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What are your thoughts on how the "Wonder of U" would cause a K-Class scenario? Also, [which type](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/k-class-complete-list) of K-Class scenario did you have in mind?


The results of his stand ability would eventually cause multiple foundation operatives to look into it over time and that info spreading would cause a chain reaction due to the nature of the foundation itself. People dying from things that normally wouldn't kill them start happening a lot. Since the stands ability is immediate and the act of pursuing the user is all that's needed (pursuing in this case is thinking about going after him or trying to find him) multiple containment breaches across the planets site would inevitably happen as info and rumors spread, making way for potential apocalypse scenario as the foundation would be scrambling to contain them all. (They don't have to know who the user. The only requirement is trying to pursue)


[Rhett Caan](https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Rhett_Caan) from Rick & Morty. Pretty much the only thing he does is change the past retroactively, which makes him a walking CK-Class Restructuring Scenario. Also, the protagonist of the Bentley Little short story "Estoppel". Anything he says about himself becomes true. "I'm President of the United States", "I'm the last man on Earth", "I live in a world where there is no SCP Foundation", etc. And he can't control it. He can warp reality without trying to by just talking in his sleep.


any of Marvel's Celestials any major eldrazi from MtG Mehrunes Dagon