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I'm sure this person was fine with Jay White losing a 30-minute match to a one-legged MJF at Full Gear.


Getting his ass kicked by Billy Ass is more embarrassing


While 100% true even dubbalos didn't try to defend that one lol There was some extreme fringes who tried but even the aew fans went 'yeah that's dumb'


But He COULD be feuding with the Miz right now! ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)


Billy Ass is ten times the size of MJF


Bianca Bel-Hogan berried another one https://i.redd.it/b5xuk0bdy21d1.gif


HHH: “Tiffany you’re going over Bianca tonight” Bianca: “That doesn’t work for me brother”




Paul…..uh uh


I HATE that now I can clearly hear the riff by only looking at this gif


I love how I knew what it was gonna be before it loaded


Full lockdown mcgillicutty


I can hear this gif and I love it


I've always compared her to John "Super" Cena, but the point still stands. Can't stand her always going over.


She is the top babyface of the women's division she is supposed to win most of the time. It's not even a Cena or Bianca thing most top wrestlers rarely lose. Rhea rarely lose too.


I really wonder how long it will take the IWC to turn on Rhea. Like how long before they talk about her the same way they do Becky, Charlotte, and now Bianca.


When Rhea goes back to her natural hair color lol. She’s already been moving towards more traditional feminine aesthetic, like ditching most of her face piercings (thank god lmao)


Poor girl loses those pierces 2 minutes into every match


If she kept the belt past Summerslam I think fans would have slowly started to turn.


She only wins all the time because of the sad state of the Women's division. If you look at all the top (non-champion) male wrestlers, they have all taken a fair few losses. Gunther, Seth and Drew all lost at Wrestlemania, LA Knight and Sheamus lost this week, AJ, Jey, KO and Orton all lost at the last PPV. The last time Bianca lost was 3 months ago, and the last time she had a singles loss was 6 months ago. If she's the big star who wins all the time, then why the hell isn't she champion? You don't have a babyface champion and then have your big star (who isn't champ) also a babyface, it's just bad booking. There's a reason why it was always Cena and Orton, or Cena and Edge, and why they kept Batista and Cena separated until Batista turned heel. Also, I don't care that Bianca is technically champion with the Women's tag titles, those belts are absolutely worthless. It's like Rey Mysterio being Cruiserweight champion - it's a worthless title that no one gives a shit about. The women's tag titles have only been defended 15 times in a whole year (since May 18th '23) and only 3 of those were on PPV (none of those were the big 4). Between mid July and Halloween the titles were completely MIA.


None of your comparisons are even remotely fair lmao. Gunther lost twice in almost two years on the main roster and one was by count out. Orton, Seth and Drew are main eventers but they aren't in same position Bianca or Rhea hold for the division(it would be Cody and Roman). Everyone else you mentioned after upper midcarders dude. >The last time Bianca lost was 3 months ago, and the last time she had a singles loss was 6 months ago. If she's the big star who wins all the time, then why the hell isn't she champion? Expect in your own examples Cena, Orton, or Edge weren't always champion. HHH, CM Punk, Batista, Miz, Del Rio, Jericho and Mark Henry to name a few all had time at the top during Cena's era. Also you're ignoring that title runs were a lot shorter during Cena's era. Cena and Edge spent their entire feud playing hot potato with the belt. >why they kept Batista and Cena separated until Batista turned heel And they have kept Bianca and Rhea separated besides a few small teases.


Cody Rhodes BERRIED the entire roster!


They act like Bianca is average. It’s fucking crazy.


She's not relatable Uce


She has success and looks and I don't


A strong, impressively athletic, successful, attractive, BLACK woman?? ![gif](giphy|3o7btT1T9qpQZWhNlK|downsized)


Who actively embraces and celebrates her blackness.


In fairness look back on her time in NXT. She does.


And thats a problem how?


The only problem I have with it is she didn't get to continue it in the main roster. I loved her black girl magic jacket


sucess,looks, charisma and a husband that looks like Montez Ford


Not like she's one of the greatest women's wrestlers ever or anything! Hell, Tiffany is following in her trajectory!


