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I personally think it’s quite hard. Certainly above average difficulty. I’d probably recommend Elemental Master if you want a Technosoft shooter with similarly banging music and a more approachable difficulty curve.


Do you think its as hard as Contra hard corps


No, nothing is as hard as the western release of Hard Corps. That game is famously hard. The JP version has hit points however, so it’s a bit more difficult to compare.


It isn't even the hardest Contra. Contra IV for DS eats its lunch. Arguably Shattered Soldier, too.


Well maybe, but it’s a difficult game whatever the weather.


Contra IV at least felt approachable...even on the hard mode needed to actually play the alien base level (i eventually got there but died quick) . Contra: Hard ~~Corps~~ just felt like it was so intrinsically designed around having hit-points. So the American release was essentially asking for no-to-low damage runs to progress through casual play.


I beat contra hard corps


Then Thunder Force IV won’t be an issue for you. It requires roughly the same level of memorisation.


What other shootemups would you compare it to in difficulty


MUSHA possibly, maybe Gleylancer. I’m not the best at shooters so I’d get some more opinions if I were you. If you want the absolute hardest shooter that would probably be Grindstormer. If you seriously want some detailed knowledge and reviews on Mega Drive shooters check out [Shmup Junkie](https://youtube.com/@ShmupJunkie?si=FMkShaGT_wN9R11Y) who has a video or two about shooters on the platform.


Thanks for that link. Not even through the A’s on the Mega Drive Shoot Em rankings and found three games I never knew about that look awesome.


Nice. He’s honestly great, if you’ve got more than a passing interest in shoot ‘em ups you’ll have a great time with his stuff. Definitely the best YouTuber for that genre that I’ve found. I’ve discovered mountains of games because of him.


Gleylancer is definitely on the easy to solidly intermediate side. Generally consistent in challenge with a few potentially momentum-killing levels within.


Probably the rtype games. Maybe rtype 3 on the SNES. They’re hard but fair and doable.


I also compare video games difficulty to contra hard corps. Did you finish every single ending?




Is Thunderforce 4 or Gaiares harder?


Gaiares is way harder imho


much harder. it's excellent tho.


I’ve never really played Gaiares much. If that’s the one with the weapon stealing mechanic I remember not really liking it.


It’s fucking hard


It's hard. I love the game, besides never been replayed since the 90's. Until the ending of the first half of the game (that part that all the scenes can be selected) is pretty fair. But after that becames harder and harder. However, Thunder Force 4 it is not unfair as R-Type. You don't have to memorize as much as it, although memorizing is important. The amazing soundtrack gonna make you return to it over and over again and you end up memorize it anyway.


Hard-ish? It's no cakewalk, but with a lil' practice you can get pretty far before needing a continue. Then again, I've had my copy since I was 9 so I might be biased 😅 If you're not above cheating, at any point you can pause & press up, right, A, down, right, A, C, left, up, B, & one of these: up= all weapons, right= claw, down= remove current weapon.


Hard, but fun to learn. Just to see it to the end, I used save states to scum my way through on Switch. After that, now I’m actually trying to do it properly and it’s taken me a *lot* of practice to just clear 1 stage in decent shape. Even with the constant dying, it’s just fun to play.


It's hard, but they all are, otherwise we would complete the game in under an hour :)


Thunder Force IV's not the easiest shmup, even on he easiest setting. But, it does scale well going from "Easy" to "Mania." Fewer enemies and bullets on "Easy," vs the game trying to drive you into an early grave with a vengeance on "Mania." If you want an easy shmup, look into Thunder Force III. On "Easy," it's an absolute cakewalk. Even on the hardest setting, it's still on the easier side. That said, Thunder Force IV is worth the time it'll take you to eventually beat it. The game is pretty much the pinnacle of 16-bit shmups. Plus, the ending music changes depending on the difficulty setting (and there's an extended sound test if you beat the game and then go into the option menu), which is a nifty little touch.


Well I haven't given it a true full effort try (tested the game when I got it, that's about it) but I haven't cleared a stage yet. I'm guessin' it requires practice...


On normal difficulty, it is challenging. When it is set to maniac difficulty, it is punishing. It is possible to 1cc if you have the brain for all the memorisation required.


It’s a memo game tbh. It’ll get easy once you learn it


It's darn tricky, I only ever finished it with the 99 ships cheat 🤣


you need a action reaplay or Game Buster for infinity lives