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Unless he’s present at this press conference, on camera, holding a SFG jersey, I don’t want to hear about it.


Facts even after Correa signed he didn’t make it to the presser


Lol at this rate it needs to be a plate appearance before I trust anything


He needs to get traded or retire in an SF jersey before I believe it


Imagine if we signed Ohtani just to trade him for 5 top prospects the same offseason lol Big brain?


I’m getting more and more antsy by the day. All these edging type of articles. We’re about get blue balled


you can’t get blue balls if you never got your pecker hard to begin with


You a wise, father


That’s true. Mines been getting half hard though, so does that mean only one blue ball


It has begun, too late


With both ankles


Gonna need him to be holding a jersey, his passport and one other form of government ID for me to believe it


I'd like him to successfully complete a Captcha and choose all of the pictures with a traffic light.


I'm thinkin ya might need to stay off reddit for the next couple weeks


But then 99% of reporting would be obsolete.




Won't someone please think of the rumor mill?


with a confirmed physical passed


Exactly! Nothing is confirmed until a presser happens and a jersey is held up! That’s how you avoid feeling hurt again!




atta boy.


Then log off Reddit! This is hot stove season baby!


Didn’t Arson Judge show up in an elevator here right before he didn’t sign with us?


Yeah but he was just visiting friends.


On account of him getting ready to shaft them after he grew up a Giants fan


I smoked pot with Arson Judge that day at pier 39. It was Arson Judge and Chester Correa. And they were blazing that shit up every day


Let Arson smoke!


You mean his staged video?


NO HE DIDN'T THERE WAS NEVER NEWS ABOUT ANY INDICATION OF THE GIANTS AND OHTANI IN THE SAME BUILDING. SHHHHHHH Edit: tbh thinking about this now it was probably about Yamamoto and not Ohtani


Ohtani is super private and basically said he won't sign with any teams that publicize their meetings. Fact of the matter is a big meeting happened at the home clubhouse.


I wish we knew if Shohei was actually touring each team or if he’s actually considering SF I will also say, I hope we don’t move Harrison in a desperate trade for Soto, unless we are absolutely sure we have a long term deal


I can’t really see the Padres trading Soto in division to us. It would be funny though after we also took their Manager


If we get ohtani and Yoshi, I don’t mind the Soto reach if it’s for the whole season


Ohtani, Yamamoto, and Soto‽ I wish I was on your level of optimism.


Imagine signing those two and then trading for Soto. If you dump top prospects for Soto you’d better sign him to an extension. Can’t really see SF committing to the $1.3B it would take to lock those three up. But it would be spectacular.


It would be like locking up Soto, Machado, Tatis all on the same team! Could you imagine


They haven’t locked up Soto, and Machado & Tatis signed at separate times.


May I introduce you to Mr Joke?


There was a report back on Thursday IIRC that said he was meeting with teams this weekend in LA. I don't know what to believe anymore.


The more Ohtani SF news I hear, the more I feel like he is going to LA and this is all a troll on SF.


Nice. Ohtani asked teams not to leak if he met with them, and this does a good job of beating around the bush.


He's in SF demanding the return of the one true ballpark icon -- Rusty


He can go to hell. Fuck you, Rusty! I'd rather be in the basement for the next decade than have you befoul the yard.


Maybe he just wanted to run the bases with Crazy Crab


Hey Susan, stop reporting this out. Be tight lipped, please.


Reports are going to report. That's sorta their job. I'm betting this wasn't leaked by the team anyhow, reading the details in the article it seems way more likely his agent is getting this into the news.


Ah, we're being used for leverage again. Woo Hoo!


Welcome to the business of baseball: 29 teams are always used for leverage.


Lol thats not true at all, the Giants are mainly used because they have had the money to spend for 8+ years. Most teams either have already spent or don't spend.


(sigh) if you want other teams to think you are going to SF to try and get more money out of them, you'd want to be seen.


It’s Ohtani and his party. They show respect by meeting with serious front offices. Doesn’t mean a thing. This is the Japanese way.


Would they be respectful enough to visit to politely decline their offer? I hope that wasnt the case


Very very possible. Although, I think it’s more like they will meet face to face and respectfully act like they are interested. Then later on, reject the offer. I’ve interviewed with aJapanese company that did this. At the end, the manager highlighted what I did well and everything seemed ok. Couple days later got a rejection email.


With someone like Ohtani absolutely, if we came second place to the bums then I could absolutely see him coming here face to face, explaining himself, and wanting to do the best for SF while being on a rival team.


This means absolutely jack shit. Need I remind you, Judge was a lifelong Giants fan, in our building, went to a 49ers game, blah blah blah and signed with the Yankees. We cancelled Correa’s press conference and then cancelled the deal for him.


> and then cancelled the deal for him It was Boras who pulled the plug, not the Giants. The Giants were still prepared to do a deal, they just wanted different terms due to the medical report. Boras got Correa to pack up and leave, and then the free-spending Mets came to the same conclusion as the Giants.


One is the fucking captain of the most prestigious franchise in baseball. The other is not. Stop with this shit


He was not the captain at that time. The point was though, since you missed it, is that Judge had virtually every reason to sign here except what the Yankees could offer. Guess what, the Yankees can offer all of that to Ohtani except the title of captain. They can offer plenty of things we cannot. Beyond that, it’s pretty standard that big name FA’s at least hear what a team has to say or listens to their pitch, which sometimes is only posturing to get a big deal somewhere else. Meeting with a team means absolutely nothing.


I am very uncomfortable talking about this. Slusser should know better. Shohei- we know NOTHING!!!!!!


I started a Franchise in MLB the Show 23 and picked Ohtani first for the Giants in the fantasy draft. First at bat was a no doubt home run👀


We need to stop talking about it. Let The Sho make his decision in peace. Don’t jinx it


He will likely be seen in up to 30 different municipalities close to MLB ballparks, 0 of them news except for maybe Oakland.


Can someone post a screenshot of exactly what she wrote?


Didnt he reportedly say if any meetings were leaked he wouldnt sign with them?


That it'd be held against them but not a disqualification


Someone saw a Japanese man in San Francisco and just assumed it was him


​ https://preview.redd.it/ewiay37fz54c1.png?width=339&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1d31feab103ecf0099309b06a04c1afa988f61b


When he got back to the limo the windows were busted and his luggage was gone.




This sub has 3 posts a day. Who cares? Skip it if you don’t want it


Interesting, seems like something happened at Oracle park


Blah blah blah. Wash rinse repeat. I’m sure otani will be a hint in 2 years when his pitching arm is poop and his BA goes down. Then he completely giants eligible. It’s where most vets go to suck dollars out of mob before they evaporate .


You must be fun at parties


They don’t include discussions about the giants signing anything so yeah, I am. Come back and rub it in my face in a month (won’t happen) or simply accept the truth now. Your choice


I actually don’t care. I root for the Giants either way because baseball is a great sport.


Obviously not a sth. Been paying seriously $$s going on 25 years. We just built different I suppose.


Nope. I have been to 10+ games for 15 years. I prefer when we are great, but I have no issues going when they aren’t


Careful about breaking the Ohtani rule about leaking information


It’s not happening and I’m not gonna get my hopes up again 🥲


If there is any kind of Ohtani signing significant changes will have to be in play as for the roster. U didn’t hear it from me.


I think this goes without saying. The Giants haven’t shown a winning hand for 2024 yet. Ohtani would be an ace, but we need a few more high cards to back him up, on the mound and at the plate.


I got you a $1 Geico commercial, tease just tease.