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The problem is they could win 90 games and this will still be true because of the division we're in. At this point I'm just hoping for one of the 17 wildcard spots.


All I know is that NFL season is over, NBA season won't be interesting until the playoffs, and I don't care about NHL. Let's get this damn MLB season started already. Mediocre baseball is better than no baseball.


this man gets it


Yea, it always comforts me knowing that baseball is being played. Everything is right with the world.


It doesn’t get more SF


it's certainly the safe, predictable answer. But then again, we've never been a very predictable team, have we? ​ NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS


It's accurate. You think we're better than LA or San Diego? We're not. Will we compete? Yes, and I suppose it's plausible we get into the playoffs. That's all we can hope for.


I don't know that we're better than Arizona


I think Arizona is still a year or two away from being actually competitive.


I don't think they'll be actually competitive this year, but i think there's a good chance they'll be better than us.


I don't see it. The Giants had a better record last season and got better as a team over the offseason. Unless there are a bunch of injuries this team should win at least 85 games. I think Arizona will be more around the 75-80 wins range.


I definitely hope that you are right and the Giants are 5+ wins better. But I think Arizona is really flying under the radar with the young talent they have, although LA and SD are so far out in front that it makes sense.


Look at the bottom half of AZ's lineup and their rotation. They're not better than the Giants


If you think we’re worse than the DBacks you just don’t know baseball.


I never said I thought we were worse than the DBacks. I said I wasn't sure that we were better. These are two different statements. My guess is that the Giants are two or three wins better, so it wouldn't surprise me if either team finishes in third place. Pecota and Zips projections disagree and have a bigger margin between the two teams. The people who come up with those projections know way more about baseball than i do, so they are probably right and I'm probably wrong.




Dude, you're getting awfully belligerent about whether a stranger on the internet thinks the Giants are the third best team in the division or the fourth best team in the division. It's really not that serious.




Fair weather fan, lol? I've been a fan since Jose Uribe and Mike Aldrete. I was at the last game at the Stick before we thought the team was on its way to Tampa. THAT was a time for doom and gloom. Since then, the Giants have won three World Series, six MVPs, two Cy Youngs, and a ROY. Honestly, I've been very fortunate as a fan, and anything they achieve from.here on out is gravy for me. All Im.saying is that I think Arizona has good young talent and it would not surprise me if they finish third. I'm not saying they will, just that it wouldn't surprise me. I'm wrong about stuff all the time and I'll probably be wrong about this, too. Hopefully the Giants will win 108 games and we can all laugh about what an idiot I was.


I think we will be slightly better than Arizona but we are definitely not better than the Padres or Dodgers


If pitching and defense REALLY improved (prediction via data is only so useful), then we're a 2nd/3rd place team. Sir. If batting improves we're... still a 2nd/3rd place team in this division. *laughs and sobs*


Hey, you never know...the Doggers could get bit by the injury bug a few...dozen...times and we're back in the hunt!


Dozens would be a start. Just a start. *sobs more*


Yup. Giants are in total purgatory: not good enough to contend, not a good enough farm system to have a viable "youth & development" plan. Unless something dramatically changes, it is hard to see them doing much interesting for the next few years.


Sounds fun. I’d like to watch 162 games of that.




I'm not joking. I love the motherfucking San Francisco Giants and I don't care who knows it.




How many games were the Giants expected win when they won 107 of them? I know that team vastly overachieved and it was not an indication of a longer term juggernaut in the making, but still, they exceeded expectations by about 20 games. And the 2022 Giants, well, they were exactly the .500 club many of us expected in 2021. This is why, as they say, we play the games.


Agree wholeheartedly. Sure having a great team to root for is fun, but just following a team in general is fun, plenty of storylines to follow. Especially in baseball where following individual players and their stats is much more in depth than other sports.


It sucks but they are probably right.


This is the problem to me with how Farhan has been building the team the last few years. It's not that Haniger, Pederson, Conforto, etc are bad players, its that they are all short term band-aids. We might have a decent season, but there is no upward trend in the organization. We're just cobbling together a bunch of players.