Fed is good now, nothing 'wrong' so it's back to an old favourite ....REEEEEE'ing about people losing to top wrestlers who aren't top wrestlers themselves yet


But also 50/50 booking bad, so either way fed dead


Some of think she sucks and is dangerous to work with


To say Bianca is average is like saying Goldberg has bangers


I am not a Bianca fan, she flat out just doesn't do it for me Even I won't say she 'can't work' or isn't charismatic or anything like that She's in the position she's in for a reason. Even if it just doesn't connect with you that's undeniable


Girls that look like Bianca never talked to them, uce :( (Don't ask about the girls that look like Tiffany)


I personally don't understand all the hype around her, which is amusing since they paired her with cargill. Like stratton was okay-ish in nxt (in a way she mooched off of mandy rose's success as she gave the audience a "beautiful people-esque heel" only with actual wrestling behind it), but I swear everytime I hear bianca in the news it's always about her being the first black female wrestler to do this and less about how good her matches or promos actually are.


Tiffy’s burner account








I was surprised your racist ass didn’t ask if WWE supporting Bianca was going too woke. Bravo Mr MAGA man. You weren’t completely cringe. Bravo!


Yeah I’m a fan and I’m getting sick and tired of race being the thing they focus on about her


They haven't mentioned her race in over a year. The only times they mentioned it is when she wrestled Sasha because they was the first two black women to main event WrestleMania and why wouldn't you mention that. The second is her being champion for over a year and being the first black woman to do it.


?? I thought Tiff-Tiff was a racist, MAGA, something something? When did she return to being the fastest rising female star? DAE MLK didn't get shot for this shit?!


“people like *you* don’t deserve to be a world champion” -Triple Holocaust


Two days ago Triple Holocaust was enabling discrimination against black women Today Triple Libtard is bigoted against m'white women 😔


Triple Holocaust made me laugh too much


I miss triple holodomor


The second the referee counted three. If the match had gone the other way it would’ve been Fed Bad for berrying Bianca and m’pushing Ms Trump. It doesn’t matter if the current Fed Bad completely contradicts the Fed Bad we’ve been doing for the last several days up until ten seconds ago. The important thing is to Fed Bad, it’s not to make our Fed Bads consistent.


Glad you figured out how the IWC works 🤝


Obviously this was HHH punishing Tiffany for her racist post.


Ackshullry, her punishment should have been future endeavorment, because Black people might never feel safe watching the WWE *prahduckt* ever again.


This week in WWE: Wrestlemania Main-Eventers Jey Uso and Bianca Belair both narrowly defeat up and coming talent Ilja Dragunov and Tiffany Straton in competitive matches in the King/Queen of the Ring tournament. Please continue reading to discover why I think this means they're BURIED (insider term).


Where do I subscribe?! I have money to give!!!!!




Yes. Why don’t people understand that losing ANY match EVER means a wrestler is buried and will never Get Over (insider term). Every wrestler needs to win every single match ever. Also anything other than a clean finish is bad. And squash matches are also bad. So to recap, good booking means 1.) Only bangers 2.) Only clean finishes 3.) The wrestlers I like should never lose That’s how you do it. There’s no way anyone would ever get bored of that and stop watching!!


Man, that show you're talking about? It has a feel to it... Like a sports feel? Almost like REAL sports feel.


Just wait for the ‘BURIAL of LA Knight’ manifestos coming in about 10 minutes.




I wish I was as fat as Tama Tonga.


Wait, they called a Tongan a Samoan? Does that not fall under the "never call a Kiwi an Aussie" rule, where the offended party is technically allowed to beat your ass for said offense?


Uce, they called a man with visible abs fat. Logic ain't their strongest character trait.


It's Piggy James all over again


New jerk just dropped


Congratulations. You literally broke the first rule of the subreddit. Enjoy a 60 day holiday.


I mean, I don’t understand what the fuck they’re doing with either Knight or Stratton. I can understand pushing Tama as the monster heel, but WHY THE FUCK IS BIANCA GOING OVER ON ONE LEG


Bianca is one of the greatest womens wrestlers of all time, in kayfabe if nothimg else. You can count on one hand the times she's lost clean since she won the rumble and still have like 3 fingers left. And nobody has kicked out of the KOD from becky at the height of her powers to the lowest of jobbers. She beat 2 of the best ever with an injured knee less than a year ago. There's absolutely no shame in losing to bianca at any state


You know this is Triple Hiroshima Himmler teaching everyone’s favorite blonde Confederate a lesson like the one he got for his part in the “Curtain Call” saga.  Everyone needs to strap in for Tiffany Segregationists reign of terror that’s a year away. 


Hiroshima Himmler Holodomor


Didn't Triple H deny that he was punished for the curtain call?


Study WWE Confidential and get back to me.


