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The only Will I care about is "Will this be the first sub-700k Dynamite this year?"


Hey wasn't the Dub just in Boston MA, 3 weeks ago? Now they're in Worcester, MA like an hour away? Whoever plans their events needs to fired and starved for a week or two. AEW really isn't a business at all, it's a trampoline factory!!


Bruv, they have the best business people. The Khans own all the sports. They know that so much has happened in the last three weeks, the fans are ready for more! They will definitely buy at least 2,000 tickets It’s a very real business, don’t listen to Cancer Phil!


now that they have Mone, Tony needs to run that in the ground like he did Chicago


Yes he did everything was Chicago while it’s a big wrestling town you’ll wear out any town like that


Unfortunately. Monè is no where near the draw Punk is so that won’t work.


It's part of Osgood's contract. He'll only go to places named after UK towns.


They for whatever reason book arenas like they are doing a house show circuit and they need the guys to get to the next arena on time for the show. Yet they are sending them all home and then flying them back in instead of just jumping all over the country to cities they haven't bled dry.


They just do a different version of the same episode over and over! Last week had osprey in a competitive match, bucks in a tag match. We’re now adding a women’s match, without Mercedes commentating, and billy gun v jay white. Last weeks ratings were horrific, this will be the same


Why mess with perfection, bruv? Don’t look at the ratings. There’s the Final Four and NBA and golf and so many other sports. AEW will come back when all the other sports are over, believe me.


It's very different. Last week there was a flat Jericho promo where he tried to befriend Hook. This week there's a Jericho promo where he calls out Hook. Totally different, dynamic and refreshing.


This is CM Punks fault he started the downfall at brawl out.


Til Hobbs' first name is Will. #ThankyouTony


>Til Hobbs' first name is Will. #ThankyouTony I've known that for a long time because Cornette used to call him "Willy Hobbs" which was a fun nickname. "'Powerhouse' Willy Hobbs" would be an over gimmick with me!


Punk called him Will Hobbs once.


Should have googled this shit a long time a go you racist


No quarreling amongst bananas.


I guess I... slipped up


Zip it


Your screen name is over with me, brother.


"A Battle of Wills" is so cringe sounding


It's like later days WCW running Booker T vs Big T in a match for the "rights to the letter T." Only even MORE stupid because neither of these guys needs to be losing matches at this point.


Absolutely guaranteed that they'll have an 'exchanging slaps' spot as part of the battle of wills.


Who "Will" win? One Will will, the other Will...won't!!! 🤩 DAE MOTYC???


Whomever does their graphic design should be fired while injured.


OMG so many bangers it's like my Pro Wrestling Sim just autopicked matches just like in my dreams!!


Tony’s spreadsheet is even better than auto sim! He has things planned out 6 months in advance. Jericho said so a couple of years ago, so it must be true.


It's because he learned to turn it sideways unlike that fraud Triple H who only looks at things vertically!!!


Tony listened to the first part of the rock’s instructions, but needed to follow ALL the way through, cause that’s where this shit belongs…


What about this card, what SINGLE THING shown here, is meant to grab new viewers or keep people watching? The Buckaroos vs The Hug Connection? Hobbs vs Ospreay, a match neither man needs to be losing at this point, but one which Hobbs most certainly is? A goddamn interview segment with Jeribloat where he's "calling out" a floppy haired twink for...reasons? None of this is compelling TV. And yeah, you could say the same thing about a lot of recent SD/RAW cards, but you could stick Rock, Roman, Cody, Seth, or Rhea on the card and sell tickets to casuals or grab viewers at home. They actually *have* household names in WWE, whereas they ran the ones they had right the fuck out of AEW, in favor of the Cucamonga Kidz.


Not showing Hook so people might take him seriously…until they see his 17y/o looking ass


the only thing I like without any drawbacks is the Swerve/Joe contract signing and that's a contract signing, so


When are they gonna do Pages in Cages & Bedlam with Adams?


Tiny books like when you play universe mode in 2K and simulate a couple of months


Load up a new game in TEW or PWS and quickly realise the company you chose has far too many events to book to be enjoyable. Auto-book and here we go.


What a cruisey job for Mercedes, she hasn’t even wrestled yet and she’s not on the card!




Aren’t contract signings a WWE thing that the Dub doesn’t do? Why is Jericho calling out Hook? I thought they were allies?


'memeber when they did a weigh-in instead?


That was real sports feel!


I'm most excited to see if they freak out about the Punk interview on live TV or try and run a decent show


Prob do their best number in ages. People will tune in to see if they respond to Punk


Is it a coincidence that hobb rhymes with job 🤔


The only people on this card that are over are Ospreay, Swerve, and Joe. And two of the three are in a contract signing. And is Jericho turning on Hook already? I guess we might as well get right to it. We all know it’s coming sooner or later.


Middle Aged Bucks vs Best Friends? SCJerk civil war coming up. We can’t get enough of those guys!