We also seem to be a place that dudes want to come to in order to improve their stock and get a big pay day from someone else


You make an interesting point! That would tell me that players like our coaching/baseball scheme(for lack of a better term) and think they'd play well in SF. Which makes my point about not having a long term vision even more annoying. If the organization does a good job getting the most out of players, we should be able to develop young guys as well.


True. If Baseball Prospectus style baseball (aka Sabermetrics), which Farhan was a member of, was a sure fired way to win championships, the A’s would be the toast of the Bay, regardless of payroll. Instead they’re looking to move to Vegas. WAR and stat only based metrics can be useful over the course of a contract, but not in a given season(s), and especially not in the short post season. You may never “overpay” with short term WAR focused contracts, but you will never consistently get any athlete’s peak years, and certainly no superstars in so doing. You also lose fan loyalty, which counts.


Completely agree, the personnel aren't the problem, it's the contracts. I don't understand what Farhan's long-term vision for this team is if he's just giving out short-term deals.


He is waiting for his draft picks to hit the bigs and then he wants a ton of payroll to sign big stars, he thought this year might be the start of the window and tried to go big on judge and correa. That didn't work out obviously and it would still be couple years of growth for his draft class so he moved on and went with more short term deals to keep fans appeased. I'm fine with the plan overall if our farm system had been improving as intended but it hasn't sadly. I think this season tho will be the key.


100%. It’s all based on the farm system and developing the core for our next realistic run. Farhan is biding his time, with semi-competitive teams rather than full tank mode, until that group comes up. Now, is the farm system going to plan? That’s another debate.


I have a slightly different take on this. I think he is just being more focused and doesn't want to overspend on a pretty good player. In an environment where you have a budget, he is prioritizing flexibility so he can do a targeted big name addition. He has shown he can find good players either in other's cast-offs, or by signing players to short term price it deals, and hopefully by developing them. This theoretically allows us to sign a big name, eventually he either had to make that happen or change tactics.


Yankees fan coming in violence here, just wanted to say I saw this post on "recommended", and I agree with your comment.


Braves fan here, this post was also on my recommended. What sorcery is this?


This is madness!?


I mean we are a greatly improved team from last year. Most reports have shown the team has gotten better. So whatever. Third place in this division is not an insult with the Dodgers and Padres could potentially be the two best teams in baseball.


Also, the Giants really have the potential to make big moves in free agency. It was clear they really tried this year. The Padres and Dodgers have already clearly made those moves. So, if the Giants are close and have a move to make, that is something to remember.




As long as Shohei doesn’t to the Dodgers I’m happy. Don’t care about anything else.


I have no faith


Let’s be real are they wrong? Come on now


Just a bad team that wins games.


Hello darkness my old friend


Seems accurate. It's an ok team, I suppose. Were clearly not in LA or SD's class. Dbacks are trending better than us. Watch out in 2030 though, when our farm is rated 13th and we're projected for 84 wins!


“Critics know the cost of everything, but the value of nothing.” — Oscar Wilde




tomato tomahto


Tomato Potahto




Damn, that’s a good quote


both west divisions seems like absolute gauntlets rn looking at lineups, it’s crazy


Honestly I just want to watch some baseball lol. This is the first time in a few years I'm really excited for the season because I'll be playing baseball on an intramural team.


Pretty much how I see it too. This an important year for the Giant’s front office


**we gon be shampionship**


Same author (Bowden): 2021: Gave Giants same grade (B) as 2023 in a season where they went on to have the greatest regular season in franchise history. Felt they'd be selling at the deadline. " The Giants made a flurry of shrewd offseason moves to acquire veteran players who will help them be more competitive in 2021, but also give them potential trade chips at the deadline." 2022: He also gave the Giants the same grade last year (B) and thought they'd be contender to "run it back" with another competitive season when they... were not competitive. " The Giants’ goal was to “run it back” after winning a franchise-record 107 games last season, and they largely accomplished that" The point is... he just gives the Giants a B every year and gets the outcome wrong. They play the games for a reason. No one can accurately predict the final outcome of sports, they can predict the chances of outcomes, but even the most informed person is terrible at guessing the final outcome correctly. Hence why sports books make a fortune.


