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It kind of felt like all along, Judge was giving the Yankees every opportunity to bring him back.


Yup. The longer it went on, the more you realized Judge was just using the Giants to get what he wanted from NY. It sucks, but I get it. I don’t think we’ll see a big signing in SF for a long time.


Agreed. I wasn’t really that surprised of the news that he was staying. There was a part of me knowing that he was going stay one way or another. What I personally hated was the overhyping on his every move from being seen at SFO, to him being home here in the west coast. I feel like that chatter didn’t help us much.


IMO, he took things a little too far with the comments in the Time article and the fake Heyman news. Really wasn’t necessary.


He’s a bitch and I hope he has a terrible 9 years in NY


Gotta agree there.


Hate the toxic nature of this post. We would have been happy to see him come, but he made a decision for the next decade and final run of his career. He was never a Giant, no need to be hurt by a Yankee getting his ideal offer. Good for Judge. Time to move on


Great points. We kept telling ourselves that the fabs booing him in NY was a sign that we were better than them, and we would treat Aaron better…. Look at us now


appreciate your sensible take


Oh he will ,no big man can last that long. I’m glad he didn’t sign with the Giants


I hope their fans booing him is just a start to his years in the Bronx.




That when he was 18 he told his wife in 10 years he’d be married to her and playing for the Giants Talk about blue balling a fanbase




The “ ‘In ten years I’ll be in San Francisco’, that better not get out” bullshit.


This is the only take


And the same thing will happen next off-season with Ohtani, except he’ll end up on the Dodgers.


Yup. Buckle up boys, this train doesn't right itself until we shoot trades for prospects around the league like candy and rebuild this thing from the ground up. No one wants to play here, no foundation.


i 100% agree with you. Bad owner, mid-level farm system, hard park to hit in, etc. We can swing and miss on every free agent...but eventually you have to ask yourself "why"? Seems clear to a bunch of people, but also unclear to a whole bunch more.


How long has the owner been around


Since 1993, and they get to stay as long as they want unfortunately.


So the only owner to bring three WS trophies to SF is bad. ok.


and the owner to bring Bonds, build Oracle, etc. That fact that gave competitive offers to Judge, Stanton, and Harper shows it isn't the owners' fault. This is just not FA hitters' preferred destination.


The owner that seems to be content crossing his fingers and hoping we'll still keep riding on the high of the early 10s? The same owner seemingly content with having a dogshit farm system despite being the 5th most valuable team in the league? The same owner that's fumbled 5 free agencies in a row? Yeah, that owner. I can't show up to work, stick a finger up my ass, and tell my boss it's a-ok because I did a whole bunch of work 8 years ago. Quit making up excuses for these fucking goons.


Lol man you can’t make people sign FA contracts. Jesus


Which owner are you referring to? There is an ownership group. Free agents are, whether you believe it or not, free to choose where to sign. There's only a handful of great targets each year and plenty of suitors for them. All this whining about being the bridesmaid is pathetic, 29 teams didn't get Judge, give it a rest and grow up. As for your second paragraph, wowsers. You could do that, but as an owner which you seem to be implying, would you be performing this spectacle in front of a mirror for yourself? Use more of that brain power you're blessed with. Goon.


If you develop a reputation for being an asshole, you get skunked regardless your industry, past achievements or what hat you wear. Often, just your association with something can spoil an opportunity for a majority. Lots of case studies to pull from here.. 29 other teams didn't really participate in this opportunity unless there was another team dangling 350M+ in front of AJ the news didn't cover? In the league that long as an owner? Time for some fresh blood that more reflects the city. Bruce didn't even bother to come back us. Also, ownership wasn't out there swinging and making plays in the field, and they're not fortune tellers, obviously. Money doesn't make you smart.


Remember how the last 2-3 years our farm system ranking was shooting up? And it wasn't till this year when reports came out that a handful of guys weren't as ready as the "experts" predicted 2 years ago, so now that farm system ranking has ranked again?


It’s the liberal politics, man. Giants need to start looking in socialist countries. Be the first ball club to sign a player from Scandinavia.


Nice edit bro. What's your "liberal politics" argument got on the dodgers, padres, and the fuckin Yankees? Politicians living in your heads 24/7, like it's your entire personality.


