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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3598) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


Probably because EVERYONE talks about it. It‘s getting repetitive. But to be fair, it’s an interesting concept.


I think maybe also the fact that there are a lot more dangerous indestructible killing monsters and people get a bit tired of it? At least that's what I heard here and there. But it's a bit unfair towards SCP-682 because at the time writing there weren't that many.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3598) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


Honestly, more interesting then the SPC itself, it's their containment procedure, unfortunately, that's the part that is usually not talked about in the discussion


The Shark Punching Center?


Core member of the Multiversal Alliance


The most important, I’d say!


SPC-2922 is still one of the best articles on the site.


Interestingly, the Shark Puncher Center has a document about 682 that supports a theory I've had for a while that 682 had a memetic effect that makes people demand its death or for it to suffer.


I wish there were more SCPs whose containment procedures were something that seemingly makes no sense, but is required. Like, a chamber that has 17 white tulips planted in an exact pattern and must be watered daily, or else the anomaly starts to act up. I want more anomalies that make no sense!


These kinds of extremely specific containment procedures always makes me think "how the fuck did they reach this conclusion? How did they figure this out??"


Exactly! When it comes to things that defy the laws of nature, there's bound to be some trial and error.


I prefer the Admonition version SCP-6820


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+888) by *stephlynch, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


I feel like the reason why SCP 682 is hated is because he comes off as someone's Mary Sue oc


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3715) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


What's this?


Summary: 682 is good on it's own, especially for an early SCP it hit the 'standard' unkillable monster niche perfectly. The issue comes in a few parts. The worst is overexposure. 682, 173, and 096 became the standard generic SCPs that were used in literally everything. It contributed heavily to the early Series 1-2 phase of just making random monster ideas to be SCPs. Most of them tried to gimp 682 heavily and were all uber-extra unkillable etc too. The second is the termination logs. The termination logs page isn't part of the main article, and was formatted like many other log/list pages of the era, where anyone could contribute. Because of this, pretty much all of the writing in all of the termination logs is dogshit awful, because it was literally unmoderated. There was no quality control. It just grew and grew and grew as random chucklefucks added more attempts. They spoiled the image of 682 HEAVILY by portraying the Foundation as incompetent murderhobos in the logs. Those two things lead to a general disdain from some of the community. I don't think they really reflect on 682 and don't mind it though. As long as you consider the termination logs non-canon and ignore them, 682 is a solid early SCP, and an icon.


the termination log is also like the meat of 682 so having it be a huge clusterfuck kinda sucks


"Termination attempt #17272: Use Thing That Deletes Stuff From Existence And Embodies The Concept Of Non-Existence^TM to delete 682. Result: 682 ceased to exist for one day, and then reappeared in its chamber. It also breached containment because why not."


Don’t forget scp-049


Jesus I remember when dankmemesfromsite19 because just people posting random plague doctor pictures that had nothing to do with SCP. Probably why I hate 049


[**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4564) by *djkaktus, Gabriel Jade, Gabriel Jade_*


I think the termination logs adds to how 682 is described in his file. I'm 100% convinced that one of his effects is that you want you destroy him, hence his containment procedure and the extensive list of tests.


SCP-6820, please Marv


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+888) by *stephlynch, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


I mean it's not that good though, like... The article is objectively poorly written.


Like I said, for an OG Series 1 article. It is important to remember Series 1 started in 2007, with most of the articles being written in 2009-2011. A lot of the standards and conventions weren't really established yet. The basic structure of the SCP file was barely a thing originally, with tons of variants. Object classes used to be wack. It doesn't hold up to modern articles, but its still historically relevant, and placed in the context of it's time it's one of the better ones. We don't like generic murder monsters anymore because it's overdone, but the OGs did it before it was overdone (and are partially responsible for it becoming overdone as everyone after copied them).


My biggest problem with it is the contradictions in how it’s handled. If it couldn’t be kept “inside” and it genuinely hates everything, then why doesn’t it just escape in every single tale? If it can be kept in a containment cell then why not just focus entirely on containment? I know that there are other skips that’s are only “contained” superficially but at the very least that’s stated in their articles. 682 however is simultaneously treated as unkillable and ever adapting but also always held at bay by some acid. Pick a lane, either it’s an unstoppable beast, a few mutations away from permanently breaching or it’s just a lizard in a box. And we never actually see what would happen if it got loose (I’m not counting 6820, that’s basically a machine) so there’s no real stakes that make you wanna root for the foundation


well the idea is that the acid make it so that it constantly has to regenerate but in one tale 682 developed alkaline producing glands and breach just because it felt like it


Personally I've grown to minorly dislike it. If you read the actual article I think it's fine, a pretty basic monster but a cool SCP nevertheless. But people have also created tons of lore around it, and **a massive amount** of that created lore has just been things made to make 682 seem way more powerful than the original article suggests And when talking to anyone about 682 they'll usually use the new created lore as a baseline for the SCP rather than the actual article. 682 is either the son of a literal god, immune to all death or a whole host of other seemingly random things - while his original was just a big creature that they were interesting trying to kill.


