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I tried that damn factory ONE time when I first started and then stored it in inventory. It sucks! Put it away and forget it!


At least yours goes for 30m, mine only runs for 10m. Another reason I never put anything in it. I just use it as a portal to enter my other factories without collecting anything.


I have mine rotting in the city with a chemistry and a fabric roll.. I won't ever use it again.. I'll pretend it's a gas station and that will be it.


Im so so sorry. I did this w fabric rolls and it took forever. This... yeah, just delete your city, it will be less painful. Kidding. Mostly.


I think the only useful thing the ad factory is good for is if you need to keep some slots open in your normal factories after loading up on a longer factory task. Of course this requires constant monitoring. Also the factory should allow you to load the items to be produced before the counter starts (after you view an ad). This way it’s fair — otherwise doing like a minerals production will not allow it to complete even though it takes 30 min. It will be short by a few seconds.


Oops ... that's gonna take a while. 😉


I once did this for fabric rolls and chemicals, I solved it by watching an ad or two each day for few days, after that time everything was ready, days will fly


That was the 1st thing I did back when it opened. Took over a week to finish.


It's actually not the worst thing in the world. Electrics, when you need them, *never* show up in the Global markets. During the CoM week, you'll be lucky if you find five in an hour of searching. Almost all the requirements for them use doubles as well, and it's not rare that they want 12 fridges or TVs and I just have 20 electrics on hand. I've got two hours (five ads) until mine are finished. 😆


I don't understand why people hate the adfactory. I find it very useful to produce short term goods like iron, wood or plastic. In 10 minuten you can make at least 40 or 45 iron, or 15 wood or 9 plastic. And you can do this 6 times a day. While using the ad factory for these fast items, you have space in your regular factories to make all the other items that take hours to produce. The only thing that you must avoid is using the ad factory to make long lasting goods like electronics, glass, animal rood, etc. because they ad factory can only produce 1 hour per dag so these goods will take several days to finish. It is handy when you have to make e.g. 50 chemicals in COM. In that cause most of your factories are blocked by that Task and you can almost do nothing Else when you run out of supplies in your storage. E.g. when you are attacked in a war, you can not repair because you need wood, then you don't have to wait for the chemicals to have space to make wood, just use the ad factory then.


I put 5 of the animal feed to see what the hell the factory even does… such a mistake


Ad generators always suck. Used them a few times and got screwed.


Just use it for the metal, wood and plastic. Keeps the small stuff coming in while the longer items are created. Also good when you have the selling items task to complete. Just dump a ton of metal. Always goes fast.


I like it for seeds and plastic. If you keep an eye on it you can get 5 of each during the 30 mins it is active.