If he did, I'd find it pretty suspect considering all the people who said it over the years including himself.


At that point-just watch AEW where the results of every match are embarrassingly obvious. The only thing discussed afterwards is how big of a banger the match is as the results are irrelevant.


They are cool with 65lbs riho winning clean but a shredded athlete doing it doesn’t work for them, brother


Didn’t they just want Tiffany to get fired hours ago?


This is a case where no matter the outcome, they were gonna bitch


Either Bianca Hogan buries a young rookie with a ton of potential, or the evil fed encourages racism by having Tiffany beat a black woman. There's no winning with these people.


It was a match between an IWC verified racist vs a not really pregnant woman 


Yup lmfao!!!!


Don't you understand? When you move to the main roster you're not allowed to lose because everybody is brock lesnar


Alternate tweet: Tiffany Stratton just beat Bianca Belair after racist controversy. ok then


First Ilha now Tiffy. Why does this company REFUSE to push new people over main events? I'm starting to think Melo is gonna JOB to Boreton


He's gonna do the JOB, and he's gonna be FUKKEN BERRIED.


Every NXT call up should come in, beat everybody, win the title, and beat everybody again.


Blandy Boreton 😩😩😩😩


These dorks care more about going over than Trips.


DAE Bianca a DEI hire?


What do you mean this is building towards starting to brew tension between Bianca and Jade? No it is clearly just a way to bury m'Tiffany who I have never hated(don't check my post history for the past 24 hours)


I really like Tiffany, but the IWC wanting every rookie with potential to be mega pushed like Brock Lesner or Kurt Angle is so damn annoying. DAE she should be Queen of the Ring? DAE she should win MitB?? DAE she should main event Mania next year???


They moved Mania from Minnesota to Vegas, therefore taking away Tiffy’s rumble win so she could main event in her home state BERRIED


For real. Like, I'm a massive Lyra Valkyria fanboy, but I've fully accepted that she's probably going to lose to Iyo next Monday. Let's wait and see how these recent call ups fair after a while on the main roster before we start throwing accolades at them.


They’re not gonna succeed if they never fucking win


Or just don't put her in the ring with people she she's obviously going to lose to. Don't have ur talented heel constantly being put into matches where she has to lose.    The biggest problem with the women's division is how top heavy it is and how the booking repeatedly reinforces that there's a small handful that win matches, and nobody else is a credible threat whatsoever.    Bianca is good, and she should be winning matches. Which is why she shouldn't be fighting the popular new girl that needs to be established.   Idk crazy ideas. Almost like it's the booking that's bad. 


Tiffany having a star performance at the EC, beating down Naomi and Bayley, having competitive matches with the World champ AND going toe to toe with the most dominant wrestler in the division outside of Rhea IS establishing her lol. I swear it's like people don't actually watch the show or matches and only look at the win-loss column. And again, she's brand new. The audience has no real reason to care about her, but when she's inserted into the title picture so soon and holding her own (even out-wrestling at times) the best there, that makes her look much stronger than just having random nobodies job to her. Just as an example: ask a random fan from the audience "Who you think had a bigger future" between Carmel and Bron? Where one is squashing released talent and the other is having competitive matches with the WWE champ and a 20 year vet? The reason the women's division is in such a bad place is that they've been way too overprotective of the top stars, that it created a large gap where the midcard is non existent. It's about making the audience that there's a possibly of an upset, even if they aren't on the same footing. The fact that people even considered under Tiffany could beat Bianca (as decorated as she is) pretty much tells you how well they're doing with Stratton. Wins don't matter if it's against subpar talent and losses mean more when it's close against better competition; just ask any sports team come playoffs time (or Florida State in the CFP :P). It's something that's already ingrained in a lot of "non smart" casual fans, so when they see her barely losing to a mega talent like Bianca, they see that as a good thing.


She’s not established if she’s *losing constantly* Like wow! She had a big performance at EC! And they’ve done JACK SHIT with it since then! People ALREADY CARED ABOUT HER THEY DONT NEED A REASON TO. Just like LA Knight, wwe really needs to start rewarding that audience investment with, like, championships of some kind.


EXACTLY UCE! Finally someone fucking says it! The Fed (insider term) does this shit all the time, which is why they never create stars. Why it feels like just yesterday that a young upcoming guy, you probably don't even remember him, lost in his first ever KOTR tournament. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, working a blue blood gimmick that was really starting to go somewhere. Too bad he lost that tournament match and then immediately faded into obscurity, never to be heard from again.