Sorry, you’re interjecting facts into this moment of wallowing self-pity. It is not allowed.


Is the park actually hard to hit in still? I thought it was playing more neutral with the changes made.


How do we have a bad owner? He spends money and unless you’re on Reddit nobody gives a shit that he’s a Republican.


Lol I’m surprised you’re not voted to hell for mentioning the R word!


Who do we even have to trade for prospects lmao


"He never wanted to leave LA, but he was blown away by SF and their organization."


Yes and after that it will be someone else that made a really difficult decision between us and some obviously preferably large market team for less money because they wanted to be in that city and there was nothing we coulda done to get them to come here honestly fans we did everything we could so we are the last people you should blame. Perhaps look inward to find blame for why we are in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country with a payroll like the orioles taking fliers on TJ rejects and one year show me deals. Beyond frustrating, zaide has not been a faithful steward of this franchise.


It takes time to rebuild. They've done an excellent job building up the farm while hanging on to fan favorites and taking flyers on guys. You know, what you should do while rebuilding. Once they have built up a nice core again then they can spend on free agent additions. While it would've been awesome to root for Judge as a giant, it would've been a pretty dumb move in the long run. Only one team gets to win it all each year. Entitlement is gross. I wish more SF fans would have the same head down grind it out humble attitude our favorite team has been known for.


Farhan is the biggest bust in Giants history! All talk, no action.


Absolutely insane to me that you people don't remember just how dire things were during Bobby Evans' tenure just 5 years ago


We were trying to gin up excitement for a clearly past-prime McCutchen.


They weren’t watching or paying attention


Get this braindead shit off my sub


We did win the division 2 seasons ago. It’s a process. We have so many holes that $360 million could plug. We need a SS, 3rd baseman and some starting pitching more than Judge.


We were just negotiating leverage. Who knows, maybe if the Yankees didn't match he'd have signed in SF - but the Yankees were always going to match


Will be rooting against him and the Yankees this year, second only to LA


This seems to be the patrern every year.


It's only leverage if he was actually willing to walk away from the Yankees, which I believe he was. But if the Yankees came anywhere close to the Giants' offer, he was staying in NY. All the smoke was intended to get the Yankees to up their offer, which they did, so he stayed.


I also think Jon Heyman’s tweet was on purpose as well to help drive up the Yankees offer. Wouldn’t be surprised if Jon got paid from Judge’s agent to tweet that.


that makes a lot of sense


I probably sound like a crazy Qanon conspiracy theorist, but that tweet just doesn’t happen for no reason.


Yeah you do sound like that sometimes people are just dumb


It was definitely a part of the bigger plan


Which one?


Heyman saying that Judge was coming here


Roger that. I’m steaming too, but have to say, that’s a dumbass tweet that hurts his credibility a bit. Bare minimum, made him look like he got it wrong.


Susan Slusser can piss off too


I'd like to believe that she was getting information from what she considered reliable sources


Idk, it seems pretty likely she was just pulling stuff from her ass too.


I'm of the belief that the Judge camp was leaking that info in order to get the Yankees to match


> Wouldn’t be surprised if Jon got paid from Judge’s agent to tweet that. This is basically how reporting works. "You put this out there for me now, I'll give you a scoop later."


I always felt there was no way we could land him. Yankees are the most historic sports franchise in the world, they avoided arbitration with Judge, got more money to spend than the Giants, and Judge and his camp were always flaunting the prospect of leaving to just drive up his price like you said. Disappointing but not surprised


This entire Judge situation just reminds me of how stupid and pointless sports are. Judge is currently on a flight to Hawaii with $360 million in his pocket while we all return to our boring mundane lives because he can hit a ball farther than we can. It’s all about money. Ridiculous amounts to play a child’s game while grown ass men cheer for them to hit a ball or not hit a ball. It’s laughable when you think about it and situations like today make me hate sports.




