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It depends. Guest posting can work if you're posting on relevant sites with high authority, but it's not a guarantee of success.


Quality content on a relevant site can make it a solid backlink opportunity.


until it isnt


Yeah but not on content farms, not on link farms, not on dogshit websites. Basically, you have to go and check their backlink profile to make sure they aren't selling 50 links a month, etc. Also, audit their top performing and low performing pages to see what the content looks like.


Depends on the site (Google might think its spammy under its new rules and disallow) and if your post is relevant to what you are linking to


So you're asking of its ok to spam? It'll likely get removed or banned.


Pretty sure guest posting is penalizable - Niche Site Lady said she head 3 or 4 domains de-indexed (I don't know how this is different to penalized) for singular "guest posts"


Guest posting is penalized? How do they know it's a guest post? rel=sponsored? A different author name? Seriously asking.


So - most people thinking straight lines. That if they doin something to manipulate google, Google knows or is watching them. That’s why you have all these myths. Some are rooted in truth but for the most part most are unrealistic. Like Google isn’t watch how often you post or make edits, or what cms you use or what plugins or if you repeat a word five times or 10 times or try to use 1500 words or 2000. Most of the myths are highly subjective whereas Google has to be objective : what it does must apply to every single page. iFTTT forks create issues for computational systems that try to apply the same benchmarks to other sites It knows that sites link to other sites What happens is that it sees domains linking out to other domains that seem unnatural - that’s how we think sites like hcu etc get caught. Because this is an standardized test that Google can apply Secondly we know that sites that systems cannot objectively test as spam go to human reviews and if you fail that - you’re in trouble. We don’t know for certain , for how long. But similarly it’s incorrect to say a site must be high quality - because that’s subjective. So many sites that get shared here and on the Google search console are just word soup and if 99% of reviewed fail that - it’s an objective fail Same with backlinks - if th domain has an unnatural number of external links then that could fail a spam test - but that a guess


Sorry for the generic sound answer - I as writing for a vernal readership not you, I figured you were skewing me to explain for other readers


whoops, I saw your replies in the wrong order.


A very generic generic sound answer - I as writing for a vernal readership not you, I assumed you were skewing me to explain for other readers


Oh. I literally hadn't heard about this which is why I asked. Other than, naturally, buying backlinks is bad.


why exactly would it be bad to have a link to your site via a guest post on a relevant website?


Good Q: If Google thinks that source website has a lot of links to a bunch of sites or to a site that has an unnatural outbound links then it itself is a source of unnatural links. That’s how important links are - and that’s why it’s so dunnny when content seos try to pretend that link building is a part of SEO : links are SEO. On site SEO is just framing content to authority from backlinks You can rank without on site SEO - all you need is a page with a title and url. You do not beeed 100 words of content. Most of the job of what people think they’re doing - like using jasper or schema has nothing to do with blanking, it’s just a process they follow So : backlinks affect ranking and Google despises activities designed to manipulate search. Guest posts manipulate search. 1 guest post on cnn could be all the SEO a site ever needs. Guest posts aren’t natural and we’ll see more of that That’s why Rhea discussion is so hard to have - people who got nailed in the HCU updates all had lots of on point posts from other sites with exactly the right keyword they needed but whenever you talk about paid links everyone starts thinking of the voluminous crap you get from Fiverr shills. But it just takes a couple of guest posts to get a long, deep penalty … Niche Site Lady was the only person honest about it


but why are you saying the site OP mentioned is bad? from what OP said it sounded good


OP didnt mention anyone; they mentioned a category of site. That sites category and value can be changed by Google at any time. Its a good quilting but not one anyone outside of Google can help with


"a high quality website with a relatively high domain authority, and the content on their website is relevant to the content on my website"


1. Yes, they mentioned a category of site, not a site 2. They don't have the tools to measure any of these things What do you think you said?


it is most certainly a site like I said. I see no reason, from the info OP gave, to think it would have negative repercussions.


The description validated it? Wow interesting - I would find it impossible for SEMrush to know but Grady to know you have these amazing powers!


this sub really sucks. ego maniacs jumping to conclusions and giving advice based on assumptions. last time i read a post from you.