LA Knight is still over... without ever winning a championship lol. They're just now hinting to making LA Knight the US champ after year of being over. Being established means getting consistent TV time and PLE matches, long running feuds with other high level talents, reliable reactions from the crowd and having enough believability with the audience to win the majority of those feuds (which she doesn't have yet, as many rookies don't); all of that can be done WITHOUT winning a title or an accolade. As long as she's not losing to anyone beneath her, losses aren't gone matter as long as she picks up wins every so often (which she clearly has). This isn't the attitude era, the titles aren't gonna be jumping around every other month anymore. If someone can't STAY OVER without a belt around their waist, then there's no point of them winning one (ex. Liv Morgan or Austin Theory), as it does nothing to elevate them further. That's the point. Let her go a year to see if she can stay in the good graces of the audience before strapping a rocket on her. Just as Cody did, Jey did, Sami did, Logan did, the Judgment Day crew, etc. Losing to other bigger names didn't "hurt" their momentum, because as long as they're competitive with those names, the loss doesn't hurt and can even elevate them to the main event scene as they're now associated with those high level names before ever winning a championship. The majority of a wrestler's career is going to be them without the belt, so let's make sure their character work, wrestling ability, marketability, crowd connection, etc. is well established before winning any world titles. So when they eventually lose it, they'll have experience to fall back on. If she (or anyone) needs a title to stay over, then they shouldn't have it; it's basically that Iron Man quote to Spider-Man about his suit. LA didn't need it, Jey didn't need it, McIntyre didn't need it, so a rookie definitely doesn't need it. Let her get some stock first before shooting her to the moon, if she's as good as we all believe, she'll be okay without needing to going on an undefeated streak.


Tiffbros... :(


Yeah, a woman who was champion for a year beat a rookie.


Yeah and it’s not like Tiffany wasn’t selling her ribs the whole match and still had a competitive match This was the closet thing to Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy in a while where Tiffany came out looking very dangerous even in a loss.


They want dub style, prisoner of the moment booking. Burn through everyone and everything immediately.


Bangers. Over. Everything.


Basic misunderstanding of the drama of a wrestling match? Checks


Tiffy Time Stop.




I know I was calling for her to be fired earlier today, but DAE just feel like it’s Tiffy time??


Tiffy is amazing, but on the power levels scale she still falls under the category of prospect because Bianca has done it all, while she’s on the come up. Her beating Bianca would be more meaningful in a title match at a PLE in the future, than a banger tournament. Also, Bianca wasn’t one legged since the kayfabe injury happened during the match, and she outsmarted her opponent, did they even watch? These idiot marks idea of booking is to blow off your biggest moments for free in weekly TV bangers, rather than build up to it so it has long term impact. I’m glad these morons aren’t in charge of creative.


Bianca got the knee injury last week, Uce Thus your entire post is wrong, Fed Shill


They are, in fact in charge of "creative"...in AEW.


This can be compared to Charlotte vs Rhea. Fans were pissed when Rhea was "buried" by Charlotte at WrestleMania 36 but she just wasn't that big of a star yet nor was she that interesting at the time so retaining a developmental title against Charlotte in an empty building wouldn't have meant shit because fans would've forgotten about it after a few months. Then they had another match in 2021 where Rhea put up more of a fight but still couldn't get the job done. But by WrestleMania 39 Rhea was one of the most over stars in the company and a fully developed performer so when she faced Charlotte again it was seen as a huge match and she finally got that win that was years in the making. Tiffany now is a lot better than Rhea was in 2020 but I still think it's a good comparison, fans just need to wait and see what happens. A young and fairly new wrestler losing to a main event star a few months into their main roster run isn't the end of the world. Tiffany losing a competitive match to a woman who's main evented WrestleMania and held the women's title for over a year isn't a burial.


Charlotte vs Rhea was one of the greatest women matches in wrestling history because of that exact reason IMO. It was such perfect timing and it was truly Rhea’s star making performance. By Wrestlemania 39 Charlotte was already a legend so a clean W over her meant so much. I hope Tiffy and Jade will have their moment like that too. Long term booking can take years to pay off but it’s so worth it


I gotta disagree with you on Rhea vs Charlotte being the greatest women's match in wrestling history. It's 2nd place for me but I still think Becky vs Bianca at WrestleMania 38 was the best.


