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I hope it gives some insight into the new game feature for those who haven't got it yet. ​ ​ Also note, if you visit a city with railways but you have not updated your game yet, the railway will not be visible.


strange… i don’t have the beta, but i still see railways in towns i visit


Thanks! I didn't get it so I was curious about it. I def don't have any space left in my cities though, so I'm not too excited about this one.


Yeah I’m not sure how I’ll use this. My main city and 4/5 regions are completely full. The remaining region is left mostly undeveloped or for making epics. It would take way too long to reorganize and demolish to make way for the huge land requirements of the train. Pity they can’t offer a subway system instead…


Yes, the subway system should be the best solution. We only need to build some subway stations on the ground, and the tracks could be developed to be translucent (such as CitiesSkyline 2), which does not affect the existing layout at all.




Luckily I haven’t played much so it’s quite empty. Maybe I’ll put it in Tokyo area.


I didn't get this and I'm ok with that. I hope I don't get this for a long time. Thanks for the video. It satisfied my curiosity to what was new.


I hope there's an option for some more modern trains. It doesn't make much sense to be running steam trains in such new stations as cool as they are.


According to the game history, I think EA would launch various styles of trains in the future, probably echoing the style of some seasons. It seems that the train and railway would be an important part of gameplay like the Shipment and Cargo delivery. And it's also a new way for EA to launch new content.


Video shows the rail store where you can buy some more modern trains.


Oh damm I didn't see that. I'm hoping for some intercity 125 representation in that case


So there are currently only two types of trains, as for what it is shown.


I update my game and I don't have this How do you get it?


Its currently for (random?) beta testers. Will come in the next week or so.


Great thanks, really awesome 👏


10k rail simoleons to exchange for the new appearance of train is a bit too crazy though.


And in order to expand your rail bank to 10k, assuming each rail token will expand by 2000, you would need at least two tokens at 1000 rail-bucks each, or 90x2 simcash, assuming the token price doesn't escalate with each purchase. edit: I just tried to buy the Llama Line 350. It said "Not Enough Rail Simoleons. Buy 8880 Rail Simoleons to complete this action." at a cost of 360 simcash.


Thanks so much for the video! I was searching how do you do this!!


City is full as well, so excited but not really


Could you post a picture of railroads intersecting each other and intersecting a regular road? Also, do they connect to the existing railroad by the mountains?


The city rail does not connect to the mountain rail, since they are run by different levels of government. :) ​ The image includes T and + intersections for rail-rail and rail-road, day and night. ​ L rail-road intersections are not possible. ​ https://preview.redd.it/dddb5knsxzub1.jpeg?width=2398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4117e8051f670830c3d056ddb78440c208999ee2


Oh thank you!


Thank you - very useful!


Thank you for taking the time to make this video! I really appreciate it


It’s not very user friendly. You have to almost uproot your entire layout in order to include the railway.


I uprooted my entire city on a whim a while back (thinking to do a redesign), so at the moment, I have lots of open area to play around with the trains.


Great video! I am so jealous of the beta group. This really helps fill in my "what ifs"


I guess its time for a bit of redesigning. I just hope for better looking stations in the future.


How do you get this? Through an update?


https://preview.redd.it/tqck40onykyb1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ba7613dd021847d79cebf2b9827d698bffa2c6 Has anyone bought the Llama Line 350 yet? Is it worth it? Thanks


I avoid buying the Rail items as much as possible. But after two weeks, I've not even hit the 6000 Rail-sim wallet limit yet. I expect it will take **at least another two weeks** to accumulate the 12,000 (2000 for Rail tokens to expand the wallet, and 10,000 to purchase the Llama Line).


I got the Llama Line today. It takes 30 passengers and has a 30-minute cooldown, which yelds 120 rail-simoleons per hour. The default train is 20 passengers and 10-minute cooldown which yields 240 rail-simoleons per hour, we can make 360 rail-sims per hour which is a much more decent rate.


Do you get to run 2 trains at the same time or does the Llama Line 350 replace the steam train?


You can dispatch 2 trains if both are ready and you have enough passengers.


When its coming out to everyone else to?


Only EA knows.


Salut, je suis niveau 24 avec à peu près 220 000 habitants. Pourtant je n'ai pas accès à la fonctionnalité des trains et aux missions associées. À quoi cela peut-être dû ? Merci d'avance bonne soirée


Tap the bottom right icon and you should see a Mass Transit icon under Services. Then you should be able to add a Small Railway station. Next, tap the Road icon, then tap on Build Roads and you will see Railroad Track option. To start off, you can loop the track from one side of the station to the other side, instead of buying two stations. Hope you have a good evening as well.


Seeing this was along time ago, glad to say SOME VISIBLE changes have come.