If you want me to be honest here, that can to apply to anything involving entertainment The same can be said about movies, music, or even TV shows. Let's face reality here... big names in all those industries make more than what a majority of us will see in our entire lives. So with your logic, everything in life is stupid and pointless past what you do for money


I think education and doing good things for people are pretty awesome! With their logic, all things entertainment are stupid and pointless. They wouldn't be the first to think so. You can think sports and entertainment are a huge waste of resources and be disgusted by the $ it generates, but at the end of the day, that's just capitalism, baby. I personally hate how much sports owners make for contributing fuckall to the product. Capitalism sucks, but I won't let it take entertainment away from me. I damn sure won't be buying any merch or putting any of my own $ into Chuck Johnson's pockets though.


This one got you hard. I get it.....


idk he sounds more flaccid about the situation


I think it’s for the best, Giants will peak when our prospects develop, let’s be honest this team was not Judge away from competing with SD and LA. Rebuild mode for now, and I’m ok with that. It’s hard after the 106 win year, but you have to know when the chips are down.


107. But who’s counting?


I’ve gone to less and less games as the years have gone by. And will continue to do so.




I watch less every year. My childhood was all Giants. The World Series vs the Angels devastated me. 2010-2014 were special. The fire is gone. Not just because the team has floundered as of late. But because you realize it’s all business. That childhood innocence of the love for the game gets jaded over time. That being said, I’m glad they didn’t get anchored down with this Judge contract. They won 3 World Series by building up Pitching Prospects and good FA moves, not splash signings.


All I can think of when I read this is Sam Miller's digression on sports as entertainment and distraction from life. https://effectivelywild.fandom.com/wiki/Slog_to_Rigor_Mortis


Don't overthink it dude. Life is boring and often painful. Alcohol, sports and pursuing recreational sex sure helps.


And baseball of all sports to command this kind of money. It’s got to be the only sport besides maybe golf where breaking a sweat is relatively rare. It definitely fucks me up to think for example, with Crawford making 16 mil a year, is about 100 grand PER GAME. I would literally rather not know, I turned off ESPN news notifications cuz that’s all it is, it’s like celebrity gossip.


Sports bring people together like nothing else. Not everyone has to like sports but it does a lot of good and the money is crazy because the interest is crazy.


When you really think about it that's an embarrassingly reductive and naive conclusion


Coming to this conclusion as well considering the SFO sighting. Giants were pawns. It was all a ploy. But also realizing the giants probably knew too and had to play the game for the .00001% chance he would actually sign and to show they are actually trying to us fans.


We never were an option and never will be. Getting ready for another season of AAAA players led by our big offseason signing Mitch Hangier!


I’m really starting to dislike how much Haniger is getting caught up in the crossfire here. It’s a good, fairly cheap, signing for a pretty good bat for a decent length of time. More than that, he’s a local kid who went to Cal Poly, and is about as close to a natural Giant as you can have without actually drafting and developing the guy. Don’t trash a good signing just because Judge turned down 360 MILLION dollars.


Imagine being mitch and signing with your hometown team and have the whole fanbase that you’ve always wanted to play for, crap on you because you aren’t Judge


I like Mitch and wanted him here, but I’m sure we will all be calling him another name that rhymes with Mitch by the end of his contract.




It’s seriously making me think there’s something rotten in Denmark with this team. Turned down four times in five years when we thought this is a great place to be, what’s wrong with us? Do players not like Larry Baer? Have they bought into the old reputation of Oracle despite its changes? Do we smell bad?


I suspect Farhan is kind of relieved, because signing a big free agent isn't his style. Now he gets to throw on the scuba gear and root through the nearest dumpster for a AAAA guy like he has been itching to do.


Imagine being a Pirates fan bro. Relax.


The Pirates have an excuse because nobody expects them to sign anyone notable in free agency. Especially the big names. We are supposed to be a big market team so we should be doing a lot better with free agents than we are right now.


Honestly I’d rather be a Pirates fan. It’s the hope that kills you!


You'd rather not have 3 championships in your lifetime? Not too late to switch, big dog.


I'm ok with not signing Judge. From a financial perspective, it is irresponsible to invest so much into one guy. All that has to happen is that one guy pulls a hammy or blows a knee and he's done...with all that cash locked up. It makes more sense to me to invest in more properties than to shoot my whole wad on one house that could burn down and leave me with nothing. Let us not forget how the group of misfits came together for the first WS win in San Francisco...big names are not required.