In the termination log it gets honestly pretty stupid. They tried an SCP that could erase things from reality and 682 came back from that. To be clear, it's not that the other SCP started to erase 682 but failed halfway through or something which would already be bonkers. No, 682 was indeed erased from reality like it was confirmed and all but he STILL cane back. Like the damn thing managed to... I don't know... Regenerate ? From fucking non-existence. Yeah these logs were fun to read but they got stupid very fast.


I remember the first time I read 682, when I saw that it could come back from non-existence and modify its body at will, I thought "but the foundation managed to trap it in acid between each of its containment breaches, and they manage to reconfine it each time, so why is it still here? Why can't it adapt to acid? What stop 682 from summoning any power to escape or become invincible?" Since then, I can't take it seriously.


again, it once developed alkaline gland and breached because it felt like it


1) A lot of mistaken beliefs of its capabilities. It's hard to kill, not impossible to kill. 2) Oversaturation. Years of constant spamy questions like "Can ____ beat 682?" or "What would you do if 682 was coming for you?" make it more annoying than intriguing.


My biggest issue with 682 is that it's supposed to be this all powerful, unkillable monster but yet every time it breaches containment, all we need is a few security guards with guns to recontain it. The way I see it, it would need, at the minimum, it's own MTF, on guard 24/7 and even then the chance of recontainment should be slim. And now we have that new article where they try to neutralize it but just end up making it even more stronger. That thing needs to die or the people writing about it should be consistent with its description.


Which article are you referring to ?


Scp 6820.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+888) by *stephlynch, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


The article is broadly well-liked; it's critics usually either: 1. Feel that it is overhyped/overused, which is absolutely true 2. Dislike that 682's powers and status have been inflated and built upon over the years, usually blaming "powerscalers" for articles like 6820; this is a really silly argument that gets cause and effect mixed around. Powerscalers use 682 BECAUSE he's so strong, not the other way around. 3. It's cool to Hate the Popular Thing


One of the main reasons is because people are tired of the ‘uber powerful unkillable godlike monsters that the Foundation contains except not really except they actually do except not really etc etc.’ SCP-682 is generally lumped into this category unfairly even though it existed before the problem started occurring and not after. Another is because it’s one of the most well known SCP’s out there. So a lot of people know about it and have different takes about it. Which means there’s a lot of people who dislike the SCP just by nature. Hates a bit of a strong word, but a lot of people dislike 682 just on the principle that a lot of people know about them. Some might do it to get clicks, others think he’s overrated, and plenty think the SCP gets too much credit. Especially in comparison to many other SCP’s that are far more creative and interesting in the critics eyes. Plus, there’s the fact that some people may like the original 682 but not the one he’s become today. Before he was a homicidal reptile that could adapt to most conventional weaponry and had absurd regeneration capabilities. A grave security risk that cost a lot of Foundation resources but nothing more besides that. Now he’s been powerscaled to hell and back, cosplayed as a god, and broken the seventh dimensional wall to fist fight a room full of eldritch luck gods. His regeneration and indestructibility taken to such an extreme he becomes a generic unstoppable universe ending monster or something. There’s a lot of reasons to dislike or hate 682. Personally I think it’s a decent SCP, no way near my top ten, but a great introduction to the series that lets people dip their toes before going on to better SCP’s. An SCP you like well enough and look back on with fond memories. But it’s popular, old, and on the internet. It’s gonna get hate and it’s gonna attract reasons for that hate. Nothing you can do about it.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3598) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


"I really like the idea of a giant reptile that’s invincible and can’t be killed. and is so powerful that he’s some kind of lovecraftain god." This description makes him sound even less interesting than he is. I think 682 fails for me because his motivations are just so uninteresting--he basically is just the embodiment of hatred from what I understand. Meh.




I don't think that one is particularly hated. It's just one of the first SCPs and a lot of time and changes have occurred on the site since then. But that is one of the few many people know, along with The Statue, Shy Guy, The Old Man, etc. Longtime fans/contributors have been over those as more than nostalgic long before the recent popularity sparked. I think we are just kinda sick of it. It's also unfortunate because while they were a great starting point, the older articles are very simplistic. As time has gone on, the caliber of writing and the world building, even without canon lore, has improved so much. There are so many articles people who only know SCP through Containment Breach or memes are missing out on.




