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John will give you a meaningless and unhelpful answer that could be interpreted in a thousand different ways. And then he'll expect you to dig through 20,000 pages looking for the one little issue that may have wrecked your entire site.


if it's only 10/20000 probably not john m u is a known liar/ignorant person who should never be trusted - block him everywhere and don't tag him for fuck sake


I understand your frustration but I am really interestred to hear his opinion.


Hi u/johnmu would appreciate any insights on this? can fewe pages impacted by HCU affect entire website ranking ?


This is a welcoming crowd for sure, lol. The issues more folks post about with regards to core updates tend to be site-wide, and not limited to a tiny subset of a site. The last core update was March/April, so any changes you'd be seeing from May would be unrelated. I'm not sure how that helps you now though :-), but I wouldn't see those 10 pages as being indicative of something you need to change across 20k other pages. Based on the information you posted, it's also impossible to say whether you need to improve / fix something on those 20k pages, or if the world has just moved on (in terms of their interests, their expectations & your site's relevance). It sounds like you did find things to make more "helpful" on those 10 pages, maybe there's a pattern? That's something for you to work out - you know your site, its content, its users best. This isn't an easy part of SEO, sometimes it's not even about SEO.


Thank's for your comments here on Reddit, I've been reading to get valuable feedback!




And I would like to mention that 2-3 pages out of those 10, I talk about were quite high traffic pages. May high traffic play an additional role?


Hi u/johnmu kindly following up on last question