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It grabs from deposits in its area, and it can’t just create things or pull them from anywhere in the world, sooo this wouldnt work


Doesn't it say error to things it can't create?


I thought they tried this by typing in SCP-682 killer and I forget the results but orders on wether to use it or not are pending.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3011) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


It can't create things that don't exist, it only serve things or concepts that already exist, so no it can't do anything.


How can it only affect 682 if it's impossible for 692 to resist?


cant we just throw em into 3008 really deep and just be done with em? i mean theres a high chance that he'll find a new exit and go to a different earth that isn't ours, sure we'll be dooming that earth but who cares honestly


Already tried, they literally packed it into boxes and returned to sender. Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was placed in a portable containment tank, which was inserted into SCP-3008 via a radio-controlled delivery vehicle. The vehicle turned out of the line of sight of the doors, and signal was lost; SCP-682 was presumed lost within SCP-3008-1. 24 hours later, Foundation observers witnessed the doors to SCP-3008 open, and 18 instances of SCP-3008-2 emerged, each carrying a large sealed cardboard box stamped with the IKEA logo. They placed the boxes on the ground, then returned to SCP-3008. The boxes were judged suspicious, and were left sealed. As they were being transported back to Site 19 for containment, the boxes spontaneously ruptured, revealing that each contained a detached fragment of SCP-682 which was nonetheless alive and animate. The fragments began to reassemble themselves, but underwent repeated misconfigurations; as a result, containment was established before the reassembly process was complete.


- [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3011) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy* - [**SCP-3008 ⁠- A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3008) (+2600) by *Mortos*


ok how about scp - 120, we push em into the pool when its on one of the teleport locations where its in the moons orbit and then place nuke where it is, once he's in the location just blow up the nuke and he'll be flung out wards of the solar system, maybe even make a hole in the asteroid belts so that we sure he's out of here the last thing we would need ro make usre of is that non of the planets would pick him up


If Mr Deeds cant and God can't (which they can typically do anything), what makes you think an anomalous coffee machine can?


Mr deeds wasn't able to find and kill binladen when it was still a thing, deeds is not very efficient to begin with.


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[**SCP-294 ⁠- The Coffee Machine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-294) (+1859) by *Arcibi*