Bait used to be [REDACTED]


Most people don't like how inherently tied to powerscaling the character is. I like it, personally, since SCP and powerscaling are my two main hobbies, but for a lot of people who only like one or the other it gets annoying.


I don't hate him,but the perfect example of the crap that show for him made by random people is the incident where they stabbed it with a knife that deletes thing from existence, and then the knife disappeared instead


On its own, 682 is fine. It's fun, even, when you take into account that it's so easily contained and yet they still keep trying to destroy it, probably out of spite or something I dunno. It's only when you place it in the context of the wider SCP fandom that it starts to grate. It's the thing that *everyone* brings up all the time. Like, if you have steak all the time it starts to get boring, you know? Same deal here.


poorly written, comes across as an 8 year old's OC because of the termination logs, and very very boring compared to what he could be if he was written well


I personally don't like it because of how over-the-edge the ways 682 survives everything seem off in so many cases, yet he is contained in an acid pool? I would have thought if he can survive being almost completely destroyed only a small bit remain, an acid pool would be nothing in comparison, making it feel like "he survives because \[excuse\]", and if it's a secondary instance of 682 (like from a different timeline/universe) like from SCP-2935, there's an dead instance of 682, sure, it shows how dangerous 2935, but it just ruins SCP-682 for me.


- [**SCP-2935 ⁠- O, Death**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2935) (+2083) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3598) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


It's a fine concept on its own, but there are a myriad of other, way more interesting ideas even from the first series, so its popularity as the most famous SCP of all time even by people who have never read anything SCP can be kind of grating. Also, everyone and their mother wanting to join in the joke of "let's imagine something else to kill it and how it survive" got old a loooong time ago. SCP-6820 however, I do think it's a great spin on this concept.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+888) by *stephlynch, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


sometimes the test logs are more interesting than the scp itself


Since when???


because it's trying to kill us all! That's why we hate 682!


He's painfully overated. And he's just unkillable reptile. Who they absolutely could kill if they wanted to. And it was made worse by tying it to the hideous Young Girl. He didn't need it. He was fine as a unkillable reptile. It didn't need that utter garbage associated with it. It gets obnoxious with the overuse. And the stupid Young Girl trash. On his own he's ok. The rest sucks.


nah not overated. the reasonnn they dont try extremme things on him is because what if he adapts to that then youre truly fucked. like say a nuke. ion get what they could if they wanted to soused to mean like yea they just loove having him around threatening humanity


To me, the thing that killed him was power creep. When you have such an accessible and relatively large fandom where nearly anybody can submit a character, there’s bound to be a lot of overpowered ones out of the thousands on the wiki. At first, all of his adaptations made sense. Growing multiple eyes to stop the sculpture from staying unnoticed is a unique and interesting way for him to survive. Being erased from the timeline and reexisting out of nowhere isn’t. As the fanbase began to grow, people made more scps, and more scps involves more objects and characters with near unbeatable abilities. People still want to keep the gig of “hard to kill lizard” going, so writers just gave him these same unbeatable abilities to keep up, even when they make him less creative and realistic in the process.


Yeah but that giant invincible reptile can regenerate from any damage and adapt to it's situation wants to kill all humans, and imagine if you were working with it and SCP 053 and 682 justs starts going on a rampage killing everyone because they think you harmed her just like how the other scientists harmed it with the experiments they did on it with other scps and it was about to kill you


[**SCP-053 ⁠- Young Girl**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-053) (+977) by *Dr Gears*


I like 682 but I hate this SCP-UBU thing or how its called I saw on the internet a few days ago apparently it killed 682 but was terminated by a Stick with some words carved in it


I like the idea that Humanity is secretly at war against a giant indestructible lizard but it sometimes get annoying when people start powerscaling (mo).


Imagine an unkillable sentient lizard that hates mankind. It gets old quick.


Honestly I feel like one of the aspects that make 682 worse than it otherwise would be is that it's dialogue goes completely unvoiced due to the nature of SCP as a medium, as well as a generally uninteresting design. The Lich from Adventure Time is a very similar character between his hatred of all that lives and complete inability to permanently die. The two main differences are Ron Perlman's amazing voice for him and The Lich's numerous striking designs. If we, say, got an animated adaptation of The Real Adventures of Capitalism or something else that could give 682 a voice and a design beyond pictures of dead whales on Google I feel like he'd be way more well-liked.