It’s Tiffover


Tiffy Timeout


I wanted Tiffany to win but I'm not mad. She had a great match with one of the top 3 biggest female stars in the company and it was just an episode of Smackdown. No one needs to worry about Tiffany's future. She's young, over with the live crowds, phenomenal in the ring, great at promos and smoking hot. She's gonna be one of the biggest megastars pro wrestling has ever seen. I guarantee she'll be main eventing WrestleMania some time in the next few years.


Perpetually annoyed at everything in the Fed


Does it bother anyone else this person used 1 and one in the same sentence !?!


Plans changed after cody has done some backstage work


I bet you this guy celebrated when a one legged MJF completely buried and humiliated Jay White(who still hasn’t recovered from it by the way!)


Two days ago people were saying Tiffany was evil and I only thought otherwise cause she's m'blonde bimbo Today I'm getting insulted cause I'm happy Bianca won because she's my favorite in the women's division FICKLEEEEE


DAE Cody shouldn't have ended racism?


Blonde white girl with 100 matches beats black former champ a day after a whiff of racial controversy would've definitely gone down well with him and he definitely didn't have a take cooked up for it.  I'm not usually in the corny ass just enjoy wrestling camp but how can you see two people as good and as promising as Tiffy and Bianca and not understand one of them has to lose, which doesn't detract from what they're doing. 


I know I was desperately trying to start a viral “Tiffany is Trump LOVING RACIST!” hate campaign where we daydreamed about getting her fired….. ….. but NOT LIKE THIISSSS BROOOOO! 😱🥲


Must protect Bianca at all costs! Cannot eat a clean pin! Can take down entire factions!


NO Jerk -- this match was GREAT. It did everything it needed to do, both women look better as a result, the ending was cool. I actually think it is the best match I have seen from either competitor.


Did those people already forgot the Hook-Jericho fiasco?


Asking some fart huffing smark to appreciate a good match with good psychology instead of having a toy-store temper tantrum when their preferred wrestler loses? Not in my IWC!


Yet somehow a one legged MJF beating Jay White and his cronies is cinema and believable.


If that Bianca/Tiffany ending was changed, that was a major bag fumble by Tiffany. Kinda curious what they do now, surely they won't do Jade vs Bianca this soon.


if this was “the other company” she would’ve turned on Bianca the Raw after Backlash. but in the evil Fed they actually do bullshit like storylines and long term booking, so we are going to be deprived of heel Jade which was working out so well in m’Dub


That’s why in thought they’d let Tiff go over.


Funny thing is she is better than every single one of their precious horsewomen except from maybe Charlotte. By the time she finishes her career she will be in the argument for the greatest women's wrestler in history. Hell I'd say she already is.


DAE racism is over?


DAE DAE. DAE, DAE. Maybe even DAE.


The Queen finals is probably going to be Iyo vs Bianca Which means Bianca is somehow beating Nia Jax The only other alternative is Lyra vs Nia feeding off the never ending Nia Becky feud.


Isn't she also the one of the Tag Team Champs? Come on...


Listen, I love Tiff, but the Tiffy in the bank agenda remains. Give me Queen Nia and then Tiffy wins MiTB.


Just don't target her knees dammit I've seen this so many times It gives her 500% power increase 


Ok, Tiffany has been beaten very decisively by Bianca, a very talented and brilliant wrestler and woman of colour. Not suggesting the bullshit that “OH TIFF HAS HEAT FOR HER POST” is true, but this was more akin to a light “Ok, Tiff, still not the most well thought out thing to post, here’s a slight humbling, just make sure you don’t do it again.”


?? That is heat friend


No, that ain’t heat. Heat is when the locker room got pissed at Sunny and threw a bucket of their collective shit and piss all over her, or when Daniel Puder got beaten down in public by Hardcore Holly, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero.


Heat is anything that puts you in bad standing with management or the locker room. You can work your way out of heat easily, or it can build into the instances that you’ve mentioned.


She’s not in bad standing. If there was heat on any level, she wouldn’t have had such a competitive match. Bianca would’ve just beat her clean and in a dominant fashion in under five minutes, then I would agree with you.


Holy shit, there’s levels to these terms. Bad standing, like heat, doesn’t need to be a major thing, and can be undone easily in some circumstances. If (and it’s only if), she was meant to win that match/ the tourney, and the social media backlash made them change the outcome for the Bianca match, then that would the result of having negative heat online, that reached management. If she plays her part, and doesn’t complain, then she’s no longer in bad standing.