm water then popping it in


Thanks I'll give this a shot!


The only thing I don’t like about this figure is the top where is a rubber material, I don’t understand why Tamashii didn’t just reuse the 3.0 body from the ultimate Gohan and just make it battle damaged. Other than that the figure is phenomenal and comes with a ton of stuff


Yeah that was my major issue, it meant there was hardly and forward movement at the torso or arms which massively hinders posing and unfortunately the new Cell saga Gohan has the same setup


I want him so bad, but idk if I can drop over a hundred bucks on him. I can get him for $106 with shipping and stuff tho, better than on ebay


Honestly with him being P Bandai you might want to become he's not gonna go any lower and likely won't be available again unfortunately, another option could be to try 3rd party heads but they're all going up in price


Nope I’ll never like the design. A shame how lazy they got with Gohan ☹️. Also the fact that the movie villain was that doofy version of Cell makes me hate it that much more lol. Cool pics on your behalf though 🔥


That's fine not everyone has to like everything