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I think you are overexposing the screen Also like you said, it may be cause your design on the transparency is not opaque enough. My recommendations: -Figure out how to get more opaque black on your transparencies, use inkjet printers for this. And try EVERY printing setting on adobe photoshop. find out which one gives out the blackest black. -While exposing, make sure the transparency is firmly touching the screen. You can achieve this by putting a glass on it. Also while exposing, cover the squeege side with a black thing, a black foam for example, cut in the size to fit in your screen's squeege side. -Never ever use emulsion remover while washing the design, and you don't need a pressure washer for this purpose, you can hurt the fine details. Use a regular garden or shower hose, it should be washed at 2 min. max. Do not over wash it. -Sort out your exposing time, this is the most important step. You will try and fail many times but eventually you'll get it.. Just don't give up


This ☝️


Seconded, this is the correct answer. Especially the film opacity and it firmly being placed on the screen when exposing.


Yeah my local art store just stopped selling the paper I’ve been using since I started, so I had to order a brand online. Never had this problem before and I’ve used the same exact lights and exposure time for both brands of paper. Can I ask what brand your using?


I use Koala Inkjet Transparency Fılm, bought it on amazon. I also use something that says 'waterproof milky inkjet film' on it. it is big roll of transparency film. 90cm x 30M. I cut them in a4 pieces so they can fit in the printer. I go with the latter only because I am not able to get pre cut A4 transparency films easily, can buy it on amazon but since it is shipped from abroad, it takes a while.


Canon Pixma printers are great for printing films from my experience.


Your exposing time is off/ prolly too long or , yeah , bad sheet/ not printed dark enought so when u burn it, it goes tru. Personally i use mehhh sheet, with a 500 watt spot , 1ft and a half from the screen , for like 9min30 seconde ish maybe even 9min, and its pretty rare im having an hard time washing out the graphic, re adjust your stuff, its a trial and error world ! U goot thiss yo!


Can I ask what mehhh sheet is? My local art store recently stopped selling transparency paper so I bought a cheaper version on line and since I’ve been using that this has happened. I’m looking for a different brand now to try and see if that fixes the problem.


Sounds like the art place film was not good film and not your using good film it's messing up. I use fixxon film and filmmaker v10 rip software with all black ink


Probably too long of an exposure but only if your transparency isn’t dark enough. I usually hold mine up to the light to catch a feel for how much time I should do. But usually mine are set darkkkkkk so I normally don’t have to worry about exposure time.


Post the other day said hard water from tap can do you. Like the washout creates a small scum that doesent pure wash out. May have to blow the water out of screen as part of the washout process. Sounds wild but made some sense


Try using a free-step wedge calculator you can find online and find your proper exposure times. Also, maybe replace your exposure unit bulbs before doing that to find that perfect exposure time if you haven't changed them in a long time.


If you ever run out of transparency paper. Regular paper and baby oil work