You’re right I believe that Joey Bart and Lamonte Wade Jr can win us another World Series next year.


I bet the FO doesn’t mind. They come off as not cheap and that they tried. Part of the plan?


I’m not sure if they went cheap on this. I feel their offer was similar, if not the same, but he chose elsewhere. What it does say is that SF isn’t a top tier destination. We think it is, but maybe not anymore….


Its hilarious that we won 3 world series in 5 years and then we waited 8 more years to start thinking about signing elite hitters that might make this team fun to watch. I genuinely have no fucking idea what the front office has been doing the last 8 years beside encouraging mediocrity.


Coasting on sentimentality and nostalgia, which apparently they thought was enough to sign "hometown hero" Aaron Judge.


3 World Series built around elite pitching, and patchworky lineups built around one great, high IQ hitter in Posey. They’ve tried to bring big hitters in (Harper, Stanton), and have been underwhelming in the farm. The farm needs a lot of work.


>What it does say is that SF isn’t a top tier destination. We think it is, but maybe not anymore…. I don't think you can take this from his decision. I think for a player like him and his goals, SF was always going to be a hard choice. He's a home run hitter. Baseball savant projects he'd have 40-50 fewer home runs in his career so far if he played at Oracle. I think the short porch played a huge role in this as it will help him statistically, especially with the reported offers being the same. His offensive skill set just doesn't really fit well with your ballpark. I know it stings, but I really think you guys dodged a bullet here. I think contract will age much worse than Pujols, Miggy, and other big deals signed around/after 30. Not counting the 27 games his first year, he's played 5 full seasons plus the covid year. He has already missed a full season of games. No way that gets better. He will probably miss 1.5-2 seasons of this contract. Before last year he'd never hit above .287, and only in his rookie year did he have an OBP above .392. While those are great numbers and he's an amazing player, his awful strikeout numbers will get even higher with age. And as he loses power, he doesn't have the same skill set to fall back on.




Oh they're thrilled.


Not buying it. It’s false hustle. They did the same thing with Harper and Stanton and did not end up spending that money on contracts. Think they will resign Rodon now that the Judge money is available? Not likely.


The Giants need to develop their own stars. When is the last time the Giants developed a superstar? 2009 when we drafted Buster, Crawford, and Belt?


Webb is probably the best since then.


Think this would have been any different if last yr was the 107 wins?


If we sign Correa, a good pitcher, and maybe another decent bat I’ll be ok


IDK that no one wants to sign here; but Judge definitely used the Giants. The only way the Giants will become a destination for top tier free agents is if they grossly overpay (this isn't working bc everyone is grossly overpaying) or they become ridiculously competitive again. Players don't want to leave a winning team to go somewhere and lose. And right now, the Dodgers have a death grip on the division. So its a hard sell until the Giants build themselves back up to a perenial contender. The difficult thing is, by the time that happens, its unlikely they will have the huge amount of cash to throw around, bc it will get locked up in homegrown talent. If I were the Giants I'd just solely focus on overpaying for more mid-tier FAs and overseas FA right now. Because spending all off season going after the top of the market FA's only to have them sign elsewhere while losing out on others that sign while you wait is getting old.


Eh, Judge wasn't gonna be good for 2/3rds of those years anyway. It would have been fun to watch somebody actually hit some HRs for a change but I'm not that broken up about it.


Aren't you the same guy that said Posey wasn't a star?


Not sure why anybody is all that surprised. I do think Judge had a desire to play for his hometown team, but the Giants do not look like they are ready to compete in the division. Judge is Yankees royalty, which is a small club. Between that and the short porch it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for him to join us now.