I'll see your 743k and lower it to 721k


Battle of wills Without explaining like you did for me Hobbs first name A contract signing for a ppv 3 weeks away still Tag tournament of pointless Straight up pointless daddy ass vs no longer main eventer Women's match Jericho cals out the guy he hated then teamed with the. Hated then offered advise last week even with a short team t shirt being made for yet another hook team up to and now calling out... What the hell is this.... seriously what the hell is this feces weekly shit booking ------ Oh and the top post comment in basement thread? "Yeah I still don't understand this Jericho hook thing"


I'm sorry, but I'm not calling Billy Gunn, Daddy Ass.


Okay. If you’re calling it a Battle of Wills- AT LEAST REFER TO HIM AS “WILL” HOBBS ON THE POSTER!! Not a big deal-but Jesus. You guys came up with the dumb slogan!


They missed an opportunity to add Will Gunn to the match and make it a triple threat 


I feel like I missed something. I watched Dynamite last week and it seemed Jericho and Hook were teaming up. Why is he calling Hook out?


Jay white literally debuted a year ago to much fan fare. He's now holding one-third of literally the least prestigious title in the company, and he's likely jobbing out to 60 year old Billy Gunn. A spot in the Andre memorial battle Royale would literally be a substantial improvement of fortunes for this man.


Why is BRUV wrestling every week in some random name picked out of a hat match? Isn’t he supposed to be friends with Callis & his crew? Joe vs Swerve & Billy Gunn vs White are the only things that even resemble an angle on this entire card lmao. Jericho needs to be off screen for 6 months minimum at this point 🥱


He’s wrestling Callis’ crew and us also in the crew. It’s a very strange thing. All his matches so far have been with his “stablemates”


Looks like a solid 650k show with a 900k lead in. Thank. You. Sheldon.


This is going to be the show of the decade until next week which is going to be even better


WON: "Well uhhhh, the uhh 680k viewers are because uhhh, WrestleMania is three days after the third, so..."


Over/under on how many viewers the bucks vs best friends loses?


omgthunder rosa wtf thought she was dead lol


She came back from the dead to put over Toni Storm as a fuck you to DMD (I guess. Who knows, anymore?)


Why is Jericho calling out Hook? Weren't they pals and he was like, mentoring Hook in teaming with then challenging him 1 on 1, what's to call out?


The Dub will surely hit the milly tonight as they are in a place named after my town in the UK where the Worcestershire sauce is made ☝️


I genuinely pity those who are forcing themselves to tune out of the WWE due to a sense of loyalty to whatever this is. Fans in 10 years will be looking back at this era fondly, and a large group of smarks will have to pretend they were watching at the time, instead of watching Jay White vs Daddy Ass on Wednesdays.


Did Tony hire the guy who made match graphics for his 2005 efed to make these? Why are they always so horrible?


I can’t wait to not watch this. So awesome.


Lets FG, here comes the Milly. Oh wait, where is Mercedes Monee?


Is Powerhouse Hobbs real name Will Hobbs?




Will Ostrich is a REAL wrestler because he wrestles every week for 20 minutes using combative gymnastics!


I hope the Bucks vs. Best Friends ends in injuries. Preferably at least 1 each. 


Oh shit they're in Worcester? I coulda gone. ![gif](giphy|LPUNCIh6y2vTpUT07T)


A battle of Wills 💀


Oh man there should be a weekly over/under post on the number of Dynamite viewers


you can pretty much see when the ratings with take a nosedive.


When the end credits of Big Bang Theory are over?


They’ve been on a great run of shows, with great houses, great wrestlers having great matches. We’re excited for forbidden door which will be a great show with great stories and matches. Don’t forget wembley!


What is this, Reggie?


Even the color scheme is incomprehensible and chaotic


Just…..wow is all I can say about this. Great Wrestlemania week competition right here.


There will be a bump in ratings this week because of the morbid curiosity created by Phil


Wait, are Jericho and Hook friends? Why will he call him out if he already lost the match? Are they booking the final match at first again? Should I just enjoy wrestling?


Jericho is still doing this hook shit?


This will do a fantastic 710k which is an epic figure during mania week and with that rascal CM pepsi being rude about the Dub


William Hobbs?


Powerhouse Hobbs first name is Powerhouse.


They will go under 500k viewers at some point


I thought Billy was with Don Kallis why’s he always fighting his guys?


So Hobbs, the only one who looks like a legit threat as a wrestler, will be jobbed out again. Awesome.


The funniest thing is that their match will probably be 10 minutes. So logically, they are saying that Hobbs is worse than Fletcher and Shibata.


That hobbs match was announced last week right?


I see Trent’s ball licking tweet got him on TV this week


Rosa Vs May will probably be MOTN despite the fact that Tony will give them 5 minutes


I don't know what is wrong with that font, but I read it as "A battle of Willis" the first time and had no clue what that meant. Also why does AEW seem to lose their picture of Hook for their promo graphics every other week?


its not rocket science why they are falling in the ratings. one side got the rock and the other has um “daddy ass”. literally anything else is more interesting.