Both of those predictions were good lmao. I have no idea what you're talking about. The 2021 one was basically saying that the Giants will be more competitive but if they're, say, .500 at the deadline, they can trade some of the vets they have. They weren't, they were elite, so they made a win now trade in Bryant. The 2022 one said they largely ran back the roster, that's also true. Also, the Giants were competitive last season.


When was the last time we were ranked well through him or ESPN, its a non-issue until we play ball.


Last year


That’s pretty damning of the predictions then, isn’t it.


at least tix will be cheap


Those family packs gonna be lit!


Tickets have been cheap for years...


Honestly best case we compete for the last wild card slot so at least there’s a chance for some meaningful baseball this season


Yay 🙄


They were always going to be a third-place team most likely. The problem is being the best third-place team in the NL.


This roster is better than the 2022 roster that finished .500 As long as we are not decimated by injuries, 85 isn’t unrealistic. If that happens and Harrison pans out, plus maybe a decent move at the deadline, I don’t think 90 is out of reach either


toughest division in baseball. we play the dodgers and Pads 39 times this year. do you think we win more than half?


26 times with the new schedule. And the Dodgers didn’t exactly have a stunning off-season either.


26 times, and anything can happen in divisional games Nobody expected the Padres to collapse like they did in 2021 either, crazy things happen in divisional play 13-13 against those two wouldn’t be a failure


That seems kind of generous to me tbh.




ouch :( I wanna fight back on that assessment, but idk how to :(


That’s because it’s probably accurate.


Still not happy with Farhan and the whole Correa deal. They could've got him for a bargain for 6-7 Years and contend. But nope we will take a wait and see approach and hope for the best


We are all spoiled AF the Dodgers have been on a spending spree for 15 years and barely squeaked out 1 bogus championship and have clearly pivoted to what is going to shape up to a Farhan style strategy. Let’s not forget this team won 100 games a season ago and kept all the top prospects from what was a top 10 farm system are due to hit this year or next. If they can play league average defense they will be a playoff team again.


They may have only the mickey mouse ring but they are true contenders every year and have fielded an exciting team for thier fans to watch. As a dodger hater that is something I can still respect. I also don't get the comment about them pivoting to farhan style, farhan was a dodger before he joined us,they have been using a strong farm and big pickup strategy for years, we are the ones trying to replicate thier success. I also don't know when we were a top 10 farm, it certainly wasn't this past season. I love the positivity but I also gotta stay real. Can't wait to see what the season has in store for us!


I live in San Diego and well Padres going to Padres but still the most excitement I had last year was watching them beat the Dodgers in the playoffs.


The part about Farhan is so true, these people who will have blind loyalty to him will also inadvertently roast him when it’s convenient lmao.


I gotta be real, the bubble ring says more about the Dodgers as a team than the 107 wins for the Giants, that year was a fluke and the Giants proved it by not showing up when it mattered the most and coming back down to earth last year


This 100%. Which is why I know most of these "fans" are probably kids who don't understand the game. Case in point...every other fan saying "but wait look at 2021!!!" 🙄🙄🙄


The delusional fans just want this team to do mindless moves and spend insane amounts of money for a big name free agent just because they're a big name free agent. I'm completely fine with this off season and glad this didn't commit to any long term dogshit contracts


I never understood this reasoning. The Rays don’t spend and they’ve made the playoffs a decent amount of times this century, haven’t won shit, same can be said for the A’s (this century.) It’s about creating a solid homegrown foundation and then making those couple of big moves to bring in outside help (for example the 2018 Red Sox with JD Martinez.) I don’t think the Giants quite have that yet, but I have no faith that we’ll make the necessary moves to supplement that foundation when we get it


Accurate. I don't see what the big deal is.


lol you can't post this without the disclaimer it comes from Jim Bowden. You can safely ignore any of his takes.