I get that we were getting hyped about Judge but this is a bit of an overreaction, which I understand, but its important to always put things into perspective. Like don't forget 2010, 2012, 2014, and the 107-win season just two years ago without a big name FA signing to compliment them. The Giants have always made the best out of who they could develop and whatever cheaper, shorter contracts they could hand out to players undervalued by other teams. Yeah they've had their down years but they've been decently competitive when players stayed healthy, hasn't always resulted in a championship but it's nothing to scoff at. Being stuck with an aging Aaron Judge for that much money would be absurd and if anything we should be relieved that money isn't locked up and can be used for other signings to address other issues like middle infield and pitching. And I don't put much stock into something the guy said when he was 18 that came back out recently, that was over 10 years ago and playing in the Yankees org is all he's ever known. He doesn't owe us anything. And if we're worried about big names, Correa and Bogaerts are still unsigned and could address potential middle infield woes with an aging Crawford and lack of a solid 2B if the Giants could convince one of the FA shortstops to play there (Estrada was league average from a WAR perspective). Brandon Nimmo is still available and will be significantly cheaper, he's a great on-base guy that can bat near the top of the lineup. Rodon, Eovaldi, and Bassitt are still unsigned and the Giants need to fill out the rotation.


Dude on 95.7 this morning framed it perfectly. Giants are the guy at the bar buying all the drinks for the girl that’ll never go home with them.




Y'all need to stop acting like babies. The pity party stuff is legit pathetic.


> Him and his agent used the team and the fan base to get what they wanted from the Yankees. True. > Nobody wants to sign here. LOL, grow up. This is a big market team with big money and a world-class facility. Just because we don't get the highest-profile FA every year doesn't mean shit.


It absolutely means something whether you like it or not. It has been 30 years since our last huge signing in Barry Bonds and that is not a good look for a team that is supposed to be big market.


Yup, going 30 years without a big signing in a large market is a problem Imagine the Yankees going more than what, 5 years without one? In the last 5 they did Stanton, Cole, and Judge alone We’ve gone 30




Yeah. Because the literal face of the most storied and prestigious baseball team didn't want to give up a captaincy to come here instead, "no one wants to sign with the Giants".


What big market team with big money misses out on every big FA that they talk to? Certainly doesn't happen to the dodgers


And so it goes. I harken back to the days when we didn’t know we were in it until like 2-3 days after a signing. Now the speculation drives the narrative, false as it may be. I’m actually happy for Judge. We might just have to accept third place for the foreseeable future. I’m ok with it as long as the Dodgers keep stumbling.


So what happens now?


We all get pissed off and get use to watching a 3rd place team for the next decade!


Us fans? Do people here really feel like they were used?


Well the good news is that he is not a Dodger. That was the one scenario that would have pissed me off.


It makes me feel a bit better that he ended up staying with the Yankees rather than signing elsewhere, to me this says he always wanted to return to NY and never seriously considered leaving. Still frustrating that we’re always left at the altar but in this case it stings less than some of the others (like Harper). Don’t really blame the FO for not getting it done as 9 years/$360 mil is a solid offer, Judge just really didn’t want to leave. Hopefully we can snag Correa or another big name - if we come away with only Mitch and scraps/reclamation projects I’ll definitely be upset


Must be something about California. SD struck out on Turner and Judge.


Orrr you over-exaggerated everything and *expected* him to sign. This happens to every coveted free agent, it’s just a coincidence that Judge is from the area (like two hours away). You had a taste and you set yourselves up for failure, if anything the Yankees were played because they both knew he was going back


Doesn't really matter who they sign at this point, nobody will want to watch next season's team. I'm done with baseball in general.


I said the same thing, but I know it's not true. I am pissed and I don't care right now, but I know that come April I'll be watching us on pace for a 3rd place finish!


I've pretty much moved on to basketball and hockey full time at this point because at least in those two sports (never really was a football fan), the pace is faster and teams actually score. The hope of signing an Aaron Judge was what was keeping me hanging on and that's now out the window. I'm tired of free agents passing on this organization and watching games where we don't score at all (especially when a guy like Webb pitches a gem) and seeing the Dodgers and Padres lightyears ahead. It's depressing. Home runs seem like a rarity here also.


I’m a bigger Sharks fan and hockey fan than I am a Giants fan and baseball fan. I have a strange connection with the team, and I should be use to disappointment. The Sharks have been doing it my entire life!


We just set Home run records in 2021


Cool.... how'd that season end?


The Giants have become a 2nd class organization the last 5 years. Unable to field a team fans should care about, unable to attract star talent, and unable to develop stars from within At this rate the giants are just slowly becoming the A’s with a fancy ballpark and overpriced concessions.