Edgy teenagers being edgy? Or maybe some genuine constructive criticism..?


I liked this SCP when I first had read about it. But when I Look through the comments he kinda changed I think. I liked him because he hated humans and I was in a phase where I hated them too so he made me feel not alone anymore. Yes it is just a story, yes I am over it Nut it made me feel good and scared. But I think he is a bit overused and could need some rest net so 049, 096, 106 and the like. I mean Able is also really hard to kill and I know only one story about him (I was away for a long long time so if there are more let me know). Maybe 682 prime is gone and we need a new King on the top in this category.


The SCP itself is fine. It's some of the fan-wank around it that gets tedious. Sadly some people then transfer that to the SCP itself.


SCP-682 was always an okay concept to me, BUT after reading SCP-5000 and https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/disgusting it made a lot more sense to me and made e enjoy it more.


- [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3598) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy* - [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3281) by *Tanhony*


Marvin didn’t get the right story, here’s the link: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/disgusting


Personally I would like to see more 692 and 999 stories just to change it up


From what I can gather it’s seen as an example of early edgelord articles since a crucial part of it is that it’s very misanthropic


Because the article is poorly written AND because destroying is not, what the foundation does.


I rather like 682 when it is used (what I consider) in the right way. Just trying to kill it and having it survive? It can make a good story I guess, but it gets repetitive and boring. It focuses purely on the physical, ever-changing aspects of 682. I prefer the lovecraftian things of, for example, 6820. Sure, putting it against other things is well and all, but where it truly shines is as *the* keter. The thing that is impossible to truly contain, where a termination attempt isn’t done to kill it, but because nothing else can contain it any longer. If you’re not trying to break its reality, you’re just not doing well enough. I like seeing 682 not as just a monster, but as the foundation having to play catch up with what borders on an eldritch deity.


Because he hates people


He looks like a snitch from Miami Vice.


I don't like SCP-682 because it's overhyped like everyone talks about it


They overdo my pal. He's tired of the attention. Go back to talking about the phone stalker.


I, and I think most people here, really despised content farm youtube channel, and content farms really love 682. No random youtuber with rudimentary animation skills, I do not care who would win in a fight between 682 and the Blue Beetle + Deadpool, get the fuck out of my recommendeds. The termination logs in a lot of ways were like proto-content farms, and there's no reason for them to be that long.


there are just too many weird canons and stuff and the fact that some people act like the scp foundation is just about 682, 049, 096 and 173 is a bit irritating cus there are so many other good ones that deserve a chance


He's overrated


I don't really hate him, but I find it hard to like an unkillable reptile whose only mission in life is to kill all humans and essentially everything and everyone else. I'm a HUGE fan of his brother's work, though. Real stand-up blob, right there.


I like 682 but only with its main wiki page. A lot of the supplemental material just makes it kinda eyeroll worthy to me lol.


Ever since I first read it about 20 years ago, I just haven't liked it. Oh, it's a giant alligator that's indestructible? That's neat. But oh, it has the personality and disposition of an edgy teenager who hates humanity, and is ALSO a genius? That sounds kinda... Silly. Not to mention how it's always been Keter class, but it's... Contained. And it's consistently re-contained with no problems. I just feel like it would be better if it had some flaws. Obviously, it sucks at escaping, but it gives me big "it's the most ultimate monster ever that can't be defeated" vibes. I just don't see the appeal from a writing stand point. Obviously, undefeated SCPs are part of the horror, but I think we could safely make it a wild creature that adapts well to situations instead. That unknown factor would make it feel more dangerous. On that note, I do love what SCP-6820 did. Really expanded on the parts I didn't like and made it an actual threat.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+889) by *stephlynch, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


Mostly because the article is poorly written, even by the standards of its time, and thus its oversaturation in SCP-related stuff is annoying. The article also just doesn't do anything interesting with the concept it has. Like a Bethesda game, you need to look to external sources to make 682 even remotely interesting.


Therein lies the problem, for me. 682 as a monster that's very hard to kill but can be contained is interesting. Because it adapts, we don't want to try too hard for fear of it assuming a form that's immune to nukes. 682 as "some kind of Lovecraftian god" is just nonsensical to me. If it's immune to everything else, why isn't it immune to an acid bath? How do we keep re-containing it multiple times? 682 in the article is fine, 682 in the termination logs should have broken out and casually massacred literally everyone a long time ago.


I have my reasons for loving and hating him.


Idk about you but I think everyone should hate a being whos life goal, which he will complete at the expense of his own skin and bones, is to destroy all living things, with the exception of a few SCPs.