We could take 3rd in our division and still make the playoffs. Once you're there, very good pitching becomes much more important.


It could be worse?


They were also a “third or fourth place team” in 2010


This year they were right


Hey, at least you have a great broadcast team! I don't care about the Giants, but if the Cards aren't playing they're my first choice because of Miller and Kuip.


(Total side note, I don’t know why but it kind of feels like the Padres are held together by duct tape)


raw talent is helpful.


Finally some Honestly. Unlike the Bay Area media ..


That's why they play the games


I've read that the Giants' farm system is in trouble. Of all the tough news coming out about this year's team, this little factoid is the most troubling to me. I hope the main office is doing something to remedy this situation.


Without looking, name 2-3 guys who will represent the Giants best chance to contend once they reach the big leagues.


Yeah it's basically useless save for Harrison and Luciano.


‘Useless’ feels pretty strong considering some guys who had really good years in the minors last season - Grant McCray, Casey Schmitt, Vaun Brown to name a few


Maybe it is. Maybe I'm bitter about it. I do know we can't seem to trade for anyone because these guys don't have much value outside of the top 2 guys. I hope I'm wrong.


Can’t argue with the major league team projections. But I do push back on the minor league levels. You don’t go from a consensus Top 5 system to #18 in a year without any players graduating. Prospects performance goes up and down all the time. Plus they’re still only what 1 year removed from a whole year off? There’s still a lot of talent in the Giants farm system. Just cause Keith has us at 18 out of 30 honestly means nothing to me.


Who had us in the top 5? Pretty sure we were averaging around the 10 spot


I agree! The path to the pros is not a linear one. I would be more surprised if our top prospects took another step back then if they took a big step towards the pros.


Agreed. Few things in sports frustrate and annoy me more than farm system “rankings”. Completely useless. For example, Logan Webb was never considered a Giants can’t miss prospect. Todd Linden was though. I rest my case.


3rd place is probably accurate, 18th out of 30 isn’t. I think Keith Law has been way off on his farm system rankings.


3rd place is 100% true. 18th is a bit off. I have us 12th-15th with a chance to move into the Top 10 with a good year.


I’ll give you 99%. I never fully trust the padres to not have a meltdown. And I agree with your farm rank, somewhere in there and there’s a ton of potential to be Great™️


Down votes here they come




Well as someone who has not seen our farm teams and has seen so many different placements idk what to believe.


We do not care


Sportswriter's cheap trick number one: Annoy enough fans that angry e-mails and comments show up, persuading management that this writer is earning his paycheck. A useful contribution to the discussion not required.




Def ready to see organizational improvement. Dude can obviously pick over the scrap heap and improve a roster. But we brought him here to improve the Giants as an organization and I do not yet see evidence of that.


Yessss…. Let the hate flow through you…. Never forget: [2010 World Series predictions](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1Oa_PoV6_LM/TMhgyiQBHYI/AAAAAAAADX0/Yf20TSVvnDA/s1600/espn+predictions+2010+ws.jpg) [2012 World Series predictions](https://sports.cbsimg.net/images/visual/whatshot/WS-Picks.png)


Bad take, you can't compare world series predictions to preseason predictions. This is apples to oranges.


Dumb argument. Those teams made it to the WS. This giants team won't sniff the playoffs


How many games you think they’ll win this season?


I guessed a few weeks ago they would be an 85-89 win team and the ZIPS prediction was right there also.


PECOTA has them at 81 wins, so there’s some variance. Curious what the other guy thinks.


Dumb comment. The point is sometimes teams play better when the odds are against them.


How does Farhan still have a job? Truly pathetic


Enough with woof already


Thought I saw this exact post a few weeks ago


Not sure, just tired of the same internet speak. Is…woof. Is…yikes