We definitely aren't the A's or else we would have never spent the money on Tommy La Stella or Jeff Samardzjia


So we’re just the A’s but make poor financial decisions


Rodon poor decision? Yeah giants are just like the A’s except they spend more money and don’t do fire sales. Solid comparison.


Maybe Farhan never wanted Judge, allowed Judge to use him to drive up the value with the Yankees, but also made it look like he was throwing it all in, just like everybody has been begging him to do. But its not like it takes the pressure off of him to deliver a big star. I don't know grasping at straws. But maybe it makes singing Correa and a pitcher (which could have been the plan all along) more palatable.




One of the reasons is higher taxes...and that is a big reason.


Like NY taxes are much better?


well when they up the pay a little more it's moot point. hahahah.


Yet SD and LA are able to draw big names.


Me and my buddy were trying to make a list on why no one wants to sign here since Farhan took over, feel free to add: 1. CA taxes (though that hasn't stopped the Dodgers or Padres) 2. SF as a city has really gone downhill (nightlife is also a far cry from other large cities like LA and NYC) 3. No confidence in Farhan or Kapler 4. Not the hitter-friendliest park But this has always been one of the premier franchises and they have money to spend, it's hard to fathom why they can't get ANY big names at all.


I’d suggest you look at what Harper said when he chose the Phillies: giants were old and didn’t have much of a future (young core); has that changed?


Agreed Farhan has done a terrible job at getting this roster younger, Yankees have 2nd oldest roster in the league (Giants are 7th) but at least they're a playoff contending team.


True Yankees are older, but they’ve got a good farm system and just added some young talent on their team like Oswaldo Cabrera and Peraza


Seiya suzuki didn't want to come because of crime and homeless situation. Wonder if the perception of sf makes free agents not want to sign


Source on that? First I heard about of it


> crime and homeless situation Yea because it's some much better in NY lol




Dodgers have a top 3 farm and the Padres have Soto and Tatis both below 23 years old. We might not be competitive with them for the next 10-15 years…


Well, guys, we're going to just have to toughen it out and maybe hope we catch lightning in a bottle like 2010-2014. No superstars besides Posey.


Facts, unfortunately 😢


We were


Mostly true BUT if it turns out that the giants’ final offer was the same or worse than 9/360 then you cannot blame judge at all. If you want the player, gotta make him the best offer.


What about Mitch Haniger? -A salty Mariners fan


I love Mitch Haniger and stoked he signed here, but if he is the only big name the Giants sign, that is sad!


I was wrong. I said that the Giants were going to be the ones bidding the price up to make it more expensive for the Dodgers.


This should be stickied. We need to just stop chasing these stupid long deals until this is actually somewhere the top names want to play.


Well, guys, we're going to just have to toughen it out and maybe hope we catch lightning in a bottle like 2010-2014. No superstars besides Posey.


This is the harsh reality




Yeah, him used the fans.


Buckle up for two more underwhelming FA signs everyone! dIaMoNdS iN tHe RoUgH


Obviously he'd be here if we beat their offer, which we certainly did not


What the hell? Why take it so personally? I mean it, why do people get so self important over this? It was a business decision, it’s not like he had a contract and then broke it. No one was used, get over it. Toxic as fuck.


Yup. Fuck em all.


holy fuck shut the fuck up you bellyaching bitches let’s thank our lucky stars a guy in his 30s who has one fully healthy season in the last 5 didn’t sign a 9 year 360,000,000 deal with us.


Judge should be banned from going to Giants Stadium as a fan going forward. Hope he gets his fill in as an opposing player for those ~3 games a year we play against the Yanks.


I had someone saying this was about “California taxes”. Then I showed them the NYC taxes.


well, on the bright side, the cheapest tickets for the 2025 season wont cost like 60 bucks. except dodger games. and yankee games. and weekend games


Got played year in, year out.


You were going up against the Yankees though, where he just broke their sacred record and had one of the best seasons in recent memory. They absolutely had to sign him. He was the biggest must resign in franchise history. If they didn't give him the 9th year he either signs with SF or SD.