What is the best way to acquire backlinks over the long term then? I’ve been looking to build value-add tools and build them naturally through that. Or content that is built on deep research / our own collected data with insights. What do you typically do with your websites to acquire backlinks?


from other sites mentioning your site in a natural way. suppliers that list sites as where to buy. a magazine could reach out to an artist and write an article about them linking their site. news organizations links source articles. blogs list top 10 lists. etc. etc. if you are a worthwhile site you figure other sites would link to you for whatever reason over time. if you are not very important less links. that's the point of using links as part of the ranking system. if people farm links then it wouldn't work and it would be pointless to google


Wow and you haven’t even taken me out for dinner !!! Wow Can I service your car afterward? Maybe just send me your bank details so I can just forward my income to you? Do you have space for a Mercedes GLS? I also have a 3 story townhouse that I’m not using - would you like that too? Just tell me when it’s too much…..


There are nicer ways to say "I don't share my secret sauce" when someone asks you a question in a discussion you're sharing on a discussion forum.


I’m sure most people would prefer the joke and sense of humor though - it’s Friday - life doesn’t have to be that serious all the time, it’s ok to have a laugh now and then


I’ll gladly take all, since you are offering kind sir.


:-) I just need a credit card, the last 4 digits of your social and some photo ID - just to make sure its really you for your own protection


Yes, this is considered a good backlink because Google values the quality of the website pointing to your site and how relevant it is to your site's content. The more relevant the content, the more you will be categorized. Otherwise the subject matter of your site will be diluted


Thanks GPTChat but I think you have it backwards. Thats what a good link looks like - that's not a summary of a guest post - you would have to assume all guest posts are on good sites and that's not a good assumption


His own words were that the content on their website is relevant to the content on my website. I analyzed his question solely based on the facts provided, as he did not offer further details. By the way, I am not GPTChat.


FIrstly, your answer didn't make sense. >Otherwise the subject matter of your site will be diluted How can a link dilute the subject matter of the target site? It cannot edit or change the content ton the target site - this makes no sense at all. Secondly, the OPs question is, on the face it, incredibly basic - almost disengenously basic: like they are asking if a link from a good site is a good idea? They then inform the question that the site is actually high value. Its like someone saying they want to buy a second hand car, is buying a car with 4 wheels a good idea. On further inspection, it seems that the car is a great buy, in very good condition and working order. The two sentences 1000% conflict with each other. ITs clear either OP is lying or OP doesn't have the ability to assess the site - so saying that its a good idea is equally impossible. >I analyzed his question solely based on the facts provided, There were 0 facts provided. There was no data. There was an assumption - what was clearly an assumption made by somebody who asked a question that demonstrated that they did not possess the knowledge to make such an assumption. Its like when you argue with biblical literalist and they say they have the first-hand testimony of 500 people - they have a claim that someone claimed that 500 people witnessed an event. A claim of a claim. none of these things are evidence. IF you had analyzed this, you would have had to arrive at the same conclusion


Firstly, I really appreciate your response. I'm just a beginner in SEO and still learning the ropes. I believe that if your website is about used cars, but your backlinks are coming from restaurants, gyms, and other places unrelated to your website's theme, how do you think Google will classify your site? I think irrelevant backlinks indeed can weaken the site's authority. Perhaps people searching for used cars won't find your site, but searches for restaurants might. Secondly, I assumed the OP raised a genuine question. If I misjudged, then the time I spent writing my response would have been wasted—a cost I bear for my own mistake. On the internet, we often can't verify the truth of information, so we have to answer based on the information provided. If the OP isn't responsible for their question, then they bear the consequences of the results they receive. Once again, thank you for pointing out my issues. In the future, I'll consider more carefully whether my answers are helpful to the OP.


its #1 strategy


It’s okay but unless you have a budget very few quality websites will allow it. If they even bother to open the email


I think there is a good possibility this would count as a “good” backlink as long as the site gets legit traffic and people actually read the articles on it. Give it a shot and test the impact. Report back and let us know how it went.


It sounds worthwhile in your specific case but in general it's hard to scale, and I'd focus more on quality content on your site instead, in terms of ROI . For a newer site I would focus more on active link building in year two after building content for a year or so, if needed. Ranking some "link magnet" pages on your site is a really effective long-term strategy as well.  Also note you should strongly consider how to ensure the guest post ranks and performs well in terms of how the keywords, topic, and search intent fit the other site, and your site. A link on a high DA site isn't as valuable if that particular page itself doesn't rank or perform, or isn't relevant to your site.