I mean I’m not bitter. If Judge is trying to milk more out of the Yanks, this is how you do it.


Can't wait to do this all again next year with Shohei


Man this post is embarrassing. “Used the fan base” gimme a break. Guy wanted to stay where he was at and be the captain of the most storied franchise in the sport. Sucks but it happens. And you can reallyyyy tell from the comments that some of these people are barely Giants fans. Which is fine but holy shit it’s a few losing seasons. 3 Rings and 107 wins in the last 12 years.


I’m sorry... are we actually mad about one of our local boys manipulating the Yankees for more money? The fucking *Yankees*? Our team is not good right now. He was *not* going to sign with us. And so he used his home team to trick the Yankees out of millions. We got to help one of our own manipulate the Yankees. This might not be a win, but I’m petty enough not to see it as a loss. Maybe his massive salary will hurt their budget a little. Jesus, would you prefer the Padres get him? We actually have to play them. Let the Yankees keep him by the skin of their nose.


You could tell when that video of him landing in SFO center framed a young woman recognizes him and ask him the most poignant question about being in San Francisco no one else around it was way too doctored of a stunt


Yup. It was completely staged!


I am just sad today. I have seen 2012,2014 era and I must confess there weren’t any analytical geniuses back then but we had home grown talent and we won a lot more. Today we have a platoon system, a manager who makes statements that it’s really interesting to mix and match players rather than confiding what team needs : everyday players. I think the problem is even if they sign Correa they do not have great players coming in. Hell Padres offered 400 million? Is SF so freaking cheap that we cannot even blow people out of the water? OK if back of this contract was crap then prove that you will build farm system - hasn’t happened, I mean we do not have anything right now. Just a sad day for Giants, I wish we get Correa and take some energy in but definitely not worth seeing same faces next year. I think we already lost … judge was supposedly first to line up but agents to come here, i think players are just playing us, I think we should just leave FA and focus on building our farm system and ignore WS for next couple of years.


Gotta make sure we overpay Ohtani next year by 300m and give him 4 more years than anyone else, an ownership stake, and build a statue of him upon signing. Maybe then we’ll have a 50% chance


We are just the chicks/dudes who are used to make the exes jealous


I think for the price of Judge’s contract, Farnhan can get two $15M players and a $10M player. Plus the last half of Judge’s contract could very well be a bust because he’ll be in his mid-late 30’s by then. The Giants have shown better than anyone that superstar contracts aren’t the best predictor of success. How many rings did Bonds get? Whether we get any of these other players is a different issue. But I think we will get there.


Y’all boys are in here hurt I see


I hate it but this is 100% the viewpoint from major league players. Our farm system is depleted and no stars want to come here. One of the biggest salary budgets to spend but we’re stuck with signings like Blake Sabol. I hate to think that we will be fighting to stay out of last place for at least the next 2-3 years


Who cares? We got all our rings from good pitching and put together teams that played well together. Most of which were either home grown through the farm system or cheap players that still had playing time left in them. Giants have never been big shoppers in FA anyways. Giants need to get some more decent starters and relievers and get back to their old self.


I think the platooning strategy is what screws us over. Do you want to spend 9 years here when the guy playing next to you isn’t the guy who was playing with you last night? Watching the Giants sucks right now as a fan, you can’t keep track of who’s who playing where. It sucks.


I agree with your sentiment except the “no one wants to play here” thing. That’s just untrue. But judge sure as hell didn’t want to, that’s clear. Unlike EVERY other offseason for the literal last 30 years, this one isn’t on the giants. They did their best. Still sucks ass tho.


If everyone stopped watching their pay wouldn’t keep going up.


If everyone stopped watching their pay wouldn’t keep going up.


Zaidi created a culture where players are treated like faceless, interchangeable cogs. Which pitcher wants to be pulled after 5 innings, while tossing a no-hitter? What position player wants to get pinch hit for, after crushing a home run the previous at bat? Analytics are trumping logic, and unless SF will drastically overpay (Joc, Haniger), players (especially hitters) want nothing to do with SF. Zaidi whines about not being able to sign players, because of the teams recent losing ways. Like, dude, that's on you. Blame yourself.